The seed for this book was planted years ago, during a “Master” group research project, involving Katarzyna Bojarska, Piotr Filipkowski, Katarzyna Florczyk, Jacek Małczyński, Luiza Nader, entitled “Rescue History” (Historia Ratownicza), with principal investigator Professor Ewa Domańska (Faculty of History, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland). The research was kindly funded by the Foundation for Polish Science in the years 2012–2014.
The copyright costs for the texts by Bronisław Baczko and Władysław Strzemiński, as well as the cost of the translation of Krzysztof Pomian’s essay have been covered by the private funds of Ewa Domańska, a scholar seriously devoted and determined to promote the work of other Polish academics and thinkers. We greatly appreciate this gesture.
We wish to express our greatest thanks to Professor Igor Kąkolewski, the Director of the Center for Historical Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Berlin for his enthusiasm for our project, confirmed by the generous organizational and financial support of the Center.
The translation of the texts by Andrzej Turowski and Mieczysław Porębski was funded by the Foksal Gallery Foundation.
We greatly acknowledge the support received from the Institute of Humanities of the SWPS University which covered the proofreading costs. We wish to thank our excellent and patient proof-reader Barry Keane.
We express our gratitude to all the translators: Olga Amsterdamska, Jacek Bomba, Barry Keane, Klara and Wanda Kemp-Welch, Catherine S. Leach, Gene M. Moore, Antony Polonsky, Paul Vickers, Marcin Wawrzyńczak, and Rafał Uzar.
Permission to publish existing English translations has been kindly granted by Jacek Bomba, Maryla Hopfinger-Amsterdamska, Marcin Kula, Danuta Łabędzka-Topolska, Antony Polonsky, Igor Hansen, and Marcin Wawrzyńczak.
For granting permission to translate and publish texts in this volume we would like to thank Ludwik Czaja and Wydawnictwo Dowody na Istnienie, Michał Głowiński, Jerzy Jedlicki, Krzysztof Pomian, Jerzy Porębski, Joanna Porębska, Ewa Sapka-Pawliczak and Muzeum Sztuki in Łódź, Barbara Szacka and Payot/Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Kazimiera Szczuka, Andrzej Turowski as well as the Foksal Gallery Foundation and the Polish Sociological Association.
Finally, we would like to reiterate our sincerest gratitude to Professor Ewa Domańska, for her capacity to encourage us to get things done. It has been truly inspiring to encounter that much trust and fearlessness in thinking and action. Professor Domańska, you have supported us at every turn, and we can’t thank you enough!