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These last three books of Josephus’s Antiquities detail Jewish history between the establishment of direct Roman rule in Judea in 6 CE and the outbreak of the Judean rebellion against Rome in 66—a rebellion that culminated in 70 with the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple. Along the way, these books also constitute the main source for the context in which Christianity was born. This volume offers a translation of Josephus’s Greek text, along with a commentary that aims to clarify the history to which Josephus testifies and also its meaning for him as an exiled Jerusalemite and rebel-turned-historian.
The Enochic Theophany in the Book of the Watchers 1:1-9 evolved and grew as it was translated into, and transmitted in, new and changing socio-linguistic and socio-religious contexts. This study explores how the Enochic theophany evolved in its Aramaic, Greek, Ethiopic and Latin versions, and focuses on the hermeneutical and text-critical implications of these features of textual evolution and growth. These features reveal how the text was read, interpreted, and re-signified as it was translated and transmitted. This study proposes a holistic methodology for exploring textual evolution and growth in fragmentary texts and in fragmentary textual traditions, and for understanding the Enochic theophany as a participant in an ongoing Theophanic and Enochic-Noahic discourse.
Twaalfde, herziene editie door M.F.J. Baasten en W.Th. van Peursen
Deze Grammatica biedt een overzicht van de beginselen van het Bijbels Hebreeuws. Het werk is in eerste instantie geschreven voor de beginnende student, maar is eveneens nuttig voor gevorderden. Het boek heeft ruime aandacht voor de historische ontwikkeling van het Bijbels Hebreeuws en bevat een uitvoerige behandeling van de syntaxis. De Grammatica is ook bedoeld als naslagwerk naast het bijbehorende Leerboek van het Bijbels Hebreeuws, waarin de stof in zorgvuldig opgebouwde lessen didactisch verantwoord wordt aangeboden.

Deze twaalfde editie is geheel herzien en in overeenstemming gebracht met recente inzichten in de hebraïstiek en de taalkunde; zij bevat een aanzienlijk aantal aanvullingen en verbeteringen ten opzichte van de elfde editie (2000).

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This Grammar offers an overview of Biblical Hebrew. It is mainly aimed at beginning students, but contains much of value for advanced study. Ample attention is paid to the historical development of the language and an an extensive, up-to-date description of Hebrew syntax is offered. This Grammar is meant to be used alongside the accompanying Textbook of Biblical Hebrew, which contains carefully graded lessons, exercises, Biblical texts, as well as an annotated inscription. In addition, it offers a glossary, verbal paradigms and an elaborate list of grammatical terms, with examples taken from Dutch and English.

The twelfth edition has been thoroughly revised on many points and contains numerous additions and corrections to the eleventh edition (2000).

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