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[Ancient Architecture in Syria: Anderîn - Kerrātîn - Ma ͑râtā]
الأندرين – كراتين – معراتة هو جزء جديد من أجزاء العمارة القديمة في سوريا، تأليف هوارد باتلر وترجمة عائشة موسى. ويأخذنا هذا الجزء في جولة جديدة تطوف بنا بين كوكبةٍ من 42 موقعًا أثريًا لا تقل جمالًا عن سابقاتها، ويتميز كل منها بمعلمٍ أو أكثر حافظ على شكله بما يكفي ليميط اللثام عن فنٍ جديدٍ من فنون العمارات القديمة. فتارةً نجد كنيسة بازليكية وتارة تصادفنا ثكنات منيعة، وتارة أخرى تستقبلنا منازل وخزانات ومدافن وحمامات تبهرنا بجودة صقل حجارتها وتصاميم تيجانها وثراء نقوشها وفسيفسائها الخالدة ومداميكها المتناوبة بين البازلت والآجر.
إنها جولة لن تنسى في مدن أثرية كاملة تمتد جذورها في عمق التاريخ، تستحضر لنا صورة شاملة عن الفنون العمرانية لحضارات نهضت وازدهرت هنا، وخلّفت أوابد تعد منبع علمٍ تنهل منه الأجيال القادمة.

Il-Anderîn - Kerrātîn - Ma ͑râtā, written by Butler and translated by Aisha Moussa, is a new tour to 24 archaeological sites that are no less attractive than any other site in Syria. Each boasts one or more landmarks that are still well preserved to belong to the ancient architectural masterpieces in the region. The spectacular basilicas, fortified barracks, houses, reservoirs, tombs and baths all display stones highly finished, capitals well designed and richly carved, mosaics delicately patterned, and alternating bands of brickwork and basalt.
It is a tour to be remembered among archaeological cities of great antiquity, depicting the architecture of civilizations that rose and flourished here, then left behind ruins that became the knowledge resource for future generations.
Die Reihe ist abgeschlossen
Die Reihe ist abgeschlossen.
Papyrological Texts and Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen
This is a Festschrift offered by friends and colleagues to papyrologist and ancient historian Peter van Minnen. The volume contains the edition or re-edition of 52 papyri and ostraca, dating from between the third century BCE and the eighth century CE. Their subjects vary from Demosthenes to the delivery of camels in early Islamic Egypt, and their provenances stretch from the Eastern to the Western Desert, and from the Egyptian Nile valley to Qasr Ibrim in northern Nubia. All texts are published with transcription, translation, commentary and colour photographs. In addition, there are five studies, reflecting the honorand’s wide-ranging interests.
The Language of Objects sheds new light on the sub-genre of Greek descriptive epigram, focusing on deictic reference as a springboard to understand three different approaches to the materiality of texts: imagination-oriented deixis, pointing to referents conjured in the reader’s mind; ocular deixis, addressing perceivable referents; displaced deixis, underscoring the subjective response of readers/viewers. Uniquely combining overlooked verse-inscriptions and well-known literary and inscribed texts, which are freshly re-examined through a cognitive lens, this volume explores the evolution of deixis in descriptive epigrams dating from the pre-Hellenistic period to Late Antiquity. With its original analysis, the book pushes forward the study of Greek epigram and current understanding of deixis in ancient poetry.
Agents of Social and Spatial Transformation in the Roman West
In the Roman world, landscapes became legal and institutional constructions, being the core of social, political, religious, and economic life. The Romans developed ambitious urban transformations, seeking to equate civic monumentality and legal status. The built environment becomes the axis of the legal, administrative, sacred, and economic system and the main element of dissemination of imperial ideology. This volume follows the modern trend of a multifaceted, composite, multi-layered Roman world, but at the same time reduces its complexity. It views ‘Roman’ not only in the sense of power politics, but also in a cultural context. It highlights ‘landscapes’ and puts into the shadow important administrative and legal structures, i.e., individuals viz. local and imperial members of the elites living in cities, which ran the Roman world.
This book challenges prevailing models of the ways formerly enslaved individuals in Ancient Rome navigated their social and economic landscape. Drawing on the rich epigraphic evidence left behind by municipal freedmen and freedwomen, who had been owned and manumitted by the communities of Roman Italy, it pushes back against ameliorating views of slavery as a temporary condition and positive notions of a prosperous and consciously proud Roman freedman class. Manumission was a far more complex process, and it did not always put former slaves and their descendants on the straight and narrow path of upward mobility.
SEG LXVIII covers newly published Greek inscriptions and studies on previously known documents from the year 2018, with occasional additions from previous years that have been missed in earlier volumes and from studies published after 2017 but pertaining to material from 2018.
The Epigraphic Cultures of Greece, Rome, and Beyond
Inscriptions are a major feature of the Greek and Roman worlds, as inhabitants around the Mediterranean chose to commit text to stone and other materials. How did the epigraphic habit vary across time and space? Once adopted, how was the epigraphic habit variously expressed? The chapters of this volume analyze the epigraphic cultures of regions, cities, and communities through both large-scale analyses and detailed studies. From curse tablets in Britain to multilingual communities in Judaea-Palestine, from Greece to Rome to the Black Sea, and across nearly a millennium, the epigraphic outputs of cities and individuals underscore a collective understanding of the value of inscribed texts.
A Regional Study of Inscriptions: towards a Social and Legal Framework
Can we study the social and legal practices related to families in an ancient society even in the absence of relevant literary and legal sources? In Lycia, thanks to our rich corpus of inscriptions, and the regional funerary epigraphic habit, we can. This book brings together for the first time the full range of Lycian epigraphic evidence, examines it in a systematic way, and investigates three central elements of familial life in the Hellenistic and Roman periods: marriage, children, and inheritance practices; in doing so it briefly touches on a number of prosopographical, demographic, and anthropological questions. The book makes an innovative contribution not only to the history of Lycia but also to the wider study of ancient families.