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Children and Cultural Capital in the Americas
A class of child artists in Mexico, a ship full of child refugees from Spain, classrooms of child pageant actors, and a pair of boy ambassadors revealed facets of hemispheric politics in the Good Neighbor era. Culture-makers in the Americas tuned into to children as producers of cultural capital to advance their transnational projects. In many instances, prevailing conceptions of children as innocent, primitive, dependent, and underdeveloped informed perceptions of Latin America as an infantilized region, a lesser "Other Americas" on the continent. In other cases, children's interventions in the cultural politics, economic projects, and diplomatic endeavors of the interwar period revealed that Latin American children saw themselves as modern, professional, participants in forging inter-American relationships.

"Good Neighbor Empires is a skillfully crafted study of children as actors and as symbolic centerpieces in the infantilized image of Latin America. Marrying deep research in transnational archives with engaging storytelling, Albarrán examines the social meaning of children by crafting a story where they emerge as powerful artists, exiles and diplomats in open-air art schools, dormitories and classrooms. By vividly demonstrating how children’s experiences and the metaphors surrounding them both reaffirmed and contested diplomacy and hemispheric understandings in the Americas, the book asserts the relevance of childhood studies and transnational history to understandings of Latin American politics and culture." - Sonia Robles, author of Mexican Waves: Radio Broadcasting along Mexico's Northern Border, 1930-1950 (The University of Arizona Press: 2023).

"Elena Albarrán is an internationally renowned authority on the history of childhood in Latin America, and especially Mexico. Good Neighbor Empires masterfully tells a transnational history of children, their cultural production, and their public perception in Latin America during the 1930s and 1940s, a time in which the United States discarded military intervention and heavy-handed diplomacy in favor of an approach focused on the soft power of commerce, media, and migration. At the heyday of U.S. imperialism, cartoons had often represented the Latin American republics as children in need of Uncle Sam's guidance, and Latin Americans (both adults and children) remained infantilized in the U.S. imagination throughout the Good Neighbor era. Focusing on the agency of children in three contexts, from Mexican folklore to Spanish Republican refugees to Pan-Americanism as an effort to foster hemispheric "solidarity" during an era of totalitarian threats, the author shows that children and the families they belonged to emerged as part of a new populist rhetoric that reinforced both international capitalist cooperation and patriarchy. A cutting-edge contribution to the history of the Americas in the twentieth century." - Jürgen Buchenau, Dowd Term Chair of Capitalism Studies, UNC Charlotte

"Albarrán makes significant contributions to the scholarship on both childhood studies and the history of cultural relations in Good Neighbor Empires. As well as examining the discourses of childhood that built upon colonial and neocolonial legacies and shaped Pan Americanism, Albarrán gives voice to the children who sometimes refashioned these discourses in surprising ways, based on their own understandings of childhood, Latin America, and the United States. Grounded in Mexican cultural history, but providing insights that demonstrate the usefulness of children as a category of analysis for understanding the entire hemisphere, she deftly weaves captivating tales of children’s agency as non-governmental actors in inter-American affairs with a fascinating account of the contested construction of U.S. neocolonial hegemony in the twentieth century." - Amelia M. Kiddle, University of Calgary, author of Mexico’s Relations with Latin America during the Cárdenas Era (University of New Mexico Press, 2016)
Volume Editor:
This volume provides a partial mapping of the ambivalent representational forms and cultural politics that have characterized Latinx identity since the 1990s, looking at literary and popular culture texts, as well as new media expressions. The chapters tackle themes related to the diversity of Latinx culture and experience, as represented in different media the borderland context, issues related to gender and sexuality, the US–Mexico borderland context, and the connections between spatiality and Latinx self-representation—sketching the “now” of Latinx representation and considering that “Latinx” is an unstable signifier, and the present, as well as culture and media, are always in motion.
In den „Exemplarischen Novellen“ von 1613 legt Cervantes eine neuartige Erzählform vor, die sich nicht mehr an Boccaccios zügig auf einen Wendepunkt zustrebenden Novellen, sondern an längeren Erzählungen orientiert, wie sie als eingeschobene Geschichten in den spanischen Hirten- und Schelmenromanen des 16. Jahrhunderts und im „Don Quijote“ von 1605 anzutreffen waren. Die inhaltlich anregenden Texte wollen nicht nur unterhalten; Ambivalenzen und Spuren feiner Ironie veranlassen den Leser, das Weltbild des habsburgischen Spaniens kritisch zu hinterfragen. Unterschiede zum konventionellen Denken zeigen sich etwa dort, wo es um die gesellschaftliche Stellung der Frau oder um die im Lande weit verbreitete Korruption geht. Trotz der herrschenden Zensur verbindet Cervantes die neue literarische Form mit Gesellschaftskritik und Satire und begründet so die ethische und ästhetische Beispielhaftigkeit dieser Novellen.
Volume Editors: and
Mester de clerecía is the term traditionally used to designate the first generations of learned poetry in medieval Ibero-Romance dialects (the precursors of modern Castilian and other Romance languages of the Iberian Peninsula). In its time, this poetry was anything but traditional. These long poems of structured verse reappropriate the heroic past through the retelling of legends from Classical Antiquity, saints’ lives, miracle stories, Biblical apocrypha, and other tales. At the same time, the poems recast the place of their authors, and learned characters within their stories, in the shifting dynamics of their thirteenth and fourteenth century present.
Contributors are Pablo Ancos, Maria Cristina Balestrini, Fernando Baños Vallejo, Andrew M. Beresford, Olivier Biaggini, Martha M. Daas, Emily C. Francomano, Ryan Giles, Michelle M. Hamilton, Anthony John Lappin, Clara Pascual-Argente, Connie L. Scarborough, Donald W. Wood, and Carina Zubillaga.
Volume Editor:
What is center and periphery? How can centers and peripheries be recognized by their ontological and axiological features? How does the axiological saturation of a literary field condition aesthetics? How did these factors transform center-periphery relationships to the former metropolises of Romance literatures of the Americas and Africa? What are the consequences of various deperipheralization contexts and processes for poetics? Using theoretical sections and case studies, this book surveys and investigates the limits of globalization. Through explorations of the intercultural dynamics, the aesthetic contributions of former peripheries are examined in terms of the transformative nature of peripheries on centralities.
El interés que han suscitado y suscitan las diferentes variedades del español peninsular e hispanoamericanas lo demuestra la abundante bibliografía en donde han sido descritas y catalogadas desde principios del siglo XX hasta el momento actual. Sin embargo, hoy en día, la sociolingüística y la pragmática deben sumarse a la dialectología para considerar nuevas perspectivas de estudio en torno a un hecho lingüístico: así, las variables como el sexo, el nivel de estudios, la edad, así como las nociones de prestigio y prestigio encubierto, deben ser elementos claves a la hora describir los distintos tipos de interacciones y actos lingüísticos.

Al mismo tiempo, las variedades del español no sólo deben tratarse desde el ámbito lingüístico y literario, sino que su alcance puede ser abordado desde otras disciplinas; se propone, pues, en este volumen un novedoso y completo análisis del español y su diversidad, que incluyen el prisma de la lingüística, sociolingüística y pragmática; las lenguas en contacto; la traducción e interpretación y la didáctica de nuestra lengua como idioma extranjero.

El estudio es diverso y variado, como el propio español, pero muestra una relación constante entre las diferentes disciplinas presentadas.

The interest that the different varieties of Peninsular and Latin American Spanish have aroused and continue to arouse is demonstrated by the abundant bibliography in which they have been described and catalogued from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. However, nowadays, it is essential to associate dialectology with sociolinguistics and pragmatics, in order to consider new perspectives of study around a linguistic fact: variables such as sex, level of education, age and the notions of prestige and covert prestige must be key elements when describing the different types of interactions and linguistic acts.

At the same time, the varieties of Spanish should not only be considered from the linguistic and literary sphere, but their importance can be considered within other disciplines; therefore, this volume proposes a novel and complete analysis of Spanish and its diversity, combining the prism of linguistics, sociolinguistics and pragmatics, languages in contact, translation and interpretation, and the didactics of Spanish as a foreign language.

The study is diverse and varied, like the Spanish language itself, but shows a constant relationship between the different disciplines presented.
Bukolisches Pathos in Spanien (1492-1559)
Die spanische Schäferliteratur ist zu Unrecht unter den Schlagworten der sentimentalen Süße und des niedrigen Stils zu den Akten gelegt worden. Denn bei Juan del Encina, Garcilaso de la Vega und Jorge de Montemayor wird nicht nur der zentrale Zusammenhang von Affekt, Subjektivität und Sprache virtuos verhandelt. Die Bukolik des Siglo de Oro macht auch den kulturellen und politischen Apparat unter den Katholischen Königen und Habsburgern sichtbar und wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit deshalb mit neueren Theorien aus der Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, der Emotionsgeschichte oder Politikwissenschaft in den Blick genommen. Dieser Perspektivwechsel zeigt, wie durch den Einbruch des Pathos in bukolische Traditionen ein wildes, nonkonformes und disruptives Begehren – ein „terrible y fiero desear“ – den Widerstreit frühmoderner Subjekte mit der Sphäre der politischen Macht entblößt.