
adaptation/adaptability XV, XVIII, 102, 154–158, 171, 186, 190 Auschwitz/Auschwitz-Birkenau, camps, endurance, liminal situation/experience, needs, prisoners, resitance, strenght, survival/survivor, victims
aesthetics 113, 253–254, 256 art, realism, seeing (theory of.), Surrealism/surrealist
Amsterdamski, Stefan 8, 35, 41
Anderson, Perry 279
animal/s XXIII, 52, 56, 152, 154, 234–235, 243, 261, 263–266 meat, slaughter
Annales 36–37
Ansart, Pierre 34, 39
anthropology 22–23, 28, 36, 59, 85, 222, 227–228
structural a. 34, 37, 73, 107
anxiety XXIII, 43, 184, 186 emotions/emotional, fear
architecture/architectural XXII, 42, 62, 99, 101, 243, 245 open form/closed form
Aristotle 11–12, 29
art XII–XIV, XXI–XXIII, 3, 12, 21, 28–29, 38, 48, 62, 68, 77, 90, 92, 98, 100–101, 108–115, 139, 162–163, 167, 173, 195, 199, 208, 210, 212, 217, 222, 234, 239, 241, 243–250, 255–260
Antiart 247
Cubism/cubist 245–246
Conceptual Art 249–250
Constructivism/constructivist 246, 302
contemporary a. XIII, 247, 249, 259
environment a. 249
Expressionism/expressionist 245–246
happening 249
Informel 110, 248
modern a. 111
Op Art 248
organic a. 260
readymade 111, 247–250
Pop Art 112, 249–250
socialist realism XXII, 111, 300
Assorodobraj-Kula, Nina XIII, 68, 85
Auschwitz/Auschwitz Birkenau IX, XIV–XV, XVIII–XX, 148, 153, 155, 161, 165, 167, 169–170, 174, 177–178, 182–183 adaptation, camp/s, extermination, Holocaust, Jews, Nazism, prisoners, violence, war, witness
authority 26–27, 29, 33, 39–40, 42, 49, 139–141, 159–160, 216, 284 Communism/Communist, institution, justice, newspeak, politics/political, power, propaganda, strength, structure, terror, torture, totalitarianism, violence
autonomy/autonomous 2, 9–10, 14, 17, 39, 79, 112–114, 129–130, 299
a. of art 113–114
a. of science 17
freedom, independence, individuality
Bacon, Francis 11
Baczko, Bronisław VII, XI–XIII, 21, 30
Balandier, Georges 28
Barlett, Frederic C. 74
Benjamin, Walter 209
Berger, Peter. L. 41
Białoszewski, Miron 165, 174, 175
Bloch, Marc 24, 29, 63, 68, 70, 87, 100
Boas, George 67
body XXII, XXIII, 24, 52, 57, 62, 66, 72, 144, 147, 152, 158, 188, 197, 199, 262, 264, 266, 268–273, 276, 284–285
carcass 264, 266
flesh 265–267, 272
gestures, labour, meat, torture
Borowski, Tadeusz 163–164, 168, 170, 174, 178–179, 180
Bourdieu, Pierre 40
Boyle, Robert 8
Breton, André 236, 240, 241, 247, 256
Butterfield, Herbert 6
c. autism 185–186, 190
concentration/death c. XV, XVII–XVIII, 142, 152–153, 158, 160, 165, 178, 182–192
c. disease 184–185
c. syndrome 184–185, 192
excluded world XVI, XIX, 162–164, 166, 168
heaven of the c. XVI, XX, 183, 186–187
hell of the c. XVI, XX, 183, 186, 192
adaptation, Auschwitz/Auschwitz-Birkenau, death, experience, extermination, genocide, ghetto, Holocaust, Jews, K-Z syndrome, labour, life, liminal situation/experience, Muselmann, Nazism, needs, prisoners, resistance, survival/survivors, terror, testimony, trauma, victims, violence, war, witness
Carnap, Rudolf 17
Castoriadis, Cornelius 40
catastrophe IX–X, 222, 243 crisis, genocide, Holocaust, liminal situation/experience, trauma, war
censorship 43, 118, 219, 285–286 newspeak, propaganda, totalitarianism
Christian/Christianity XVI, 5, 24, 106, 138, 149–150, 193, 198–199, 201, 203–204, 208 ethics, faith, religion
civilisation 6, 35, 85, 88, 93, 168, 179, 217, 227, 233, 239–240, 242, 250 culture, history
class 27, 30–32, 45, 71–72, 85, 90–92, 95, 98–99, 101–103, 106, 125–127, 149, 157, 252, 258
c. conflict/struggle 30, 34, 254
economic/s, ideology, labour, Marxism, proletariat, revolution, society, structure, worker/s
Cohn, Bernard S. 72
communication XVI, XIX, XXIII, 8, 44, 69, 117, 131, 164, 222–223, 233, 235, 238–240, 243–244, 246, 249–250
mass c. 29, 43
information, language, system
Communism/Communist XIV, 25, 32, 116, 127–128, 149, 169, 197, 285 authority, newspeak, power, torture, totalitarianism, violence
community 28, 32, 39, 40, 67, 69, 77, 82, 139–140, 145–146, 154, 177, 187, 201–202, 264–268, 272
academic/scientific c. XIV–XV, XVII–XVIII, 17, 49
dignity, fraternity, society, solidarity
consciousness 13, 38, 85, 91, 93–95, 97–98, 104–105, 110, 117, 131, 165, 169, 171, 172, 175–178, 187–189, 199, 210, 212, 282–285
collective c. 32, 75
false c. 18
historical c. 68
national c. 88, 93, 98, 102, 128
self-consciousness 85, 90–91
social c. 81–83, 88–92, 94, 96–103, 107, 117, 122, 131, 171, 181
visual c. 252–258
history, memory
consumption 65, 114, 265, 268, 272 meat
Copernicus, Nicolaus 8, 12, 277
crisis IX, 5, 18, 40, 125, 209, 279 catastrophe, time
critique 10, 15, 31, 112, 174, 207
culture X–XIII, 3, 5–6, 13, 16, 34–35, 37, 39, 42–45, 58–68, 71–77, 79, 82, 86–87, 94, 96, 98, 100–103, 106–115, 132, 139, 145, 157, 162, 170, 175, 177, 179, 208, 211, 212, 220, 221, 227, 229, 242, 243
cultural construction 88
cultural fact 10
cultural politics XIV, 108–113
folk c. 71, 208
material c. XI, 59–60
national c. 71
popular/ mass c. 43, 112–113, 133, 211–212, 221
civilization, life, society, values
Czarnowski, Stefan X, 68, 73, 74, 87, 107
Dawson, Christopher 68
death XXII, 5–6, 95, 128, 137–138, 142, 148, 150, 153, 157–158, 162, 164, 167, 174–175, 186–189, 191, 199–201, 210, 222, 224, 226, 263, 265, 273 body, camp/s, extermination, ghetto, genocide, Holocaust, life
decolonisation 35
deformation 46, 175, 256, 281
delusion 214, 216, 219, 221, 228, 263 dreams, imaginarium/imaginary, imagination, irrational, phantasm, utopia, vision
Descartes, René 8, 11
Desroches, Henri 41
de Saussure, Ferdinand 63
destiny 139–140, 147, 243, 271
dignity XVII, 137, 139–140, 143–146, 150, 174, 178, 183 ethics, fraternity, humanity, humiliation, morality, responsibility, values
discourse XIV, XXI, 21–23, 28, 34–35, 36, 42–43, 127, 172, 177, 222 language
Dobrowolski, Kazimierz 68, 75–76
doctrine 48, 85–87, 89–91, 100–101, 103–107, 110, 140, 236, 245, 247, 250
Domenach, Jean Marie 44
Dommanget, Maurice 25
dreams 21, 23, 31, 42, 158, 164, 199, 208, 210, 212, 214–216, 218, 221, 224, 234, 242, 269 delusion, future, hope, image/s, imaginarium/imaginary imagination, irrational, phantasm, utopia, vision
Duchamp, Marcel 247–248
Dufrenne, Mikel 68, 75
Dumézil, Georges 37
Dumont, Louis 38
Dunin-Wąsowicz, Krzysztof 172
Durand, Gilbert 208
Durkheim, Emil 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 68, 75, 85, 103
economic/s 9, 17, 23, 31, 33, 35–36, 45, 47–48, 59, 66, 75, 79, 87, 125, 149, 168, 201, 243, 279–280, 282 class, labour, Marxism, materialism, proletariat
Eliot, Thomas Stearns 78
Ellul, Jacques 29, 44
emblems XII, 24–27, 114 image/s, semiophores, symbol
emotions/emotional 42, 50, 56, 67, 77–78, 88, 90, 95, 99, 102, 153, 158, 166–167, 169, 174, 177, 188, 193, 213, 222, 246, 259–260 anxiety, fear, guilt, life, shame
empathy/empathize 171, 183, 185 ethics, fraternity, morality, solidarity, values
endurance 153–155 adaptation, camp/s, needs, resistance, strength, survival/survivor
environment 3, 11, 145, 156, 228, 242, 249–250, 254
cultural e. 156
cognitive e. 242
culture, landscape, nature, space
episteme 4, 11–12 epistemology/espitemological, knowledge, rationality, science
epistemology/epistemological 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 129, 168–170, 181, 223, 275–276 episteme, knowledge, rationality, science, truth
ethics XXI, 17, 28, 33, 149–150 Christian/Christianity, dignity, empathy/empathize, fraternity, freedom, humanity, humiliation, justice, liberalism, morality, religion, responsibility, shame, solidarity, truth, values
evolution 35, 41, 61, 110, 116, 169, 251, 254, 258
historical e. 34, 89
evolutionism 76 history, time
existence IX, XIV, XVII–XXIII, 5, 12, 22, 27, 34–35, 41, 59, 62, 72, 79–81, 83, 87, 93, 101, 118, 128, 137–148, 151, 154–155, 157, 162, 166, 169, 174, 176, 180, 182, 187, 209–210, 212–217, 223, 226–228, 237, 243–244, 246, 252–253, 256–257, 260–273, 276–277, 286 life
existentialism XVIII, 143, 236
experience IX–XXIII, 4, 8, 22, 29, 50, 55, 63–64, 73–74, 80, 83, 137–139, 141, 144, 147–148, 161–163, 169–171, 173, 176–177, 179, 181, 182–183, 185–186, 188, 190, 192, 215–16, 222, 224–225, 238, 242, 253, 259, 262–263, 265, 271, 275, 281
child’s e. 188, 215
e. of the camp/camp e. XVI, XVIII, 154, 169, 178, 183, 185, 186, 191
e. of the history 166
historical e. XI, 98, 102, 170, 177, 180
human e. 177, 191
individual e. 178
internal e. 210
liminal situation/e. XVII–XVIII, XX, XXII, 146–148, 183, 210
personal e. 172, 176, 195, 197, 215
psychological e. 14
psychotic e. 191
social e. 41, 112
adaptation, camp/s, catastrophe, experience, extermination, genocide, ghetto, Holocaust, K-Z syndrome, life, Muselmann, subject, survival/survivor, testimony, trauma, victims, witness
extermination XVI, XX, 166–167, 170, 172–173, 178–179, 191 Auschwitz/Auschwitz Birkenau, camp/s, death, ghetto, genocide, Holocaust, Jews, KZ-Syndrome, liminal situation/experience, Muselmann, prisoners, Nazism, survival/survivor, trauma, victims, violence, war
historical f. 10, 13, 16, 277, 279, 282
individual/social f. 32, 67, 74
f. of nature/cultural f. 10
social f. 67, 74
see history
faith XXIII, 8, 35, 39, 73, 100, 143, 147, 149, 159, 162–163, 174, 176, 229 Christian/Christianity, hope, religion
family 124, 190, 192, 196, 222–224 fraternity, society
fate XVII, 113, 137–138, 140, 144, 146, 148, 158, 161–162, 166, 171, 180, 185, 196, 199, 202, 264, 267, 270–271
fear 38–39, 41, 85, 126, 138, 145, 150, 156–157, 180, 198–200, 228 anxiety, emotions
Febvre, Lucien 63, 68, 105
Feyerabend, Paul 7, 8, 9
Finley, Moses 29
closed f. 259–260
literary f. 73
open f. XXI–XXIII, 259–260
symbolic f. 40–41
art, style
formalism 63, 258
fragility 139–141, 144, 148–150
fraternity XVII, 137–139, 146–147, 150, 179 community, dignity, empathy/empathize, ethics, family, morality, responsibility, society, solidarity, values
freedom XV, XVII–XIX, 17, 28, 55, 76, 108, 112, 114–115, 120, 122, 126, 139, 143–146, 149, 151–152, 155–156, 176, 180, 209, 213, 217, 245, 247, 286
inner/internal f. 155, 159, 178
autonomy, ethics, justice, independence, liberalism, values
Freud, Sigmund XXII, 210, 212–220, 224–225, 227–232
Friedländer, Saul 221–222, 230
Furet, François 43
future XV, XIX, 4, 5, 7, 21, 23, 25, 30, 32, 34–35, 39–40, 42, 44, 55–56, 104, 111, 146, 149, 161–163, 202, 219, 230, 243 dreams, hope, phantasm, presence/(the) present, time, utopia, vision
Galilei Galileo 3, 8, 12–13
Gauchet, Marcel 25, 39
genealogies X, 62, 64, 88, 90 generation, heritage, history, time, tradition
generation XIII, XV, 1, 5, 39, 69, 71–72, 74, 76, 77, 82, 88, 92, 243, 282 genealogies, time
genocide IX, XI, XVII, XX, XXIV, 169, 193, 202–204, 243 camp/s, catastrophe, death, extermination, ghetto, Holocaust, Jews, KZ-Syndrome, liminal situation/experience, Muselmann, Nazizm, prisoners, survival/survivors. trauma, victims, violence, war, witness
gestures VII, X, 24, 53, 55, 152, 157, 182, 187–188, 195, 226, 237, 247 body, ritual
ghetto XV, XVI, XX, 161–162, 174, 193–194, 198–199 camp/s, death, extermination, genocide, Holocaust, Jews, liminal situation/experience, Nazism, prisoners, survival/survivor, terror, testimony, trauma, victims, violence, war, witness
Gombrowicz, Witold 229
Gomułka, Wiesław 124
Goody, Jack 43, 70
Gould, Julius 69, 78
Gramsci, Antonio 72, 75
Grzesiuk, Stanisław 170, 176
guilt 154, 158, 193, 199, 202 dignity, emotions, empathy/empathize, ethics, fraternity, morality, responsibility, shame, solidarity, values
Gusfield, Joseph R. 80
Halbwachs, Maurice XIII, 33, 68, 72
Hansen, Oskar XXI–XXIII, 259–260, 288, 294–295
health 139, 141, 153, 184, 188–192, 296 illness
heritage X, 25, 69, 77, 79–82, 84, 170, 172
cultural h. 71–72, 77–78
social h. 69, 74–78, 83–84
genealogies, history, memory, past, tradition
heroism 150, 168, 175, 179, 191
Heusch, Luc de 28
historians XI, 3, 22, 45, 63, 68, 72, 74, 78, 82, 84, 86, 90, 93, 97, 100, 103, 161, 163, 171–175, 177, 181, 197, 201, 203, 242, 249, 275–285 history, past
historical X, XV–XVI, 4, 14–15, 29, 31–37, 41, 45, 49, 54, 61, 66, 70–71, 75–76, 79, 82–85, 87–108, 117, 122, 131, 138, 159, 162, 165–166, 169–181, 214, 229, 242, 244, 252–258, 275–287
ahistorical 9, 252–253, 256
h. change 41, 256
h. consciousness XIII, 85, 89–92, 94, 96–107
h. context XI, XXI, 21, 31, 83, 128, 258
h. continuity 8, 88, 104, 162
h. development 14, 54, 252, 254, 256–257
h. discourse 36
h. event XIV, XVII, 61, 84, 89, 181
h. evolution 34, 89
h. experience XI, 98, 102, 170, 177, 180
h. fact 10, 13, 16, 277, 279, 282
h. heroes 82
h. knowledge/mythologization of h.k. 82, 284–285
h. narrative/s XXIII, 177, 179, 277–281, 283
h. periods 6, 257, 282
h. sources XXIII, 3–4, 73, 96–97, 162, 165, 171–173, 278, 283–285
h. substratum 75–76
h. symbolism 82
h. synthesis 100, 105, 173
h. text/s 277–279, 280–281
h. truth/paradox of h. truth XXIII, 275–285
socio-h. System 256
consciousness, experience, heritage, history, Marxism, past, person, science, space, subject, time, truth
historicity XXI, 65, 91, 168 history
historiography 11, 281–285 history
history X, IX–XV, XIX, XXI–XXII, 2, 4, 6–12, 14, 16, 21–23, 25, 27, 28–32, 35–40, 42–52, 58, 59, 61–66, 84–88, 90–106, 114, 128, 138, 139, 141, 144, 148, 149, 159, 162, 163, 165–168, 170, 173, 175, 180–181, 187, 202, 229, 244, 252, 254, 256, 277, 280–285
anthropological h. 37, 45
external h. 10
global h. 36
h. of art XI, XII, 63, 244, 256
h. of collective illusions 38
h. of culture 12, 58, 61, 63, 64, 66
h. of human cognition 4
h. of ideas XI, XII, 48, 170
h. of ideology 31, 85
h. of knowledge 2
h. of literature 167
h. of mentality 37
h. of methodology 16
h. of political, social and religious movements 38
h. of propaganda 29
h. of reason 9
h. of science 4, 6, 7, 9–11, 14, 16, 35, 49, 103
intellectual h. IX
living h. XII, XIII, 68, 84, 85
methodology of h. 94, 99
written h. 11
civilisation, consciousness, evolution, historians, historical, historicity, historiography, ideology, memory, revolution, space, time, tradition, truth
Holocaust XI, XIV, XVI–XVII, XX–XXI, 168, 194 Auschwitz/Auschwitz Birkenau, camp/s, catastrophe, death, extermination, genocide, ghetto, Jews, KZ-Syndrome, liminal situation/experience, Muselmann, Nazism, prisoners, survival/survivors, testimony, trauma, victims, violence, war, witness
hope 21, 35, 57, 150, 162, 199, 202, 225, 243, 265, 267, 269, 272–273 dreams, faith, future, phantasm, religion, utopia, values
Hoselitz, Bert F. 81
human 4, 33, 35, 38, 45, 51–52, 56–64, 77, 97, 106, 129, 137, 139–150, 152, 159, 162, 166–167, 170–174, 177–180, 182–183, 185–192, 195, 198, 207–210, 218, 221, 223, 225–228, 233, 237, 243, 247–255, 259, 261, 276, 280, 283
h. being 138, 141, 143, 14–146, 150, 152, 182–183, 186–187, 189–192
h. communities 34
h. existence 182–187
h. nature 9–10, 40, 184, 188
h. rationality 13, 15
h. society 1, 3
h. world XV, 162, 171, 173, 207, 233, 237
humanities, humanity, identity, individuality, Muselmann, person, subject
humanities IX–XII, XV, XVIII–XIX, XXII, XXIV, 36, 40, 48–49, 59, 61, 63, 96, 212, 215, 220, 228, 276, 285 human, humanity, science
humanity XV, 61, 62, 106, 143, 147, 150, 167–169, 174, 175–178, 186, 217, 226, 229 dignity, ethics, human, humanities, identity, morality, values
humiliation 182, 201, 202 dignity, ethics, morality, values
Husserl, Edmund 68, 80–81
iconosphere XXI, XXIII, 233, 239–244, 250 art, image, imaginarium/imaginary, symbol, visual
idealism 256–258, 275
identity XII, XV, 5, 21, 25, 28, 33, 39, 45, 46, 66, 114, 143, 144, 147, 193, 212, 229
collective i. 39
identification 61, 77, 85, 137, 147, 150, 158, 174, 188, 212, 218
human, humanity, individuality, person
ideology XIV, 30–24, 37, 39, 42, 81, 85, 86, 108, 110, 131, 174, 177, 279
bourgeois i. 31
critique of i. 31
ideological conflicts / struggle 83, 90
class, history, ideosis, liberalism, Marxism, materialism, mythology, myths, politics/political, structure, system, terror, totalitarianism
ideosis 108, 115 art, ideology
illness 207, 210
mental i. 153
image/s 9, 13, 23–33, 35–36, 38–39, 41–44, 60, 65, 71, 80, 86, 172, 176, 182, 194, 198, 209, 214, 223, 227, 234–2, 249–255, 279, 285
collective i. 23, 32, 37
i. of the past 71, 279, 285
i. of the world 13, 253, 254
pictorial 109–110, 238–239, 243
sacred i. 32
social i. 24, 27–29, 34, 38–42, 44
structure of i. 37
symbolic i. 25–26
system of i. 28
art, dreams, emblems, iconosphere, imaginarium/imaginary, imagination, phantasm, seeing (theory of s.), symbol, visual
imaginarium/imaginary XII–XIII, 22–23, 40, 216
collective imaginaries 25, 27, 34, 43
imaginaries of the past 33
imaginary conflicts 40
social imaginaries XII–XIV, 21–23, 29–30, 33, 37–43
delusion, dreams, image/s, iconosphere, imagination, myths/mythology, phantasm, utopia, vision
imagination XII, XXI, XXII, 21–34, 37–44, 111, 148, 158–159, 168, 181, 185, 207–219, 224–228, 234, 239, 244, 248, 273
collective I. 25, 27, 43
political i. 21
social i. 21, 23, 29, 39–44
delusion, dreams, image/s, imaginarium/imaginary, phantasm, system, utopia, vision
independence XII, 29, 98, 102, 108, 113, 196, 217 autonomy, freedom
individuality 25, 110, 145, 180, 183, 192, 260 autonomy, human, identity, person
information XXII–XXIII, 2, 41–44, 54, 126, 163, 165–166, 173, 175, 183, 233, 237–244, 252, 265, 273, 283, 285 communication, language
Ingarden, Roman 237
institution 1, 4, 17–18, 29–30, 33, 49, 56, 62, 72–77, 99–100, 111–115, 166, 233, 244
imaginary i. 40
legal i. 76
political i. 38, 44
social i. 4, 17, 38, 40, 233
authority, politics/political, power
interdisciplinary XII, XIII, 34, 35
Jakobson, Roman 63
Jensen, Wilhelm 214, 230, 231
Jews/Jewish XVI, XX–XXI, 127, 154, 169, 193, 195–197, 199, 200–204, 229, 232 Auschwitz/Auschwitz Birkenau, camp, extermination, ghetto, genocide, Holocaust, Muselmann, religion
justice 31, 140, 173–174, 176, 190, 193, 204, 249 authority, ethics, freedom, morality, prisoners, responsibilty, testimony, values, victims, violence
Kandisky, Wassily 246
Kantorowicz, Ernst 24
Kardiner, Abram 75
Kelles-Krauz, Kazimierz 76
Kepler, Johannes 8
Kępiński, Antoni XIV, XVI, XVII, XIX, XX, 177, 178, 182–192, 289
Kępiński, Zdzisław 111
Kiedrzyńska, Wanda 172
Klein, Melanie 219, 230
Kluckhohn, Clyde 68
knowledge IX, X, XIV, XVI, XVII, XXI, XXII, 1–18, 23, 35, 45, 48–49, 60–62, 72, 82, 101, 139, 143, 151–152, 159, 163, 172–173, 177, 181–182, 226, 250, 252, 254–255, 272, 276, 280, 284–288, 290
academic k. 45
cosmological k. 4
esoteric k. 72
historical k. 82, 285
ideal of k. (of science / scientific knowledge) X, 2–3, 11, 13, 16, 18
objective k. 9, 151, 177, 181
self-knowledge 18
scientific k. 3–11, 13–18
sociology of k. 9, 41
technical/technological k. 2, 11–12
true k. 17
episteme, epistemology/epistemological, rationality, science, truth
Kolb, William L. 69, 78
Kołakowski, Leszek XI–XII, 5
Koselleck, Reinhart 41
Kostyrko, Krzysztof 111
Koyré, Alexandre 12
Krasiński, Zygmunt 207–208
Kroeber, Alfred Louis 68
Krzywicki, Ludwik 68, 75–76
Kuhn, Thomas 7–9
KZ-Syndrome X, XVI, XX, 182–192, 289 camp/s, experience, extermination, genocide, Holocaust, liminal situation/experience, memory, Muselmann, prisoners, psychiatry, survival/survivor, trauma, victims
labour 25, 49, 59, 100, 106, 141, 243, 269, 273
division of l. 1–2, 70, 176
body, camp/s, class, economic/s, Marxism, prisoners, proleteriat, society, work
Lacan, Jacques 213
Laing, R.D. 222–227, 231
Lakatos, Imre 9, 10
landscape 55, 63, 158, 235, 236, 240, 243
urban l. 55
l. of death 158
environment, nature, space
language XIV, XVIII–XXI, XXIII, 12, 28, 30, 35, 38–39, 42, 46, 48, 50, 52, 55–56, 60–62, 70, 78, 116–119, 121–133, 147–149, 157, 162, 164, 167–168, 177, 179–180, 186, 194, 209–210, 217, 221, 225, 233, 239, 243–246, 249, 251, 269, 275–276, 284–286
euphemism 125–126, 130
hyperbole 125–126
official l. 116, 127
phraseology 119, 131
slogan XIV, 21–22, 118, 120, 129, 131, 133, 138, 209, 249
speech 60, 114–116, 118–121, 124, 128, 130, 132–133, 201–202, 286
vocabulary 28, 119, 124, 130–131, 233
communication, discourse, information, linguistics, newspeak, style, system
Laplanche, Jean 213–214, 231
Lassalle, Ferdinand 72
Lavoisier, Antoine 8
Leiris, Michel 220
Lejeune, Philippe 220, 231
Leonardo da Vinci 235
Leroi-Gourhan, André 234
Lévi-Strauss, Claude 34, 37, 63, 73, 85–86, 88, 103–104, 107, 213, 229
Lewental, Zelman 161
liberalism 109, 112, 139 ethics, freedom, ideology, morality, politics/political, values
life IX, 61–62, 74, 89, 113, 137, 141–143, 145, 147–148, 154, 158, 159, 162–163, 183–184, 187–188, 191, 195–197, 210, 215, 233, 244, 251, 261–272
artistic l. 110
camp l. 157–158, 185–186, 189–192
collective l. 22, 29, 39, 42
cultural l. 96
economic l. 35
emotional l. 99
eternal 270
everyday l. 12, 14, 22, 72, 143, 166, 217, 280
family l. 124
human l. 152, 186
individual l. 150, 183
inner l. 185, 255
internal l. 218
lifestyle 157
mental l. 187
normal l. 186–187, 190–191
ordinary l. 154
personal l. 169
phantasmatic l. 215, 220
sexual l. 60
social l. X, 17, 22, 26–27, 33, 35, 37, 39, 43–44, 74–76, 78, 85, 90–96, 101, 104, 106, 114, 149, 169
spiritual l. 221
death, existence
linguistics 35, 38–39, 62, 98, 119, 132 language, newspeak
Linton, Ralph 75
literature XII, XV, XIX, XXI, 3, 17, 38, 45, 48, 67, 74, 78, 92, 99, 101, 132, 153, 161, 163, 166–168, 170–178, 180–181, 185, 193–195, 198–200, 203, 208, 210, 214, 218–220, 228–229
documentary l. 163
grotesque 132
martyrological l. 170, 178
parody 132–133
testimonial l. 171, 174–176
system, testimony
Lovejoy, Arthur O. 67
Luckmann, Thomas 41
Lunacharsky, Anatoly 108, 109
Machiavelli, Niccolò 29
Malevich, Kazimir 246, 299
Malinowski, Bronisław X, 28, 68, 73
Malrieu, Philippe 41
March 1968 116, 123–125, 127–128
Marxism 23, 32, 109–110 class, economic/s, labour, ideology, materialism, politics/political, proletariat, revolution, structure, worker/s
Marcuse, Herbert 113
Marx, Karl 30–32, 34, 36, 72, 108
materialism XXI, 30, 61, 281
historical m. 30, 281
economic/s, ideology, Marxism
Mauss, Maurcel 28, 32, 39, 68, 74, 75, 85, 105
meat XXIII, 261–274, 288
meatiness XXI, XXIII, 261–263, 269–274
animal, body, consumption
memory X–XIII, XIV, XXI, 29, 33, 38, 41–42, 44, 46, 64, 72, 97, 138, 163–164, 168, 183, 192–194, 224, 238, 241, 249, 289
collective m. XIII, 33, 41–42, 72, 193
memoirs 162, 165–166, 172
memorial museums 164
national m. 164
public m. 97
consciousness, heritage, history, KZ-Syndrome, past, tradition, trauma
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 237
metaphysics XXIII, 4, 8, 261–273, 288
Michelet, Jules 30, 100
Mickiewicz, Adam VII, 97, 132, 203–204, 211
Milner, Max 211, 231
Miłosz, Czesław XVI, 164, 193–195, 198–200
modernisation 70, 80, 230, 245
modernism 230
modernity 80, 110–112, 132
Mondrian, Piet 246
morality 18, 28, 31 dignity, empathy/empathize, ethics, fraternity, guilt, humanity, humiliation, justice, liberalism, religion, responsibility, shame, solidarity, values
Muselmann 154, 186–189, 191 camp/s, extermination, genocide, Holocaust, human, Jews, KZ-syndrome, liminal situation/experience, prisoners, victims
mythology 21–22, 25, 86–87, 221, 231–232
myths 22–23, 28–29, 32, 37, 42, 44, 60, 73, 88, 107, 175, 208, 228, 242–243, 279, 281, 284–285 ideology, imaginarium/imaginary, phantasm, religion, utopia
nature XX, 8–10, 12, 40, 51, 57, 62, 145, 172, 228–229, 234, 245, 253–257, 265 environment, landscape
Nazism 152, 221–222, 230
Nazi concentration camps 172, 192
Nazi crimes 161, 166
Nazi XX, 152–155, 158, 160, 169
Nazi terror 176
Auschwitz/Auschwitz Birkenau, camp/s, extermination, genocide, ghetto, Holocaust, terror, totalitarianism, violence, war
basic n. 155
biological n. 152
deep n. 47
indestructible n. 162
material n. 155–156
physical n. 59
physiological n. 156, 188
adaptation, camp/s, endurance, prisoners, strenght, survival/survivor, values
newspeak XIV, 116–133 authority, censorship, Communism, language, linguistics, propaganda, style, totalitarianism
Newton, Isaac 8
nihilism 141
norm XV, XVIII, 33, 35, 41, 47, 81, 154, 159, 178, 180, 182, 255
Oakeshott, Michael 68
open form/closed form XXI–XXIII, 259–260 architecture, art, form
Orwell, George XIV, 36, 116
Osiński, Tomasz 114
Ossowska, Maria 11
Ossowski, Stanisław 11, 68, 77, 115, 178
Ozouf, Jacques 43
Passeron, Jean Claude 40
past XII, XIII, XV, XIX, XXIII, 2–4, 25, 27–30, 33, 38–39, 41, 44–45, 55–56, 64–65, 67–73, 76–89, 91–93, 95–96, 99, 101, 104, 122–123, 132, 138, 155, 163–164, 166, 175, 178–179, 193, 195, 200–204, 242, 244, 247, 275, 277, 279–280, 282–283, 285 heritage, historical, historians, history, memory, presence/(the) present, tradition
Pawlak, Zdzisław 239
phantasm X, XXI–XXII, 207, 209–229
phantasy 215, 217, 222–226, 228, 230 delusion, dreams, hope, image/s, imaginarium/imaginary, imagination, irrational, myths, mythology, symbol, system, utopia, vision
phenomenology 48, 138, 210, 222, 225, 229, 236–237
philosophy IX, XI, XII, XXI–XXIII, 5, 9, 13, 28, 59, 87–88, 94, 101, 137, 141, 150, 177, 181, 268, 286, 290
person 23–24, 56, 121, 124, 127, 137–139, 141, 147, 152, 154–155, 158, 177, 182–183, 185–186, 181, 191, 216–217, 219, 222–223, 252–253, 270 human, identity, individuality, subject, survival/survivor, victims, witness
Plato 11–12
Poland X–XIII, XV, XXI, 75, 89, 92, 97–98, 100, 102, 108–110, 112, 118, 123, 125, 127, 178, 195–197, 202–204, 266, 277, 283, 285
Poles XVI, XX, 127, 193–197, 201–203, 288
politics/political IX–XII, XIV, XX–XXIII, 9, 17, 21–27, 29, 32–33, 35–36, 38, 40–42, 44–45, 48, 63, 66, 76, 78, 83–84, 86–87, 90, 92, 98, 101–102, 108–114, 119, 124, 131–132, 139–140, 148–149, 165, 187, 197, 201, 220–221, 223, 225, 250, 281–286 authority, ideology, liberalism, Marxism, power, system, totalitarianism
Pomian, Krzysztof XI–XIII, 2, 14, 45–66, 289
Pontalis, Jean-Bertrand 213–214, 231
Popper, Karl 9–10, 13–15, 17, 68, 286
Porębski, Mieczysław VII, XXII–XXIII, 233–250, 289, 298
Postan, Michael M. 279
power XII–XV, XVIII–XIX, 17, 21–22, 24–31, 33, 37–42, 44, 55, 87, 100, 102–103, 108, 117, 122, 139, 141, 149–150, 158, 160, 168, 201, 207, 221, 235, 270–273, 283–284
emblems of p. 24–27
state p. 28, 103
authority, Communism/Communist, institution, politics/political, strength, structure, terror, torture, totalitarianism, violence
Półtawska, Wanda 145
presence XIII, 234, 241–242, 263–264 things/objects
present IX, XIII, 3, 43–44, 64–65, 67–68, 71–73, 76, 78–79, 84, 88–90, 94–96, 99, 104, 163, 242 future, past, time
prisoners XX, 96, 140–141, 153–160, 172, 182–192, 221 adaptation, Auschwitz/Auschwitz Birkenau, camp/s, extermination, ghetto, genocide, Holocaust, justice, KZ-Syndrome, Muselmann, needs, resistance, survival/survivor, terror, torture, trauma, victims, violence, war, witness
proletariat 31, 149 class, economic/s, labour, Marxism, worker/s
propaganda 29, 37, 43–44, 90, 113, 116, 118, 120, 122 authority, censorship, newspeak, politics, power, totalitarianism
psychiatry 182–187, 189–190, 222, 224, 289 KZ-Syndrom
psychoanalysis 37, 214–217, 220–223, 228–230, 250 trauma
psychology XX, 28, 36, 59, 61–62, 86, 124, 166, 171, 177, 210, 218–219, 228, 232, 237, 285
Putnam, Hilary 276, 286
race 73
Radin, Max 75, 78
rationality 6, 8–10, 13–16, 18, 288 episteme, epistepistemology/epistemological, irrational, knowledge, science, truth
realism XXII, 109–112, 251, 253–256 aesthetics, art, Surrealism/surrealist
Redfield, Robert 68, 72
Reichenbach, Hans 17
relativism 177, 275, 282, 285
religion XII, 2, 24, 28, 86, 105, 150, 203, 209–210 Christian/Christianity, faith, hope, Jews/Jewish, morality, mythology, myths, ritual, values
resistance XV, XVIII, XIX, 9, 83, 92, 128, 143–145, 150–151, 154–156, 160, 169–170, 174, 177–178, 180, 203, 223, 262
psychological resistance 154–155
self-defence XV, XVIII, 152–160, 193, 289
adaptation, camp/s, endurance, prisoners, strength, survival/survivor, victims, war
responsibility XV–XVIII, XX–XXIII, 17–18, 93, 132, 143, 146, 150, 168, 171, 178–179, 193, 200, 202–204, 245, 270 dignity, ethics, fraternity, guilt, justice, morality, shame, solidarity, values
revolution 27, 31, 91, 102, 109, 243
French R. 25–26, 30, 32, 84, 89, 102, 211, 277
global/local r. 7, 9
moral r. 202
October R. 108
Romantic r. 208
scientific r. 7–8
revolutionary IX, 16, 30, 98, 102, 108, 138–139, 144
socialist r. 83
class, history, Marxism, science, time
Riesman, David 70
ritual 26–28, 30, 32, 42, 56, 73, 117–120, 124–125, 130–131, 140, 148, 164, 168, 235 mythology, myths, religion
Romanticism XXI, 105, 207–213
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 30, 227
Schramm, Percy Ernst 24
Schramm, Wilbur 44
science X–XI, XVIII–XX, 1–18, 21–23, 29, 31, 34–37, 38, 40, 49, 59, 68–70, 75, 79, 85, 91–94, 96–100, 102–103, 106, 115, 121, 149, 170, 173, 181, 183, 192, 209, 213–215, 230–231, 240, 275–276, 285–289
autonomy of s. 9, 17
ideal of s. X, 1–18
philosophy of s. 5, 9, 286
rationality of s. 288
sociology of s. 9
social s. XI, XIX, 21–23, 34–36, 59, 70, 75, 79, 98, 276, 285
episteme, epistemology/epistemological, humanities, knowledge, rationality, revolution, truth
seeing (theory of s.) XXI–XXIII, 49, 150, 251–258, 290 aesthetics, art, image
Seidler, Jerzy 239
semiotics 62
semiophores XII–XIII, 45, 47, 49–59, 61–66, 289 emblems, symbol, things/objects
shame 124, 138, 218–219, 265 emotions, ethics, guilt, morality, responsibilty, values
Shils, Edward 67, 68, 79, 80
sign XII–XIII, 25, 27, 30, 32, 40, 46–48, 50, 52–58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 121, 143, 161, 226, 239, 242, 244, 249
signals 56, 225, 238–240, 243–244
s. of power 24
symbloc s. 25
system of s. 60, 64
emblems, semiophores, symbol
Singer, Jerome L. 216, 232
slaughter 261, 263, 266 animal, meat
Słowacki, Juliusz 47, 203, 209
society XIV, XXIII, 1–3, 5, 23, 25, 29–36, 38–40, 57, 67, 70–72, 74–76, 84–88, 90–91, 93–94, 96, 98–99, 106–107, 109, 111–112, 115, 122, 126, 196–197, 200, 202–204, 245, 247, 258, 275–276, 283–284
feudal s. 29, 87
global s. 31, 35–36
modern s. 37, 70, 72, 76, 80, 86
traditional s. 43, 70–72
social engineering 152–154
social experiment XV, XIX, 152–154
class, community, family, fraternity, labour, sociology, solidarity, structure, system
sociology XI, XIII, 9, 23, 28, 33, 36–37, 41, 47, 67, 75, 80, 85–86, 89, 96, 217, 219 society
solidarity 78, 155, 157, 168, 170, 202 community, empathy/emphatize, ethics, fraternity, morality, responsibility, society, values
space XXI, XXIII, 25–26, 35, 42–43, 47, 49, 51, 57–58, 61, 64–66, 142, 144, 152, 156, 178, 241, 242–243, 246, 249, 259–260, 263 environment, history, landscape, time, utopia
Starobinski, Jean 38
strength XVIII, 145, 147, 149–10, 155–157, 159, 272 dignity, endurance, values
strength XVIII, 27, 81, 93, 118, 145, 147, 149–150, 155–157, 159, 263, 272 adaptation, authority, endurance, needs, power, resistance, survival/survivor
structure/s XIII, XXIII, 2, 7, 9, 17, 22, 27, 30, 32–35, 37, 40, 48, 62, 71, 87, 104–107, 170, 188, 191, 210, 213, 217, 223, 233, 240–242, 246, 259, 262, 278–280
camp s. 157
cultural s. 254
economic s. 33
historical s. 254
ideological s. 169
literary s. 218, 229
phatnasmatic s. 215
power s./s. of power 159, 284
social s./s. of society 17, 30, 32, 34, 91–92, 94–96, 98, 101–102, 106
sociohistorical s. 253
s. of terror 154
superstructure 31, 141
symbolic s. 42
authority, class, Marxism, power, society
Strzemiński, Władysław VII, XXI–XXIII, 246, 249, 251–258, 290, 299–300, 304
style XXI, 109, 117–120, 127, 130–131, 222, 242, 244–245 art, form, language, newspeak
subject XV, XVIII, XX–XXII, 24, 37–38, 109, 138–139, 151, 179, 181, 187–188, 215, 299
feithful s. (citizen) 39
human s. XXI–XXII
moral s. XVII
social s. 22
strong s. 299
human, person, victim, witness
Surrealism/surrealist 208, 220, 236, 241, 247–249 aesthetics, art, realism
survival/survivor 152, 165, 177, 182–188, 191–192, 202 adaptation, camp/s, endurance, extermination, genocide, ghetto, KZ-Syndrome, liminal situation/experience, needs, person, prisoners, resistance, strength, testimony, trauma, victims, war, witness
Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen 221
symbol XII, 18, 21, 25–30, 32–33, 40–42, 78, 95, 117, 119, 123, 139, 175, 208, 226, 242–243, 249, 267
symbolic 21–22, 24–27, 30, 32, 37, 39–42, 44, 58, 89, 123, 152, 213, 227
emblems, iconosphere, image, phantasm, semiophors, system
symbolism 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 40–42, 92, 95, 138, 145
system 11, 16, 28, 30–35, 37, 59, 62, 76–78, 85, 87, 106, 108, 141–142, 152, 169, 190, 210, 219, 233, 238–242, 246, 248, 259–260, 265, 279
colonial s. 98
control s. 281
historical s. 254
ideological s. 281
image s. 246
linguistic s. 239, 242
literary s. 211
nervous s. 152, 189
philosophical s. 76
political s. 140
representation s. 32
social / socio-historical s. 43, 59, 251–252, 254, 256
s. of beliefs 32–33
s. of communication 233
s. of ideas 71
s. of images/imaginations 28, 33–34
s. of phantasms /phantasmatic s. 213–214, 223–225
s. of signs / sign s. 60, 64
s. of sounds and visual signals 240
s. of torture 140
s. of terror 178
s. of value(s) / value s. XV, XVIII, 31, 41, 84, 121
symbol/symbolic s. 37, 39, 40–42
theoretical s. 69, 283
totalitarian s. 35, 44, 177, 283, 285
vegatative s. 189
communication, historical, ideology, image, imagination, language, literature, phantasm, philosophy, politics/political, social, symbol, terror, torture, totalitarianism, values
Tarde, Gabriel 70
Tarski, Alfred 276
terror 149, 152–154, 158, 168, 176, 178, 181, 197, 199, 232 authority, camp/s, ghetto, Nazizm, power, prisoners, system, torture, totalitarianism, violence, war
testimony X, XIV–XVII, XIX, 137–151, 161–164, 166–167, 170–171, 173, 175, 177, 179–181 camp/s, experience, ghetto, Holocaust, justice, literature, survival/survivor, witness
Theweleit, Klaus 220, 232
things/objects XII–XIII, XXI, XXIII, 3, 13, 18, 23–24, 32, 35–36, 40–41, 46–58, 60, 62–67, 69, 77, 80, 109–110, 114, 118, 130, 155–156, 158, 172, 187–188, 195, 207, 211, 236–237, 241–242, 244–247, 248–249, 251, 254–255, 260, 282 art, camp/s, semiophores
time XVI, 36, 47, 60, 87, 90, 104–105, 142, 243, 249, 252, 254, 256, 260, 277
t. and space XXIII, 35, 47, 51, 61, 65–66, 106, 108, 116, 142, 173, 235, 241–242, 246, 259–260
collective t. 42
historical t. 4, 49, 71, 96, 104–105
modern t. 25
t. of catastrophe/crisis/horror XIV, 40, 170
crisis, evolution, experience, future, genealogies, generation, history, historical, presence/(the) present, revolution, space, tradition, trauma
Tönnies, Ferdinand 68
torture 137, 140–145, 147, 154, 166, 189 authority, body, power, prisoners, system, terror, totalitarianizm, trauma, violence
totalitarianism 179
totalitarian power/state/system XIV, XVIII, 35, 44, 177, 283, 285
authority, Communism/Communist, ideology, Nazism, politics/political, power, propaganda, system, terror, torture, victims, violence, war
Toulemont, René 81
Tournier, Michel 221
tradition 111, 113–115
negative t. 83–84
oral t. 69–70, 74, 88–89, 98
genealogies, heritage, history, memory, past, time
trauma X, XVI–XVIII, XX, 188–189
t. of history X
t. studies XVI, XX
camp t. XVI–XVII
wartime t. XVIII
camp/s, extermination, genocide, ghetto, Holocaust, KZ-Syndrome, liminal situation/experience, memory, prisoners, psychoanalysis, survival/survivor, time, torture, victims, violence, war, witness
Trubetzkoy, Nikolai 63
truth XIV–XVII, XIX–XXI, XXIII, 2–3, 17, 34, 41, 61, 88–89, 144, 165, 168, 171, 173–174, 179, 193–194, 197, 200, 204, 208, 213, 225, 254–255, 275–286, 290
historical t. XXIII, 275–285
objective t. 173
episteme, epistemology/epistemological, ethics, history, knowledge, rationality, science, values
Turowski, Andrzej VII, XIII, 108–115, 290, 301–302
utopia 31–32, 42, 221, 225, 243 delusion, dreams, future, hope, imaginarium/imaginary, imagination, mythology, myths, phantasm, space, vision
values XV, XVII, XVIII, 1, 5, 10–11, 16–17, 33, 41–42, 67, 69, 71, 79–81, 84, 102, 104, 106, 108–109, 113, 120–123, 137, 139, 141–147, 150, 152, 159, 165, 177–180, 186, 190, 192, 208, 225, 247, 267, 289 culture, dignity, empathy/empathize, ethics, fraternity, freedom, guilt, hope, humanity, humiliation, justice, liberalism, morality, needs, religion, responsibility, shame, solidarity, system, truth
Van Doesburg, Theo 246
Vansina, Jan 74, 88, 98
victims XVI, 167, 179, 183, 194, 200 camp/s, extermination, genocide, ghetto, Holocaust, justice, KZ-Syndrome, liminal situation/experience, Muselmann, person, prisoners, resistance, subject, survival/survivor, totalitarianism, trauma, violence, war
Vidal de la Blache, Paul 63
violence XX, 32, 44, 91, 149, 165, 178, 193, 225, 230, 246, 289 Auschwitz-Birkenau, authority, camp/s, Communism/Communist, extermination, genocide, ghetto, Holocaust, justice, Nazism, power,prisoners, terror, torture, totalitarianism, trauma, victims, war
vision XXI, 42, 80, 111, 159, 174, 178, 209–210, 223
v. of the future 42, 55
v. of the world 148, 159, 171, 175, 280–291
delusion, dreams, future, image/s, imaginarium/imaginary, imagination, phantasm, testimony, utopia
visual X–XI, XIV, XXI–XXIII, 207, 239, 240, 243, 244, 248, 249, 251–255, 257, 258, 259, 260
v. consciousness 251–258
v. training 260
art, iconosphere, image/s
war IX–XII, XIV–XVIII, XX, XXIII, XXIV, 27, 30, 45, 97, 100, 102, 129, 141, 149, 160, 165–166, 184–185, 192, 196, 204, 208, 243, 277, 285
World War II X–XII, XIV, XXIII, 97, 165–166, 168, 277, 285
Auschwitz/Birkenau, camp/s, catastrophe, extermination, genocide, ghetto, Holocaust, Nazism, prisoners, resistance, survival/susrvivor, terror, totalitarianism, trauma, victims, violence, witness
Watt, Ian 71
Weber, Max 25, 30, 33–34, 68, 79–81, 281
Windelband, Wilhelm 68
Wojdowski, Bogdan 161, 175–176
witness XVI–XVII, XX, 142, 154, 164, 167, 174–176, 180–181, 191, 212 Auschwitz-Birkenau, camp/s, experience, genocide, ghetto, Holocaust, person, prisoners, subject, survival/survivor, testimony, trauma, war
work 156–157, 253 camp/s, prisoners
worker/s 24–25, 62, 130, 285
working class 31, 99, 125, 127
class, Marxism, proletariat
Wyka, Kazimierz 83
Zimand, Roman 68, 78, 82
Znaniecki, Florian X, 1
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