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Die Studie untersucht die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Trauma, Zeit und Erzählung in dem Roman Eine Reise (1962) des Wissenschaftlers, Schriftstellers, Dichters und Holocaust-Überlebenden H. G. Adler. Unter Bezugnahme auf Paul Ricœurs Zeitphilosophie und die literaturwissenschaftliche Zeitforschung analysiert Julia Menzel, wie Adlers Roman traumatische Zeiterfahrungen der Opfer des Holocaust zur Darstellung bringt. Sie erkundet die ästhetische Eigenzeit von Eine Reise und eröffnet eine neue Lesart des literarischen Texts, den sie als modernen Zeit-Roman begreift.
Die Studie untersucht die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Trauma, Zeit und Erzählung in dem Roman Eine Reise (1962) des Wissenschaftlers, Schriftstellers, Dichters und Holocaust-Überlebenden H. G. Adler. Unter Bezugnahme auf Paul Ricœurs Zeitphilosophie und die literaturwissenschaftliche Zeitforschung analysiert Julia Menzel, wie Adlers Roman traumatische Zeiterfahrungen der Opfer des Holocaust zur Darstellung bringt. Sie erkundet die ästhetische Eigenzeit von Eine Reise und eröffnet eine neue Lesart des literarischen Texts, den sie als modernen Zeit-Roman begreift.
“Please show me / Where the language will go down”, the Yiddish poet Avrom Sutzkever anxiously asked. Questions surrounding the potential disappearance of Yiddish resonate far and wide, in literary works, personal testimonies, social dynamics, and psychoanalytical inquiries in a range of other languages. The studies gathered in this volume all point at the resulting linguistic confusion as a symptom of historical trauma, singularly combining intimate resonances and collective experiences. They also argue for the necessity to sketch out new ways of thinking about interactions among languages as an essential moment of reckoning with historical tragedies and a productive step towards a more nuanced understanding of issues of multi-culturalism and plurilingualism as an essential feature of our times.
“Please show me / Where the language will go down”, the Yiddish poet Avrom Sutzkever anxiously asked. Questions surrounding the potential disappearance of Yiddish resonate far and wide, in literary works, personal testimonies, social dynamics, and psychoanalytical inquiries in a range of other languages. The studies gathered in this volume all point at the resulting linguistic confusion as a symptom of historical trauma, singularly combining intimate resonances and collective experiences. They also argue for the necessity to sketch out new ways of thinking about interactions among languages as an essential moment of reckoning with historical tragedies and a productive step towards a more nuanced understanding of issues of multi-culturalism and plurilingualism as an essential feature of our times.
Deze twaalfde editie is geheel herzien en in overeenstemming gebracht met recente inzichten in de hebraïstiek en de taalkunde; zij bevat een aanzienlijk aantal aanvullingen en verbeteringen ten opzichte van de elfde editie (2000).
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This Grammar offers an overview of Biblical Hebrew. It is mainly aimed at beginning students, but contains much of value for advanced study. Ample attention is paid to the historical development of the language and an an extensive, up-to-date description of Hebrew syntax is offered. This Grammar is meant to be used alongside the accompanying Textbook of Biblical Hebrew, which contains carefully graded lessons, exercises, Biblical texts, as well as an annotated inscription. In addition, it offers a glossary, verbal paradigms and an elaborate list of grammatical terms, with examples taken from Dutch and English.
The twelfth edition has been thoroughly revised on many points and contains numerous additions and corrections to the eleventh edition (2000).
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Deze twaalfde editie is geheel herzien en in overeenstemming gebracht met recente inzichten in de hebraïstiek en de taalkunde; zij bevat een aanzienlijk aantal aanvullingen en verbeteringen ten opzichte van de elfde editie (2000).
Bij bestelling van meer dan 8 sets tegelijk ontvangt u 15% korting.
This Grammar offers an overview of Biblical Hebrew. It is mainly aimed at beginning students, but contains much of value for advanced study. Ample attention is paid to the historical development of the language and an an extensive, up-to-date description of Hebrew syntax is offered. This Grammar is meant to be used alongside the accompanying Textbook of Biblical Hebrew, which contains carefully graded lessons, exercises, Biblical texts, as well as an annotated inscription. In addition, it offers a glossary, verbal paradigms and an elaborate list of grammatical terms, with examples taken from Dutch and English.
The twelfth edition has been thoroughly revised on many points and contains numerous additions and corrections to the eleventh edition (2000).
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