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Volume Editor:
Early modern culture was multilingual, and so were many of the works produced across Europe and beyond its borders. The contributors to this volume draw new interrelations between different humanistic traditions and multilingual and translational writing practices using a wide range of primary sources—documents produced in Norwich, scientific treatises by Galileo and Stevin, travel accounts and dictionaries by James Howell, translations an retranslations of Antoine de Nervèze’s moral letters, Aljamiado documents and short comic plays in Spain, Jesuit pedagogical theater in New France, grammars, dictionaries and historiographical accounts in missionary contexts, and a mining law code in South Central Europe—that highlight the significance of polyglossia in early modern cultural production and transmission. Covering a wide range of languages, including Latin, Nahuatl and Turkish, their analysis invites comparison with today’s polyglot practices in a globalized world, as we also adapt to new technologies and ever-changing realities.
Science, Technology, and the Urban Space
Early Modern Fire offers new perspectives on the history of fire in early modern Europe (ca. 1600-1800). Far from the background role that scholarship has traditionally assigned to fire, the essays in this volume demonstrate its centrality to understanding the entangled histories of science, technology, and society in the pre-industrial period.

Analysing case studies ranging from alchemy to cooking, from firefighting to fireworks, the contributors show that the history of fire is not only one of change and progress, but also of continuity, characterised by the persistence of traditional know-how, small-scale innovation, and the coexistence of different paradigms.

Contributors include: Gianenrico Bernasconi, Catherine Denys, Hannah Elmer, Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, Olivier Jandot, Cyril Lacheze, Andrew M.A. Morris, Cornelia Müller, Bérengère Pinaud, Stefano Salvia, Marco Storni, Marie Thébaud-Sorger, and Simon Werrett
An Alchemist in the Amphitheatre of Eternal Wisdom
The German physician, alchemist, kabbalist, and theosopher Heinrich Khunrath (ca. 1560–1605) is one of the most remarkable figures in the intellectual history of the Renaissance. His work, combining text and images in a new way, is a fusion of the contemporary currents of thought in which alchemy went hand-in-hand with philosophy and Lutheran heterodox theology. As a follower of Paracelsus, Khunrath was in search of both the secrets of nature and and the knowledge of God -- the “theosophy”. This
This volume sheds new light on the intellectual history of the Renaissance by focusing on the neglected paradigm of scholasticism. Its chapters aim to recast our present understanding of familiar features of Renaissance thought by showing that many of the assumed innovations of the period took place as a result of a dialogue between plural traditions of scholasticism and the emerging methods of humanism. Written by a team of internationally recognized experts, the volume seeks to further enfranchise scholasticism as an integral aspect of Renaissance intellectual history and explain its value to the study of humanism and early modern philosophy.
European and Global Histories, 1400-1800
Was the emperor as sovereign allowed to seize the property of his subjects? Was this handled differently in late medieval Roman law and in the practice and theory of zabt in Mughal India? How is political sovereignty relating to the church´s powers and to trade? How about maritime sovereignty after Grotius? How was the East India Company as a ´corporation´ interacting with an Indian Nawab? How was the Shogunate and the emperor negotiating ´sovereignty´ in early modern Japan?
The volume addresses such questions through thoroughly researched historical case studies, covering the disciplines of History, Political Sciences, and Law.
Contributors include: Kenneth Pennington, Fabrice Micallef, Philippe Denis, Sylvio Hermann De Franceschi, Joshua Freed, David Dyzenhaus, Michael P. Breen, Daniel Lee, Andrew Fitzmaurice and Kajo Kubala, Nicholas Abbott, Tiraana Bains, Cornel Zwierlein, Mark Ravina.
Diskursarchäologische Streifzüge in die Philosophiegeschichte
Dieser Band stellt die Frage, wieso in der Philosophiegeschichtsschreibung der christliche Aristotelismus aus der Neuzeit gestrichen ist. In sechs Kapitel zur theoretischen Philosophie – rund um die Hauptfiguren Suárez, Vázquez, Ruiz de Montoya, Arriaga und Izquierdo – erklärt sich der Skandal aus der Verspätung, mit der die Philosophische Mediävistik auch das 14. Jahrhundert für sich entdeckt hat. Katholische Innovationen des 16. Jahrhunderts – der Stoff der zwei Kapiteln zu Themen der praktischen Philosophie – vermitteln eine Ahnung von dem Ausmaß der Ignoranz, die eine Wirkung der Neuzeitlegende ist. Im Zeitalter der Hexenprozesse hat die sog. Jesuitenmoral den Glauben an die Folter zersetzt, und der sog. Jesuitenmoral verdankt der Westen die sexuelle Selbstbestimmung. Schließlich wird dafür plädiert, das Gerede von einer „Philosophie der Neuzeit“ und von deren Gegensatz zum „Mittelalter“ lediglich als ein Kulturkampfrelikt zu betrachten.
Leonardo da Vinci war kein gläubiger Christ. Er schrieb um 1500: »Seele und Leben sind unglaubwürdige Dinge… Gegen das Wesen Gottes und der Seele sträuben sich die Sinne«. Die Seele ist bei Leonardo eine visuell dominante Wahrnehmungsseele, eng verbunden mit dem Gemeinsinn, dem sensus communis, und mit der mittelalterlichen Lehre von den Hirnkammern. Sein Konzept geht von physiologischen Funktionen der Seele aus und verzichtet auf jegliche Metaphysik. Für seine eigene Seele lässt Leonardo die Frage nach ihrem Wesen (che cosa è anima? ) unbeantwortet. Erstmals befasst sich eine Monographie mit Leonardos Konzept der Seele. In klarer und ansprechender Sprache geschrieben, mit zahlreichen Abbildungen, einer ausführlichen Bibliographie und einem Personen- und Sachregister versehen, bereichert das vorliegende Buch die Leonardo-Forschung um substantielle neue Erkenntnisse.