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Legacy and Impact on the Transmission of al-Ghazālī’s (d. 505/1111) Thought in al-Andalus
Volume Editor:
Gathering the proceedings of a symposium organized on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the qāḍī Ibn al-ʿArabī’s (d. 543/1148) passing, this volume brings together a diverse array of contributions highlighting his legacy, his relationship with his master al-Ghazālī (d. 505/1111), his unparalleled role in the transmission of Islamic knowledge in al-Andalus, and his lasting impact on various disciplines, including ḥadīth, theology, Islamic law, Quranic exegesis, legal theory, grammar, adab, and Sufism. This book, written by internationally recognized scholars, not only commemorates the scholarly legacy of Ibn al-ʿArabī but also illustrates how his intellectual teachings have shaped the landscape of Islamic thought in the Western Muslim world. Proudly, this book is the most accomplished reference bringing together recent advances on ongoing research around the qāḍī Ibn al-ʿArabī. Composed of articles written in English, Arabic and French, it will be of interest to specialists as well as the general public keen to learn more about the intellectual history of al-Andalus.

Rassemblant les actes d’un colloque organisé à l’occasion du 900e anniversaire de la disparition du qāḍī Ibn al-ʿArabī (m. 543/1148), ce volume réunit un large éventail de contributions mettant en lumière son héritage, sa relation avec son maître al-Ghazālī (m. 505/1111), son rôle sans pareil dans la transmission du savoir islamique en al-Andalus, et son impact durable sur diverses disciplines, y compris le ḥadīth, la théologie, le droit islamique, l'exégèse coranique, la théorie juridique, la grammaire, l'adab et le soufisme. Ecrit par des chercheurs internationaux, ce livre ne commémore pas seulement l'héritage savant d'Ibn al-ʿArabī mais illustre également comment ses enseignements intellectuels ont façonné le paysage de la pensée islamique dans le monde musulman occidental. Cet ouvrage est la référence la plus accomplie rassemblant les avancées récentes sur les recherches en cours autour du qāḍī Ibn al-ʿArabī. Composé d'articles rédigés en anglais, en arabe et en français, il intéressera tant les spécialistes que le grand public désireux d'en apprendre davantage sur l'histoire intellectuelle de l'Andalousie.

Contributors Mohammed Aalouane, Ilyass Amharar, Noureddine Elhmidy, Maribel Fierro, Kenneth Garden, Abdelghani Idaikal, Delfina Serrano-Ruano, Bruna Soravia, Jaafar Ben El Haj Soulami, and Abdallah Taourati.
The Constitutional Odysseys of Afghanistan, Egypt, and Iraq and the Fate of the Middle East
The volume compares the efforts to instil the values and practices of the rule of law in the Middle East in the early twenty-first century with their disappointing performances in terms of safety, human rights, and, especially, religious freedom. It zooms in on Afghanistan, Egypt, and Iraq to argue that international interventions and local initiatives underestimated the ethno-religious mosaic of these countries and their political and constitutional culture.
The standard notion of the rule of law values individualism, equality, rights, and courts, which hardly fit the makeup of the Middle East. Securing stability and protecting religious freedom in the region requires compromising on the rule of law; the consociational model of constitutionalism would have better chances of achieving them.
يعدّ الوقف (وجمعه: أوقاف) جزءًا لا يتجزأ من المجتمع اليمني لإدارة الثروة الخاصة وكإطار قانوني للأعمال الخيريّة والبنّية التحتيّة العامة. يركز الكتاب على أربع ميادين اجتماعية في المعرفة القانونية وهي: الفقه والتقنين وبعض حالات الوقف والمعرفة المتعلقة بالوقف في الحياة اليومية. يجمع الكتاب بين تحليل النصوص والدراسات الإثنوغرافية بهدف فهم كيف تم التعامل مع الشريعة الإسلامية واستخدامها وتحديدها واعتمادها في مسائل معينة من مسائل الوقف حيث يوجد توتّر بين النظرية الإسلامية والتطبيق على أرض الواقع. تقوم الدراسة بتحليل أهم أعمال الفقه الزَّيديّ مثل شَرْح الأزْهَار، والأحكام الإماميّة، والفتاوى، والوقفيات، معظم هذه المصادر يأتي من المناطق الشمالية الزيدية.

Islamic foundations (waqf, pl. awqāf) have been an integral part of Yemeni society both for managing private wealth and as a legal frame for charity and public infrastructure. This book focuses on four socially grounded fields of legal knowledge: fiqh, codification, individual waqf cases, and everyday waqf related knowledge. It combines textual analysis with ethnography seeking to understand how Islamic law is approached, used, produced and validated in selected topics of waqf law where the tensions are strong between ideals and pragmatic rules. The study analyses central Zaydī fiqh works such as the Sharḥ al-azhār-cluster, in addition to imamic decrees, fatwās, and waqf documents, mostly from Zaydī, Northern Yemen.
The present work supplements the original volume of A Bibliography of Islamic Criminal Law, the most extensive bibliography on Islamic criminal law ever compiled. Drawing on a multitude of sources online and offline this bibliography covers in its thematic section not only the classical crime categories of ḥudūd, qiṣāṣ and taʿzīr but also a large number of newly emerging and related fields. In a second section, dedicated to countries, eras and institutions Olaf Köndgen comprehensively covers the historical and modern application of Islamic criminal law in all its forms. Unlocking the richness of this sub-field of Islamic law, also with the help of two detailed indices, this innovative reference work is highly relevant for all those researching Islamic law in general and the application of Islamic criminal law over time in particular.
About the Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law

Practitioners and academics dealing with the Middle East can turn to the Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law for an instant source of information on the developments over an entire year in the region. The Yearbook covers Islamic and non-Islamic legal subjects, including the laws themselves, of some twenty Arab and other Islamic countries as well as international legal developments in the region.

Please click here for the online version including the abstracts of the articles of The Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law.

The publication's practical features include:
- articles on current topics,
- country surveys reflecting important new legislation and amendments to existing legislation per country,
- the text of a selection of documents and important court cases,
- a notes and news section, and
- book reviews.

Brill is proud to announce that the Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law has been accepted for indexing by Scopus, one of the leading abstract and citation databases for academic publishing.

All journals and book series covered in the Scopus database are selected for high-quality research, rigorous peer review, and optimal visibility, ensured through a regular publication schedule, registered ISSN, content with English language abstracts and titles, and publicly available publication ethics.

The Yearbook’s editor welcomes any suggestions from scholars for articles, country surveys, book reviews and case notes. Please feel free to contact us at:

The Yearbook should be cited as YIMEL.
A Legal-hermeneutical Examination of Modern Shīʿī Discourse
To enrich the existing debates on Islam and sexual diversity, in the present book, I seek the potential discursive spaces on homosexuality in modern Imāmī legal debates. I have undertaken this research on the thesis that modern Imāmī legal tradition on homosexuality is more flexible and dynamic than one might expect. To address this essential issue, I build the study around the following constructive question: what are the discursive spaces on homosexuality in contemporary reflections within modern Shiʿi legal scholarship? Responding to this central query, the study is premised on the notion that Imāmī legal sources consist of a tradition of sacred (textual) sources, intellectual reasoning, a vast stockpile of (often contrasting) interpretations of these sources, and a distinguished methodological repertoire called ijtihad. Following the same methodology, in this work, I describe, analyse, and critique such textual-exegetical and intellectual-rational discursive aspects concerning homosexuality.
Dialogues for the Future provides a sneak peek at the long philosophic journey of the renowned Arab scholar Taha Abderrahmane. The author looks at different thorny issues such as traditions, philosophy, ethics, globalization, and logic through a local prism that is not directedly tainted by the Western epistemic and ontological worldview. While seemingly addressing audiences with a background in the philosophy of language and Islamic philosophy, Taha’s intellectual project tackles many questions that wider readerships might have about the Muslims’ and Arabs’ contribution to knowledge in the past and present. The translator’s introduction “on Dialogue, Ethics and Traditions” contextualizes Taha’s book within the plethora of his academic work, allowing English-speaking readers to engage with the open canvas of dialogue Taha has resiliently initiated.