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Life Sciences collection with topics in Animal and Veterinary, Food and Health, Agribusiness and Rural Studies, Agriculture and Environment.
The debate on “sustainable development”, ecosocialism, agroecology and the production of healthy food is increasing in Europe and in the world.
This book depicts peasants' struggles for the resistance to the advance of destructive production. It also socializes the results of research, which shows us the pressage of alternative forms of labour, which are based upon agroecology, in cooperation and corporativism besides the emergence of agroecology schools of one of the main social movements of the present time: the Landless Movement.
Interactions between society, biodiversity and water in a humid tropical forest
This book examines interactions between human communities and the global biodiversity that is sheltered by the Salonga National Park. While not being a review of research that has been on-going in the Salonga National Park over several years now, the book takes a bird-eye perspective to look at how the forests, waters and species that occur in the wider Salonga landscape interact to give birth to what the Salonga National Park is. As such, the book treats of the Salonga’s wildlife, its forests and waters, and the Salonga National Park’s contemporary human history, within the regional framework.
Hoe ziet natuurinclusieve landbouw eruit in de praktijk? Wat weten we over de effecten op bodem, water, biodiversiteit en klimaat? Hoe integreer je maatregelen voor een natuurinclusieve bedrijfsvoering? Deze vragen worden beantwoord in dit boek bomvol ervaringen van agrariërs en onderzoekers van CLM Onderzoek en Advies en Louis Bolk Instituut. In samenwerking met Hogeschool van Hall Larenstein en Aeres Warmonderhof is deze ervaring praktijkrijp gemaakt voor het leslokaal.

Dit boek is tot stand gekomen met subsidie van LNV. Het boek komt in maart 2024 digitaal gratis beschikbaar via Groenkennisnet.
Technology for optimal crop production, second edition
'Greenhouse horticulture' is an easy-to-read textbook for all those interested in protected cultivation, from university students and teachers to professional advisers in the field and managers of horticultural companies. Also available as E-book see greenhouse-horticulture-second-edition . For more information about the e-book, please contact Sales.

This book provides an integrated approach to crop growth and development and the technical aspects of greenhouse cultivation and climate management. It combines an analysis of the relationship between crop production and ambient climate with an explanation of the processes that determine the climate in a protected environment. With the ability to modify the environment comes the need for growers to strike a balance between the costs and benefits of technology. This book outlines the methods and gives several examples of how to make 'optimal' choices about technology.
Sustainable management of shoot and root environment is discussed, as well as the pros and cons of vertical farming. The processes addressed in this book, like crop growth, energy balance and mass exchange, apply to any kind of greenhouse. Therefore, in spite of the word 'technology', this is not a book about high-tech greenhouses only.
Life Sciences collection with topics in Animal and Veterinary, Food and Health, Agribusiness and Rural Studies, Agriculture and Environment.
Precision agriculture is a reality in agriculture and is playing a key role as the industry comes to terms with the environment, market forces, quality requirements, traceability, vehicle guidance and crop management. Sensors now in use in agriculture are generating ‘Big Data’ leading to the use of machine learning and AI - an increasing challenge for agriculture. Research continues to be necessary, and needs to be reported and disseminated to a wide audience. These edited proceedings contain peer reviewed papers presented at the 14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, held in Bologna, Italy. The papers reflect the wide range of disciplines that impinge on precision agriculture - technology, crop science, soil science, agronomy, information technology, decision support, remote sensing, data analysis and others. The broad range of research topics reported will be a valuable resource for researchers, advisors, teachers and professionals in agriculture long after the conference has finished.
The future of hybrid potato from a systems perspective
This book describes the potential impact of the innovative hybrid breeding technology in potato. Conventional potato production is based on cumbersome breeding and multiplying of seed tubers. Seed tubers degenerate during the many generations of slow multiplication. Their bulkiness makes them difficult to store and transport. These issues are solved by hybrid true potato seed. Hybrid potato can help respond to the challenges of poverty, food security and climate change, especially in remote and harsh environments. Hybrid breeding will increase the turnover of cultivars in such environments once new seed systems based on hybrid true potato seed are established and regulated. With faster breeding and multiplication systems, clean seed can be produced of hybrid cultivars that respond to rapidly changing agronomic and socio-economic conditions. Public-private partnerships are crucial to facilitate the development and dissemination of hybrid cultivars that are adapted to the specific conditions and needs of the diverse types of potato growers in different environments and markets. These partnerships depend on knowledge and technologies emerging from international agro-industrial innovation systems. But next to this dominant innovation route, alternative systems are feasible with more emphasis on food sovereignty in farming systems that are less corporate and technology-driven, and more diversity-oriented.
Also available as E-book see landschapsecologie For more information about the e-book, please contact Sales.
Dit boek biedt een compact en praktisch overzicht van de landschapsecologie. Het rangordemodel staat centraal. In dit model worden de verschillende lagen die in het landschap te onderscheiden zijn met elkaar in verband gebracht. De hoofdstukken in het boek behandelen alle een laag in het model, waaronder hydrologie, bodemkunde, planten en dieren, met een duidelijke positionering richting de andere lagen. Op deze manier leert de lezer snel de belangrijkste begrippen en verbanden in de landschapsecologie en wordt het mogelijk om die te herkennen in het landschap. Ieder hoofdstuk eindigt met de beschrijving van een Nederlands landschap. Hierin worden de behandelde principes in samenhang toegelicht en wordt duidelijk hoe de theorie in de werkpraktijk van de landschapsecoloog toegepast kan worden. Dit boek is daardoor erg geschikt voor gebruik in het HBO onderwijs en het groene werkveld.
Life Sciences collection with topics in Animal and Veterinary, Food and Health, Agribusiness and Rural Studies, Agriculture and Environment.