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Using an interdisciplinary approach to the problem of the self, this study focuses on a gap left by previous philosophers. This shortcoming is related to the nature of the self to commit errors that become part of the identity of the self. These errors stain the self and make "I" what it is. This study shines light on the self that will give the reader a more balanced understanding of it. Fictional literature will be invoked to illustrate features of the self associated with errors. The book is divided into two parts: a review of selected theories of the self and a reconsideration of the self and errors producing being.  
Understanding Biblical Engagement for Transformation
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Ps 119:105).” An avid Bible-reader reflects, 'As the Lord leads, the lamp illuminates my path, step by step.” Such small step makes sense when connected to another inspirational moment, marked by her deeply moved heart. 'The movement of the heart' emerges as a recurring phenomenon in the in-depth interviews with dedicated Bible readers who share powerful narratives of their Bible-reading journey's ups and downs. By unraveling the psychological, spiritual, and cultural dimensions of this heart-moving experience, this book forges a fresh practical theology of Bible reading.
Light of a divine or transcendent nature is widely revered in various religious and mystical traditions around the world, and luminosity with mystical qualities such as love, bliss, peace, and noetic realization is also frequently reported by contemporary experiencers. Despite being described as a profoundly significant, sacred, and transformative experience, mystical luminosity has received relatively little attention in modern scholarship and scientific study, and has only been examined empirically within isolated contexts, such as NDEs or contemplative practices. This study examines the phenomenology which binds mystical luminosity across various experiential contexts to construct a phenomenologically grounded theoretical model. A three-part mixed methods investigation using a new mystical luminosity experience scale based on this model is then summarized, with findings generally supporting and further clarifying the model.
Volume Editors: and
An International Review of Empirical Research on the Psychology of Fundamentalism is a sequel to Williamson (2020), who examined the sociohistorical emergence of fundamentalism and controversial conceptions of the movement that have dominated decades of empirical research in psychology. He concluded by calling for a critical review of this sizable literature, amassed from the early 20th century. In the present book, W. Paul Williamson and Sarah Demmrich respond by providing summaries and critical observations for 365 empirical studies, collected and organized from peer-reviewed journals. A summary of findings indicated that the largest share of statistical associations between study variables and fundamentalism was moderate in size, followed by those that were weak, and then by strong relationships, which were much less frequent. However, this observed pattern of relationships, particularly those characterized by moderate and especially strong associations, much reflected the findings from sexual bias studies. Finally, the authors offer critical considerations for sample selection, methodology, and theoretical applications in future fundamentalism research.
History and Phenomenology of a Janus-faced Emotion
Wounded pride of the hero motivated one of the primal poems, pride of the angel caused his downfall and hubris of man cost him his expulsion from earthly paradise and the sale of his soul to the devil. Different forms of pride play a central role in many myths. This book conscientiously reviews the history of these emotions, literary recreations and philosophical approaches and accounts for their relevance in the contemporary world. It offers an original phenomenology of pride, which draws on preceding historical and analytical work, and a conceptual and musical speculation on the future of posthuman pride.
Volume 33 of Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion brings together an open section and two special sections that illuminate new vistas in the study of religious and non-religious belief. Special section 1 examines the historical roots of religious practice emerging from Greater Khurāsān – a historical ‘cross-road’ for many world religions. Special section 2 initiates a paradigm shift in study of religious and non-religious belief in relation to children, insisting upon foregrounding children’s narratives. Both special sections explore under-researched areas, underlining the significance of historical and contextual approaches. At an intrinsic level the volume interrogates the power dynamics that determine why particular voices and approaches are prioritised in the study of religious and non-religious belief, and why others remain under- or mis-heard.
Since psychology and religion share the same ground in terms of providing explanations about the human being, many religious teachings also contain psychological descriptions. Islamic civilization, which has existed in vast geographies for centuries, offers unique sources to explain human feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Scientific Western psychology has asserted important theories and researches in understanding human beings. Today, Western psychology needs to be enriched with new perspectives to make more comprehensive explanations about people with different cultural backgrounds. Written by Sevde Düzgüner, this book is the product of an effort to discuss the human model of Islam and the human theories of psychology with a complementary approach. This book recommends methodological points that must be considered while studying both fields. It also attempts to draw a a road map for further studies by determining the areas where Islamic psychology could contribute to Western psychology.
This book brings together the theoretical and research perspectives of scholars who are looking for the right relationship between religiousness and spirituality. With this question as her basis, and backed by many years of research, Katarzyna Skrzypińska introduces the Meaning Making Beliefs-Spirituality-Religiousness (MM B-S-R) and the Threefold Nature of Spirituality (TNS) models. These points of view specify the psychological elements as well as hypothetical and researched mechanisms of spirituality, paving the way for further exploration in the field. The whole is a proposal for a new approach to the concept of the spiritual sphere as a multi-factorial, multi-level phenomenon, involved in cooperation with the cognitive system and personality – which are important in the process of searching for the meaning of life as they have behavioral consequences resulting from the attitude towards the sacred / a-sacred and life.
Le florilège de l’invocation d’après Ḫālid b. Yazīd (IIIe/IXe siècle)
Volume Editors: and
In Supplier Dieu dans l’Égypte toulounide, Mathieu Tillier and Naïm Vanthieghem provide the edition, translation and study of a booklet preserved on papyrus and dated 267/880-881. It offers a selection of some forty hadiths heard by Khālid ibn Yazīd, a minor local scholar, concerning the invocations that every pious Muslim has to use when addressing God. Composed during the reign of the famous governor Aḥmad ibn Ṭūlūn, the first autonomous ruler of Islamic Egypt, this manuscript bears exceptional testimony to the way traditional sciences were taught at the time. Not only does it open an unprecedented window on the milieu of ordinary transmitters, whose names soon fell into oblivion, but it also sheds new light on the Tulunids’ religious policy and on the islamisation of Egypt.

Dans la seconde moitié du IIIe/IXe siècle, un savant répondant au nom de Ḫālid b. Yazīd enseigna une quarantaine de hadiths sur le thème des invocations que tout pieux musulman se devait d’adresser à Dieu. Un opuscule issu de son enseignement, portant la date de 267/880–881, a survécu sur papyrus. Mathieu Tillier et Naïm Vanthieghem en proposent ici l’édition, la traduction et l’étude. Composé sous le règne du fameux gouverneur Aḥmad b. Ṭūlūn, premier souverain autonome de l’Égypte islamique, ce manuscrit offre un témoignage exceptionnel sur la manière dont les sciences traditionnelles étaient alors enseignées. Il ouvre non seulement une fenêtre inédite sur le milieu des transmetteurs ordinaires, dont les noms tombèrent rapidement dans l’oubli, mais vient aussi éclairer d’un nouveau jour la politique religieuse des Toulounides et la dynamique d’islamisation de l’Égypte.