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Dive into the future of language education with our guide, blending innovation with practical application. Unlock the power of gamification, digital storytelling, and AI to make learning more engaging and effective. Transform classes into dynamic, interactive experiences that captivate students. Master classroom response systems and utilize social networks to enhance educational outcomes. This book is a must-have for educators seeking to revolutionize their teaching methods and bring languages to life. Get ready to elevate your teaching strategies and inspire your students. Embrace the change and lead the way in modern language education.
Thinking with Stephanos Stephanides
Volume Editor:
The book captures key moments in the critical and creative dialogue of literary scholars, poets and artists with poet, author, documentary film-maker and literary scholar Stephanos Stephanides. Employing a polyphonic and cross-disciplinary perspective, the twenty-three essays and creative pieces flow together in cycles of continuities and discontinuities, emulating Stephanides’s fluid and transgressive universe. Drawing on the broad topic of borders and crossings, Shifting Horizons and Crossing Borders offers critical material on themes such as space and place, dislocation and migration, journeys and bridges, movement and fluidity, the aesthetics and the politics of the sea, time, nostalgia and (trans)cultural memory, identity and poetics, translation and translatability, home and homecoming. An invaluable reference for anyone interested in the crosscurrents between the poetic, the cultural and the political.
Protestants, Jesuits, and British Literature in Poland–Lithuania, 1567–1775
An in-depth look at British–Polish literary pre-Enlightenment contacts, The Call of Albion explores how the reverberations of British religious upheavals in distant Poland–Lithuania surprisingly served to strengthen the impact of English, Scottish, and Welsh works on Polish literature. This book argues that Jesuits played a key role in that process. It provides an insightful account of how the transmission, translation, and recontextualization of key publications by British Protestants and Catholics served Calvinist and Jesuit agendas, while occasionally bypassing barriers between confessionally defined textual communities and inspiring Polish–Lithuanian political thought, as well as literary tastes.
This monograph offers the first-ever, full-length analysis of the most irreverent book of Italian Futurism: L’anguria lirica, printed in 1934 on tin metal sheets, with design and poetic text by Tullio d’Albisola and illustrations by Bruno Munari. This study, which features the unabridged reproduction of the pages of the tin book, accompanied by the first English translation of the poem, aims to disentangle the complex relationship between text and image in this total artwork. It shows how the endless series of material transformations at its core – of woman into food, of love into desecrating religion, of man into machine, of poetry into matter – fostered a radical change in poetry-writing, thus breaking away from a stagnant lyrical past.
Spielformen des Transfers
Die Beiträge des Bandes widmen sich sprachlichen, medialen und kulturellen Spielformen der Übersetzung und diskutieren dabei unterschiedliche Fragen des Literatur- und Kulturtransfers, von traditionelleren Aspekten wie der literarischen Übersetzung bis hin zu neuen medialen Entwicklungen. Ausgehend von einer kultur- und medientheoretischen Rahmung des Übersetzungsbegriffs untersucht der Band situationale Aushandlungsräume und Praktiken medialer und kultureller Übersetzungen, speziell mit Blick auf deutsch-polnische Relationen, aber auch darüber hinaus. Das zugrundeliegende Übersetzungskonzept stellt die Frage, wie sich Prozesse der Hervorbringung und Aneignung praktisch vollziehen, und zwar im Sinne mehrdimensionaler, mitunter brüchiger medialer Übertragungen und Transformationen.
El interés que han suscitado y suscitan las diferentes variedades del español peninsular e hispanoamericanas lo demuestra la abundante bibliografía en donde han sido descritas y catalogadas desde principios del siglo XX hasta el momento actual. Sin embargo, hoy en día, la sociolingüística y la pragmática deben sumarse a la dialectología para considerar nuevas perspectivas de estudio en torno a un hecho lingüístico: así, las variables como el sexo, el nivel de estudios, la edad, así como las nociones de prestigio y prestigio encubierto, deben ser elementos claves a la hora describir los distintos tipos de interacciones y actos lingüísticos.

Al mismo tiempo, las variedades del español no sólo deben tratarse desde el ámbito lingüístico y literario, sino que su alcance puede ser abordado desde otras disciplinas; se propone, pues, en este volumen un novedoso y completo análisis del español y su diversidad, que incluyen el prisma de la lingüística, sociolingüística y pragmática; las lenguas en contacto; la traducción e interpretación y la didáctica de nuestra lengua como idioma extranjero.

El estudio es diverso y variado, como el propio español, pero muestra una relación constante entre las diferentes disciplinas presentadas.

The interest that the different varieties of Peninsular and Latin American Spanish have aroused and continue to arouse is demonstrated by the abundant bibliography in which they have been described and catalogued from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. However, nowadays, it is essential to associate dialectology with sociolinguistics and pragmatics, in order to consider new perspectives of study around a linguistic fact: variables such as sex, level of education, age and the notions of prestige and covert prestige must be key elements when describing the different types of interactions and linguistic acts.

At the same time, the varieties of Spanish should not only be considered from the linguistic and literary sphere, but their importance can be considered within other disciplines; therefore, this volume proposes a novel and complete analysis of Spanish and its diversity, combining the prism of linguistics, sociolinguistics and pragmatics, languages in contact, translation and interpretation, and the didactics of Spanish as a foreign language.

The study is diverse and varied, like the Spanish language itself, but shows a constant relationship between the different disciplines presented.
In the post-war mid-century Robert van Gulik produced a series of stories set in Imperial China and featuring a Chinese Judge: Judge Dee. This book examines the author’s unprecedented effort in hybridising two heterogenous crime writing traditions – traditional Chinese gong’an (court-case) fiction and its Anglo-American counterpart – bringing to light how his fiction draws elements from these two traditions for plots, narrative features, visual images, and gender representation.

Relying on research on various sources and literary traditions, it provides illumination of the historical contexts, centring on the cultural interaction and connectedness that occurred during the multidirectional global flows of the Judge Dee texts in both western and Chinese markets. This study contributes to current scholarship on crime fiction by questioning its predominantly Eurocentric focus and the divisive post-colonial approach often adopted in accessing works concerning foreign peoples and cultures.
Volume Editor:
How did German composers brand their music as Venetian? How did the Other fare in other languages, when Cabeza’s Relación of colonial Americas appeared in translations? How did Altdorf emblems travel to colonial America and Sweden? What does Virtue look like in a library collection? And what was Boccaccio’s Decameron doing in the Ethica section? From representations of Sophie Charlotte, the first queen in Prussia, to the Ottoman Turks, from German wedding music to Till Eulenspiegel, from the translation of Horatian Odes and encyclopedias of heraldry, these essays by leading scholars explore the transmission, translation, and organization of knowledge in early modern Germany, contributing sophisticated insights to the history of the early modern book and its contents.