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The Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (BEEC) focuses on the history of early Christianity, covering texts, authors, ideas, and their reception. Its content is intended to bridge the gap between the fields of New Testament studies and patristics, connecting a number of related fields of study including Judaism, ancient history and philosophy, covering the whole period of early Christianity up to 600 CE.
The BEEC aims both to provide a critical review of the methods used in Early Christian Studies and also to update the history of scholarship.
The BEEC addresses a range of traditions, including iconographic, martyrological, ecclesiastical, and Christological traditions, as well as cultic phenomena, such as the veneration of saints. The history of the transmission of texts and the reception of early Christian writers are also addressed. The BEEC focuses on early Christianity from a historical perspective in order to uncover the lasting legacy of the authors and texts until the present day.

Volume 6 (She - Zos & Index) is also available as part of the 6-volume Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity set.
The Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (BEEC) focuses on the history of early Christianity, covering texts, authors, ideas, and their reception. Its content is intended to bridge the gap between the fields of New Testament studies and patristics, connecting a number of related fields of study including Judaism, ancient history and philosophy, covering the whole period of early Christianity up to 600 CE.
The BEEC aims both to provide a critical review of the methods used in Early Christian Studies and also to update the history of scholarship.
The BEEC addresses a range of traditions, including iconographic, martyrological, ecclesiastical, and Christological traditions, as well as cultic phenomena, such as the veneration of saints. The history of the transmission of texts and the reception of early Christian writers are also addressed. The BEEC focuses on early Christianity from a historical perspective in order to uncover the lasting legacy of the authors and texts until the present day.

This is a 6-volume set.

Also available digitally as Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online..
The Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity (BEEC) focuses on the history of early Christianity, covering texts, authors, ideas, and their reception. Its content is intended to bridge the gap between the fields of New Testament studies and patristics, connecting a number of related fields of study including Judaism, ancient history and philosophy, covering the whole period of early Christianity up to 600 CE.

The BEEC aims both to provide a critical review of the methods used in Early Christian Studies and also to update the history of scholarship.
The BEEC addresses a range of traditions, including iconographic, martyrological, ecclesiastical, and Christological traditions, as well as cultic phenomena, such as the veneration of saints. The history of the transmission of texts and the reception of early Christian writers are also addressed. The BEEC focuses on early Christianity from a historical perspective in order to uncover the lasting legacy of the authors and texts until the present day.

Also available digitally as Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online.
What does it mean for a group to speak of its identity and, in contrast, to speak about the “other”? As with all groups, early Christian communities underwent a process of identity formation, and in this process, intertextuality played a role. The choice of biblical texts and imageries, their reception and adaptation, affected how early Christian communities perceived themselves. Conversely, how they perceived themselves affected which texts they were drawn to and how they read and received them. The contributors to this volume examine how early Christian authors used Scripture and related texts and, in turn, how those texts shaped the identity of their communities.
This series is no longer published by Brill

Die Echtheit der dritten Arianerrede steht seit einiger Zeit zur Debate. Der Verfasser versucht zu zeigen, dass kein Anlass besteht, an der Echtheit zu zweifeln, und benutzt diese Rede als Bezugsrahmen zur Darstellung der theologischen Gedankenwelt des Athanasius. Den in Migne abgedruckten Text verwendend bietet er eine Übersetzung und einen Kommentar, meistens zu jedem Satz, sonst zu Abschnitten. Die Studie schliesst mit einer kurzen Betrachtung zur theologischen Bedeutung der von Athanasius immer wieder vollzogenen Unterscheidung zwischen der Erzeugung und der Erschaffung.
This series publishes the NT text as it is recoverable from the writings of the Greek Fathers. Only data from critical texts of the Fathers will be published. Each volume will include a full presentation (or critically reconstructed text) of the NT (or portions thereof) of a given Father or selected works of a given Father. Each study will also include an evaluation of the data, both in terms of its reliability and of the relationship of the Father’s text to known textual groups.
Revisiting Trajectories in the Fourth-Century Christological Debates
In Antioch, Nicaea, and the Synthesis of Constantinople, Dragoș Andrei Giulea delineates a new map of the theological trajectories involved in the fourth-century Christological debates, and envisions the solution of Constantinople 381 as a synthesis of the two theoretical paradigms produced at the councils of Antioch 268 and Nicaea 325. The author argues that the main theological trajectories participating in the debate were the Antiochene, the Arian, the Nicene, the Homoian, and the pro-Nicene.

Giulea redefines the pro-Nicene theology, which dominated the discussions of Constantinople 381, as a synthesis of the most effective metaphysical categories of Antioch and Nicaea. Basil of Caesarea initiated the pro-Nicene synthesis by developing a dual Trinitarian discourse, simultaneously securing ontological individuality and divine unity.
Die ‚Peraten' und die redaktionelle Gestaltung der Refutatio omnium haeresium des sog. ‚Hippolyt von Rom'
Die Studie nährt sich der Refutatio omnium haeresium „Hippolyts von Rom“ von gänzlich neuer Perspektive an. Sie bietet eine detaillierte Analyse der Gattung der Schrift, die als Werbeschrift für das Christentum identifiziert wird. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt in der Herausarbeitung der Intention und Arbeitsmethode ihres Verfassers vor dem Hintergrund der Methode kaiserzeitlicher Autoren. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie der Verfasser seine Vorlagen kreativ für seine Bedürfnisse verändert und zusammenstellt. Durchgänge durch das Sondergut lassen es wahrscheinlich werden, dass dieses ein weitgehendes literarisches Produkt des Verfassers ist. Eine umfangreiche Untersuchung der sog. Peraten, die Strukturanalyse und gründliche inhaltliche Auseinandersetzung verbindet, schließt sich an.

The study approaches the Refutatio omnium haeresium by "Hippolytus of Rome" from a completely new perspective. It offers a detailed analysis of the genre of the writing, which is identified as a protreptikos, a promotional writing for Christianity. One focus is the elaboration of the intention and working method of its author against the background of the method of authors of the imperial period. It is shown how the author creatively changes and compiles his original sources to suit his needs. Passages through the special material make it likely that it is largely a literary product of the author. This is followed by an extensive study of the so-called Peratics, which combines structural analysis and thorough examination of content.
This book seeks to add to common representations in the scholarship on almsgiving in late antiquity concerning the remission of post-baptismal sin, efforts to reform society, and competition between monks and bishops. It demonstrates that John Chrysostom conceptualized almsgiving as not only expiating the sins of the rich, relieving the suffering of the poor, or securing power for its promoters, but also expiating the sins of the poor, unifying the members of his congregation, and making humans like God. Although it could indeed save one from eternal death and physical hunger, it was salvific and transformative on other levels as well.