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The Philosophical Critique of Christianity in Late Antiquity and the Enlightenment
The present study, for the first time, provides a comparative analysis of the objections raised against Christianity by late antique pagan philosophers (esp. Celsus in Alethes logos, Porphyry in Contra Christianos, and Julian the Apostate in Contra Gali-laeos) and Enlightenment philosophers and freethinkers and examines the impact of pagan thinking on the critique of Christianity in the 16th to 18th centuries – in particular, on discussions concerning the authority of the Bible, biblical exegesis, the Christian concept of faith, religious coercion and the uniformity of faith, the belief in miracles, and the Christ-ian understanding of morality.
This work invites us to view the Pyrrhonist tradition as involving all those who share a commitment to the activity of Pyrrhonizing and develops fresh, provocative readings of Sextus, Montaigne, and Hume as radical Pyrrhonizing skeptics: From the aspirationalism of Sextan Pyrrhonism, to Montaigne’s skeptical fideism and his unusual approach to the writing process, to the vexing interpretive issues surrounding Hume’s skepticism, each figure offers us new insights into what it can mean to Pyrrhonize.
Vom Staate der Vernunft und dem Scheine der Kunst. Untersuchungen zur politiko-ästhetischen Antinomie
Wenige Texte der klassischen Überlieferung sind in ihrer politischen Tragweite so kontrovers diskutiert worden wie Schillers transzendental-ästhetischer Humanismus in den Briefen ,,Über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen und Platos Dichterkritik im ,,Staat. Die vorliegenden Studien untersuchen in genauen Text-Interpretationen erstmals die politisch-ästhetische Gegenstellung beider Staatsideen: Schiller weist den Staat der Vernunft auf das freie Spiel der Kunst und die ästhetisch gebildete Seele hin, damit das Ideal einer politischen Gesellschaft gedeihen kann - die (nachweislich durch W.G. Tennenmann vermittelte) Grundstellung Platos weist die Spiele einer freien Kunst und mythischen Poesie aus der Polis, damit die gerechte Verfassung von Seele und Staat nicht verdirbt. In einem Ausblick wird diese historische ,,politiko-ästhetische Antinomie systematisch von der Erschließungskraft der Befindlichkeit und der Entdeckungskraft des Kunstwerkes her in ideologisierter Welt postmetaphysisch aufgelöst.
Platon – Johannes – Cusanus
History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis (HPLA) holds that the goal of systematic philosophy of uncovering and substantiating philosophical truths should also be a central tenet when investigating the history of philosophy, especially considering that historical texts were written with this goal in mind, i.e., out of an interest in truth. For this reason we should read these texts as potential conveyors of truths, and if — despite benevolent interpretation — this proves to be unfeasible, then as conveyors of falsehoods. Only in this manner can a lively dialogue with our philosophical past be initiated, and only thus can we properly pay tribute to it. On the whole, this approach promises to shed new light on classical texts, making them even more fruitful in dealing with the controversial issues of modern philosophy.
HPLA provides a forum for articles in which texts from the history of philosophy are approached with the aim of offering a systematic reconstruction of theories concerning pertinent philosophical problems (often deploying the resources of modern logical analysis in the course of reconstruction). Discovered theories or fragments of such theories can be carefully elucidated and developed further. In this way, novel questions can be put to an historical author, and profitably pursued within the framework of the established system.
The works of the history of philosophy should not only be honoured as historical documents, but first and foremost be taken seriously from a philosophical point of view.
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