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Care and Pandemic captures an up-to-the-moment account of COVID-19 and its aftermath by an interdisciplinary network of transatlantic scholars reporting from Brazil, Colombia, and France. Case studies diagnose the problem, revealing socio-demographic dynamics of care labor markets, outlining the impact of online care platforms on the conditions of care work, and providing caring strategies rooted in community solidarity. Creating a robust and more resilient care organization requires a comprehensive understanding of why systems failed to build capacity that can absorb external shocks and address structural changes before, during, and after disasters.

Contributors are: Gabriela Alkmin, Mariana Eugenio Almeida, Ana Carolina Andrada, Daniella Castro-Barbudo, Amparo Hernández-Bello, Eileen Boris, Ana Claudia Moreira Cardoso, Aurélie Damamme, Guita Grin Debert, Jorge Felix, Heidi Gottfried, Nadya Araujo Guimarães, Helena Hirata, Léa Lima, Pascale Molinier, Suelen Castiblanco-Moreno, Carolina Moreno, Renata Moreno, Pedro Augusto Gravatá Nicoli, Maria Júlia Tavares Pereira, Javier A. Pineda D., Luana Simões Pinheiro, Jeanny Posso, Marcelo Maciel Ramos, Michelle Redondo, Maria Camila Vega-Salazar and Simone Wajnman.
Critiques presented here in defence of development range across a number of issues, all of which are central to discussions about the desirability or undesirability of this historical process. These include one particular aspect – labour market competition – of the debate about racism, why the reproduction of this ideology is more acute at some historical conjunctures but not others, the same question that can also be asked of the industrial reserve. Equally contentious is the current dominance of populist and postmodern interpretations of rural development, in the misleading guise of new paradigms, the object of which is to exorcise two ghosts: not just development itself, but also Marxist theory about development.