4.1 Spiritual and physical genealogy of Ḥażrat Jīo Ṣāḥib 125
4.2 Cross-section of the Principal Naqshbandī-Mujaddidī lineages of the Peshawar valley, late 17th–19th century 136
4.3 Maḥalla Fażl-i Ḥaqq, Yakātut gate 141
4.4 Portal of the mazār of Ḥażrat Jīo, Peshawar 142
4.5 Mazār of Ḥażrat Jīo, Peshawar 142
4.6 Mazār of Ḥażrat Jīo, Peshawar 143
4.7 Old tombstone, Mazār of Ḥażrat Jīo, Peshawar 143
4.8 Schematic depiction of Bukhara’s religious institutions 146
4.9 Qarākol Gate, Bukhara 152
4.10 Genealogical tree of Ḥażrat Jīo Pishāvarī at Khānaqāh-i Ḥażrat Jīo, Peshawar, 2015 155
5.1 The Kīrgīl mazār (2014) 173
5.2 Shrine of Ulugʻ hazrat bobo (burial site of Valī Khān Tūra) 187
5.3 Decorated ceiling of the chilla-khona near the shrine of Ulugʻ hazrat bobo 188
6.1 The Khirqat al-Nabī as it appeared in the 1930s (Sālnāma-yi Kābul) 200
6.2 The Khirqa complex from the southeast showing the shrine and Aḥmad Shāh’s tomb (Sālnāma-yi Kābul) 202
6.3 The Khirqat al-Nabī showing extensive renovations conducted under King Muḥammad Ẓāhir Shāh as it appeared after 2002 233
10.1 Front Portal, Mazār of Muḥammad Bashārā 305
10.2 Reconstructed plan of the first stage of construction 307
10.3 Reconstructed plan of the third and final stage of construction 308
10.4 Mausoleum of Muḥammad Bashārā 318
0.1 Early Modern Central Asia XVII
0.2 Post-Soviet Central Asia XVIII
4.1 Ḥażrat Jīo’s khānaqāh at Yakātut gate 128
4.2 Location of khulafāʾ and khānaqāhs of Fażl Aḥmad Maʿṣūmī Pishāvarī ca. 1820 129
5.1 The Farghana valley in the second half of the 19th century as related to Valī Khān Tūra’s ghazavāt 164
10.1 Location of the Mazār of Muḥammad Bashārā in the Zarafshān valley, Tajikistan 304