
Abdülaziz 163–5, 167–9, 171–7, 179, 182, 184, 186, 191, 194, 196–8, 200
trip to Europe 173–7
Abdülhamid (Ottoman prince, son of Sultan Mahmud II) 163
Abdülhamid I 197
Abdülhamid II 12, 102, 105, 110, 161–3, 165–7, 173–5, 184, 186–7, 190–1, 194–5, 197–9, 201, 300, 331, Hamidian era
Abdülmecid (Ottoman sultan) 40–1, 143, 163–8, 172–3, 179–81, 186, 194, 196–7, 200
Abdülmecid (Abdülmecid II, Ottoman caliph, son of Abdülaziz) 164, 197
Abdurrahman Âdil [Eren] 98, 104–5, 108
Abu-Manneh, Butrus 15, 76–7
Accounting Administration Office, see Devair-i Мuhasebe Кalemi
Achkov, Boris 376
Adampol (Polonezköy) 43–4
Adriatic Sea 59
Afghanistan 265
Africa 181, 264, 334
Ahmed III 197
Ahmet Cevad [Emre] 252
Ahmed Cevdet Pasha 93, 101, 103–5, 107, 109, 111–12, 162, 167, 343
Ahmed İhsan [Tokgöz] 162
Ahmed Kemaleddin Efendi 183–4, 197
Ahmed Lütfi 328
Ahmed Midhat Efendi 162
Ahmed Nihad Efendi 197
Ahmed Nureddin Efendi 183, 197
Ahmed Nuri Efendi 197–8
Ahmed Şefik Midhat Pasha 22, 162, 183–4, 295, 298–306, 308, 311, 316, 323–5, 330–43, 346–9, 391
Ak Palanka (nowadays Bela Palanka) 332, 338
Akka 346
Aksakal, Mustafa 250
Akyıldız, Ali 164, 387
Albert Edward, Prince of Wales (later king Edward VII) 182–3
Aleppo (Halep) 342, 344
Alexander of Bulgaria (Alexander of Battenberg) 127–8
Alexandria 85
Ali Adem Yörük 109
Ali Fuad Cebesoy 94
Ali Haydar Midhat 300, 331, 337
Ali Pasha (the Circassian) 47
Âli Pasha, see Mehmed Emin Âli Pasha
Ali Sedâd 103, 107–9
Ali Suavi 162, 182
Ali Vasıb Efendi 197
Alléon, Antoine 41
Alléon, Jacques 365, 372, 385–6, 393
Alléon, Jacques François 41
Alloul, Houssine 71
Alsace and Lorraine 247
Altay 253–4
America 207, 209–10, 213, 215, 249, 254
American Civil War 196
American College for Girls 210, 218
Anatolia (Asia Minor) 13, 43, 48–9, 51, 246, 251, 262–3, 272, 282
Anckaer, Jan 387
Andreyuva, Vasilka (Andreeva) 384
angarya 50
Anglo–Turkish commercial treaty of 1838 142
Ankara 13, 207, 326
Antonova-Goleva, Boriana 22, 41, 43, 54, 58, 149, 215, 304, 336, 339, 411
Antwerp 362, 386–7
April Uprising 59, 213, 215
Arab Provinces (Arabistan) 246
Archimandrite Evlogiy 238
Archipelago vilayet, see vilayet-i cezayir-i bahri-sefid
architects 118, 126, 153, 375, Jovanović, Konstantin
Archive of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 122
Belgian 387
British 34
Bulgarian 34, 122
French 180
Ottoman 10, 34, 272, 280, 287, 328
Polish 34
Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes (PA-AA) 99
Romanian 34
Russian 35
Staatsarchiv Hamburg 99
State Archive in Shumen 355
Turkish 180
Aristárchīs, Nicólaos 165
Aristotle 132
Armenians 51, 56, 58, 155, 208, 251, 287, 328
Bulgarian 219–20, 392
French 264
Japanese 259–61
Muslim (Meccan) 254
Ottoman 40–2, 44–7, 50, 52, 54–8, 60, 165, 168, 172, 186, 210, 246–7, 250, 254–5, 257, 261, 325, 370, 380, Cossack Regiment
Russian 43, 259
Zaporozhian 42, 47, 52
Arslan Pasha, see Bystrzonowski, Ludwik
Asia 9, 181, 260, 262, 265–6
Central Asia 254
Asia Minor, see Anatolia
Association of Publishing Documents (Neşr-i Vesaik Cemiyeti) 252
Atanasov, Hristiyan 22, 281, 347, 391, 411
Athens 79, 232, 240
Athonite Monastery of Zographou 227, 240
Bulgarian hospital 227
Atiye Sultan (daughter of Sultan Mahmud II) 166
Attatürk, Mustafa Kemal 15, Kemalism
Austria, see Habsburg Monarchy
Auwers, Michael 71
Avlonya (nowadays Vlorë) 251
Avrupa tüccarı 275, 278, 281, 283–4, 287, Hayriye tüccarı, beratlı merchants
ayan revolts 10
Azerbaijan 254
Aziz Pasha 366, 370–1, 391, 393
Bâb-ı Âli Tercüme Odası (Translation Office of the Sublime Porte) 93, 97, 100, 104, 107, 111
Babaeski 344
Bački Petrovac 302
Baghdad (Bağdad) 348–9
Baghdad (Bağdad) Province 348
Bakărdzhieva, Teodora 299
Balcı, Sezai 99
Balcık (nowadays Balchik) 356
Baldzhiev family 216
Bălgarsko knizhovno druzhestvo (Bulgarian Learned Society) 129
Bălgarska Tărgovska Banka (Bulgarian Commercial Bank) 392, credit institutions
Balfour, Sebastian 253
Balkan Mountains 52, 305, 333, 366, 380
Sveti Nikola range 333
Balkan wars 4, 20, 233, 245–53, 256–7, 259–64, 266, 412
First Balkan War 240, 246–7, 249, 254, 258, 262
Balkanism 5
Baluchistan 265
Banque de Constantinople 385, credit institutions
Barkley, John Trevor 366–7, 369–72, 382–6, 388
bashi-bazouk 57
Basra 348
Başköy (nowadays Zheravna) 383
Batthyány, Kázmér 374–5
bedel-i askerî (military exemption tax) 50, 61, cizye
Bedouins 345
Beirut 345
Bela Palanka, see Ak Palanka
Belgium 42, 145, 215, 362, 387
Belgradçik (nowadays Belogradchik) 280
Belgrade 246, 334, 337–8, 342, 365
Bellini, Vincenzo 166
Belogradchik, see Belgradçik
Bem, Józef (Murad Bey) 42–3, 374
Beratlı kançelariyası (Chancellery of the Berataires) 276
beratlı merchants 276, 278–84, 287–9, protégé, Avrupa tüccarı, Hayriye tüccarı
Berend, Iván 9
Bergos (nowadays Burgas) 344, 338
Berkofça (nowadays Berkovitsa) 337
Berlin 96, 99, 102, 117, 149, 233, 254, 300, 302, 411
Bitola, see Manastir
Black Sea 59, 328, 337, 344–5, 356, 361–2
Blanchoud, Daniel 231
Blăskov, Iliya 384
Bobchev, Stefan 215
Bobekov, Pavel 215
Bоdrum Castle (Bodrum Kalesi) 233
Boerescu, Vasile 156
Boğazköy (nowadays Cernavodă) 362
Bohemia 94, 96, 98, 302
Bosanski Brod, see Brod
Bosnia 323, 325, 342–3, 347
Botevgrad, see Orhaniye
Boyar, Ebru 252–3
Bragg, John 13
Braila 45, 130
Braudel, Fernand 151
Breański, Feliks (Şahin Pasha) 41–2
British Empire 33, 53, London
England 99, 145, 183, 302, 343
Great Britain 60, 175–6, 196
Brod (nowadays Bosanski Brod) 342
Brussels 173, 300
Bucharest 52, 81, 239, 380
Bukhara 254, 265
Bulavin Rebellion 43
Bulgaria(n) 3, 8, 13–14, 19–20, 44–6, 48, 51, 55, 58–9, 81, 102, 117–33, 143–4, 147–50, 152–5, 207–21, 225–41, 251, 254, 260, 264, 282, 284, 288, 302, 305, 311, 329, 333, 341, 362, 365–6, 370–93
church question 80–1, 215, 370, 373, 378–9, 381, 383, 392, Bulgarian Exarchate
education 19, 117–20, 123–9, 208–9, 225–6, 228–39, 241, 371
Educational Council 123
First Male High School 127
historiography 13–14, 119–23, 299–302
Liberation 59, 102, 118, 123–4, 129, 210–11, Russo-Turkish War (1877–8)
merchants 123, 213–16, 219–20, 233–4, 239–40, 284, 288–9, 353–392
Ministry of Education 19, 123–8, 132
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religious Denominations 235
National Assembly 126, 221
National Library and Museum 123, 130
Principality of Bulgaria 19, 117, 120–5, 133, 149, 209–10, 215–17, 235, 241, 311, 315–16, 378, 392, Tǎrnovo Constitution
Red Cross 239
students iv, 20, 126, 207–21, 228–32, 238–41, 373, 378, 381
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 122, 129, 411–14, archives, Bălgarsko knizhovno druzhestvo
Bulgarian Commercial Bank, see Bălgarska Tărgovska Banka
Bulgarian Exarchate 59, 67, 80–1, 210, 213, 215, 229–30, 232–3, 235, 239, 241, 379
Bulgarian Gymnastics Society 231
Bulgarian Learned Society, see Bălgarsko knizhovno druzhestvo
Bulgarian Muslims (Pomaks) 46
Bulgarian Orthodox Church, see Bulgarian Exarchate
Bulgarian Roman Catholics (Paulicians) 46
Bulwer, Henry 194
Burgas, see Bergos
Bursa 328–9, 380
Bystrzonowski, Ludwik (Arslan Pasha) 41–2, 60
Cambridge 99
Canning, Stratford, see de Redcliffe, Stratford
career converts, see conversion
Caribbean Sea 253
Castaing (French diplomatic agent in Sofia) 284–5
Castells, Manuel 141
Cebel-i Lübnan, see Mount Lebanon
Cem (son of Sultan Mehmed II) 180
Cernavodă, see Boğazköy
Cevdet Pasha, see Ahmed Cevdet Pasha
Chakaloff, George (doctor) 211
Chakrabarty, Dipesh 5
Chancellery of the Berataires, see Beratlı kançelariyası
Charnaud, J. H. 386–7
Chilingirov, Stiliyan 299, 301–2, 375
China 254, 265
Chios 105
Chodylski, Kajetan (Ostoja) 45, 60
Chomakov, Stoyan (doctor) 214
chorbadzhi, see çorbacı
Chrzanowski, Wojciech 41–2
Circassians 334
Civil Medical School 218
civilizing mission 72, 77, 183
cizye (poll tax) 57, 61, bedel-i askerî
Code Napoléon 75
Code de commerce, see Commercial Law
Collège Saint Benoît 210, 218
Collège Saint Joseph 210
commercial court(s) (Ticâret Maḥkemesi) 22, 67–9, 74–5, 103, 271, 273–90
Constantinople Commercial Court (Commercial Chamber, Trade Council) 67–9, 74–5, 103, 276–81, 287–8, 290
Edirne Commercial Court 283
Eski Zaara Commercial Court 288–90
Filibe Commercial Court 285–7
mixed commercial courts 69, 74
Rusçuk Commercial Court 288
Salonica Commercial Court 283
Sofia Commercial Court 284–5
Tırnova Commercial Court 283–4
Varna Commercial Court 287–8
Commercial Law 22, 69, 74, 103, 271, 274–90, 413
French 75, 274
German 75
Ottoman (Kânûn-i ticâret) 75, 278, 281–3, 288, commercial court(s), Maritime Code, Zeyl-i ḳânûn-i ticâret
Commercial School 218
Commission of Public Works, see Nâfia Komisyonu
communism 83, socialism
Comte, Auguste 165–6
Congress of Berlin 102, 117, Russo-Turkish War (1877–8)
Constanța, see Köstence
Constantinople, see Istanbul
conversion 33–4, 38–40, 43–4, 55, 59–60, 73–4, 93–7, 110, 370
career converts 18, 33–61, 73, 93–112, 353, 365, 369–71, 385, 391, 393, 414
Cossack Regiment (Kazak Alayı, Christian Regiment, Christian Army, Slavic Regiment) 18, 33–4, 38–61, 370–1, Czajkowski, Mihał
Cossacks 40, 42–3, 47–8, Nekrassovites, Old Believers
Cotta, Baron von 72
Council of Reform, see Tanzimat Council
Council of Trade and Agriculture, see Meclis-i Ticâret ve Ziraat
Court of Appeal 75–6, 100
Civil Senate 97
credit institutions 22, 41, 151, 295–316, 336, 347, 385, 390, 392, 411, menâfi umumiye sandıkları (‘public benefit’ funds), Rochdale Pioneers
Crete 251
Crimean War, see Russo-Turkish War 1853–6
Culture of Defeat 20, 247, 249, Schivelbusch, Wolfgang
Czajkowski, Mihał (Mehmed Sadık Pasha, Sadık Pasha, Czajka) 18–9, 33–61, 73, 353, 365, 369–71, 385, 391, 393, 414, Cossack Regiment
Czartoryski, Adam 33, 35, 43, 370
çorbacı 14, 215, 353, 355, 365, 371–84, 391–3
Dăbnitsa, see Dubniçe
Dahiliye Nezâreti (Ministry of Interior) 249, 314
Damad Gürcü Halil Pasha (probably Damad Halil Rifat Pasha) 97, 203
Damascus (Şam) 345–6
Province of Damascus 346
Daniş Bey 379
Danube River 126, 156, 246, 254, 332–4, 336–41, 346, 356, 362, 365–6, 380
Danube Vilayet (Danube Province), see Tuna Vilayeti
Danubian Plain 305
Dardanelles 101
Daskalov, Angel 297
Daskalov, Roumen 13–14
Davidov, Ivan 384
Davidova, Evguenia 234
Davis (professor at Robert College) 211
Davison, Roderic 7, 11, 97, 390
Davud Pasha 44
de Caston, Alfred 79
de Hirsch, Maurice 149, 227
de Lamartine, Alphonse 165
de Redcliffe, Stratford (Stratford Canning) 57, 73, 167, 172, 360, 362, 368–9, 382
de Rothschild 360
de Saint-Jean, Antoine 183
Denmark 303, 316
Detroit, Ludwig Karl Friedrich (Mehmed Ali Pasha) 94–5, 111
Devair-i Мuhasebe Кalemi (Accounting Administration Office) 310 ‘public benefit’ funds
Development Council, see İmar Meclisi
Devna lake (nowadays Lake Beloslav) 358
Dimetoka (nowadays Didymoteicho) 258
Dimităr (notable from Maraş) 375
Dimitraki (Ottoman beratlı merchant from Niş) 280–1
Dimitrov, Strashimir 142
Diyarbakır 42
Dobrev, Zhivko 240
Dobreva, Margarita 314
Dobroplodni, Sava 373–4, 377
Dobrudzha 40, 43, 49, 51–2, 337, 380
dogs 228
Don Cossacks, see Cossacks
Donau-Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft (DDSG), see steam ships and water transport
Donizetti, Giuseppe 165
Dover 174
Dragoman 332, 338
Drinov, Marin 123
Drozdowski, Stanisław 60
Druzes 345
Dubniçe (nowadays Dăbnitsa) 332
Dürrünev Kadın (consort of Sultan Abdülaziz) 172
East 21, 35, 38, 156, 180, 207, 254–5, 259–61
Far East 261
Middle East 273
Eastern Agency 33, 36, 38, 43, 60
Eastern Crisis 123, Eastern Question
Eastern Question 4, 8, 117, 123, 272, 274
Eastern Rumelia 149, 209, 215–16
Ebubekir Mümtaz Efendi 165
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople 40, 47, 80–1, 210–11, 284–5, 373
Edhem Pasha, see İbrahim Edhem Pasha
Edict of Gülhane, see Tanzimat
Edirne 13, 40, 42–7, 54, 283, 286, 323, 325–6, 328, 335–6, 338–9, 342–4, 347, 359, 360–1, 368
Edirne Eyalet 304
Edirne Vilayet 43, 289, 310, 312–13, 343, 391
Efdâlüddin Tekiner 98
Egypt 102, 168, 182, 346
Eğinli Zeynelabidin Mehmed Efendi 165
Eisenstadt, Shmuel 6
Eldem, Edhem 20, 298, 411
Elena (daughter of Hadzhi Sava) 381
Ellīnikós Filologikós Sýllogos Kōnstantinoupóleos (Greek Philological Association of Constantinople) 67, 78, 210
Emine Semiye [Önasya] 103, 258
enculturation 207–8, 211–12, education
Enez, see İnöz
Engelhardt, Édouard 7
е ngineers 45, 118, 153, 215–16, 219–20, 328–9, 340, 353–4, 356–61, 374, 379
England, see British Empire
Epirus 53, 57
Ergin, Osman 94, 104, 107, 109, 111
Erzurum 328–9, 342, 344–5
Eski Zaara (nowadays Stara Zagora) 288–90
Etrepol (nowadays Etropole) 337–8
Europe 5–6, 8–9, 17, 20, 22, 83, 86, 111, 120, 129, 142, 145, 150, 154–6, 173, 175, 178–81, 200, 215, 245–7, 254–66, 284, 298–300, 302–3, 313–14, 316, 326–7, 339
Central Europe 18
Eastern Europe 14, East
Western Europe 5, 15, 18, 148, 207, 209, 249, 275, 295–6, 298, 300, 302, 304, 306, 309, 311, 316, 391, West
Eustatius (doctor and Bishop of Pelagonia) 227
eytam emval (orphan estates) 296
eytam sandığı (orphan funds) 312
factories 132, 150, 154, 231, 335, 342, 347
glass factory 147
machine factory (Van Vlissingen & Dudok Van Heel) 387
textile factory 147
wine factory (İslimiye Wine Company/İslimiye şarap kumpanyası/ Slivensko vinarsko druzhestvo) 370, 388, 391
wool factory 239
Falkenhuyzen, Martin 386–7
Fatma Aliye [Topuz] 103, 258
Ferdinand I of Bulgaria (Ferdinand Saxe-Coburg and Gotha) 256–7
Filibe (nowadays Plovdiv) 285–7, 289, 335, 338, 344
Plovdiv 233
Filipov, Todor (doctor) 232, 234–5
Findley, Carter 11, 68, 71, 73
First Constitutional Period 102, 184, 296, 300, Second Constitutional Period, Abdülhamid II, Hamidian era
First World War 112, 133, 234, 248, 250–1, 259
Fontainebleau 43
France 35–6, 38, 43, 99, 145, 175, 180, 187, 215, 308, 356, Paris
French Empire 33
Second Republic 38
Third Republic 247
Franz Joseph of Austria 130
freemasonry 182–3, 200
Grand Orient de France 183–4, 200
Próodos (Progress) Lodge 182, 192
United Grand Lodge of England 183
French Revolution 196
Fuad Pasha, see Keçecizade Mehmed Fuad Pasha
Galatasaray Lycée, see Mekteb-i Sultânî
Galați 239
Ganushev, Stoyan (Hadzhi Stoyan Hadzhi Ganushev) 372–3, 382
Garabed Artin Davud Pasha 99
Gemlik 328
Gennadius, Joannes 79
Gennadius Library 79
Georgiadès, Démétrius 105
Geōrgiadīs, Aristeídīs (Aristidi Yorgiyadis) 108–9
Georgiev, Evlogi 239
Georgiev, Yordan 376
Gerlovo 381
Germany 79, 97, 99, 145, 300, 302
German Reich 79, 95
Prussia 35, 93, 95, 98, 103, 300, 386
Gerov, Nayden 286
Geshov family 216
Geshov, Ivan 240
Ghazna 254
Giese, Wilhelm Friedrich Carl 168
Ginio, Eyal 20, 103, 412
Gisborne, Francis 353–4, 356–61
Gisborne, Lionel 353–4, 356–8, 360–1
Gladstone, William 362, 367, 387
Gorbanov, Petko 221
Great Britain, see British Empire
Great School of the Nation, see Megálī tou Génous Scholī́
Greece 19, 144–5, 147, 149–50, 260
Greek Macedonian Committee 235–6
Greek scientific society, see Ellīnikós Filologikós Sýllogos Kōnstantinoupóleos
Guizot, Francois 36
Gypsies (Roma) 51
Haas, Wilhelm 303
Habsburg Monarchy 96, 122, 132, 303
Austria (Austrian Empire) 35, 38, 52, 57, 122, 302, 342, 359–60, 377
Austria-Hungary 118
Hacı Ali Efendi 299
Hacı Mehmed Tahir Efendi 165
Hadzhi Ganushev, Stoyan, see Ganushev, Hadzhi Stoyan
Hadzhi Iliev, Hadzhi Sava (Savva) 380–2, 384
Hadzhi Iliya (merchant from Bursa) 380
Hadzhi Matyu, see Rachev, Matyu
Hadzhi Miho (merchant from Tırnova) 284
Hadzhi Mincho (merchant from Tırnova) 281
Hadzhi Nikola (merchant from Tırnova) 284
Hadzhi Panayot (Pano, Panyu, merchant from Şumnu) 381
Hadzhi Panev, Dimitraki (Hadzhi Panov, Panyuv) 384
Hadzhi Ranko (from Şumnu) 376
Hadzhi Sava, see Hadzhi Iliev, Hadzhi Sava (Savva)
Hadzhi Sava, Kosta 381–2
Hadzhi Sava, Panayot (Savov, Savvov) 353, 355, 365, 367, 372–3, 377, 380–4, 391–3
Hadzhi Simeonko (merchant from Şumnu) 378
Hadzhi Vasilievich, Zheko (Vasilev; Zheko Cholak/Cholakov) 376–7, 379, 383–4
Hadzhiiliev, Sotir 240
Hadzhistoyanov, A[nastas] 288–9
Hafıza Gülbahar Kalfa 165
Hagenow (Mecklenburg) 95, 99
Halidé Edib [Adıvar] 103, 258
Halis Eşref 108
Halki (Heybeli, nowadays Heybeliada) 210, 218
Hamburg 69, 72, 84, 95–6, 99
Hamidian era 4, 17, 77, 102, 110, 175, 184–7, 190, 201–2
Hamlin, Cyrus 211
Hanseatic League 68–70, 72, 84
harbours and ports 68, 148, 232, 328–9, 339, 347
Devna lake 358
Lom 126
Rusçuk 339
Sultaniye 339
Tekirdağ 344
Trabson 328–9, 345
Varna 295, 315
Vidin 339
harem, see seraglio
Hård, Mikael 140
Hâriciye Nezâreti (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 97, 104
Hasan Ağa 365, 388–9, 393
Hasan Fehmi Pasha 107
Hasan Pasha, governor of Filibe 286
Hasan Rıza Pasha 36, 167–8
Hatt-ı şerif, see Tanzimat
Hava, Pierre 389
Hayriye tüccarı 275, 278, 281–2, 287, Avrupa tüccarı, beratlı merchants
Heuss, Theodor 94
Heybeliada, see Halki
Heydrich, E. 105
High Criminal Court 101
Hive (Khiva) 254
Hôtel Lambert 33, 35–6, 38–9, 41–3, 50, 60, Wielka Emigracja
Hristovich, Mihail (doctor) 232–3
Hugo, Victor 192, 194–5, 201, 217
Hukûk-i Siyâsiye (constitutional law) 98
Hungarian and Polish refugees 38, 42–3, 51, 73–4, 94, 374–7
Hurşid (Mehmed) Pasha 325, 343–4, 391
Hüseyin Avni Pasha 55, 184
Hüseyin Nasîmî-i Giridi 251, 256, 259, 263
Hüsrev Pasha, see Koca Mehmed Hüsrev Pasha
Hvarazam (Khwarezm) 254
hygiene 20, 125–6, 225–6, 228–30, 234, 237, 240
İbrahim Alâettin [Gövsa] 103
İbrahim Bey 187
İbrahim Edhem Pasha 69–70, 72–4, 76
İbrahim Hilmi, see Tüccarzâde İbrahim Hilmi [Çığıraçan]
İbrahim Tevfik Efendi 197
İdare-i Nehriye, see steam ships and water transport
Ignatˊev, Nikolaĭ Pavlovich 55, 76
İhtiman 333, 338
iltizâm, see tax-farming
İmar Meclisi (Developmen Council) 326
Imperial Lycée of Galatasaray, see Mekteb-i Sultani
Imperial Medical School, see Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane
Imperial Mint 385, 389
Imperial Reform Edict of 1856, see Tanzimat
Imperial Treasury 335
industrialization 19–20, 128, 132, 138–57, 347, 386–8, 391, factories, railways
Industrial Revolution 141, 145
phases 141
İnöz (nowadays Enez) 359, 361
Internal Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Organization (IMARO) 235
International Danube Commission 346
Ioannina, see Yanya
Irby, Аdeline 226
Ireland 303, 316
Islahat Hatt-ı Hümayunu (Imperial Reform Edict of 1856), Tanzimat
Islam 12, 77, 83, 110, 175, 182, 201, 246, 253–4, 256–7, 259, 265–6, conversion
Islamic law 15, 93, 112, 273–4, 277, 281, kadi courts
İslimiye (nowadays Sliven) 54, 58, 147, 312, 338, 344, 370–1, 381, 388, 391
İsmail Bey 315
İsmail Pasha 47
İsmail Pasha of Egypt 168, 182
Istanbul (Constantinople) iv, 20, 35–7, 40–5, 47–8, 54–7, 59, 67–9, 71, 73–4, 77–80, 83, 85–7, 94–101, 104, 106, 112, 149, 156, 169, 171, 182, 184, 207–18, 221, 233, 235, 239, 248, 254, 262, 265, 276–88, 290, 299, 301, 304, 306, 310, 315, 326, 328, 330, 332, 334, 336–8, 340, 342–4, 346, 359–61, 365, 370–1, 373–4, 380, 382–3, 387–9, 390–1, 393
Bebek 218
Beşiktaş 371
Bosphorus 34, 36, 44
Bulgarian hospital 233, 239
Fener 213, 218
Haydarpaşa 166
Kâğıthane 165
Kurbağalıdere 191, 200
Kuruçeşme 210, 218
Ortaköy 213
Pera 45, 68, 166, 179
Sultanahmet 105
Şekerci Sokağı 105
Istanbul University 93, 101, 104, 111–2
Darülfünün 265
İşkodra (nowadays Shkodra) 57
İştip (nowadays Štip) 228
Ivanov, N. (doctor) 240
İvranya (nowadays Vranje) 337–8
İzmir 70, 97, 157
İznebol (nowadays Trăn) 337–8
Jackson, Marvin 144
Jagodina 147
Jamison, Andrew 140
Janos, Andrew 142
Japan 21, 245, 254–5, 259–66
Jerusalem (Kudüs) 344
Jews 51, 155, 208, 227, 238, 240, 284–5, 288–9, 386
Jireček, Josef 122
Jireček, Konstantin 19, 117–133, 378
Jovanović, Konstantin 126
Kableshkov, Todor 213
Kabuli Pasha, see Mehmed Kabuli Pasha
kadi courts (Şeriat courts) 100, 272–3, 276–8, 280–1, 283, 285, 287, Nizâmiye courts
Kaleichev, Blagoy 238
Kâni Paşazâde Rifat Bey 104
Kanitz, Felix 334–5, 346
Karamanlı Hacı Mehmed Ağa 281
Karavelov, Lyuben 379
Karavelov, Petko 132
Karbala, see Kerbela
Karpat, Kemal 10
Kaspican (nowadays Kaspichan) 314, 379
Katerin (nowadays Katerini) 228
Kaya, Emir 261
Kayazade Reşad Bey 82–3
Kaynarca Treaty of 1774 256, Russo-Turkish wars
Kazak Alayı, see Cossack Regiment
Kazan (nowadays Kotel) 380
Kazandzhiev, Spiridon (doctor) 232, 234, 236
Keçecizade Mehmed Fuad Pasha 55, 70–1, 76, 86, 162, 182–3, 331, 345, 358–60, 389
Kemalism 15
Kerbela (nowadays Karbala) 348–9
Keutcheyan, Agop (Köçeoğlu) 182
Kıbrıslı Mehmed Emin Pasha (Kıbrıslı Mehmed Pasha) 36, 43, 46–7, 304, 353, 355, 359–60, 366–7, 369–70, 378, 390–1, 393
Kılkış (nowadays Kilkis) 234
Kıpçak (Kipchak) 254
Koca Mehmed Hüsrev Pasha 36, 97
Koca Mustafa Reşid Pasha 41, 53, 143, 162, 274, 299, 304, 353, 355, 358–62, 365–70, 372, 385, 388–91, 393
Köçeoğlu, Agop, see Keutcheyan, Agop
Koetschet, Josef 343
Köksal, Yonca 13
Kompaniya lihvena (The Interest Company) 312, credit institutions
Kondov, Yosif 240
Kondratiev, Nikolaĭ 141
Kondratiev wave 141
Konstantinidis (pharmacist) 234
Konstantinov, Aleko 131
Konstantinova, Yura 20, 126, 412
Köprülü (nowadays Veles) 239
Koran 165–6
Köse, Yavuz 18–19, 68, 76, 85, 127, 258, 343, 390, 412
Kosovo 53, 59, 336
Kossuth, Lajos 374
Köstence (nowadays Constanța) 337–8, 356, 362
Kostendiev, Mihail (doctor) 232
Köstendil (nowadays Kyustendil) 337–8
Kostov, Alexandre 147
Kotel, see Kazan
Kotsev, Hristo 228
Kraynichanets, Ivan 234, 236, 239–40
Kuban 43
Kumanova (nowadays Kumanovo) 332, 338
Kurşunlu (nowadays Kuršumlija) 337–8
Kurtovich, Aleksandăr (Zoeros Pasha, doctor) 210
Kyriakópoulos, Eteoklī́s 79–81
Kyupeva, Lyuba 235
Kyustendil, see Köstendil
L’Indemnité, compagnie d’assurances maritimes 386
Lake Beloslav, see Devna lake
Lake Manyas (Lake Kuş) 43–4
Lamarre, Tomas 5
Lamb, Henry 238
Lampe, John 9, 144
Lausanne peace agreement 248
Law of Provincial Administration of 1864 (Vilayet Law) 324, 326, 331, 340, 342–5, 347
1871 revision 340, 347–8
Law School, see Mekteb-i Hukûk
Layard, Austin Henry 359–61, 368, 388
Lejean, Guillaume 339
Lеmnos, see Limni
Lésvos, see Midilli Island
Levant 59, 80
Levi, Haim 285
Libya 342, 344
Lice 251
Limni (nowadays Lеmnos) 106
literacy 19–20, 118, 120, 123–4, 129, 146–8, 236
Literary Society, see Bălgarsko knizhovno druzhestvo
Lobanov-Rostovskiĭ, Alekseĭ 286
Lofça (nowadays Lovech) 299
Logothétī, Sofía 233
Lom 126–7, 280, 337–8
London 82, 96, 99, 173, 175–6, 182, 254, 300, 314, 331
Battersea Park 176
Crystal Palace 176
Guildhall 177
India Office 176
Paddington station 177
Royal Amphitheatre and Circus 176
Royal Botanical Gardens 176
Royal Italian Opera 176
South Kensington Museum 176
St. Stephen’s Hall at Westminster 176
Windsor Castle 176–7
Zoological Gardens 176
London, Jack 217
Lory, Bernard 15–16
Louis XVI 180
Louis-Napoléon 168
Lovech, see Lofça
Luboradzki, Jan (Mehmed Hilmi Bey) 42
Lutfullah 187
Lyberatos, Andreas 281
M. Racioff & Davidoff merchant house 384, Rachov, Matyu
Ma’ara 346
Macedonia 53, 57, 59, 226, 229, 239, 241, 305, 332, North Macedonia
Mackenzie, Georgina 226
Madzharov family 216
Mahmud I 197
Mahmud II 4, 142, 162–3, 165, 197
Mahmud Ağa 42
Mahmud Celaleddin Pasha 187
Mahmud Nedim Pasha 76–7, 82, 86
Mahmud Şevket Efendi 197
Manastir (nowadays Bitola) 53, 232
Manastirski, Czech teacher 377–8
Maraş 375
Mardin, Şerif 11, 278, 288
Maritime Code 75, 77, Commercial Law
Márko (Pitsipiós) Pasha (doctor) 194
Marseilles 172
Marx, Karl 165–6
Marxism 9, 14
Mary de Teck (Mary of Teck, queen-consort of king George V) 176
Masheva, Ivelina 22, 297, 380, 413
Mecca (Mekke) 166, 254
Meclis-i Âli-i Tanzimat (Tanzimat Council) 70, 353, 357–60, 365–6, 369, 388
Meclis-i Ticâret ve Ziraat (Council of Trade and Agriculture) 310
Meclis-i Vâlâ-yı Ahkâm-ı Adliye (Supreme Council of Judicial Ordinances) 284–7, 326–8, 330, 332–3, 335, 343, 388
medical doctors 20, 126, 194, 210–11, 216, 219, 225–6, 228–38, 240–1, 392
Medina 199, 254
Megálī tou Génous Scholī́ (Great School of the Nation) 210, 218
Mehmed V Reşad 163, 166, 173, 197
Mehmed VI Vahideddin 163, 173, 197
Mehmed Abdülkadir Efendi 197
Mehmed Abdülhalim Efendi 197
Mehmed Ali Pasha (serasker) 41, 45–6
Mehmed Ali Pasha, see Detroit, Ludwig Karl Friedrich
Mehmed Ali Tevfik 261
Mehmed Burhaneddin Efendi (son of Abdülmecid) 197
Mehmed Burhaneddin Efendi (son of Abdülhamid II) 197
Mehmed Cemaleddin Efendi 197
Mehmed Emin Âli Pasha 70–1, 75–6, 86, 182, 346, 358–60, 367, 389
Mehmed Fuad Bey 370
Mehmed Fuad Pasha, see Keçecizade Mehmed Fuad Pasha
Mehmed Hilmi Bey, see Luboradzki, Jan
Mehmed Kabuli Pasha 75–6
Mehmed Nâzım 108–9
Mehmed Raşid Pasha 325, 346
Mehmed Sadık, see Czajkowski, Mihał (Sadık Pasha)
Mehmed Sadık Rifat Pasha 36, 326–7
Mehmed Selahaddin Efendi (Selahaddin Efendi) 20, 173, 187–99, 201
Mehmed Selim Efendi 173, 197, 411
Mehmed Seyfeddin Efendi 197
Mehmed Süreyya 96
Mehmed Şerafeddin Efendi 197
Mehmed Şevket Efendi 197–8
Mehmed Tahir Münif Pasha 85
Mehmed Vedat [Tek] 162
Mehmed Ziyaeddin Efendi 197
Mehmet Emin, see Mehmet Emin Tevfik [Yurdakul]
Mehmet Emin Tevfik [Yurdakul] 253–4
Meissner, Josef 378
Mekteb-i Fünûn-i Mülkiye (School of Civil Administration) 85, 98, 100, 102–3, 111
Mekteb-i Harbiye (Military Academy) 191
Mekteb-i Hukûk (Law School) 93–4, 98, 101–2, 104, 106–12
Mekteb-i Μülkiye, see Mekteb-i Fünûn-i Mülkiye
Mekteb-i Sultânî (Imperial Lycée of Galatasaray) 210, 213–15, 217–18
Mekteb-i Tıbbiye-i Şahane (Imperial Medical School) 166, 210, 213–15, 217–18
Melnik see Menlik
menâfi umumiye sandıkları (‘public benefit’ funds) 22, 295–316, 336, 347, 390–1, credit institutions, Rochdale Pioneers
Menlik (nowadays Melnik) 337–8
Merck, Carl Hermann 72
Meyerbeer, Giacomo 166
Middle East, see East
Midhat Pasha, see Ahmed Şefik Midhat Pasha
Midilli Island (nowadays Lésvos) 304
Mihayilova-Mrăvkarova, Mariya 376
Mihran Duz Bey (Mihran Düz Bey) 389
Miladinova-Aleksieva, Tsarevna 378
Military Academy, see Mekteb-i Harbiye
military exemption tax, see bedel-i askerî
millet system 73
Protestant millet 73
Ministry of Commerce, see Ticâret Nezâreti
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, see Hâriciye Nezâreti
Ministry of Interior, see Dahiliye Nezâreti
Ministry of Trade and Public Works, see Ticâret ve Nâfia Nezâreti
modernization (theory), modernity 5–7, 118–20, 140–2, secularization, industrialization, urbanization
alternative modernities 142
arrested modernization 155
centre-periphery theory 9, 145
classical modernization theory 5, 8, 119
de-Ottomanization 15–16, 121
defensive modernization 71
domesticating modernity 6
Euro-centrism 6, orientalism
Europeanization 6, 94, 121, 142, 261
multiple modernities 6, 142
split-up modernization 11
translational histories 5–6
urbanization 140, 145
Westernization 5–6, 10, 12, 16, 19–20, 60, 77, 121, 262, 264–5, 272
world-system theory 8–9
Moesia 59
monogamy, see polygamy
Mordtmann, Andreas David 18, 67–87, 100, 103, 111, 210, 390
Moscow 40, 236
Mostar 57, 342
Mount Lebanon (Cebel-i Lübnan) 345
Mount Uhud 254
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 175–6
Mudanya 328
Muhammad, the Prophet 254
Mukden 261
Münif Pasha 85, 107, 109–10
Murad V 20, 163, 166–8, 173–88, 190–1, 193–4, 197–8, 200–1
Murad Bey, see Bem, Józef
Murad Bey, see Wierzbicki, Tomasz
Murad Efendi, see Murad V
Mustafa III 197
Mustafa IV 163, 197
Mustafa Fazıl Pasha of Egypt 84, 182
Mustafa İzzet Efendi 165
Mustafa Reşid Pasha, see Koca Mustafa Reşid Pasha
Mütercim Asım Efendi 107
Mutkurov, Sava 215
Nachev, Ivaylo 19, 378, 413
Nâfia Komisyonu (Commission of Public Works) 340
Namık Kemal 82–4, 162, 182–3
Napoleon III 168, 179–82, 200
Nastev, Georgi (doctor) 240
National Revival period 13–14, 129, 155, 215–17
National Library and Museum, see Bulgaria(n)
Nâzım Hikmet 94
Nazime Sultan (daughter of Sultan Abdülaziz) 164
Netherlands 303
Nekrasov, Ignat 43, Nekrassovites, Old Believers, Don Cossacks
Nekrasovites (Nekrassov Cossacks) 43–4, 48–9, 52, Old Believers
Neretva River 342
Neşet Efendi 99
Neuendorf, Caroline Wilhelmine Maria Christine 96
Neuendorf, Friedrich Carl Daniel 96
Allgemeine Zeitung 76–7, 81, 83–4
Bălgarska pchela 378
Ethnikī́ 79
ʿİbret80, 82–4, 86, Young Ottomans
Journal de Constantinople 167
Journal de Francfort 167
Journal des débats 165
Karagöz 258, 264
L’Illustration 165–6, 177, 179
Le Monde illustré 169
Moniteur universel 171
Nezavisimost 379
Opinion du Midi 179
Otechestvo 236–7
Phare du Bosphore 67–8, 77–86, Mordtmann, Andreas David
Pravo 81, 379
Sémaphore 172
Slavyanin 131
Stupan 310
Takvim-i Vekayi 165, 342, 344
Talebe Defteri 265
Tanin 260
Tercüman-ı Hakikat 108–10
Tsarigradski vestnik 44, 354
Tuna/Dunav 298, 308–11, 313–15, 340–1
Turtsiya 81
Uchitelski glas 235
Wiadomości Polskie 50
Nezir-Akmeşe, Handan 262
Niğbolu (nowadays Nikopol) 314, 338–9
Nikon, Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus’ 40
Nikopol, see Niğbolu
Niş (nowadays Niš) 57, 280, 299–301, 304–5, 324, 330–8, 340–1, 343, 346, 390–1
Niş Eyalet 300, 304
nizam-ı cedid 4
Nizâmiye courts 15, 100–2, kadi courts
North Macedonia 305, Macedonia
Norwich 99
November Uprising 35, 42–3
Novi Pazar, see Yeni Pazar
Numune Çiftliği (nowadays Obraztsov Chiflik) 314
Nureddin Fikri 258
Nuremberg 179
Obraztsov Chiflik, see Numune Çiftliği
Ohri (nowadays Ohrid) 226
Olˊkhin, Aleksandr 383
Old Believers 40, 42–3, 48, 52, Nekrasovites
Olive, François-Gustave 388
Ömer Faruk Efendi 197
Ömer Hilmi Efendi 197
Ömer Pasha Latas (Ömer Lütfi Pasha) 46–7
Ömer Seyfettin 260
orchestras and choirs 58–9, 214–5, 374–6
Order of the Mecidiye 98
Orhaniye (nowadays Botevgrad) 337–8
orientalism and orientalist stereotypes 6–8, 86, 127, 131, 162, 175, 179, 192, 264, 272, 334–5, 341, 255–6, 257–8, modernization (Euro-centrism), Mordtmann, Andreas David, Jireček, Konstantin, Kanitz, Felix
orphan estates, see eytam emval
orphan funds, see eytam sandığı
Ortaylı, İlber 11
Osman III 197
Osman Hamdi Bey 162
Pacific Ocean 253
Palairet, Michael 15, 145–6, 154
Palestine 346
Pan-Islamism 77, 83
Pan-Slavism 81, Slavophilism, Turko-Slavism
Pan-Turkism 253–4, Turkophilism, Turkish Nationalism, Turko-Slavism
Paparrīgópoulos, Kōnstantínos 79
Paris 33, 35–6, 38, 52, 82–3, 96, 99, 104–5, 140, 173, 175, 179, 182, 232, 234, 254, 300, 346
Théâtre des Fantaisies-Parisiennes 175–6
Paris Commune 82–3, 213
Parusheva, Dobrinka 19–20, 139, 413
Pazardzhik, see Tatarpazarcığı
Pensionnat Notre-dame de Sion 210
Petronijevic, Avram 147
Petrov, Milen 299
pharmacists and pharmacies 43, 234, 236, 239–40
Philanthropic Association for the Benefit of Muslim Refugees from Rumelia 249
physicians, see medical doctors
Piotrowski, Ludwik 45
Pirot, see Şehirköy
Plato 132
Plevna (nowadays Pleven) 314, 338–9
Plovdiv, see Filibe
Poland 14, 35, 52
Congress Poland 35
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 35, 42
Poles, see Hungarian and Polish refugees
poll tax, see cizye
Polonezköy, see Adampol
polygamy 168–69, 171–2, 179, 196–9, 201
seraglio 166, 169, 170–2, 179
Port Arthur 261
ports, see harbours and ports
Posno, Bernard Joseph 353, 362, 366–7, 386–8, 393
posts and postal services 75, 327–8, 334–5, stagecoach services
Imperial Post Office 328
menzil 335
Pradier-Fodéré, Paul 104
Prague 122, 126, 131, 383
Principality of Bulgaria, see Bulgaria
Prizren Eyalet 305
Prosveshtenie (Enlightenment; a Bulgarian charity association) 214
protégés 75–6, 103, 111
foreign 275–7, 281–2, 285, beratlı merchants
Protestantism and Protestants 73, 207–11
Protestant millet 73
Provisional Russian Administration 123, Russo-Turkish War (1877–8)
Proykova, Donka 239
Prussia, see Germany
Prussian Academy of Sciences 99
Prusyalı Emin Efendi, see Schulz, Joachim Christian Franz
Prut River 52
Przewłocki, Klemens 42, 50
‘public benefit’ funds, see menâfi umumiye sandıkları
Pundev, Mihail 230
purges 76–7, 127–8, 131
Quataert, Donald 9
Rachev, Andrey 392
Rachev, Matyu (Rachov/Rachuv, Mato/Matey) 355, 365, 372–3, 376–7, 383–4, 392
Rachev, Racho (doctor) 392
Rachev, Zlatko (Zlatan) 392
Râif Necdet [Kastelli] 251–2, 257
Raiffeisen, Friedrich 300, 303, 313, 316
Railways 70, 132, 146, 148–50, 152, 154, 177, 323, 327, 336–8, 340
Baghdad–Kerbela railway 348–9
Balkan railways 149–50
Berlin–Bagdad railway 149
Constantinople (Istanbul)–Belovo track 149
Danube and Black Sea railway (Boğazköy–Köstence railway) 337, 356, 361–2, 366, 368–9, 371–2, 382
Eastern Railway Company (Bulgaria) 149
Edirne/Adrianople railway 368
Filibe–Edirne–Tekirdağ railway 344
Imperial Ottoman (Medjidieh) Railway 356, 359–61, 363, 369, 390
Kaspican–Şumnu track 314
Oriental Railways 149
Plevna–Niğbolu railway 314, 339
Rusçuk and Varna railway 22, 304, 336–9, 344, 353–93
Vienna–Constantinople (Istanbul) railway 149
Ránki, György 9
Rashov, Matey 45
Rasova 356
Redhouse, James 97
Refia Sultan (daughter of Abdülmecid) 164
Resne (nowadays Resen) 233
Reşid Pasha, see Koca Mustafa Reşid Pasha
Revival Period, see National Revival Period
Riedler, Florian 22, 149, 299, 304, 314, 391, 413
Rifat Bey, see Kâni Paşazâde Rifat Bey
Rifat Pasha, see Mehmed Sadık Rifat Pasha
Rıza Pasha, see Hasan Rıza Pasha
Rizov, Sazdo 240
roads 22, 152, 313–15, 323–49, stagecoach service, railways
Robert College iv, 210–6, 218–21
Engineering School 216
Robespierre, Maximilien 76
Rochdale Pioneers 302–3, credit institutions, menâfi umumiye sandıkları (‘public benefit’ funds)
Romania 19, 129, 144, 147, 149–50, 156, 213, 239, 305
Wallachia 359, 373
Rome 35
Różycki, Karol 41–2
Rubin, Avi 15, 101, 272, 274
Rumenov, Vladimir (doctor) 232, 235–7, 240
Rusçuk (nowadays Ruse) 22, 288, 299, 305, 314–15, 335–9, 344, 353–93
Ruse 131, 392
Russia (Russian Empire) 33, 35, 37, 40, 53, 79, 118, 184, 238, 256, 260, 265, 303, 336, 356, 380
Russian Orthodox Church 40
Russo-Japanese War of 1904–5 259, 261
Russo-Turkish wars 40, 256
1787–91 380
1828–9 40
1853–6 (Crimean War) 22, 33, 40, 43, 45, 49–53, 56, 59–61, 81, 143, 147–8, 173, 215, 285, 329, 337, 344–5, 356–7, 373
1877–8 55, 59, 102, 117, 123, 129–30, 152, 184, 215, 315, Congress of Berlin, Bulgarian Liberation
Sabev, Orlin 20, 374, 414
Sadık Mehmed Pasha (Karavezir) 105–6
Sadık Pasha, see Czajkowski, Mihał (Mehmed Sadık)
Sadık Pasha, see Sadık Mehmed Pasha (Karavezir)
Sadık Rifat Pasha, see Mehmed Sadık Rifat Pasha
Sadullah Bey 183
Sáfrány, Mihály 373–5
Safvet Efendi 165
Saida, see Sayda
Salonica (nowadays Thessaloniki) 20, 57, 225–41, 246, 262, 283, 338
Boulevard Hamidie 240
British hospital 227
Bulgarian boarding houses and schools 20, 225, 228–35, 238–9, education
Bulgarian hospital 227, 236, 239–40
hospital of the Order of Saint Lazarus 227
Italian hospital 227
Jewish Baron de Hirsch hospital 227, Jews
Kolombo Street 239
Ottoman municipal hospital 227
Pyrgi neighbourhood 237
Russian hospital 227
Salonica province 332
Solun 226
St. Athanasius neighbourhood 232
Turkish school 240
White Tower 227
Samakov (nowadays Samokov) 337–8
Samartsídīs, Christóforos 78–9
Sami Pasha 312
Samokov, see Samakov
Sarafov, Mihail 128
Saraybosna (nowadays Sarajevo) 57, 342
Sarrafyan, Alexander 82
Savov, Sava (Hadzhi Sava) 380–1, 384
Savov, Sava Panayotov 392
Sayda (Sidon, nowadays Saida) 346
Province of Sayda 346
Sazlıbosna 44
Scalieri, Cleanthi (Kleánthīs Skaliérīs) 182, 188–9
Schivelbusch, Wolfgang 249–50, 254, Culture of Defeat
School of Civil Administration, see Mekteb-i Fünûn-i Mülkiye
School of Theology, see Theologikī́ Scholī́ tīs Chálkīs
Schulz, Friedrich (Fritz) Marcus Nicolaus 96, 99, 101–2
Schulz, Joachim Christian Franz (Prusyalı Emin Efendi) 18, 93–113
Schulz, Joachim Friedrich 96
Schulz, Joachim Friedrich Herrmann 96
Schulz, Joachim Hermann 96
Schulz, Katharina Sophie Dorothea 96
Schulz, Maria Catharina Dorothea 96
Schulz, Ulrike Sophie (née Bernien) 96
Schulze-Delitzsch, Hermann 302–3
Schumpeter, Joseph 141, 146
Schwerin 99
Second Constitutional Period 245, 250, 253, 261–2, First Constitutional Period, Hamidian era, Young Turks
Second World War 156
secularism, secularization 8, 12, 15, 95, 100, 261, 274
Selahaddin Efendi, see Mehmed Selahaddin Efendi
Selanik, see Salonica
Selânikli Fatma İclâl 262–3
selem (‘sell green’, na zeleno) 280–1, 297
Selim III 4, 163, 180, 197
Selim Süleyman 197
Seliminski, Ivan 381
Seniha Sultan (daughter of Sultan Abdülmecid) 187
seraglio, see polygamy
Serbia (Serbian Principality) 19, 143–4, 146–7, 149–51, 154, 282, 305, 333, 335, 338, 343, 346
Serdica, see Sofia
Seropian, Stepan (Stepan Bej) 73
Seyyid Bey 183
Shakespeare, William 217
Shapkarev, Kuzman 226–8, 230
Shavkulov, Nikola 240
Shaw, Ezel Kural 8
Shaw, Stanford 8, 11
Shopov, Atanas 226
Shumen, see Şumnu
Shumla, see Şumnu
Siberia 254
Silistre (nowadays Silistra) 49, 331, 337–8, 356, 368, 376, 382–4
Skaliérīs, Kleánthīs, see Scalieri, Cleanthi
slavery 169, 171, 194–6, 198–9, 201, 257, 261
Slaveykov, Ivan 221
Slavophilism 35, 39, Slavs, Pan-Slavism, Turko-Slavism
Slavs 34, 36, 40, 42, 44, 55, 57, 81, 118, 122, 227, 257, 334, 371, 393, Slavophilism, Pan-Slavism
Sliven, see İslimiye
Slivensko vinarsko druzhestvo (İslimiye şarap kumpanyası/ İslimiye Wine Company), see factories
Smyadovo 381
Smyrna, see İzmir
socialism 14, 82, 85, communism
Société Belge de bateaux à vapeur entre la Belgique et l’Amérique du Sud, see ships and water transport
Société de bateaux à vapeur entre la Belgique et le Levant, see ships and water transport
Sofia 126–7, 129–30, 132–3, 152, 228, 234, 239, 284–5, 286, 289–90, 305, 331–8, 344
Serdica 132
Sofia University 209, 239
Sofia Vilayet 305, Tuna Vilayeti
Sofiya (daughter of Hadzhi Sava) 381
Sokulski, Franciszek 374
Solun, see Salonica
Spain 145, 253
Spanish-American War of 1898 253
Spithead 177
Springtime of the Peoples 42, 73, 84, 94, 374, Hungarian and Polish refugees
Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence 42, 94, 374–5
Sprostranov, Evtim 229
St. Stephen Church 213
stagecoach service 304, 324, 327–8, 335–6, 345, 388, 390–1, roads, railways, tramways, posts and postal services
Stalinism 14
Stambolski, Hristo (doctor) 210
Stara Zagora, see Eski Zaara
State Council, see Şûrâ-yı Devlet
Staynova, Mihaila 376
steam ships and water transport 75, 220, 327, 337, 348, 365, ports and harbours, Maritime Code, L’Indemnité, compagnie d’assurances maritimes
Donau-Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft (DDSG) 339–40
İdare-i Nehriye 339
Société Belge de bateaux à vapeur entre la Belgique et l’Amérique du Sud 386
Société de bateaux à vapeur entre la Belgique et le Levant 386–7
Stepan Bej, see Seropian, Stepan
Stoilov, Konstantin 128, 221
Stoyanov, Anastas, see Stoyanovich, Anastas (Hadzhi Anastas, Anastas corbacı)
Stoyanov, Anastas Andreev 214–5, 371, 374, 392
Stoyanov, Bozhan 392
Stoyanov, Dimităr, see Stoyanovich, Dimităr (Dimcho, Dimo)
Stoyanov, Hadzhi Mano 284
Stoyanov, Ivan 392
Stoyanov, Nikola 229
Stoyanov, Vasil 378, 383, 388
Stoyanovich, Anastas (Hadzhi Anastas, Anastas corbacı) 215, 353, 355, 365, 367, 369, 371–84, 391–3
Stoyanovich, Andrey 373–4
Stoyanovich, Dimităr (Dimcho, Dimo) 353, 355, 365, 367, 369, 372–84, 391–3
Sts Cyril and Methodius 213
student societies 20, 207, 212–15, 217, education
Bratstvo (Brotherhood) 213
Istina (Truth) 213
Stupin, Nikolaĭ 286
Sugar, Peter 10
Süleyman I (Süleyman the Magnificent) 172
Süleyman Hüsnü Pasha 184
Supreme Council, see Meclis-i Vâlâ-yı Ahkâm-ı Adliye
Supreme Council of Judicial Ordinances, see Meclis-i Vâlâ-yı Ahkâm-ı Adliye
Sur (Tyre) 346
Surudzhiev, Spiro 240
Sveto Văznesenie (Holy Ascension) church 381
Switzerland 103, 215
Sýllogos, see Ellīnikós Filologikós Sýllogos Kōnstantinoupóleos
Syria (Province) 323, 325, 342, 344–7
Šafárik, Pavel 122
Štip, see İştip
Şahin Pasha, see Breański, Feliks
Şakir Pasha 388
Şehirköy (nowadays Pirot) 302, 332, 337
Şeriat courts, see kadi courts
Şevki Bey 94, 109–10
Şumnu (nowadays Shumen) 22, 43, 46–9, 215, 314, 337–8, 353–4, 356, 361–8, 370–92
Shumen 355
Şûrâ-yı Devlet (State Council) 107
Ta’if 300
Tait Slys, Maria 72
Tanrı (Tengri) 254
Tanzimat 3, 4, 7, 10–13, 15, 17, 22, 33–4, 41, 47, 52, 56, 59–60, 67–9, 70, 72–3, 75, 77, 85–6, 93, 95, 100–2, 111, 142–3, 161, 186, 195, 201, 255, 261, 271–5, 277–8, 289–90, 295–9, 323–4, 325–31, 334, 341–3, 346–7, 353, 362, 368, 389
Gülhane Hatt-ı Şerifι (Tanzimat Edict of 1839/Gülhane Rescript/Reform Edict of 1839/Ottoman reform act) 12, 142–3, 200, 273, 278
Islahat Hatt-ı Hümayunu (Imperial Reform Edict of 1856) 18, 60–1, 73,210
Tanzimat Council, see Meclis-i Âli-i Tanzimat
Tanzimat Edict of 1839, see Tanzimat
Tăpchileshtov family 216
Tăpchileshtov, Hristo 282, 288–9, 380
Tǎrnovo Constitution 124, 132, Bulgaria
suspension 127–8
Tatarchev, Hristo (doctor) 232–4
Tatarpazarcığı (nowadays Pazardzhik) 332–3, 338, 344
Tatars 49, 334
tax farming 16, 308, 373, 379, 386, 391
iltizâm 307–8, 382
Tedeschi, Jacques 388
tekâlîf-i örfiye 50
Tekirdağ 338, 344
telegraphs 141, 147, 152, 323, 343
Tenchov, Hristo (doctor) 231–2, 234, 240
Tenchov, Ivan 234, 236, 240
Tenchov, Kiril (Kiro) 234, 236, 240
Tercüme Odası see Bâb-ı Âli Tercüme Odası
Tevfik, Ebüzziya 83
The Interest Company, see Kompaniya lihvena
The Long Depression 147, 151–2
theatre 20, 207, 212, 215, 217, 248
Her Majesty’s Theatre, London 176
Naum Theatre, Constantinople 166–7
shadow theatre 258
Şumnu theatre 374, 377
Theologikī́ Scholī́ tīs Chálkīs (School of Theology) 210, 218
Thessaloniki, see Salonica
Thessaly 53, 57
Thrace 59
Ticâret Maḥkemesi, see commercial courts
Ticâret Meclisi (Trade Council) 68–70, 72, 74, 80, 86, 278, Mordtmann, Andreas David
Ticâret Nezâreti (Ministry of Commerce) 76, 278, 284, 286–9
Ticâret ve Nâfia Nezâreti (Ministry of Trade and Public Works) 348
Tigris River 348
Tırnova (nowadays Veliko Tărnovo) 57, 283–4, 336–8, 380–1
Titov, Vladimir 37
Todev, Iliya 13–14
Todorov, Anastas 284
Todorova, Maria 4, 302
Tokat 13
Topal Osman Pasha 325, 342
Towarzystwo Demokratyczne Polskie (Polish Democratic Society) 44
Trablusşam, see Tripoli
Trabzon 328–9, 345
Trade Council, see Ticâret Meclisi
trains, see railways
tramways 152, 348, railways
Trăn, see İznebol
Translation Office of the Sublime Porte, see Bâb-ı Âli Tercüme Odası
Treaty of Paris (1856) 52, Russo-Turkish War (1853–6)
Tretˊe otdelenie Sobstvennoǐ Ego Imperatorskogo Velichestva kant͡seli͡arii (Third Section of His Imperial Majesty’s Own Chancellery, Russian secret police) 37–8
Tripoli (Trablusşam) 346
Tripoli Province (Tripolitania, Trablusgarb) 167, 342, 344–5
Tsushima 261
Tüccarzâde İbrahim Hilmi [Çığıraçan] 245–7
Tulça (nowadays Tulcea) 43, 48, 305, 346
Tuna Vilayeti (Danube Vilayet/Province) 22, 211, 295, 298–300, 304–6, 308–311, 313–15, 323–4, 331, 335–42, 344, 347–8, 384, Niş Eyalet, Sofia Vilayet, Law of Provincial Administration of 1864
Ottoman Bulgaria 366
Tunis 102
Tunuslu Hayreddin Pasha 183
Turan, Pan-Turkism 254
Türk Ocağı (The Turkish Hearth) association 253, see Pan-Turkism
Turkestan 265
Turko-Slavism 40, Pan-Slavism, Slavophilism, Pan-Turkism, Turkophilism
Turkish Republic 207, 216, 248, 261–2, 264, 316
Turkish nationalism 162, 260, Pan-Turkism
Turkish women’s liberation movement 103
Turkophilism 39, Pan-Turkism, Turko-Slavism
ulema 15, 273, 281, 286, 299
Union of the Bulgarian Constitutional Clubs 235
University of Prague 122
University of Rostock 99
USA, see America
Vălkovich, Georgi (doctor) 210
Van Vlissingen & Dudok Van Heel, see factories
Varna 22, 43, 127, 287–8, 295, 304–5, 315, 336–9, 344, 353–93
Varna–Devnya canal, see Devna lake
Vasfıcihan 199
Vedat [Tek], see Mehmed Vedat [Tek]
Veles, see Köprülü
Veliko Tărnovo, see Tırnova
Veneamin, Bishop of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of the Varna and Preslav Diocese 373
Verdi, Giuseppe 166
Verne, Jules 217
Versailles 82
Versmann, Johannes 99
Vezenkov, Alexander 13–14
Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Empress of India 175–6
Vidin 42–3, 280–1, 299, 305, 331, 333–9, 346, 390–1
Vienna 56, 122–3, 126, 130, 149, 167, 173, 254, 300, 326, 340, 346, 382
Vilayet Law, see Law of Provincial Administration of 1864
vilayet-i cezayir-i bahri-sefid (Archipelago vilayet) 105
Vitoshanska, Maria 301
Vlorë, see Avlonya
Volhynia 35
Völker, Tobias 18–19, 127, 210, 390, 414
Voltaire 192–4
von Benkendorf, Alexander 37
von der Goltz, Colmar 260
von der Goltz, Robert 72–4
von Flotow, Friedrich 176
von Metternich, Klemens 326
von Prokesch-Osten, Anton 359–60
Voynikov, Dobri 373
Vranje, see İvranya
Vyara, Nadezhda i Lyubov (Faith, Hope, and Love) female charity 240
Wales 145
Wallachia, see Romania
Wallerstein, Immanuel 8
War Academy 260
Warsaw 35
Washburn, George 212
West 5–10, 12, 18, 20–2, 67, 71, 83, 85, 93, 111, 119, 133, 142, 167–8, 172–7, 179–82, 190, 192, 194–6, 200–1, 217, 255–63, 265, 272, 274, 276, 296, 298, 316, 354, 386, 389–90, Western Europe, Westernization, modernization
Wielka Emigracja (Great Emigration) 35, Hôtel Lambert
Wierzbicki, Tomasz (Murad Bey) 43, 45, 60
Wilson, Thomas 362
Wodehouse, John 172
Woolwich 177
Worcester, Massachusetts 211
Woronicz-Werner, Janusz 43, 48, 60
Wysocki, Józef 41
Yanya (nowadays Ioannina) 57, 260
Yeni Pazar (nowadays Novi Pazar) 57
Yorgiyadis, Aristidi, see Geōrgiadīs, Aristeídīs 108–9
Young Ottomans 67, 77–8, 80, 82–6, 161–2, 175, 182, 200, ʿİbret Newspaper
Young Turks 4, 161–2, 165, 186, 187, 236, 331, Second Constitutional Period
Yusuf İzzeddin Efendi 168, 170, 172–6, 186, 197
Zamoyski, Władysław 41, 45
Zarifi, George (Zarífīs, Geṓrgios) 389
Zavoev, Petăr 228
Zhelyazkov, Dobri 147, factories
Zheravna, see Başköy
Ziya Bey 182
Ziya Pasha 183
Zeyl-i ḳânûn-i ticâret (Appendix to the Ottoman Commercial Code) 69, 75, 278, 283, 288, Commercial Law
Zlatanov, Aleksandar 18, 370–1, 375, 385, 414
Zlatev, G. (merchant) 240
Zoeros Pasha, see Kurtovich, Aleksandăr
Zōgráfos, Chrīstákīs 182
Zurich 233
Zwierkowski, Ludwik 60
Żukowski, Józef 43, 48, 60
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Transforming Southeast Europe During the Long 19th Century

Persons and Personalities as Agents of Modernization in the Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Space

Series:  Balkan Studies Library, Volume: 35


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