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Age and Ageing in an Ageist World
Older adults may be the world's fastest growing demographic. Yet they remain vulnerable to biases and barriers that would be intolerable if directed at others. Such an indictment puts the onus on deconstructing the idea of ageism in terms of what it means ("a riddle"), how it works ("a mystery"), why it persists ("an enigma"), and what can be done about it ("a puzzle"). Reference to ageism must go beyond the idea of a “bug” in the system. Rather, ageism is the system, the default reality of an ageist society designed by, for, and about the young and able-bodied. Ageism also intersects with other forms of identity and inequality such as gender and race to amplify the downside of getting older and being old. Initiatives for advancing a rights-based, age-inclusive society must focus on calling out ageism as a precondition for calling in a national reset.
The English Subtitling of the Weekly Thai Prime Ministerial Addresses
The book explores the complex relationship between ideology, language, and cultural nuances during subtitling, illuminating the translators' strategic decisions in capturing the depth of Thai political speech. It exposes the nuanced ways in which language can affect the comprehension of political messages and shape perceptions by drawing on an abundance of examples. Ideology at Play looks at the problems and opportunities that come up when these famous speeches are translated. It covers linguistic subtleties, cultural sensitivities, and the complicated relationship between language and politics. It gives new ideas about how ideology shows up in translated texts.
Series Editors: and
Partnerships and collaboration are two ideas that have transformed teacher education and enhanced teacher professional learning, enquiry and research. Increasingly, the changing context in which teachers work requires them to continually update and enhance their knowledge and skills, and to engage in different forms of professional development in order to understand the needs of their pupils and the communities they come from. This underlines the need for stronger partnerships to connect teachers with each other, with teacher education providers, with local communities, with local government, and with business and National Government Organizations (NGOs). Educational partnerships as a concept recognises the new ecology of digital interconnectivity, the need for stronger collaboration at all levels, and a new collective responsibility for education. Partnerships in the form of transnational education, public-private collaborations, interactions between formal and informal educational organisations, collaborations between tertiary organisations and industry/the service sector and amongst schools and between schools and their communities have emerged as strong policy and practice drivers. This series aims to span this broad understanding of partnership and make a contribution to both theory and practice.

Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts by e-mail to the Aquisitions Editor, John Bennett.
Series Editors: and
It has been recognised since Adam Smith and Karl Marx’s pioneering work that the best way to understand any economy is to study the most advanced practices of production. For some time, the most innovative economic vanguard has been referred to globally as the knowledge economy – a term that now also encompasses developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Originally, a consensus formed among policymakers that the knowledge economy is a global reality to which all individuals and societies must adjust, and that lifelong learning is the optimal strategy to secure such an adjustment. Currently, this consensus is leading to scare stories about the ‘end of work’ and lifelong learning being repositioned as the strategy to assist people to live ‘creative’ lives.

The aim of The Knowledge Economy and Education book series is therefore to provide a focus for writers and readers interested in exploring the relationship between changes in the knowledge economy and learning practices, or an aspect of that relationship: for example, vocational, professional and workplace learning theorised critically.

The series seeks authors who are keen to question, conceptually and empirically, the hidden nature of the knowledge economy as well as the causal link that policymakers globally assume exists between education and the knowledge economy by raising: (i) epistemological issues as regards the concepts of, production of, and the relations between knowledge, the knowledge economy and education; (ii) sociological and political economic issues as regards the changing nature of work, technology (including AI), learning, and possible alternative visions of what a knowledge economy/knowledge society might look like; and (iii) the contribution education, communities, and workplaces could make to realising those visions.

The series is particularly aimed at researchers, policymakers, practitioners and students since it hopes to stimulate debate amongst this diverse audience by publishing books that (i) articulate alternative visions of the relation between education and the knowledge economy, (ii) offer new insights into the extent, modes, and effectiveness of the forms of knowledge and learning (including the development of AI) that people in the developed and developing world will need to respond to, and (iii) suggest how changes in both work conditions, curriculum and pedagogy can spur fresh thinking about the relation between work and learning.
Volume Editors: and
In the Critical Storytelling series, this latest book elevates the voices of a myriad of authors using empathetic storytelling to ignite change in education. Stories connect us through the meaning we make, intricately woven in a diverse tapestry of shared experiences held together with the delicate thread of our humanity. Uncovering implicit biases and choices inherent in the two themes of all -isms (including racism, sexism, and ableism) and bullying, the editors offer concrete strategies for classroom teachers, professors, educational leaders, and policy makers to use storytelling to complement awareness and discourse with calls to action.

Contributors are: Katey Arrington, Liza Bondurant, Reginald E. Duncan, Emma Funderburk, Tamun Hanjra, Carlos LópezLeiva, Jaclyn Murawska, Sean Nank, Keiran Nank, Leigh-Anne Peper, Nikki Pitcher, Gayle Richardson and Michael D. Steele.
Volume Editors: , , and
The world ecological system is marked by difference throughout. There is social difference with different identities, shifting and transmuting, being forged, and extra-human differences. All these have implications for intra human and human/non-human earth relations. This aspect is not always recognised and valorised. Education, though not an independent variable, still can be mobilised, together with other sources of potential transformation, to redress this situation marked by aggressions, micro and macro, inertia and indifference. It represents a number of immediate challenges for Adult Education. This compendium is intended as a useful resource in this regard. It maps out a kaleidoscope of myriad differences and suggests options for overcoming the various obstacles that stand opposed to those who seek fulfilment in the way they are discursively located. The obstacles are a dent on efforts to living in communion with the rest of the cosmos. The utopian view is that of different species living in harmony with each other. This book emphasises social/ecological justice, intersectionality and relationality as the targets for Adult Education in this relatively still new millennium.

Contributors are: Sharifah Salmah Binti Abdullah, Thi Bogossian, Lauren Bouttell, Lidiane Nunes de Castro, Anyela Nathalie Gomez Deantonio, Preeti Dagar, Raquel Galeano Giminez, Ksenija Joksimović, Kainat Khurshid, Robert Livingston, Peter Mayo, Sonia Medel, Yunah Park, Zainab Sa’id Sa’ad, Bonnie Slade, Gameli Kodzo Tordzro, Agnieszka Uflewska and Aisara Yessenova.
Enhancing Social Justice, a Global Orientation, and Equity in Schools and Society
In Moral and Political Dimensions of Critical-Democratic Citizenship Education, Wiel Veugelers analyses theory, policy and practice of moral education and citizenship education in the past few decades. He shows that there are different orientations in national and global moral education and citizenship education. He criticises the strong orientation on the individual and on adaptation, and argues for more emphasises on social justice, equity and democracy.

This volume brings together articles Veugelers published in the past 25 years. Each article is introduced by a reflection on the reasons for the article, its responses, and lessons that are still relevant. The book ends with a large chapter that overviews central developments and presents a programme for future theory, research, policy and practice in moral education and citizenship education with a strong focus on democracy and empowerment: the moral should become more political and the political more moral.
Over the past few decades, it has become increasingly frequent to come across the co-existence of multiple large-scale assessment surveys within national, subnational, or local settings. Despite the overlapping of tests, time, efforts, and economic resources invested in these “assessment assemblages”, much remains to be learned about their origins, development, tensions, frictions, outcomes, and challenges. Harmony and Cacophony in Large-scale Assessments in Education delves into these issues via a critical lens and offers a case in point against which readers can place their own situations. In other words, it serves as an empirically grounded thinking toolbox to help readers problematize emerging, ongoing, or upcoming challenges related to their large-scale assessment settings.
The events of the last years have shaken the world of higher education. The post-COVID-19 period has raised multiple questions in key areas, from digitalisation over quality assurance to internationalisation. This book brings together scholars, practitioners and policymakers in higher education, and discusses in a variety of topics the future of the higher education sector in a rapidly changing context: the complexities of digital education, the need or necessity for innovation or the impact of globalisation are some of the topics addressed in this book. Those topics are brought together around one central theme: how can the future of higher education be accelerated to address in a sustainable way the needs of a changing global context?

Contributors are: Mario Alarcón, Bruno Broucker, James Calleja, Ida Iselin Eriksson, Magdalena Fellner, Hugo A. García, Corinna Geppert, Carmen Heidenwolf, Andrew S. Herridge, Torstein Nielsen Hole, Pablo Hormazábal Saavedra, Lisa J. James, Kerstin Janson, Cindy Konen, Gergely Kováts, René Krempkow, Alice Laufer, Clare Milsom, Darlington Mutakwa, Mark O'Hara, Attila Pausits, Pascale Stephanie Petri, Julia Rathke, Florian Reisky, Katharina Riesinger, Christian Schemer, Marit Ubbe and Denyse Webbstock.