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The new series Food and feed safety (FFS) is an international book series, that publishes peer-reviewed research in the field of food safety hazards in feed and food. Many of our agricultural commodities and derived feed and food products are vulnerable to contamination and adulteration with undesirable compounds. These compounds can have a wide array of toxic effects and lead to human and animal diseases upon consumption of contaminated feeds and foods. Also, the presence can lead to large economic damage to supply chain actors and the society. Proper prevention and control in the feed and food supply chain is imperative. Topics in the book series are among others mycotoxins, pesticides, heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, food contact materials as much as feed additives and genetically modified organisms. Insights into the latest developments in each of the various domains related to safety of feed and food are continuously needed. This book series dives into their occurrence in feed and food, chemical analysis , toxicology, animal and human exposure, and prevention and control measures. Also, feed and food safety will be addressed in the context of climate change, protein transition and circular production.
From field to feed
After nearly 15 years of engaging with farmers, nutritionists, veterinarians, and academia, when mycotoxins were the main focus, it is time to summarize the knowledge based on the realistic risks and inquiries from the field. Mycotoxins: From field to feed brings together experts from around the world to provide a comprehensive understanding of mycotoxins and their potential risks for animal exposure, i.e., animal health and growth performance. The book discusses ways to prevent mycotoxins contamination in the field, detect them in diets and biological samples, and minimize their negative effects through dietary intervention. And, not less important, the book delves into the impact of climate change on mycotoxin production.
Professor Bartha Maria Knoppers stepped down from the Canada Research Chair in Law and Medicine at McGill University in April 2024, a post she held for more than 20 years. Professor Knoppers consistently prioritized “humanity” in her academic work and in policymaking. As such, she forged a strong intellectual legacy, notably through her work on the human right to science, genomic and health-related data sharing, genome editing, human reproductive technologies, stem cell research, the rights of children, and population health. This collection of essays honours her extraordinary academic contributions to law, policy, and medicine.
Een introductie tot de moleculaire celbiologie, 4e rev. editie
De bouwstenen van het leven is een Nederlandstalig leerboek over biochemie en celbiologie, ook wel Life Sciences genoemd. Als tegenhanger van Engelstalige textbooks is het niet alleen geschikt voor de geïnteresseerde leek maar wordt het ook gewaardeerd door mbo-, hbo- én wo-studenten. Met overzichtelijke illustraties en heldere tekst wordt inzicht gegeven in de wereld van DNA, RNA, eiwitten en andere voor het leven onmisbare moleculen. De biologische processen waarin deze moleculen een rol spelen worden stap voor stap uitgelegd. Tegelijk leert de lezer daarbij op speelse wijze enig jargon (vaktaal. Ingewikkelde begrippen worden duidelijk uitgelegd, waarmee wetenschappelijke kennis over processen in ons lichaam en over de natuur om ons heen voor een breed publiek inzichtelijk wordt gemaakt. Dit boek is een introductie tot de moleculaire celbiologie. De informatie wordt in lagen aangereikt zodat de lezer zelf de mate van diepgang en detail kan bepalen.
In 2017, a book was published entitled Insects as food and feed: from production to consumption (Van Huis and Tomberlin, 2017). However, the sector of insects as food and feed is developing so quickly that an update seems appropriate. The current book, Advancement of insects as food and feed in a circular economy, is a reprint of the Open Access special issue of the Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. All chapters deal with relevant topics related to insects as food and feed and most of the content of the articles is different from the 2017 book, reflecting developments in the field.
Life Sciences collection with topics in Animal and Veterinary, Food and Health, Agribusiness and Rural Studies, Agriculture and Environment.
The debate on “sustainable development”, ecosocialism, agroecology and the production of healthy food is increasing in Europe and in the world.
This book depicts peasants' struggles for the resistance to the advance of destructive production. It also socializes the results of research, which shows us the pressage of alternative forms of labour, which are based upon agroecology, in cooperation and corporativism besides the emergence of agroecology schools of one of the main social movements of the present time: the Landless Movement.
Interactions between society, biodiversity and water in a humid tropical forest
This book examines interactions between human communities and the global biodiversity that is sheltered by the Salonga National Park. While not being a review of research that has been on-going in the Salonga National Park over several years now, the book takes a bird-eye perspective to look at how the forests, waters and species that occur in the wider Salonga landscape interact to give birth to what the Salonga National Park is. As such, the book treats of the Salonga’s wildlife, its forests and waters, and the Salonga National Park’s contemporary human history, within the regional framework.
This series has ceased.
The last volume published is: Volume 11 (2014).
Food law is a relatively young functional area of law addressing all legal and regulatory aspects of food, including production, distribution and trade. In the words of the “General Food Law; Regulation (EC) 178/2002”, food law encompasses 'the laws, regulations and administrative provisions governing food in general, and food safety in particular' covering 'any stage of production, processing and distribution of food, and also of feed produced for, or fed to, food producing animals'.
Adjacent economic regulations, human rights aspects of food, private and religious standards as well as the interaction between life science and law through the methodology of risk analysis are within the scope of the European Institute for Food Law series.

True to the function of legal scholarship in general to serve and advance legal practice, the European Institute for Food Law series presents scholarship that describes, analyses and explains food law in ways that advance academic understanding, are suitable for education and support practical application.

The European Institute for Food Law (Est. 04-04-2004) is a non-profit foundation aiming to advance the level of expertise and knowledge on food law, at national level, European level as well as global level. In cooperation with Brill | Wageningen Academic, it publishes the European Institute for Food Law series containing books on food law in the widest sense.

Books in this book series appear irregular.