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This volume collects essays written over the last decade by one of the founders and leading figures in the theoretical movement of critical posthumanism. The readings of literary texts gathered here, from Shakespeare, Keats, Camus, Vittorini, Kundera, Haushofer, Atwood, Eagleman, Crace and DeLillo, focus on ‘posthumanist moments’ in which questions of postanthropocentrism and the nonhuman become prominent, are negotiated and ultimately foreclosed. They show how a deconstructively-minded way of reading humanistically-motivated texts can help making these texts relevant for our so-called ‘posthuman times’. In doing so, these critical posthumanist readings demonstrate that literature remains one of the privileged cultural institutions and practices from which solidarities both with and between the human and nonhuman can be formed and negotiated.
Volume Editor:
Qu’ils soient naturalistes, décadents, anarchistes ou symbolistes, les romanciers fin-de-siècle se livrent à une quête du rare et de l’étrange, luttent contre les angoisses et les chimères, cherchent à briser, voire dépasser les limites du roman. Le présent ouvrage propose de réfléchir sur la richesse de la création romanesque de l’époque crépusculaire en réunissant quatorze contributions consacrées aussi bien aux classiques qu’aux auteurs rarement étudiés, voire méconnus. Ainsi se rencontrent ou se retrouvent dans ce lieu N. Casanova, G. Darien, L. d’Herdy, J. de Tinan, L. Bloy, H. Céard, O. Mirbeau, J. Lorrain, P. Louÿs, R. Vivien, Rachilde, C. Mendès, J.-K. Huysmans, H. Fleischmann. Voici un guide qui a pour but d’accompagner le lecteur dans la (re)découverte de l’univers finiséculaire en l’invitant à connaître ses mystères.

Whether naturalists, decadents, anarchists or symbolists, fin-de-siècle novelists engage in a quest for the rare and the strange, in a fight against anxieties and chimeras, they seek to break with, exceed the limits of a novel. This work offers a reflection on the richness of the novels created in this twilight period by bringing together fourteen contributions devoted both to the classics and to authors rarely studied. Thus, one may encounter or find here: N. Casanova, G. Darien, L. d'Herdy, J. de Tinan, L. Bloy, H. Céard, O. Mirbeau, J. Lorrain, P. Louÿs, R. Vivien, Rachilde, C. Mendès, J.-K. Huysmans, H. Fleischmann. Here is a guide which aims to accompany the reader in his (re)discovery of the finisecular universe by inviting him to face its mysteries. .
Volume Editor:
Vous ne lisez pas les notes en bas de page ? Vous avez tort. Rien de plus passionnant qu’une note infrapaginale, ou marginale, ou finale car il est vrai que nos dispositifs d’annotation sont divers. Souvent c’est la note qui contient l’essentiel. C’est alors par elle qu’il faut commencer. Nous distinguons entre le texte et le paratexte mais le paratexte est aussi une autre sorte de texte. Une « frange d’incertitude » (Genette) nous permet de passer d’un régime à l’autre. Les choses deviennent intéressantes à ce moment. Imaginez la note à la place du texte, le texte à la place de la note. Votre univers bascule, vous entrez dans un monde parallèle. La littérature est le lieu où la frontière entre le texte et les notes devient indécidable. Le présent volume passe en revue les pratiques d’annotation en contexte européen et ailleurs. Il offre au lecteur une riche série « d’études de cas » où le geste de l’annotateur est observé in actu. Parmi les auteurs étudiés : Balzac, Chateaubriand, Eliot, Mallarmé, Nabokov, Proust, Rimbaud, Oliver Rolin, et bien d’autres.

You don’t read footnotes? You are mistaken. There’s nothing more passionate than a footnote, a sidenote, or an endnote. The essential part of the message is the footnote. Narratologists distinguish between texte and paratexte, but the paratexte is just a different kind of texte. A frange d’incertitude (Genette) allows one to switch from one system to another. Imagine the note in the position of the text and the text in the position of the note. Your universe switches: you enter into a parallel world. Literature is the place where the border between the text and the notes becomes undecidable. The current volume reviews annotation practices in and outside of the European context. It offers a substantial series of “case studies” to the reader, where the actions of the annotateur are observed in actu. Among the studied authors: Balzac, Chateaubriand, Eliot, Mallarmé, Nabokov, Proust, Rimbaud, Oliver Rolin, and many others.

Avec des contributions de / With contributions from Anikó Ádám, Emmanuel Bouju, Maria de Jesus Cabral, Riccardo Campi, Ana Paula Coutinho, Andrea Del Lungo, Karen Haddad, Vincent Jouve, Fatima Outereirinhou, Claude Perez, Marika Piva, Nathalie Roelens, Franc Schuerewegen.
Volume Editor:
Beirut to Carnival City: Reading Rawi Hage is a pioneering collection of commissioned critical essays on the work of the highly relevant Canadian writer. With four acclaimed novels and scattered short fictions, the Lebanese-born Hage has become a formidable literary force. The volume is an attempt to situate his fiction not only in the context of Lebanese diasporic writing, but that of trans-geographical literature, as well as to emphasize his progressive dissociation from the realist paradigm. The goal is also to correct an imbalance of critical attention by refocusing on Hage’s more recent, equally challenging work. The richness of Hage’s fiction is attested to by the diversity of thematic concerns and critical approaches. The volume reflects the worldwide range of Canada-oriented research, and places European perspectives alongside North American and Lebanese ones. Significantly, it features an original essay authored by Hage’s literary peer, Madeleine Thien.

Contributors: F. Elizabeth Dahab, André Forget, Kyle Gamble, Syrine Hout, Ewa Macura-Nnamdi, Krzysztof Majer, Lisa Marchi, Judit Molnár, Alex Ramon, Rita Sakr, Dima Samaha, Madeleine Thien, Ewa Urbaniak-Rybicka
In Pathos, Poetry and Politics in Michel Houellebecq's fiction, Russell Williams examines the literary style of France's most notorious novelist. Houellebecq is frequently the focus of debate for his provocative comments about Islam and the decline of Western civilisation. This book refocuses attention on how such provocation is an integral part of the texture of his novels.
Williams considers Houellebecq's writing about literature and outlines the key principles of the author's poetics, founded on an acute sensitivity to reading experience. He then explores Houellebecq's earliest poetry before mapping this poetic voice into his subsequent fiction, including Sérotonine (2019). Houellebecq's relationship with genre fiction and the crucial issue of the authorial persona that exists in and around his texts are also explored.
Réalités pseudonymes explore la question de la réalité à travers le prisme du nom propre et de ses mécanismes référentiels dans la littérature et les arts au tournant du 21ème siècle. Julie Gaillard convoque les œuvres de penseurs, auteurs et artistes qui ont en commun de remettre en question l'évidence référentielle du nom propre pour interroger la fabrique du réel et montrer comment il peut être transformé, suspendu ou encore détourné : Jean-François Lyotard, Samuel Beckett, Édouard Levé, ainsi que les artistes Renaud Cojo et Invader. Situé au carrefour de plusieurs disciplines, l'ouvrage interroge la trame de la réalité à l’heure où les sociétés glissent de modalités analogiques à des modalités numériques de sa médiation.

Réalités pseudonymes explores the question of reality through the lens of the proper name and its referential mechanisms in French literature and arts at the turn of the 21st century. Julie Gaillard analyzes the works of thinkers, authors, and artists who all question the referential transparency of the proper name to question the fabric of reality and show how it can be transformed, suspended or even faked: Jean-François Lyotard, Samuel Beckett, Édouard Levé, as well as the artists Renaud Cojo and Invader. Situated at the crossroads of several disciplines, the book questions the fabric of reality at a time when societies are shifting from analogue to digital modalities of its mediation.
Affective Triggers in Aesthetic Forms and Cultural Practices
Volume Editors: and
How to Do Things with Affects develops affect as a highly productive concept for both cultural analysis and the reading of aesthetic forms. Shifting the focus from individual experiences and the human interiority of personal emotions and feelings toward the agency of cultural objects, social arrangements, and aesthetic matter, the book examines how affects operate and are triggered by aesthetic forms, media events, and cultural practices. Transgressing disciplinary boundaries and emphasizing close reading, the collected essays explore manifold affective transmissions and resonances enacted by modernist literary works, contemporary visual arts, horror and documentary films, museum displays, and animated pornography, with a special focus on how they impact on political events, media strategies, and social situations.

Contributors: Ernst van Alphen, Mieke Bal, Maria Boletsi, Eugenie Brinkema, Pietro Conte, Anne Fleig, Bernd Herzogenrath, Tomáš Jirsa, Matthias Lüthjohann, Susanna Paasonen, Christina Riley, Jan Slaby, Eliza Steinbock, Christiane Voss.
Études de langue et littérature françaises.

The series published an average of nine volumes per year over the last 5 years.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the publisher at BRILL, Christa Stevens.
Chiasma seeks critical assessments focusing upon joinings and criss-crossings in the realm of modern and contemporary French literature. Studies may be of an interdisciplinary nature, developing connections with art, film, philosophy, photography, linguistics and beyond, or display intertextual or other plurivocal concerns of varying order.

Chiasma accueille les études critiques qui portent sur la littérature française moderne et contemporaine à partir de perspectives intertextuelles ou interdisciplinaires multiples, notamment en établissant des rapprochements avec les domaines de l’art, du cinéma, de la philosophie, de la photographie, de la linguistique et autres.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the publisher at BRILL, Christa Stevens.
Faux Titre est une collection d’études en littérature française. Depuis cinquante ans déjà, elle offre une sélection d’essais de haute envergure, couvrant l’ensemble du domaine de la recherche littéraire, de la littérature médiévale jusqu’à l’extrême contemporain. La collection offre également une plate-forme pour de nouvelles pistes de recherche comme les études de traduction, les littératures minoritaires, les études du genre et queer, l'écologie, les sciences humaines médicales, études hémisphériques, études transatlantiques, études de réseaux et sciences sociales, ainsi que des réflexions sur les études en littérature française en tant que discipline.

Faux Titre is a longstanding book series for state-of-the-art research in the field of French-language literature(s). Besides the more classical research in French literature, covering the field of Medieval Studies to XXIth century literature, the series offers a platform for new directions in literary studies in relation to translation studies, minority literatures, gender and queer studies, ecology, medical humanities, hemispheric studies, transatlantic studies, network studies and social sciences, as well as reflections on studies in French literature as a discipline.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts to the publisher at BRILL, Christa Stevens.
Please advise our Guidelines for a Book Proposal.