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The effects that the digital revolution is having on the threads that make up the fabric of our society are significant. Methods of communication and the ways in which individuals interact are changing. This has led to changes to our institutions, our well known structures and our trusted hierarchies. In this book the authors investigate the instruments of change in order to grasp how justice, the construct of society and the individual can be understood. The innovations brought forward by the digital revolution are inevitable and are here to stay, indeed at times they will cause conflict. This book recognises that changes to institutions such as the law must occur for us to adapt to a new and changing environment.
This book offers the first comprehensive analysis of medieval Frisian law, focusing on the influence of Roman and canon law in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. It makes use of recent translations of Old Frisian legal texts to show the evolution of Frisian law and to unveil why the Frisians were motivated to change their traditional laws.
The book covers everything from oaths as evidence in Frisian procedures, to whether Frisian widows could be guardians of their children, to the role the Frisians themselves played in the evolution of their legal system.
European and Global Histories, 1400-1800
Was the emperor as sovereign allowed to seize the property of his subjects? Was this handled differently in late medieval Roman law and in the practice and theory of zabt in Mughal India? How is political sovereignty relating to the church´s powers and to trade? How about maritime sovereignty after Grotius? How was the East India Company as a ´corporation´ interacting with an Indian Nawab? How was the Shogunate and the emperor negotiating ´sovereignty´ in early modern Japan?
The volume addresses such questions through thoroughly researched historical case studies, covering the disciplines of History, Political Sciences, and Law.
Contributors include: Kenneth Pennington, Fabrice Micallef, Philippe Denis, Sylvio Hermann De Franceschi, Joshua Freed, David Dyzenhaus, Michael P. Breen, Daniel Lee, Andrew Fitzmaurice and Kajo Kubala, Nicholas Abbott, Tiraana Bains, Cornel Zwierlein, Mark Ravina.
Statehood, territory and international spaces are at the heart of a specific branch of international law: the international law of territory. International territorial disputes and their settlement are investigated from the standpoint of legal titles: acquisition and loss of territorial sovereignty, use of force (annexation, conquest), the right of peoples to self-determination (and secession), ius cogens norms etc. The existence, among others, of de facto states, puppet states, ‘drowning’ and ‘failed’ States shows the Protean character of statehood. Peculiar territorial regimes are likewise examined: international administration, leases, servitudes, protectorates, international cities and territories, as well as the League of Nations Mandates and the United Nations Trusteeship system.
Editors: and
Professor Toshiki Mogami, the featured figure of this memorial edition, has developed his academic career in international law and politics. Professor Mogami’s original normative and analytical framework is characterized by himself as Jus Contra Anarchism et Oligarchism: international law against interstate and institutionalised violence. The editors extract the very essence of his teachings from Professor Mogami’s masterpieces, specifically, International Law as Constructive Resistance towards Peace and Justice.
Founded in 1993, the African Yearbook, now also published online is published under the auspices of the African Foundation for International Law. It is the only scholarly publication devoted exclusively to the study, development, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law in Africa as a whole. Through the scholarly analysis of international legal issues of particular relevance to the African continent, it also contributes to the acceptance of, and respect for the rule of law in intra-African relations, and for the principles of international law in general. Its uniqueness however goes beyond this, for through its special themes and general articles, it has succeeded over the years to serve as an intellectual forum where the development of international law is viewed as being integral to Africa’s own development.

Through the study and analysis of emerging legal issues of particular relevance to Africa, such as the creation of viable continental institutions capable of promoting unity and security for the peoples of the continent, the effective protection of human rights, the need for accountability for mass killings and massive violations of the rule of law, the promotion of a rule-based democratic culture, the role of African countries in a globalizing world economy and in international trade relations, the Yearbook strives to be responsive to the intellectual needs of African countries in the area of international law, and to the continuing struggle for creating an environment conducive to the rule of law throughout the continent.

The Yearbook also provides ready access to the basic documents of African international organizations by regularly publishing the resolutions and decisions of regional and sub-regional organizations as well as the conventions, protocols and declarations adopted by pan-african agencies.

Please click here for the online version including the abstracts of the articles of the African Yearbook of International Law.
The Working Papers of Hugo Grotius is the first full-length study of the handwritten documents initially used by the author of Mare Liberum (1609) and De Jure Belli ac Pacis (1625) in his day-to-day activities as a scholar, lawyer, and politician, but subsequently incorporated into his own or other archives. Martine van Ittersum reconstructs a process of transmission, dispersal, and loss that started during Grotius’ lifetime and ended with the papers’ auction in 1864. This is also a study of archival afterlives. Our understanding of Grotius’ life and work is shaped by the conscious decisions of previous generations to retain or discard documents, frequently for the sake of individual lives and careers, family honour and/or larger political and religious ends.