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Ostasiens Trafalgar. 2. überarbeitete Auflage
Die Seeschlacht von Tsushima brachte die Entscheidung im Russisch-Japanischen Krieg von 1904/05. Sie hatte einen prägenden Einfluss auf die Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Dieses Buch schildert nicht nur die Hintergründe und den Verlauf der Schlacht, sondern auch, wie die Ereignisse in Ostasien die Weltgeschichte mitbestimmten.
Immenses Vermögen, transnationale Mobilität, ein globales Familiennetzwerk und erbitterte Konflikte sind die Kennzeichen der Familie Thyssen im 20. Jahrhundert. Ihr Vermögen bietet den zentralen Schlüssel für das Leben der Thyssens seit dem letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts. Es ermöglichte extravagante Lebensweisen in Europa, den USA und Südamerika. Es stand im Zentrum heftiger Konflikte innerhalb der Familie, ihm galt in Kriegs - und Krisenzeiten aber auch die gemeinsame Sorge. Um es zu erhalten und zu mehren, entwickelten die Thyssens Strategien, ihr Vermögen international möglichst unsichtbar zu streuen. Sie nahmen dabei Praktiken vorweg, die in manchem dem globalen Finanzkapitalismus der Gegenwart nahe kamen. Erstmals nimmt die Studie das ganze Spektrum der Beteiligten im Zusammenspiel von Familie und Vermögen in den Blick – von den männlichen und weiblichen Thyssens über ihre Hausangestellten bis hin zu ihren zahlreichen Rechts - und Finanzberatern.
Wehrwissenschaft und Medizinverbrechen im "Ahnenerbe" der SS
Im Nürnberger Ärzteprozess wurde Wolfram Sievers für die unter seiner Verantwortung im Institut für wehrwissenschaftliche Zweckforschung begangenen Medizinverbrechen zum Tode verurteilt.
Nun liegt erstmals eine Gesamtdarstellung dieser aus dem „Ahnenerbe“ der SS hervorgegangenen Einrichtung vor. Nahezu ausschließlich auf der Grundlage von Archivquellen rekonstruiert der Autor die Arbeit aller Bereiche des Instituts für wehrwissenschaftliche Zweckforschung. Dabei werden nicht nur bisher unbekannte Abteilungen vorgestellt, sondern auch zahlreiche weitere neue Erkenntnisse präsentiert: Die bislang ungeklärte Identität der Opfer von Kampfstoff-Versuchen wird ebenso aufgedeckt wie die Beteiligung des Instituts an der Entwicklung von B- und C-Waffen oder die Aneignung von Immobilien teils prominenter Voreigentümer.

Das wichtigste Buch über das SS-Ahnenerbe seit Jahrzehnten. Vergleichbar profunde Studien wünscht man sich auch zu anderen Teilen des SS-Imperiums.“ (Sven Felix Kellerhoff, Geschichtsredakteur DIE WELT)
Templars, Hospitallers, and Teutonic Knights in Medieval Epic and Romance, 1150-1500
The Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaller, and Teutonic Knights frequently appear in the French, German, and English epic and romance literature of the Middle Ages. Love, War, and the Grail examines the religious roles of the military orders, such as caring for the sick, their warrior role of fighting Muslims, and the role of Templars in the Grail romances. It traces how these roles developed over time and looks at the role of these military religious orders in fiction of the Middle Ages. Nicholson’s analysis of the military orders in medieval fictional literature is of interest both to historians and to literary specialists. This is the first in-depth study to consider the subject throughout the medieval period.
From Minos to Cleopatra: The Greek World from the Minoans' Archival Libraries to the Universal Library of the Ptolemies
This work is the first in an important, five-volume series addressing the unique role libraries have played in building and preserving Western culture. Mr. Staikos has become one of our foremost scholars on library history, writing such books as this as well as works like "The Great Libraries," a classic in its field.
This first volume reveals the rich history of the early archive libraries from Crete to the famous library of the Ptolemies in Alexandria. Through well-researched text and many full-color illustrations, the author guides his readers over 1800 years of mankind's struggle to preserve his knowledge by the written word.
Limited edition. A facsimile of the Spieghel der Australische Navigatie...: being an account of the voyage of Jacob Le Maire and Willem Schouten 1615-1616, published in Amsterdam in 1622.
Volume Editors: and
In German and French. Exhibition catalogue.
A newly discovered illustrated manuscript of the Cyrillus-Fables in Ulrich von Pottenstein's middle high German translation, with 96 watercolour wash illustrations, accompanied by other texts, in a dated sixteenth-century binding, formerly in the celebrated library of Count Johann Nepomuk of Wilczek in Burg Kreuzenstein, Southern Bavaria or Tyrol, c. 1425-30.
Dutch Trade in the Caribbean, 1648-1795
This book aims to revise the history of Dutch world trade in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. While studies of Dutch economic expansion tend to focus on the East India Company and its Asian empire, activities in the Atlantic have been neglected. Consequently, their importance has been seriously underestimated. By examining the transit trade in the Caribbean, this thorough and original study presents an alternative view of the Dutch seaborne empire, facing east as well as west.
The Dutch transit trade in the Caribbean revolved around Curaçao and St. Eustatius, small islands that did not have much in common with other colonies in the region. Sugar and tobacco production in St. Eustatius was never a prosperous enterprise and Curaçao proved to be unsuited for the cultivation of cash crops. But enterprising merchants turned these Dutch possessions into entrepôts,local counterparts of Amsterdam, from where a wide variety of European commodities was sent to foreign colonies in exchange for tropical produce. Although outlawed by French, English, and Spanish mercantilist policies, inter-imperial commerce became a booming business, providing the Dutch in the New World with a niche which was much more profitable than historians have realized. The Caribbean contraband trade thus helped the Dutch to survive the loss in the mid-seventeenth century of most of their territorial empire in the Western hemisphere.
In the 1890s four young scientists at Sydney University - two Scots, a Londoner and an Australian - began sustained research into Australian native fauna for which each was awarded the FRS. They all went on to pursue notable careers in the biological sciences, concluding in London 46-8 and Cambridge.
This book follows their careers and enduring friendship exploring in detail the life of its senior member, J.T. Wilson (1861-1945), who was professor of anatomy at Sydney University (1890-1920) and Cambridge (1920-1933) and had abiding interests in science, philosophy, education and military affairs.
The narrative is mainly concerned with issues of historical interest to scientists and medical educationists though some, like Empire relations and the contribution of Scots to Australia's development, will interest a wider readership. Many of the preoccupations of Wilson and his colleagues remain topical: the debate between biological science and religion; the struggle to interpret Darwin's theory without placing Homo sapiens at the top of an evolutionary tree; pure versus applied science; vocationalism versusscholarship in university education.