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Imagine being captured in war, or kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery. The terror you would feel. Throughout most of the Middle Ages and later, such atrocities were commonplace: Christians and Muslims fought battles, and enslaved their conquests. Members of these two religions were supposed to hate each other. And many did. But they also fell in love. And, despite their differences, found kinship, and dangerous romance.

This groundbreaking book tells how Muslims and Christians captured and captivated each other, and how stories about their passionate love for the ‘other’ travelled and changed, from the Arabian Nights, across the Mediterranean and beyond.
This book offers a fresh perspective on the re-emergence of a classical literary genre, showcasing a fusion of tradition and innovation. It examines the cultural dynamics that shape the development of Arabic maqāma in Nigeria. The maqāma, a genre traditionally associated with the MENA region, experienced a revival and gained relevance among contemporary Nigerian writers. Through meticulous exploration and in-depth interviews, this groundbreaking research offers invaluable insights into the process of adaptation and evolution of the maqāma, witnessing its transformation into a thriving literary tradition. It thus unravels a vibrant, yet overlooked, chapter in African Arabic literary culture, redefining our understanding of its globalizing nature.
Crossing the Frontiers of Gender, Language, and Nation
In a career spanning seven decades, Qurratulain Hyder (1927–2007) achieved distinction as a novelist, journalist, translator, and innovator in Urdu literature. To shed new light on this multilingual itinerant woman with a curatorial eye, the present study turns to Hyder’s genre-bending reportage writing, which has not yet garnered the same scholarly attention as her majestic novels and short stories. At once autobiographical, admonitory, journalistic, and lyrical, these reportages offer glimpses of Hyder’s multigenerational erudition, artistry, and mastery of Perso-Urdu poetic aesthetics, as well as the challenges she faced when breaking from histories freighted by patriarchal, colonial, and nationalist enterprises.


The article analyzes a 2002 edition of Tuḥfat al-murīd ʿalā Jawharat al-tawḥīd, a supercommentary written by Ibrāhīm al-Bājūrī (d. 1860) on Ibrāhīm al-Laqānī’s (d. 1632) base text in Ashʿarī theology. The edition was edited by the Muslim religious scholar and former grand mufti of Egypt, ʿAlī Jumʿa (b. 1952). The article shows that in Jumʿa’s edition taḥqīq is a practice of selecting a text that has been widely available, reframing its importance in the introduction and footnotes, and making the text understandable to contemporary readers. In his selection and framing of the text, Jumʿa situates al-Bājūrī’s ḥāshiya against Salafī opponents, while his explicit audience for the edition consists of Muslim students. The article argues that Jumʿa’s taḥqīq, which is both ideologically and pedagogically oriented, reflects his larger religiopolitical project of bolstering the authority and intellectual legacy of al-Azhar in the context of inter-Sunni rivalry in the late twentieth century.

Open Access
In: Philological Encounters


Information regarding the provenance of papyrological material that was acquired in the Egyptian antiquities market in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is scarce and often unreliable. This article investigates the provenance of Hamburg’s Papyrus Bilinguis 1, famed for containing the apocryphal Acta Pauli. By researching archival files documenting the acquisition and the context of the find, the papyrus is shown to have been acquired in breach of the Egyptian antiquities law of 1912. The article reveals how Carl Schmidt (1868–1938), the collector who acquired the manuscript for the Hamburg library, by concealing information, tried to cover up his own criminal involvement in the smuggling of the manuscript. Through the investigation of a manuscript that was acquired by a public German institution in awareness of its illegality, the article hopes to contribute to current debates on the translocation of cultural heritage artefacts to Europe and the US in the age of European colonialism and imperialism.

In: Philological Encounters


In the early phases of the modern study of Buddhism, it was widely assumed that the Buddhist canon preserved in the Pali language by the Theravāda tradition of Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia represented the only original record of the “words of the Buddha” (buddha-vacana). But the notion of Pali primacy has been steadily eroded by discoveries of vast numbers of early Buddhist manuscripts in the formerly Buddhist regions of northwestern India and adjoining countries and in Central Asia. These discoveries have provided ample evidence of the existence in antiquity of voluminous bodies of Buddhist literature in Sanskrit and Gandhari that are parallel to and as historically valid as the Pali versions. They have shifted the perception of Buddhism away from a linear model and toward a wider understanding of the many Buddhisms that coexisted in antiquity. This article surveys some of the major discoveries of Buddhist manuscripts and summarizes the new perspectives that they have engendered.

In: Philological Encounters
Free access
In: المركز: مجلة الدراسات العربية


‫تُتيح لنا الأعمال التي وصلتنا التعرّفَ إلى عالم المفكّرين المستعربين في القرنين الحادي عشر والثاني عشر، فضلًا عن علاقاتهم المحتملة مع أوساط أخرى في شبه الجزيرة الأيبيريّة والشرق المسيحيّ. ومع ذلك، لا نعرف اليوم إلّا القليل عن العلاقات بين المفكّرين المستعربين في القرون الثلاثة الأولى، أي من القرن الثامن وحتّى العاشر. ومن النصوص التي وصلتنا من القرن التاسع، الرسالة إلى أهل غلاطية، وترجمة سفر المزامير على يد حفص بن البرّ القوطيّ القرطبيّ. واستنادًا إلى هذين النصّين وغيرهما، يبدو أنّ الحياة الأدبيّة التي طوَّرها مفكّرون لاتينيّون-عرب ثنائيّو اللغة قد ازدهرت أبكر ممّا يتوقّعه الدارسون. يحاجج هذا المقال أنّ المفكّرين المسيحيّين المعرّبين كانوا مدينين لهذا الإرث اللاتينيّ ومؤلّفيه وأفكاره، ووظّفوه كثيرًا في إنتاجهم باللغة العربيّة مكيّفين أفكاره وتأثيراته، إلى جانب مصادر أخرى متنوّعة.‬

Open Access
In: المركز: مجلة الدراسات العربية