Notes on the Editors

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Karl A.E. Enenkel
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Christine Göttler
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Notes on the Editors

Karl A.E. Enenkel

is Professor of Medieval Latin and Neo-Latin at the University of Münster. Previously he was Professor of Neo-Latin at Leiden University. He is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has published widely on international Humanism, early modern culture, paratexts, literary genres 1300–1600, Neo-Latin emblems, word and image relationships, and the history of scholarship and science. Among his major book publications are Francesco Petrarca: De vita solitaria, Buch 1 (1991); Die Erfindung des Menschen: Die Autobiographik des frühneuzeitlichen Humanismus von Petrarca bis Lipsius (2008); and Die Stiftung von Autorschaft in der neulateinischen Literatur (ca. 1350–ca. 1650): Zur autorisierenden und wissensvermittelnden Funktion von Widmungen, Vorworttexten, Autorporträts und Dedikationsbildern (2015). He has (co-)edited and co-authored some thirty volumes on a great variety of topics, among others, Modelling the Individual: Biography and Portrait in the Renaissance (1998); Recreating Ancient History (2001); Mundus Emblematicus: Studies in Neo-Latin Emblem Books (2003); Cognition and the Book (2004); Petrarch and His Readers (2006); Early Modern Zoology (2007); The Sense of Suffering: Constructions of Physical Pain in Early Modern Culture (2009); The Neo-Latin Epigram (2009); Meditatio—Refashioning the Self: Theory and Practice in Late Medieval and Early Modern Intellectual Culture (2011); Portuguese Humanism (2011); The Authority of the Word (2011); Discourses of Power: Ideology and Politics in Neo-Latin Literature (2012); The Reception of Erasmus (2013); Transformation of the Classics (2013); Die Vita als Vermittlerin von Wissenschaft und Werk (2013); Neo-Latin Commentaries and the Management of Knowledge (2013); Zoology in Early Modern Culture (2014); Iohannes de Certaldo: Beiträge zu Boccaccios lateinischen Werken und ihrer Wirkung (2015); Discourses of Anger in the Early Modern Period (2015); and Jesuit Image Theory (2016). He founded the international series Intersections (Brill); Proteus: Studies in Early Modern Identity Formation; Speculum Sanitatis: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Medical Culture (500–1800) (both Brepols); and Scientia universalis: Studien und Texteditionen zur Wissensgeschichte der Vormoderne (LIT-Verlag). He is a member of the board of, among others, Humanistica Lovaniensia, and the Conseil international pour l’edition des oeuvres complètes d’Erasme. Currently he is preparing a critical edition of and a commentary on Erasmus’s Apophthegmata, books VVIII.

Christine Göttler

is Professor emerita of Art History at the University of Bern. Prior to her appointment at the University of Bern, she was Professor and Chair of Art History at the University of Washington, Seattle. Her main research interests are collecting practices, collection spaces, the interactions between the various arts in early modern Europe—especially the Netherlands—and the visual and spatial imagery of interiority and the imagination. She is the author of Last Things: Art and the Religious Imagination in the Age of Reform (2010) for which she received a Millard Meiss Publication Award. Her co-edited books include: Religion and the Senses in Early Modern Europe, with W. de Boer, Intersections 26 (2013); Trading Values in Early Modern Antwerp, with B. Ramakers and J. Woodall, Netherlands Yearbook for History of Art 64 (2014); Sites of Mediation: Connected Histories of Places, Processes, and Objects in Europe and Beyond, 1450–1650, with S. Burghartz and L. Burkart, Intersections 47 (2016); Knowledge and Discernment in the Early Modern Arts, with S. Dupré (2017); and The Nomadic Object: The Challenge of World for Early Modern Art, with M.M. Mochizuki, Intersections 53 (2017). She has published widely on diverse topics ranging from Reformation iconoclasm, post-Tridentine spirituality, and the relationship between art, nature, and the senses, to historical aspects of early modern artists’ materials (wax, papier-mâché, gold). Her professional awards include fellowships from the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (Wassenaar), the International Research Centre for Cultural History (Vienna), the Centre for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts (Washington, D.C.), the J. Paul Getty Research Institute (Los Angeles, CA), the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin), and the Newberry (Chicago, IL). She is currently preparing a monograph on Hendrick Goltzius’s Allegory of the Arts (1611) in the Kunstmuseum Basel and a co-authored book (with S. Dupré) entitled Reading the Inventory: The Worlds and Possessions of the Portuguese Merchant-Banker Emmanuel Ximenez (1564–1632) in Antwerp. She is also working on a book-length study on interiority and interior spaces in post-Tridentine Europe. She is a member of the editorial board of Intersections.

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Spaces, Places, and Times of Solitude in Late Medieval and Early Modern Cultures

Series:  Intersections, Volume: 56


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