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Authors are cordially invited to submit proposals and/or full manuscripts by e-mail to the Aquisitions Editor, John Bennett.
The aim of The Knowledge Economy and Education book series is therefore to provide a focus for writers and readers interested in exploring the relationship between changes in the knowledge economy and learning practices, or an aspect of that relationship: for example, vocational, professional and workplace learning theorised critically.
The series seeks authors who are keen to question, conceptually and empirically, the hidden nature of the knowledge economy as well as the causal link that policymakers globally assume exists between education and the knowledge economy by raising: (i) epistemological issues as regards the concepts of, production of, and the relations between knowledge, the knowledge economy and education; (ii) sociological and political economic issues as regards the changing nature of work, technology (including AI), learning, and possible alternative visions of what a knowledge economy/knowledge society might look like; and (iii) the contribution education, communities, and workplaces could make to realising those visions.
The series is particularly aimed at researchers, policymakers, practitioners and students since it hopes to stimulate debate amongst this diverse audience by publishing books that (i) articulate alternative visions of the relation between education and the knowledge economy, (ii) offer new insights into the extent, modes, and effectiveness of the forms of knowledge and learning (including the development of AI) that people in the developed and developing world will need to respond to, and (iii) suggest how changes in both work conditions, curriculum and pedagogy can spur fresh thinking about the relation between work and learning.
Contributors are: Katey Arrington, Liza Bondurant, Reginald E. Duncan, Emma Funderburk, Tamun Hanjra, Carlos LópezLeiva, Jaclyn Murawska, Sean Nank, Keiran Nank, Leigh-Anne Peper, Nikki Pitcher, Gayle Richardson and Michael D. Steele.
Contributors are: Katey Arrington, Liza Bondurant, Reginald E. Duncan, Emma Funderburk, Tamun Hanjra, Carlos LópezLeiva, Jaclyn Murawska, Sean Nank, Keiran Nank, Leigh-Anne Peper, Nikki Pitcher, Gayle Richardson and Michael D. Steele.
Contributors are: Sharifah Salmah Binti Abdullah, Thi Bogossian, Lauren Bouttell, Lidiane Nunes de Castro, Anyela Nathalie Gomez Deantonio, Preeti Dagar, Raquel Galeano Giminez, Ksenija Joksimović, Kainat Khurshid, Robert Livingston, Peter Mayo, Sonia Medel, Yunah Park, Zainab Sa’id Sa’ad, Bonnie Slade, Gameli Kodzo Tordzro, Agnieszka Uflewska and Aisara Yessenova.
Contributors are: Sharifah Salmah Binti Abdullah, Thi Bogossian, Lauren Bouttell, Lidiane Nunes de Castro, Anyela Nathalie Gomez Deantonio, Preeti Dagar, Raquel Galeano Giminez, Ksenija Joksimović, Kainat Khurshid, Robert Livingston, Peter Mayo, Sonia Medel, Yunah Park, Zainab Sa’id Sa’ad, Bonnie Slade, Gameli Kodzo Tordzro, Agnieszka Uflewska and Aisara Yessenova.
This volume brings together articles Veugelers published in the past 25 years. Each article is introduced by a reflection on the reasons for the article, its responses, and lessons that are still relevant. The book ends with a large chapter that overviews central developments and presents a programme for future theory, research, policy and practice in moral education and citizenship education with a strong focus on democracy and empowerment: the moral should become more political and the political more moral.
This volume brings together articles Veugelers published in the past 25 years. Each article is introduced by a reflection on the reasons for the article, its responses, and lessons that are still relevant. The book ends with a large chapter that overviews central developments and presents a programme for future theory, research, policy and practice in moral education and citizenship education with a strong focus on democracy and empowerment: the moral should become more political and the political more moral.
Contributors are: Mario Alarcón, Bruno Broucker, James Calleja, Ida Iselin Eriksson, Magdalena Fellner, Hugo A. García, Corinna Geppert, Carmen Heidenwolf, Andrew S. Herridge, Torstein Nielsen Hole, Pablo Hormazábal Saavedra, Lisa J. James, Kerstin Janson, Cindy Konen, Gergely Kováts, René Krempkow, Alice Laufer, Clare Milsom, Darlington Mutakwa, Mark O'Hara, Attila Pausits, Pascale Stephanie Petri, Julia Rathke, Florian Reisky, Katharina Riesinger, Christian Schemer, Marit Ubbe and Denyse Webbstock.