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Volume Editors: and
This volume examines the ‘phenomenon’ of translation from Greek into Latin from the eleventh century to the thirteenth. These translated texts prompted Western scholars to rediscover the works of classical Greek and Byzantine authors and reshape the medieval intellectual landscape. Though our agenda focuses on translations of scientific texts, the collection of essays here also offers the reader insights into the broader cultural, social, and political functions and implications of individual translations and translation more broadly as a practice.
Contributors are Dimiter Angelov, Péter Bara, Pieter Beullens, Alessandra Bucossi, Luigi d’Amelia, Paola Degni, Michael Dunne, Elisabeth Fisher, Brad Hostetler, Estelle Ingrand-Varenne, Marc Lauxtermann, Tamás Mészáros, James Morton, Theresa Shawcross, and Anna Maria Urso.
This series fosters the exegesis of biblical texts through engagement with Eastern Orthodox interpretive traditions. This focus includes historical analysis, as well as critical reflection on Eastern patristics, ancient philosophy, Orthodox liturgical and artistic practice, and modern Orthodox theologians to stimulate theological interpretation.
This volume delves into the multifaceted world of Chrysostom, shedding light on his pivotal role as an exegete. It explores his cultural background, his preferred themes and his enduring influence. It introduces the reader to Chrysostom's exegetical workshop, his predecessors and successors in biblical interpretation, and offers a fresh assessment of his connection to Greco-Roman and Syriac contexts.
Histoire et archéologie antiques et médiévales
Les Chrétiens de Najrān sont célèbres grâce à leur martyrs (en novembre 523) et à leurs relations avec la principauté théocratique fondée par Muḥammad à Médine en 622. Mais, jusqu’à ces dernières années, seule la tradition savante manuscrite, chrétienne et musulmane, prouvait leur existence. Ce n’est plus le cas désormais. Depuis 2014, d’importants vestiges archéologiques, principalement des inscriptions rupestres, peuvent leur être attribués.
La nature et la distribution chronologique de ces vestiges apportent de substantielles inflexions aux connaissances sur l’histoire de ces Chrétiens, encore influents au xe siècle, et sur les langues et les écritures en usage à Najrān.

The Christians of Najrān are known by their martyrdom (November 523), described in Christian sources. According to Muslim tradition, the community was in relation with the polity of Medina, founded by Muḥammad in 622. Recent archeological discoveries attest this community in more details and bring substantial changes to our knowledge. Situated between Yemen and Medina, Najrān was not only an influential Christian community persisting until the 10th century, but has seen remarkable transformations. The Christians of Najrān underwent developments, some of which find an echo in the Qurʾān, the earliest layer of Arabic script and the Muslim tradition.
Questions about space and the sacred are now central to Byzantine studies. Recent scholarship has addressed issues of embodiment and performance, power and identity, environmental perceptions and territorial imaginations. At the same time, the mobility turn in the humanities prompts new approaches to and understandings of processes of circulation of people, objects and ideas.
Drawing together illuminating contributions from scholars in history, art history, literature, geography, architecture and theology, Sacred Mobilities in Byzantium and Beyond sets the stage for further cross-disciplinary dialogue concerning Orthodox Christian spiritual culture and society in the Byzantine Empire and in the centuries after its fall.
Contributors are Veronica della Dora, Ekaterine Gedevanishvili, Molly Greene, Mark Guscin, Christos Antonios Kakalis, Chrysovalantis Kyriacou, Maria Litina, Andrew Louth, Mihail Mitrea, Bissera Pentcheva, Rehav Rubin, and David Williams.
Volume Editor:
This volume invites the reader to a journey into the mystery that is St. Paul the First Hermit. Presented in nine language traditions that span ten centuries of transmission, Paul’s vitae are a case study in cultural fusion and diversity. Assembled here for the first time, they provide the scaffolding for the volume that offers a window into the world of Eastern Christianity that consists of deeply interconnected, diverse communities. We learn about churches and monasteries and libraries; about books and relics; about art and iconography; and about the place of St. Paul in various liturgical traditions.
Marqus ibn Qunbar's Master and Disciple offers the critical edition and translation of a theological treatise that is published here for the first time. Marqus (+1208), a Coptic priest, was a controversial figure who challenged the Coptic hierarchs and eventually joined the Melkites. He argued that auricular confession is indispensible for salvation, but his superiors considered such teaching foreign to the Coptic heritage and incompatible with the Bible and Didascalia. For them, forgiveness is granted through repentance, the liturgy, and general absolution. The contentious disagreement sparked by Marqus among the Coptic community remains a subject of ongoing debate among Christians.
“The most important of all things sought.” Thus the Syriac Orthodox monk Rabban Daniel Ibn al-Ḥaṭṭāb describes the subject of The Principles of Religion, written in the 13th century, probably in South-East Anatolia. In this treatise, Rabban Daniel Ibn al-Ḥaṭṭāb systematically explained and defended fundamental commitments of Syriac Orthodox theology.
This volume provides an introduction, a critical edition of the Arabic text, an English translation, and extensive commentary on the influences on The Principles of Religion, particularly from Syriac sources. This editio princeps offers the reader a new window into the literary culture of the Syriac Orthodox Church during the years of the Syriac Renaissance.