Beyond its declared choice of content (sociology as science, methodological study, knowledge controlled and organized in a conceptual system), every sociology is a very particular practice of scientific reason.
giovanni busino, La sociologie sens dessus dessous/Sociology Turned Upside Down (1992)
What is sociology? What is ethnology? It is foremost a complete questioning of the person devoting himself to it.
germaine tillion, Fragments de vie/Fragments of Life (2009)
In other words, perhaps someday we too will revisit everything in a different way –
we again, with a different view. That will be a frenetic desire to know,
the passion of rediscovery, the contagious fever of erudition.
It will be a new perspective on everything,
a different another way of seeing and depicting the world.
Évelyne de la Chenelière, Les pieds des anges/The Feet of Angels (2009)