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Volume 5 includes statistics on geographical regions and subjects where organizations work, visual representations of statistical data and networks, and historical statistical summaries and analyses.
Volume 5 includes statistics on geographical regions and subjects where organizations work, visual representations of statistical data and networks, and historical statistical summaries and analyses.
This Yearbook covers the period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.
This Yearbook covers the period 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022.
Son Centenaire imposait également la convocation d’un grand Colloque dédié au droit international. L’Académie a pour l’occasion réuni un panel unique de personnalités du monde académique et judiciaire international pour évoquer les grands thèmes de l’intérêt public en droit international, de l’humanisation du droit international, et pour aborder d’autres questions brûlantes comme l’extra-territorialité et le changement climatique, entre autres.
Ce livre constitue le souvenir écrit et impérissable de ces deux événements mémorables qui ont marqué le « premier » centenaire de l’Académie.
The celebration of the Academy’s Centenary in May 2023 merited first and foremost a solemn ceremony offering a platform for the leading experts of the institution to retrace its journey over its first hundred years, its links with the city of The Hague, with the Netherlands, with the Peace Palace, but also to show its relationship with the International Court of Justice, and, of course, to discuss the courses given at the Academy. It was equally important to look ahead to the Academy’s future.
Its Centenary also called for a major Colloquium dedicated to international law. For the occasion, the Academy brought together a unique panel of leading figures from the international academic and judicial world to discuss the major themes of public interest in international law, the humanisation of international law and to tackle other burning issues such as extraterritoriality and climate change, among others.
This book represents a written and indelible record of these two memorable events which marked the Academy’s “first“ centenary.
Son Centenaire imposait également la convocation d’un grand Colloque dédié au droit international. L’Académie a pour l’occasion réuni un panel unique de personnalités du monde académique et judiciaire international pour évoquer les grands thèmes de l’intérêt public en droit international, de l’humanisation du droit international, et pour aborder d’autres questions brûlantes comme l’extra-territorialité et le changement climatique, entre autres.
Ce livre constitue le souvenir écrit et impérissable de ces deux événements mémorables qui ont marqué le « premier » centenaire de l’Académie.
The celebration of the Academy’s Centenary in May 2023 merited first and foremost a solemn ceremony offering a platform for the leading experts of the institution to retrace its journey over its first hundred years, its links with the city of The Hague, with the Netherlands, with the Peace Palace, but also to show its relationship with the International Court of Justice, and, of course, to discuss the courses given at the Academy. It was equally important to look ahead to the Academy’s future.
Its Centenary also called for a major Colloquium dedicated to international law. For the occasion, the Academy brought together a unique panel of leading figures from the international academic and judicial world to discuss the major themes of public interest in international law, the humanisation of international law and to tackle other burning issues such as extraterritoriality and climate change, among others.
This book represents a written and indelible record of these two memorable events which marked the Academy’s “first“ centenary.
Part I contains scholarly articles and has a Special Focus section on “The War in Ukraine and National Minorities”, edited by Federica Prina.
Part II contains reports on national and international developments.
Part III features book reviews introducing and critiquing new, relevant literature within the disciplines of the social sciences, humanities and law.
Apart from providing a unique annual overview of minority issues for both scholars and practitioners in this field, the Yearbook is an indispensable reference tool for libraries, research institutes as well as governments and international organisations.
The European Yearbook of Minority Issues is also available online.