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In modern life, an identity document bearing a photograph is an indispensable feature. Yet this connection between physical appearance and legal identity is not as modern as it may seem. In Graeco-Roman Egypt, Greek texts also bore “lexical photographs”: standardised, detailed physical descriptions (eikones) of individuals including height, skin colour, hair texture, the shape of the nose and face, and other identifiers like body modifications and disabilities. For the first time, this book collects the nearly 4000 extant eikones and their role in society, bringing the images of real individuals to life within the everyday biometric system in which they acted, worked, and relied upon for identification.
Prayer in the Ancient World is the resource on prayer in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean. With over 350 entries it showcases a robust selection of the range of different types of prayers attested from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia, the Levant, early Judaism and Christianity, Greece, Rome, Arabia, and Iran, enhanced by critical commentary.

The Prayer in the Ancient World will also be available online.

Preview of the 'Prayer in the Ancient World’, 2022
[Nawāḍir al-Ayk fī Nawādir al-Nayk: An New Edition of al-Suyūṭī's Work on Erotica Literature]
هذه الطبعة من كتاب نواضر الأيك في نوادر النيك للعلامة الإسلامي جلال الدين السيوطي، والتي كثيرا ما أثارت الجدل في الأوساط العلمية والشعبية على حد سواء، مهمة جدا من عدة جوانب. إنها ليست فقط الطبعة العلمية الأولى للأعمال المثيرة الشعبية التي كتبها السيوطي أو المنسوبة إليه، ولكنها أيضًا دراسة متعمقة لهذه الأعمال وبعض مصادرها التي لم تتم دراسة معظمها بعد.
لقد تم إهمال هذا النوع من الأدب الأيروتيكي العربي في فترة ما قبل الحداثة منذ فترة طويلة من قبل الباحثين الجادين والعديد من الأعمال الموجودة معيبة، لكنه الآن يتوسع بسرعة، وهناك حاجة ماسة إلى طبعات ودراسات موثوقة. سيكون هذا العمل مهمًا جدًا للباحثين والطلاب المهتمين بالأدب العربي و/أو وجهات النظر الإسلامية حول الحياة الجنسية، لأن الطبعات عادة ما تكون غير نقدية، وبالتالي غير مرضية، في حين أن هذه الطبعة مصنوعة باستخدام دراسات موثوقة وتفي بمعايير الطبعة الاستثنائية.

This edition of Nawāḍir al-Ayk fī Nawādir al-Nayk by the Islamic scholar Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī, which has often sparked controversy in scholarly and popular circles alike, is very important from several aspects. It is not only the first scholarly edition of popular erotic works written by or attributed to al-Suyūṭī, but also an in-depth study of these works and some of their sources that most of which are understudied.
The genre of premodern Arabic erotic literature has long been neglected by serious scholars and many of the existing works are flawed, but now it is rapidly expanding, and there is a critical need of reliable editions and studies. This work will be very important for scholars and students who are interested in Arabic literature and/or Islamic perspectives on sexuality, because the editions are usually uncritical and, hence, unsatisfactory, whereas this edition is made using reliable studies and meets the standards of an exceptional edition.
This volume lays theoretical and methodological groundwork for the analysis of Mesopotamian literature. A comprehensive first chapter by the editors explores critical contemporary issues in Sumerian and Akkadian narrative analysis, and nine case studies written by an international array of scholars test the responsiveness of Sumerian and Akkadian narratives to diverse approaches drawn from literary studies and theories of fiction. Included are intertextual and transtextual analyses, studies of narrative structure and focalization, and treatments of character and characterization. Works considered include the Standard Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic and many other Sumerian and Akkadian narratives of gods, heroes, kings, and monsters.
Volume 24 of the Israel Oriental Studies Annual includes eight articles. The Ancient Near Eastern section consists of five articles. Four deal with Hittite and Anatolian subjects (Burgin, Gilan, Cohen and Hawkins); one discusses the “Laws of Hazor” text fragment and its relationship to other cuneiform law collections (Darabi). The Semitic section includes three articles. The first is the second instalment of Etymogical Investigations on Jibbali/Śḥerέt Anthroponyms (Castagna and Al-'amri). The second article is a discussion of the relationship between Ethiopian Semitic languages and ancient Egyptian (Cerqueglini). Sealing the Semitic section and volume 24 is a study of spoken Ashkenazic Hebrew among Hassidic communities (Yampolskaya et al.).
Restauration, sacrifice et naissance prophétique dans la Sīra d’Ibn Ishạq
This book aims to demonstrate that the accounts that feature Muḥammad’s grandfather in Ibn Isḥāq’s Sīra are the product of narrative engineering. Through a narrative sequence in which ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib is the hero, several intriguing episodes follow one another in a causal manner and lead to the birth of a future prophet. Articulated with a historical anthropology, the narrative analysis reveals that the Sīra is the heir to the royal literature of the ancient Near East. Using motifs and themes from the culture of the Fertile Crescent, the Sīra makes ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib a royal figure in the service of legitimising the Abbasid dynasty, heir par excellence to Ishmael and restorer of the Abrahamic covenant.

Cet ouvrage entend démontrer que les récits qui mettent en scène le grand-père de Muḥammad dans la Sīra d’Ibn Isḥāq sont le produit d’une ingénierie narrative. À travers une séquence narrative dont ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib est le héros, plusieurs épisodes intriguants s’enchainent d’une manière causale et aboutissent à la naissance d’un futur prophète. Articulée à une anthropologie historique, l’analyse narrative révèle que la Sīra est l’héritière de la littérature royale du Proche-Orient ancien. À partir de motifs et de thématiques issus de la culture du croissant fertile, la Sīra fait de ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib une figure royale au service de la légitimation de la dynastie abbasside, héritier par excellence d’Ismaël et restaurateur de l’alliance abrahamique.
In Nation and Empire as Two Trends of Political Organization in the Iron Age Levant MEI Hualong offers an analysis of national and imperial ideologies--two political principles that influenced the establishment, consolidation and expansion of trans-local/trans-tribal polities in the Iron Age Levant. By examining key terminologies, historical accounts and literary sources, MEI argues that the elites of ancient nations may attempt to reshape their political and cultural identity in imperial terms (vice versa, but to a lesser extent). The conceptual transformation from the one to the other is closely related to the political entity’s consciousness and understanding of limits and boundaries: political and cultural, real and imagined.
Volume Editor:
This book spins around the convening idea of variability to offer fourteen new views into the Pyramid and Coffin Texts and related materials that overarch archaeology, philology, linguistics, writing studies, religious studies and social history by applying innovative approaches such as agency, politeness, material philology and object-based studies, and under a strong empirical focus. In this book, you will find from a previously unpublished coffin or a reinterpretation of the so-called ‘Letters to the Dead’ to graffiti’s interaction with monumental inscriptions, ‘subatomic’ studies in the spellings of the Osiris’ name or the puzzles of text transmission, among other novel topics.