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Volume Editor:
Alastair Davidson is a pioneer of global Gramsci studies, beginning with his first essays from 1968 through to the present.This volume collects his work from various difficult to access sources covering such diverse topics as the sources: Marx, Lenin, Machiavelli, Labriola and Croce; the party and workers councils, through to the question of what is living and what is dead in the legacy of Gramsci, cultural studies and subalternality, uneven development and globalization, human rights and the peasantry, literature and culture.
Psychoanalysis and the Neurotic in Contemporary Society
Volume Editors: and
Sigmund Freud’s work has influenced the modern world in many profound ways. The “father of psychoanalysis,” Freud wrote numerous works wherein his psychoanalytic perspectives were applied to history, society, religion, and other cultural phenomenon. By expanding his psychoanalytic theories into these realms, Freud insured his place within the disciplines of philosophy, sociology, history, theology, and religious studies, wherein his works are still studied. More specifically, his psychoanalytic theories were adopted, revised, and expanded upon by philosophers and sociologists, such as Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Jürgen Habermas, Jacques Derrida, Julia Kristeva, Gilles Deleuze, Judith Butler, Slavoj Žižek, and many others, who in some cases radicalized the latent political content within Freud’s thought, using it to critique modern industrialized capitalism and theorize about the possibility for alternative forms of societies more conducive towards mental health. Although Freud is often marginalized, or even denigrated, we think there are still elements within the corpus of Freud’s work that are valuable for both diagnosing social problems and addressing such problems psychoanalytically. The book demonstrates the lasting relevancy of Freud’s thought to a variety of disciplines, as they diagnose a myriad of social issues.
This book is about bodies and discomfort. Specifically, it is about how to recognize discomfort as a motivating source for critical reflection. This book is about how people project their discomfort onto others in harmful ways that alienate, and it is also about how those who are alienated may use their discomfort to fight against those harms. Based in work from pragmatist, feminist, queer, and disability studies, and informed by lessons from personal narratives and philosophical analysis, this book develops somaesthetics of discomfort as it examines, interrogates, and addresses issues concerning identity, normativity, and alienation.
Marx and Politics as a Critique of Society
In this book, you can find an accurate and unusual analysis of the different ways in which Karl Marx investigates the political and social phenomenon of power. As a political militant, as a journalist, as a critic of capitalism and as a revolutionary theorist, Marx continually confronts the ways in which individuals and social classes enter into power relations. For Marx, however, there is no bourgeois power that proletarians can simply conquer and then use to their advantage. Workers’ power is always provisional because it constantly changes the very conditions of its own production.
In: The Provisional Power
In: The Provisional Power
In: The Provisional Power
In: The Provisional Power
In: The Provisional Power
The Marxian Concept of Economic Crisis
The complex exposition of the concept of economic crisis in Capital and its preparatory manuscripts gave rise to different interpretations about the causes and modalities of crises themselves. Are their causes chronic under-consumption, inter-sectoral disproportionality or a fall in the profit rate? Are they merely possible or absolutely inevitable?

Jorge Grespan’s work renews these traditional debates by treating the concept of crisis as the negative of the concept of capital. By means of a thoroughgoing exposition of Marx’s masterwork, his book reconstitutes the steps by which Capital’s exposition progressively enriches its content and form. To this end, dialectical categories such as measurelessness and relative necessity are mobilised and developed.