Fig. 1. Diploma of social recognition of Ioan Lochmann apothecary from Iaşi, 22 May 1835, National Romanian Archives, Iaşi. Photograph by Sorin Grigoruţă.
Fig. 2. Ida Fieltz (1847–1913) – Filip Lenş (Philippe Linche) (1779–1853) – great logothete, 1888, National Museum of Art, Bucharest.
Fig. 3. Anton Chladek (1794–1882) – Ienăchiţă Văcărescu, 1852–1858, National Museum of Art, Bucharest.
Fig. 4. Constantin Lecca – Neaga, the wife of Ionaşcu cupeţu, 1840–1845, Art Museum of Braşov.
Fig. 5. Constantin Lecca – Ionaşcu cupeţu (merchant), 1840–1845, National Museum of Art, Bucharest.
Fig. 6. Anonymous – Grand ban Grigore Brâncoveanu (1764–1832), 1830–1832, National Museum of Art, Bucharest.
Fig. 7. Pavel Đjurković (1772–1830) – Portrait of Caragea Vodă (Wallachia, 1812–1818), [1824], National Museum of Art, Bucharest.
Fig. 8. Votive portrait of Grand ban Grigore Băleanu (+ 1842), Church of St. John the Baptist, Băleni village, Dâmboviţa county. Photograph by Marius Păduraru.
Fig. 9. Miklós Barabás (1810–1898) – View of Bucharest, 1832, Private Collection.
Fig. 10. Niccolò Livaditti – The Alecsandri Family: Vornic Vasile Alecsandri, his wife Elena, his son Iancu, and his daughter Catinca, 1837, National Museum of Art, Bucharest.
Fig. 11. Niccolò Livaditti – The Alecsandri Family: Vornic Vasile Alecsandri and his sons Iancu and Vasile, 1845, Art Museum, Iaşi.