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Schreibtische aus medien-, theater- und literaturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive
Verspricht das ‚Home-Office‘ eine neue Arbeitsform, treten häufig Spannungen zwischen ‚Home‘ als Raum des Privaten und ‚Office‘ als Sphäre des Bürokratischen auf. Das Private erzeugt Widerstände, die es einzuschränken gilt, um dem Arbeiten (mehr) Raum zu geben. Mit solchen Machtkämpfen am bzw. um den Schreibtisch befasst sich der 32. Band der ZGDS-Reihe. Etymologisch wird Bürokratie als Schreibtisch-Herrschaft in zwei Richtungen verstanden: Einerseits wird vom Schreibtisch aus Macht verübt, andererseits werden am Tisch Herrschaftsverhältnisse im Schreiben ausgefochten. Schreibtische werden zu Bühnen des Bürokratischen, die aus medien-, theater- und literaturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive betrachtet werden. Als „Imperative ihrer Inszenierung“ (Campe) wird sich der Bürokratie in Schreibszenen gewidmet, die ihre Imperative nicht nur implizit beinhalten, sondern auch solche Imperative innerhalb einer Machtstruktur explizit im Szenischen lesbar machen.
New Intersectional Approaches to German Studies
Founded in 1972, this series welcomes publications that further develop the investigation of German-language literature(s) and culture(s) from a transdisciplinary perspective, covering the period from 1600 onwards. This includes edited volumes and monographs offering state-of-the-art research, as well as new critical editions of primary sources and collections.

Our mission remains to publish high quality research, especially new transdisciplinary approaches to German Studies. Consequently, the series offers a venue for exploring emerging fields of study that intersect with German cultural studies. This may include but is not limited to gender and sexuality studies, critical race and whiteness studies, disability studies, transcultural and postcolonial studies, film, theatre, and comic studies.

All submissions are subject to a double-anonymous peer review process prior to publication.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals for manuscripts in either German or English to the publisher at BRILL, Masja Horn.
Please advise our Guidelines for a Book Proposal.
Transdisciplinary Approaches to German Studies
Founded in 1972, this series welcomes publications that further develop the investigation of German-language literature(s) and culture(s) from a transdisciplinary perspective, covering the period from 1600 onwards. This includes edited volumes and monographs offering state-of-the-art research, as well as new critical editions of primary sources and collections.

Our mission remains to publish high quality research, especially new transdisciplinary approaches to German Studies. Consequently, the series offers a venue for exploring emerging fields of study that intersect with German cultural studies. This may include but is not limited to gender and sexuality studies, critical race and whiteness studies, disability studies, transcultural and postcolonial studies, film, theatre, and comic studies.

All submissions are subject to a double-anonymous peer review process prior to publication.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals for manuscripts in either German or English to the publisher at BRILL, Masja Horn and Pieter Boeschoten.
Please advise our Guidelines for a Book Proposal.