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From the analysis emerges an image of a community that not only has a strong awareness of the mechanisms of violence, but also of its cure. Its hierarchical organization and strict regulations are motivated by a perceived dissolution of contemporary society. By subordinating personal desire to community discipline and by establishing a system of differentiation, the yahad seeks to provide a model of how a society ought to be functioning.
From the analysis emerges an image of a community that not only has a strong awareness of the mechanisms of violence, but also of its cure. Its hierarchical organization and strict regulations are motivated by a perceived dissolution of contemporary society. By subordinating personal desire to community discipline and by establishing a system of differentiation, the yahad seeks to provide a model of how a society ought to be functioning.
“The main value of this work lies in its original approach to Newman from a Polish Personalist perspective, and this (rather than as another amorphous study of Newman) could give it novelty value and attract real interest from Newman scholars and experts.”
-Jonathan Luxmoore, Oxford-based writer and Church historian
"How do we evaluate a human life, our own life? Beginning with John Henry Newman’s defence of his life, Jan Kłos in this volume sensitively explores from a personalist perspective how all our lives involve struggle with commitment, responsibility, and truth. In its emphasis on the narrative structure of human lives, the book makes a valuable contribution not just to the philosophy of personalism but to social theory overall."
-Douglas Porpora, Professor of Sociology, Drexel University
“The main value of this work lies in its original approach to Newman from a Polish Personalist perspective, and this (rather than as another amorphous study of Newman) could give it novelty value and attract real interest from Newman scholars and experts.”
-Jonathan Luxmoore, Oxford-based writer and Church historian
"How do we evaluate a human life, our own life? Beginning with John Henry Newman’s defence of his life, Jan Kłos in this volume sensitively explores from a personalist perspective how all our lives involve struggle with commitment, responsibility, and truth. In its emphasis on the narrative structure of human lives, the book makes a valuable contribution not just to the philosophy of personalism but to social theory overall."
-Douglas Porpora, Professor of Sociology, Drexel University
“Brill’s Companions to Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy Online offer both students and scholars a range of topics and approaches to the study of religion. Whether they seek to engage with developments and currents in established religions like Christianity or new religious movements or look for topics such as anarchism or religion and science, they will find in this series a collection of essays that will introduce them to current scholarship on that topic. With each volume a considerable resource in its own right, combined, the companions form a repository and platform of academic discussion and study, offering peer-reviewed content which covers the state of existing research, methodologies, contemporary debates, and the directions future research might or should take.”
Elisabeth Arweck, University of Warwick
“The Brill’s Companion series has established itself as one of the essential reference collections that should find a place in the library of every Religious Studies scholar. Building on state-of-play surveys on a wide variety of topics, they also point to exciting new avenues for investigation. These volumes bring together cutting edge research by both established and emerging thinkers, and are invaluable both in the classroom and the study.”
Douglas E. Cowan, Renison University College
“Brill Companions greatly expand the possibilities for the study of religions, theologies and philosophies. Individual volumes are already a remarkable resource that enrich understanding of specific complexes and arenas of debate. They are focused and expert but accessible and inspiring. Together, this online collection not only surveys the state of the field but offers rich provocations for improved approaches, methods and discussion.”
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“This new Brill online series is a great resource for scholars and students, drawing on twenty outstanding handbooks of sharp, accessible essays. The collections combine leading edge theory and method with rich empirical data and they communicate unrivalled expertise clearly and concisely. A fabulous set of tools for the study of religion/s!”
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Collection Highlights
• Handbook of Contemporary Japanese Religions
• Handbook of Scientology
• Handbook of New Age
• A Companion to Public Theology – 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title
• Brill's Companion to Anarchism and Philosophy
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