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This volume examines the ‘phenomenon’ of translation from Greek into Latin from the eleventh century to the thirteenth. These translated texts prompted Western scholars to rediscover the works of classical Greek and Byzantine authors and reshape the medieval intellectual landscape. Though our agenda focuses on translations of scientific texts, the collection of essays here also offers the reader insights into the broader cultural, social, and political functions and implications of individual translations and translation more broadly as a practice.
Contributors are Dimiter Angelov, Péter Bara, Pieter Beullens, Alessandra Bucossi, Luigi d’Amelia, Paola Degni, Michael Dunne, Elisabeth Fisher, Brad Hostetler, Estelle Ingrand-Varenne, Marc Lauxtermann, Tamás Mészáros, James Morton, Theresa Shawcross, and Anna Maria Urso.
Paradigmatische Erkundungen zu Non-Linearität, Varianz und Verdichtung in Num 25
Welche Charakteristika bestimmen die Textentstehung und Textüberlieferung der Literatur des Pentateuch? Schäfers argumentiert, dass in der Textgeschichte wie in der Literargeschichte qualitativ vergleichbare Phänomene zu beobachten sind: non-lineare Prozesse, eine variante Textualität sowie eine zunehmende Verdichtung von literarischer Bezügen und Sinndimensionen in der Traditionsgenese. Die exemplarische Untersuchung der Textüberlieferung des Numeribuches in MT, SP; LXX und 4QNumb arbeitet die paradigmatische Dimension dieser Neuperspektivierung heraus. Die detaillierte Untersuchung des notorisch schwierigen Kapitels Numeri 25 und seiner Forschungsgeschichte vertieft die methodischen Implikationen der Hypothese aus textkritischer, synchron-kompositioneller und literarkritischer Sicht. Which characteristics determine the production and transmission of texts in the literature of the Pentateuch? In this book, Schäfers argues that qualitatively comparable phenomena can be observed in both textual history and literary history: non-linear processes, a variant textuality, and an increasing condensation of literary references and dimensions of meaning in the genesis of tradition. The exemplary study of the textual transmission of the Book of Numbers in MT, SP; LXX and 4QNumb works out the paradigmatic dimension of this new approach. The detailed examination of the notoriously difficult chapter Numbers 25 and its research history deepens the methodological implications of the hypothesis from a text-critical, synchronic-compositional and literary-critical perspective.
As allegiance to Jesus Christ spread across the Roman Empire in the second century, writings, practices, and ideas erupted in a creative maelstrom. Many of the patterns of practice and belief that later become normative emerged, in the midst of debate and argument with neighbours who shared or who rejected that allegiance. Authoritative texts, principles of argument, attitudes to received authority, the demands of allegiance in the face of opposition, identifying who belonged and who did not, all demanded attention. These essays explore those divergent voices, and the no-less diverse and lively debates they have inspired in recent scholarship.