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Durch Prozesse der Deindustrialisierung haben sich im Ruhrgebiet und im Rust Belt nicht nur die wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen der beiden Regionen verändert, sondern auch das soziale, kulturelle und räumliche Gefüge. Anhand der beiden ehemaligen Industrieregionen wird beispielhaft herausgearbeitet, wie etwa Landschaften, Architekturen, Materialitäten oder Immaterialitäten unaufhörlichen Überformungen und Transformationsprozessen unterworfen sind – auch und vor allem aus ästhetischer Perspektive. Der Band rückt diese Dynamiken von Stadt- und Regionsgebilden ins Zentrum und untersucht sie als Elemente von Schichtungen. Dabei geht er der Frage nach, wie die beiden Regionen konstruiert und ästhetisch produziert werden und welche Funktion dabei Schichtungsprozessen zukommt.
Volume Editors: and
This volume, written by young and established scholars, surveys the role of China in Scottish literature, and the translation and reception of Scottish literature in China. Part 1 considers how the image of China has been constructed by Scottish writers. Topics include the translation of classical and modern Chinese literature, into both Scots and English, and orientalist tropes in Scottish fiction. Part 2 discusses how Chinese translators, over a turbulent century, have rendered into Chinese the work of writers from Robert Burns to David Greig. It also shows how commercial success in today's China can shape a writer's career.
In a fourth-century tale, two farmers get lost in a pleasure grotto and unwittingly sever their fragile ties with the mortal world. Surprisingly, this simple cautionary fantasy spawned a complex literary tradition. The narrative instability of the tale was part of its snowballing appeal. Early in the tale’s journey through literary history, the girls met by the farmers morphed into female entertainers, Daoist priestesses, and spiritual transcendents. This malleability offered a wealth of artistic possibilities. The feature of “time dilation” and its associated dangers was also to become a flexible literary instrument and a defining feature of grotto fantasy literature.
Imagine being captured in war, or kidnapped by pirates and sold into slavery. The terror you would feel. Throughout most of the Middle Ages and later, such atrocities were commonplace: Christians and Muslims fought battles, and enslaved their conquests. Members of these two religions were supposed to hate each other. And many did. But they also fell in love. And, despite their differences, found kinship, and dangerous romance.

This groundbreaking book tells how Muslims and Christians captured and captivated each other, and how stories about their passionate love for the ‘other’ travelled and changed, from the Arabian Nights, across the Mediterranean and beyond.