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What holds a society together, what makes it dissolve, and how is a society in crisis restored? These are the questions explored in this study, which brings the Serek ha-Yahad (IQS) into dialogue with mimetic theory. It thus aims to shed light on the forms of life and thought in the yahad, as well as on their underlying reason and purpose.
From the analysis emerges an image of a community that not only has a strong awareness of the mechanisms of violence, but also of its cure. Its hierarchical organization and strict regulations are motivated by a perceived dissolution of contemporary society. By subordinating personal desire to community discipline and by establishing a system of differentiation, the yahad seeks to provide a model of how a society ought to be functioning.
Volume Editors: and
With figures such as Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Feuerbach, Marx, Engels, and Nietzsche, the nineteenth century was a dynamic time of philosophical development. The period made lasting contributions to several fields of philosophy. Moreover, it paved the way for the development of the social sciences at the turn of the twentieth century. This volume is dedicated to exploring the rich tradition of nineteenth-century Continental philosophy in its different areas with the main purpose of highlighting the importance of this tradition in the development of the leading streams of thought of the twentieth and twenty-first century.
History and Phenomenology of a Janus-faced Emotion
Wounded pride of the hero motivated one of the primal poems, pride of the angel caused his downfall and hubris of man cost him his expulsion from earthly paradise and the sale of his soul to the devil. Different forms of pride play a central role in many myths. This book conscientiously reviews the history of these emotions, literary recreations and philosophical approaches and accounts for their relevance in the contemporary world. It offers an original phenomenology of pride, which draws on preceding historical and analytical work, and a conceptual and musical speculation on the future of posthuman pride.
This book goes beyond a simple study of Newman’s thought and work and seeks to apply his deductions to modern value conflicts. Although it will be of particular relevance to academic readers with some prior knowledge of Newman’s works, it may also be of wider interest to students of history, philosophy, theology and spirituality. More generally, its unusual focus on Newman’s epistemology and philosophical deductions, and how these relate to present-day dilemmas, should also attract interest from his many non-academic followers and devotees.

“The main value of this work lies in its original approach to Newman from a Polish Personalist perspective, and this (rather than as another amorphous study of Newman) could give it novelty value and attract real interest from Newman scholars and experts.”
-Jonathan Luxmoore, Oxford-based writer and Church historian

"How do we evaluate a human life, our own life? Beginning with John Henry Newman’s defence of his life, Jan Kłos in this volume sensitively explores from a personalist perspective how all our lives involve struggle with commitment, responsibility, and truth. In its emphasis on the narrative structure of human lives, the book makes a valuable contribution not just to the philosophy of personalism but to social theory overall."
-Douglas Porpora, Professor of Sociology, Drexel University
Victorian Theology, Philosophy, and Politics
Henry Longueville Mansel (1820-1871), Anglican theologian and philosopher, has wrongly been remembered as a Kantian agnostic whose ideas led to those of Herbert Spencer. Francesca Norman’s book provides a thorough revisioning of Mansel’s theology in context and reveals the personal basis of Spencer’s animus towards Mansel. Mansel is revealed as an orthodox Anglican theistic personalist whose ideas inspired Newman to write his Grammar of Assent. Located in context, Mansel’s personal connections with leading Tory figures such as Lord Carnarvon and Benjamin Disraeli are explored. Key controversies with Frederick Denison Maurice and John Stuart Mill are interpreted with reference to the party political elections of 1859 and 1865. Norman offers a vital vision of nineteenth-century theology, philosophy, and politics.
Editors / Translators: and
Gaston Fessard, S.J. (1897–1978), was a major mid-twentieth century French intellectual. He was a Hegel expert, but also wrote on issues of the day ranging from the Vichy regime to Christian-Marxist dialogue. The product of several decades of reflection, Fessard’s work on the Dialectic of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola is the only one of its kind, a careful and penetrating study into the structure and tension of life-changing choices that Ignatius had in mind in his four week spiritual exercises. The Exercises insist on the way of making a spiritual Election, or choice in keeping with God’s will for oneself and for the Christian community at a particular moment in one’s existence.
Karl Löwith, Hans Blumenberg and Carl Schmitt in Polemical Contexts
In Contesting Modernity in the German Secularization Debate, Sjoerd Griffioen investigates the polemics between Karl Löwith, Hans Blumenberg and Carl Schmitt on the role of religion in modernity. He analyzes their contributions to the development of the broader German secularization debate between the 1950s and 1980s. As this development is traced, special attention is paid to how after 1968 this debate increasingly centered on Schmitt’s notion of political theology and its appropriation by the Left. This is evinced in the work of Jacob Taubes, who is opposed by Odo Marquard, assuming a Blumenbergian-secularist position in this new political landscape. Griffioen concludes with a methodological reflection on the value of ‘Geistesgeschichte’ and by identifying parallels with the contemporary discourse of postsecularism.
Italian Perspectives on Apocalypse and Rebirth in the Modern Study of Religion
In The Life and Work of Ernesto de Martino: Italian Perspectives on Apocalypse and Rebirth in the Modern Study of Religion, Flavio A. Geisshuesler offers a comprehensive study of one of Italy’s most colorful historians of religions. The book inserts de Martino’s dramatic life trajectory within the intellectual climate and the socio-political context of his age in order to offer a fresh perspective on the evolution of the discipline of religious studies during the 20th century. Demonstrating that scholarship on religion was animated by moments of fear of the apocalypse, it brings de Martino’s perspective into conversation with Mircea Eliade, Claude Lévi-Strauss, and Clifford Geertz in order to recover an Italian approach that promises to redeem religious studies as a relevant and revitalizing field of research in the contemporary climate of crisis.
Brill's Companions to Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy Online is an expanding e-book collection of specially commissioned research companions. The focus is on contemporary religion, theology and philosophy. Peer reviewed and written by experts, these handbooks offer balanced accounts at an advanced level, along with an overview of the state of scholarship and a synthesis of debate, pointing the way for future research. Designed for students and scholars, the books explain what sources there are, what methodologies and approaches are appropriate in dealing with them, what issues arise and how they have been treated, and what room there is for disagreement. All volumes are in English.

“Brill’s Companions to Religious Studies, Theology and Philosophy Online offer both students and scholars a range of topics and approaches to the study of religion. Whether they seek to engage with developments and currents in established religions like Christianity or new religious movements or look for topics such as anarchism or religion and science, they will find in this series a collection of essays that will introduce them to current scholarship on that topic. With each volume a considerable resource in its own right, combined, the companions form a repository and platform of academic discussion and study, offering peer-reviewed content which covers the state of existing research, methodologies, contemporary debates, and the directions future research might or should take.”
Elisabeth Arweck, University of Warwick

“The Brill’s Companion series has established itself as one of the essential reference collections that should find a place in the library of every Religious Studies scholar. Building on state-of-play surveys on a wide variety of topics, they also point to exciting new avenues for investigation. These volumes bring together cutting edge research by both established and emerging thinkers, and are invaluable both in the classroom and the study.”
Douglas E. Cowan, Renison University College

“Brill Companions greatly expand the possibilities for the study of religions, theologies and philosophies. Individual volumes are already a remarkable resource that enrich understanding of specific complexes and arenas of debate. They are focused and expert but accessible and inspiring. Together, this online collection not only surveys the state of the field but offers rich provocations for improved approaches, methods and discussion.”
Graham Harvey, The Open University, UK

“This new Brill online series is a great resource for scholars and students, drawing on twenty outstanding handbooks of sharp, accessible essays. The collections combine leading edge theory and method with rich empirical data and they communicate unrivalled expertise clearly and concisely. A fabulous set of tools for the study of religion/s!”
Steven Sutcliffe, University of Edinburgh

A collection of 20 specially commissioned research companions covering contemporary religion, theology and philosophy. Peer reviewed and written by experts, these handbooks offer balanced accounts at an advanced level, along with an overview of the state of scholarship and a synthesis of debate, pointing the way for future research. Designed for students and scholars, the books explain what sources there are, what methodologies and approaches are appropriate in dealing with them, what issues arise and how they have been treated, and what room there is for disagreement. All volumes are in English.

Features & Benefits
• Access to 474 essays written by leading experts.
• More than ten years of content.
• Sophisticated tools allow for exporting citations, save searches and sharing content.
• Easy navigation through full-text search and metadata search.
• Students and faculty will have the option to order their own $25 paperback copy of each title in the collection through Brill’s MyBook program.

Collection Highlights
• Handbook of Contemporary Japanese Religions
• Handbook of Scientology
• Handbook of New Age
• A Companion to Public Theology – 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title
• Brill's Companion to Anarchism and Philosophy

The title list and free MARC records are available for download here.

Please note that titles published since 2007 have also been included in other Brill E-Book collections.