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Life Sciences collection with topics in Animal and Veterinary, Food and Health, Agribusiness and Rural Studies, Agriculture and Environment.
Food law is a relatively young functional area of law addressing all legal and regulatory aspects of food, including production, distribution and trade. In the words of the “General Food Law; Regulation (EC) 178/2002”, food law encompasses 'the laws, regulations and administrative provisions governing food in general, and food safety in particular' covering 'any stage of production, processing and distribution of food, and also of feed produced for, or fed to, food producing animals'.
Adjacent economic regulations, human rights aspects of food, private and religious standards as well as the interaction between life science and law through the methodology of risk analysis are within the scope of the European Institute for Food Law series.

True to the function of legal scholarship in general to serve and advance legal practice, the European Institute for Food Law series presents scholarship that describes, analyses and explains food law in ways that advance academic understanding, are suitable for education and support practical application.

The European Institute for Food Law (Est. 04-04-2004) is a non-profit foundation aiming to advance the level of expertise and knowledge on food law, at national level, European level as well as global level. In cooperation with Brill | Wageningen Academic, it publishes the European Institute for Food Law series containing books on food law in the widest sense.

Books in this book series appear irregular.
A journey through the world of food taboos and food cultures
Adel den Hartog shows how complex the food choices of humans have been for millenia. Those who wonder why we eat what we eat, will find out practicalities, such as availability of products, transportation and costs, but also physiological, cultural, geological, and psychological factors matter. Den Hartog points out the importance of access to food for individuals and groups, and the influence of their socio-economical position. Can someone be convinced to eat something that they perceive as inedible? This book gives many examples of our limited flexibility, whether caused by an intolerance for genetical reasons, or because we simply did not know the food and want to keep it that way. Food habits are slow to respond to interventions, but these days, a meatless meal is no longer a sign of poverty. The book will attract the culturally interested reader. It can be used as a handbook for those who want to understand the background of our eating habits. The knowledge in this book can be used for a large range of interventions when it comes to food and life style.
This series has ceased.
The last volume published is: Volume 10 (2009).
Current textbooks provide a strong bio-medical view on epidemics. In this textbook, the bio-medical view will be extended to a human view including insights from humanities, social sciences. This extension challenges us all the more to combine the requirement of scientific objectivity with the subjectivity inherent to human life. In addition, the bio-medical view is deepened using knowledge of botanical epidemiology with respect to ‘evolutionary dynamics of pathogens’ and ‘epidemic spread of pathogens’. Bio-medical oriented students and senior scientists are invited to reflect on the multi-dimensional, subjective, character of epidemics. Reflections that may enable appropriate, human, management of epidemics.
Life Sciences collection with topics in Animal and Veterinary, Food and Health, Agribusiness and Rural Studies, Agriculture and Environment.
Hoewel met organische chemie oorspronkelijk werd bedoeld de chemie die zich bezig hield met verbindingen afkomstig van levende materie (organismen) is het gebied geleidelijk verbreed tot de chemie van de koolstofverbindingen. Hieronder vallen dus ook de verbindingen die op synthetische wijze in het laboratorium zijn bereid. Veel dingen waarmee we dagelijks in aanraking komen, zoals voedingsmiddelen, kleding, kunststoffen, papier, bestrijdingsmiddelen, medicijnen, geur-, kleur- en smaakstoffen, bestaan geheel of gedeeltelijk uit organische verbindingen. Het gebied dat de chemie van levende processen beschrijft wordt tegenwoordig vooral tot de biochemie gerekend. In de bio-organische chemie wordt de oorspronkelijke betekenis van de organische chemie weer teruggehaald: het is de organische chemie die een relatie legt met levende processen in de natuur. Dit gebied heeft een snelle ontwikkeling doorgemaakt. Dankzij de sterk toegenomen kennis binnen zowel de organische chemie als de biochemie, wordt het steeds beter mogelijk eigenschappen van verbindingen en processen in de natuur te verklaren met behulp van algemeen geldende organisch chemische basisprincipes. Dit boek laat op beknopte wijze zien dat de chemische basisprincipes die ten grondslag liggen aan eenvoudige reacties in het laboratorium ook van toepassing zijn op ogenschijnlijk ingewikkelde processen in de natuur. Dit boek is een beknopte versie van het veel gebruikte studieboek "Inleiding in de Bio-organische Chemie".
Hoewel met organische chemie oorspronkelijk werd bedoeld de chemie die zich bezig hield met verbindingen afkomstig van levende materie (organismen) is het gebied geleidelijk verbreed tot de chemie van de koolstofverbindingen. Hieronder vallen dus ook de verbindingen die op synthetische wijze in het laboratorium zijn bereid. Veel dingen waarmee we dagelijks in aanraking komen, zoals voedingsmiddelen, kleding, kunststoffen, papier, bestrijdingsmiddelen, medicijnen, geur-, kleur- en smaakstoffen, bestaan geheel of gedeeltelijk uit organische verbindingen. Het gebied dat de chemie van levende processen beschrijft wordt tegenwoordig vooral tot de biochemie gerekend. In de bio-organische chemie wordt de oorspronkelijke betekenis van de organische chemie weer teruggehaald: het is de organische chemie die een relatie legt met levende processen in de natuur. Dit gebied heeft een snelle ontwikkeling doorgemaakt. Dankzij de sterk toegenomen kennis binnen zowel de organische chemie als de biochemie, wordt het steeds beter mogelijk eigenschappen van verbindingen en processen in de natuur te verklaren met behulp van algemeen geldende organisch chemische basisprincipes. Dit boek laat op beknopte wijze zien dat de chemische basisprincipes die ten grondslag liggen aan eenvoudige reacties in het laboratorium ook van toepassing zijn op ogenschijnlijk ingewikkelde processen in de natuur. Dit boek is een beknopte versie van het veel gebruikte studieboek "Inleiding in de Bio-organische Chemie".
Also available as E-book see basics-edible-insect-rearing For more information about the e-book, please contact Sales.
Looking for a handbook on how to design and upscale edible insect rearing? This easy to read handbook describes the basic knowledge and a detailed step-by-step plan for rearing edible insects. The book presents information essential for further development of the entire insect chain and contains many practical recommendations for the start/setup of professional insect rearing. The reader is first submerged into the fascinating world of edible insects such as black soldier fly, housefly, mealworm, cricket, and locust. A concise overview is provided to get more familiar with the biology and physiology of edible insects. Based on this basic knowledge the book focuses on design principles for large scale insect production, facility design, engineering, insect production management, management of unwanted organisms, economics, and aspects related to the legal framework. The chief editor, co-editors and lead authors of the chapters are from Belgium, Denmark and The Netherlands. These countries have a tradition of professional insect rearing. Reading this handbook will contribute to a successful entrepreneurship in edible insect rearing. This handbook also contains very interesting teaching materials for secondary, higher, and university education.contains very interesting teaching materials for secondary, higher, and university education.
Technological and managerial principles and practices
Also available as E-book see food-quality-management For more information about the e-book, please contact Sales.
Consumer understanding of food quality is crucial as their concerns for healthy, safe and sustainable food production remain high. This forces actors and stakeholders in the agribusiness and food industry to use quality management as a strategic approach in production and innovation. This book describes Food Quality Management (FQM) in one integrated concept. Firstly, all relevant aspects of food quality management are combined into one FQM-function model, which shaped the structure of the book chapters. Secondly, the authors have embedded the techno-managerial approach in the book. This approach starts with the notion that food quality is the outcome of the combined effect of food behaviour and human behaviour. The core principle of this approach is the concurrent use of technological and managerial theories and models to analyse food systems behaviour and people's quality behaviour and generate adequate improvements to the system. Topics covered in the book include food quality properties and concepts, essentials of quality management and food technology, and details about food and human behaviour. Furthermore, this book describes in detail the technological and managerial principles and practices in the five FQM functions, quality design, quality control, quality improvement, quality assurance, and quality policy and strategy. Moreover, for each function a special topic relevant for the function is highlighted, namely consumer-oriented design, product versus resource control, quality gurus and improvement, quality assurance standards and guidelines (like GMP, HACCP, ISO2200, IFS and BRC), and Total Quality Management. This publication is a must-have for students, researchers and agribusiness and food industry professionals active in various areas of food production in the supply chain. The integrated approach with technological and managerial principles and concepts for analysing food quality management issues makes this a valuable reference book.