General linguistics and related disciplines

In: A Bibliography of Sign Languages, 2008-2017
Open Access

0.1. General

47 Handbuch Sprache und Wissen / Hrsg. von Ekkehard Felder und Andreas Gardt. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2015 [2014]. – xii, 567 p. – (Handbücher Sprachwissen (HSW) ; 1) | Handbook of language and knowledge.

48 Naturalness and iconicity in language / Ed. by Klaas Willems ; Ludovic De Cuypere. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2008. – ix, 249 p. – (Iconicity in language and literature ; 7).

0.2. History of linguistics, biographical data, organizations

49 Arık, Engin: Geçmişten geleceğe Türk İşaret Dili araştırmaları. – (615), 7-22 | [History of research related to the Turkish Sign Language].

0.2.1. Western traditions

50 Encountering Aboriginal languages : studies in the history of Australian linguistics / Ed. by William B. McGregor. – Canberra : Pacific Linguistics, 2008. – xiv, 526 p. – (Pacific linguistics ; 591). Eighteenth century

51 Raby, Valérie: La phrase expliquée aux sourds-muets : remarques sur la syntaxe chiffrée de l’abbé Sicard. – (7), 277-288 | Roch-Ambroise Sicard (1742-1822) | E. ab. Nineteenth century

52 cRuta, Karolina; [Wrzesniewska, Marta] Wrześniewska-Pietrzak, Marta: Nazwy własne w “Słowniku mimicznym dla głuchoniemych i osób z nimi styczność mających”. – Onomastica 59, 2015, 93-106 | Proper names [in] the dictionary titled “Słownik mimiczny dla głuchoniemych i osób z nimi styczność mających” by Józef Hollak and Teofil Jagodziński, 1879 | E. ab. Twentieth century

53 Hochgesang, Julie A.; Miller, Marvin T.: A celebration of the Dictionary of American Sign Language on linguistic principles : fifty years later. – SLStud 16/4, 2016, 563-591.

54 Kanda, Kazuyuki: Nihon shuwagaku no ayumi : jibunshiteki shiten kara no essei. – ShK 19, 2010, 53-63 | [The advance of Japanese sign linguistics : essay from a personal historical viewpoint] | Special attn. William J. Stokoe (1919-2000).

55 Lerose, Luigi; Berti, Stefania: La lingua dei segni : interpretazione e traduzione, cenni storici. – (14), 229-236.

56 Mori, Sōya; Osonoe, Satoshi: Tokushū taidan : shuwa gengogaku no 50-nen : Nihon no shuwa gengogaku wa sono rekishi kara nani o manabu beki ka. – ShK 19, 2010, 11-28 | [Special issue dialogue : fifty years of sign linguistics : what should Japanese sign linguistics learn from its history].

57 Tokushū : shuwa gengogaku no 50-nen. – ShK / [Ed. by] Nihon shuwa gakkai. – Kyōto. – 66 p. – (ShK ; 19) | [Special issue : fifty years of sign linguistics] | Special issue on the occasion of the publication of William C. Stokoe (1919-2000), Sign Language Structure, Buffalo, 1960. Twenty-first century

58 Woodward, James C.; Hoa, Nguyen Thi: Where Sign language studies has led us in forty years : opening high school and university education for deaf people in Viet Nam through sign language analysis, teaching, and interpretation. – SLStud 13/1, 2012, 19-36 | E. ab.

0.2.4. Organizations

59 Osonoe, Satoshi: Nihon shuwa gakkai no saisei e mukete. – ShK 18, 2009, 11-13 | [Towards the revival of the Japanese Association for Sign Language Studies].

60 Tanaka, Saori: Taiwa no yōyaku toshite no rinri kōryō : Nihon shuwa gakkai rinri kōryō sakutei junbi ni atatte. – ShK 18, 2009, 25-30 | [Statement of ethics : report on the preparations for the compilation of a statement of ethics for the Japanese Association for Sign Language Studies].

0.3. Linguistic theory and methodology

61 [Chen, Deborah] Chen Pichler, Deborah; Hochgesang, Julie A.; Lillo-Martin, Diane C.; Müller de Quadros, Ronice: Conventions for sign and speech transcription of child bimodal bilingual corpora in ELAN. – LIA 1/1, 2010, 11-40 | Fr. ab.

62 Courtin, Cyril; Limousin, Fanny; Morgenstern, Aliyah: Évaluer les compétences linguistiques des enfants en langue des signes française : une expérience pionnière. – LIA 1/1, 2010, 129-158 | E. ab.

63 Evans, Nicholas; Levinson, Stephen C.: The myth of language universals : language diversity and its importance for cognitive science. 32/5, 2009, 429-448 | Comm. cf. 67 & 64.

64 Harbour, Daniel: Mythomania? : methods and morals from ‘The myth of language universals’. – Lingua 121/12, 2011, 1820-1830 | Apropos of 63.

65 [Malaia, Evguenia] Malaia, Evie; Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Sign languages : contribution to neurolinguistics from cross-modal research. – Lingua 120/12, 2010, 2704-2706 | Cf. 63.

66 Methods in contemporary linguistics / Ed. by Andrea Ender ; Adrian Leemann ; Bernhard Wälchli. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2012. – xiii, 536 p. – (Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs ; 247) | In honour of Iwar Werlen.

67 The myth of language universals. – Lingua / Ed. by Johan Rooryck ; Neil V. Smith ; Anikó Lipták ; Diane Blakemore. – Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2010. – 2651-2758. – (Lingua ; 120/12) | Special issue.

68 The Oxford handbook of linguistic analysis / Ed. by Bernd Heine ; Heiko Narrog. – Oxford : Oxford UP, 2010. – xxviii, 1016 p. – (Oxford handbooks in linguistics).

69 Primus, Beatrice; Domahs, Ulrike: Laut – Gebärde – Buchstabe. – (47), 125-142 | [Sound – gesture – letter] | G. ab.

70 Sandler, Wendy: The uniformity and diversity of language : evidence from sign language. – Lingua 120/12, 2010, 2727-2732 | Cf. 63.

71 Wilcox, Sherman E.; Wilcox, Phyllis P.: The analysis of signed languages. – (68), 739-760.

72 Wilcox, Sherman E.: Xièěrmàn Wēiěrkǎokèsī rènzhī yǔyánxué yǔ kǒuyǔ hé shǒuyǔ de yīzhì xìng shí jiǎng.Ten lectures on cognitive linguistics and the unification of spoken and signed languages / [Ed. by] Li Fúyìn, Dīng Yán. – Beijing : Wàiyǔ jiàoxué yǔ yánjiū chūbǎnshè = Foreign language teaching and research press, 2015. – 390 p. – (Shìjiè zhùmíng yǔyán xué jiā xìliè jiǎngzuò = Eminent linguists lectures series).

0.5. Semiotics

73 Semblance and signification / Ed. by Pascal Michelucci ; Olga Fischer ; Christina Ljungberg. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2011. – xii, 427. – (Iconicity in language and literature ; 10).

0.5.1. Non-verbal communication

74 Capirci, Olga; Cristilli, Carla; De Angelis, Valerio; Graziano, Maria: Learning to use gesture in narratives : developmental trends in formal and semantic gesture competence. – (76), 187-200.

75 Günther, Klaus B.; Hennies, Johannes: From pre-symbolic gestures to language : multisensory early intervention in deaf children. – (15), 369-382.

76 Integrating gestures : the interdisciplinary nature of gesture / Ed. by Gale Stam ; Mika Ishino. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2011. – viii, 372 p. – (Gesture studies ; 4).

77 Kendon, Adam: Kinesic components of multimodal utterances. – BLS 35S, 2009 (2010), 36-53.

78 Krifka, Manfred: Functional similarities between bimanual coordination and topic/comment structure. – (36), 307-336 | On signed & spoken lg.

79 Pfau, Roland: A point well taken : on the typology and diachrony of pointing. – (203), 24 p. | Cf. 1191.

80 Szarota, Beata: Sistemi gestuali tecnici e linguaggi dei segni come esempi della comunicazione gestuale alternativa. – SRP 36, 2009, 117-125 | E. ab.: Gesture technical systems and sign lgs. as an example of alternative gesture communication.

81 Volterra, Virginia; Capirci, Olga; Caselli, Maria Cristina; Rinaldi, Pasquale; Sparaci, Laura: Developmental evidence for continuity from action to gesture to sign/word. – LIA 8/1, 2017, 13-41 | E. & Fr. ab.

82 Vos, Connie de: Sign-spatiality on Kata Kolok : how a village sign language of Bali inscribes its signing space. – Nijmegen : Radboud Univ., 2012. – xxi, 496 p. – (MPI series in psycholinguistics ; 72) | PhD dissertation | Electronic publ.

83 Wojda, Piotr: Sztuczne i mieszane języki migowe. – (172), 392-410 | Manually coded languages and sign pidgins | P0l. & E. ab.

0.5.2. Animal communication

84 Leeds, Charles Austin; Jensvold, Mary Lee: The communicative functions of five signing chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). – P&C 21/1, 2013, 224-247.

85 Primate communication and human language : vocalisation, gestures, imitation and deixis in humans and non-humans / Ed. by Anne Vilain ; Jean-Luc Schwartz ; Christian Abry [†] ; Jacques Vauclair. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2011. – vi, 239 p. – (Advances in interaction studies ; 1).

1. Phonetics and phonology

86 The segment in phonetics and phonology / Ed. by Eric Raimy and Charles E. Cairns. – Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. – x, 348 p.

1.2. Phonology

87 The sonority controversy / Ed. by Steve Parker. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2012. – xvi, 487 p. – (Phonology and phonetics ; 18).

2. Grammar, morphosyntax

88 The expression of possession / Ed. by William B. McGregor. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2010. – 435 p. – (The expression of cognitive categories ; 2).

89 On looking into words (and beyond) : structures, relations, analyses / Ed. by Claire Bowern ; Laurence Horn ; Raffaella Zanuttini. – Berlin : Language science press, 2017. – xi, 609 p. – (Empirically oriented theoretical morphology and syntax ; 3) | A tribute to Stephen R. Anderson.

2.1. Morphology and word-formation

2.1.2. Derivational morphology

90 Cross-disciplinary issues in compounding / Ed. by Sergio Scalise ; Irene Vogel. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2010. – viii, 382 p. – (Current issues in linguistic theory ; 311).

91 Nagano, Akiko: [Rev. art. of] The Oxford handbook of compounding, ed. by Rochelle Lieber and Pavol Štekauer. – EngL 27/2, 2010, 503-515 | Cf. 93.

92 Scalise, Sergio; Bisetto, Antonietta: The classification of compounds. – (93), 34-53.

93 The Oxford handbook of compounding / Ed. by Rochelle Lieber and Pavol Štekauer. – Oxford : Oxford UP, 2009. – xx, 691 p.

94 Word-formation : an international handbook of the languages of Europe / Ed. by Peter O. Müller ; Ingeborg Ohnheiser ; Susan Olsen ; Franz Rainer. Vol. 1. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2015. – xxii, p. 1-802. – (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft = Handbooks of linguistics and communication science ; 40/1).

95 Word-formation : an international handbook of the languages of Europe / Ed. by Peter O. Müller ; Ingeborg Ohnheiser ; Susan Olsen ; Franz Rainer. Vol. 2. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2015. – xii, p. 803-1560. – (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft = Handbooks of linguistics and communication science ; 40/2) | Cf. vol. 1, 94.

96 Word-formation : an international handbook of the languages of Europe / Ed. by Peter O. Müller ; Ingeborg Ohnheiser ; Susan Olsen ; Franz Rainer. Vol. 3. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2015. – xii, p. 1567-2386. – (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft = Handbooks of linguistics and communication science ; 40/3) | Cf. vol. 2, 95.

2.2. Syntax

97 Aboh, Enoch Oladé; Pfau, Roland: What’s a wh-word got to do with it?. – (101), 91-124.

98 Challenges to linearization / Ed. by Theresa Biberauer and Ian Roberts. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2013. – 379 p. – (Studies in generative grammar ; 114).

99 Correlatives cross-linguistically / Ed. by Anikó Lipták. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2009. – vii, 375 p. – (Language faculty and beyond : internal and external variation in linguistics ; 1).

100 Crosslinguistic studies on noun phrase structure and reference / Ed. by Patricia Cabredo Hofherr ; Anne Zribi-Hertz. – Leiden : Brill, 2014 [2013]. – xii, 401 p. – (Syntax & semantics ; 39).

101 Mapping the left periphery / Ed. by Paola Benincà and Nicola Munaro. – New York, NY : Oxford UP, 2010. – viii, 339 p. – (The cartography of syntactic structures ; 5).

102 Sanfelici, Emanuela: Syntax and morphology : what can compounds tell us? : a review article. – RdL 23/2, 2011, 351-378 | Cf. 90.

103 Structuring the argument : multidisciplinary research on verb argument structure / Ed. by Asaf Bachrach ; Isabelle Roy ; Linnaea Stockall. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2014. – vii, 205 p. – (Language faculty and beyond : internal and external variation in linguistics ; 10).

4. Semantics and pragmatics

104 Imperatives and directive strategies / Edited by Daniël Van Olmen ; Simone Heinold. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2017. – vi, 324 p. – (Studies in language companion series ; 184).

105 Pejoration / Ed. by Rita Finkbeiner ; Jörg Meibauer ; Heike Wiese. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2016. – vii, 357 p. – (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics today ; 228).

4.1. Semantics

106 Conceptualizations of time / Ed. by Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2016. – xxi, 325 p. – (Human cognitive processing. Cognitive foundations of language structure and use ; 52).

107 Event representation in language and cognition / Ed. by Jürgen Bohnemeyer and Eric W. Pederson. – Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2011. – xiii, 282 p. – (Language, context and cognition ; 11).

108 Herlofsky, William J.: Iconic signs, motivated semantic networks, and the nature of conceptualization : what iconic signing spaces can tell us about mental spaces. – (29), 301-318.

109 Meir, Irit: Iconicity and metaphor : constraints on metaphorical extension of iconic forms. – Language 86/4, 2010, 865-896.

4.2. Pragmatics, discourse analysis and text grammar

110 The conversation frame : forms and functions of fictive interaction / Ed. by Esther Pascual ; Sergeiy Sandler. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2016. – xi, 384 p. – (Human cognitive processing. Cognitive foundations of language structure and use ; 55).

111 Information structure and agreement / Ed. by Victoria Camacho Taboada ; Ángel L. Jiménez Fernández ; Javier Martín González ; Mariano Reyes Tejedor. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2013. – vi, 376 p. – (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics today ; 197) | Papers from the 21st ‘Colloquium on generative grammar’, held at the Univ. of Seville in April 2011.

112 Quotatives : cross-linguistic and cross-disciplinary perspectives / Ed. by Isabelle Buchstaller ; Ingrid van Alphen. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2012. – xxx, 296 p. – (Converging evidence in language and communication research ; 15).

9. Psycholinguistics, language acquisition and neurolinguistics

113 The shared mind : perspectives on intersubjectivity / Ed. by Jordan Zlatev ; Timothy P. Racine ; Chris Sinha ; Esa Itkonen. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2008. – xiii, 391 p. – (Converging evidence in language and communication research ; 12).

114 Towards a biolinguistic understanding of grammar : essays on interfaces / Ed. by Anna Maria Di Sciullo. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2012. – vi, 368 p. – (Linguistik aktuell = Linguistics today ; 194).

9.1. Origin of language

115 Corballis, Michael C.: The origins of language in manual gestures. – (183), 382-386.

116 The emergence of protolanguage : holophrasis vs compositionality / Ed. by Michael A. Arbib ; Derek Bickerton. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2010. – xi, 181 p. – (Benjamins current topics ; 24) | Papers previously published in Interaction Studies 9/1 (2008).

117 The evolutionary emergence of language : evidence and inference / Ed. by Rudolf Botha ; Martin Everaert. – Oxford : Oxford UP, 2013. – xviii, 334 p. – (Oxford studies in the evolution of language ; 17).

118 Kendon, Adam: Gesture first or speech first in language origins?. – (203), 21 p. | Cf. 120.

119 MacNeilage, Peter F.: Lashley’s problem of serial order and the evolution of learnable vocal and manual communication. – (85), 139-152.

120 Napoli, Donna Jo; Sutton-Spence, Rachel L.: Sign language humor, human singularities, and the origins of language. – (203), 25 p | Cf. 118.

121 Samuels, Bridget D.: The emergence of phonological forms. – (114), 193-213.

9.2. Psycholinguistics

122 Anible, Benjamin; Morford, Jill P.: Look both ways before crossing the street : perspectives on the intersection of bimodality and bilingualism. – Bilingualism 19/2, 2016, 243-245 | Cf. 349.

123 Dubuisson, Colette; Parisot, Anne-Marie; Vercaingne-Ménard, Astrid: Bilingualism and deafness : correlations between deaf students’ ability to use space in Quebec Sign Language and their reading comprehension in French. – (412), 51-71.

124 Engberg-Pedersen, Elisabeth: Cognitive foundations of topic-comment and foreground-background structures : evidence from sign languages, cospeech gesture and homesign. – CognL 22/4, 2011, 691-718.

125 Kroll, Judith F.; Bice, Kinsey: Bimodal bilingualism reveals mechanisms of cross-language interaction. – Bilingualism 19/2, 2016, 250-252 | Cf. 349.

126 Tang, Gladys: Bimodal bilingualism : factors yet to be explored. – Bilingualism 19/2, 2016, 259-260 | Cf. 349.

127 Viewpoint and the fabric of meaning : form and use of viewpoint tools across languages and modalities / Ed. by Barbara Dancygier ; Wei-lun Lu ; Arie Verhagen. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2016. – viii, 292 p. – (Cognitive linguistics research ; 55).

9.2.1. Language production

128 Emmorey, Karen D.; Petrich, Jennifer A. F.; Gollan, Tamar H.: Bilingual processing of ASL–English code-blends : the consequences of accessing two lexical representations simultaneously. – JM&L 67/1, 2012, 199-210.

129 Liceras, Juana M.: Linguistic theory and the Synthesis Model : beyond feature matching restrictions. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 776-781 | Commentary on 159.

130 MacSwan, Jeff: Codeswitching and the timing of Lexical Insertion. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 786-791 | Commentary on 159.

131 Pierantozzi, Cristina: Language Synthesis model and the problem of the invisible derivation. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 808-811 | Commentary on 159.

132 Putnam, Michael T.; Legendre, Géraldine; Smolensky, Paul: How constrained is language mixing in bi- and uni-modal production? – LABi 6/6, 2016, 812-816 | Commentary on 159.

133 Pyers, Jennie E.; Gollan, Tamar H.; Emmorey, Karen D.: Bimodal bilinguals reveal the source of tip-of-the-tongue states. – Cognition 112/2, 2009, 323-329.

134 Quer, Josep: One or two derivations in (bimodal) bilinguals : that’s the question. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 817-821 | Commentary on 159.

135 Schaeffner, Simone; Fibla, Laia; Philipp, Andrea M.: Bimodal language switching : new insights from signing and typing. – JM&L 94, 2017, 1-14 | E. ab.

136 Serratrice, Ludovica: Cross-linguistic influence, cross-linguistic priming and the nature of shared syntactic structures. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 822-827 | Commentary on 159.

9.2.2. Language comprehension

137 Morford, Janet; Wilkinson, Erin; Villwock, Agnes; Piñar, Pilar; Kroll, Judith F.: When deaf signers read English : do written words activate their sign translations? – Cognition 118/2, 2011, 286-292.

138 Orfanidou, Eleni; Adam, Robert; Morgan, Gary; McQueen, James M.: Recognition of signed and spoken language : different sensory inputs, the same segmentation procedure. – JM&L 62/3, 2010, 272-283.

139 Shook, Anthony; Marian, Viorica: Bimodal bilinguals co-activate both languages during spoken comprehension. – Cognition 124/3, 2012, 314-324.

9.2.3. Memory

140 Geraci, Carlo; Gozzi, Marta; Papagno, Costanza; Cecchetto, Carlo: How grammar can cope with limited short-term memory : simultaneity and seriality in sign languages. – Cognition 106/2, 2008, 780-804.

141 Hall, Matthew L.; Bavelier, Daphne: Short-term memory stages in sign vs. speech : the source of the serial span discrepancy. – Cognition 120/1, 2011, 54-66.

9.3. Language acquisition

142 The Cambridge handbook of child language / Ed. by Edith L. Bavin. – Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2009. – x, 596 p.

143 Gesture and multimodal development / Ed. by Jean Marc Colletta ; Michèle Guidetti. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2012. – xii, 224 p. – (Benjamins current topics ; 39) | Collection of art., previously publ. as a special issue of Gesture 10/2-3, 2010.

144 The gesture-sign interface in language acquisition.L’interface geste-signe dans l’acquisition du langage. – LIA / Ed. by Aliyah Morgenstern and Michèle Guidetti. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2017. – p. 1-171. – (LIA ; 8/1) | Special issue.

145 Smith, Neil V.; Tsimpli, Ianthi-Maria; Morgan, Gary; Woll, Bencie: The signs of a savant : language against the odds. – Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2011. – xiv, 210 p.

146 The usage-based study of language learning and multilingualism. – GURT / Lourdes Ortega ; Andrea E. Tyler ; Hae In Park ; Mariko Uno, editors. – Washington, DC : Georgetown UP., 2016. – 308 p. – (GURT).

9.3.1. First language acquisition, child language

147 Goldin-Meadow, Susan: Studying the mechanisms of language learning by varying the learning environment and the learner. – LCN 30/8, 2015, 899-911.

148 Variation in the input : studies in the acquisition of word order / Ed. by Merete Anderssen ; Kristine Bentzen ; Marit R. Westergaard. – Dordrecht : Springer, 2010. – viii, 276 p. – (Studies in theoretical psycholinguistics ; 39). First language acquisition by pre-school children

149 Morgenstern, Aliyah; Caët, Stéphanie; Collombel-Leroy, Marie; Limousin, Fanny; Blondel, Marion: From gesture to sign and from gesture to word : pointing in deaf and hearing children. – (143), 49-78.

150 Seal, Brenda C.; DePaolis, Rory A.: Manual activity and onset of first words in babies exposed and not exposed to baby signing. – SLStud 14/4, 2014, 444-465 | E. ab. First language acquisition by school children

151 Niederberger, Nathalie: Does the knowledge of a natural sign language facilitate deaf children’s learning to read and write? : insights from French Sign Language and written French data. – (412), 29-50. Plurilingual language acquisition

152 Pfau, Roland: Switching, blending … and slipping. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 802-807 | Commentary on 159.

153 Quadros, Ronice Müller de; Lillo-Martin, Diane C.; Pichler, Deborah Chen: Sobreposição no desenvolvimento bilíngue bimodal = Code-blending in bimodal bilingual development. – RBLApl 14/4, 2014, 799-834 | E. ab.

9.3.2. Second language acquisition

154 [Aleksiadou, Artemis] Alexiadou, Artemis: Code-blending and Distributed Morphology. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 756-759 | Commentary on 159.

155 Baker, Anne Edith: Incongruent grammar : can the model cope? – LABi 6/6, 2016, 760-762 | Commentary on 159.

156 Branchini, Chiara; Donati, Caterina: The extent of language co- activation in bimodal bilinguals. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 763-767 | Commentary on 159.

157 Hell, Janet G. van: Relative language proficiency affects language production in unimodal and bimodal bilinguals. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 834-838 | Commentary on 159.

158 Hulk, Aafke; Bogaerde, Beppie van den: Disentangling internal and external factors in bimodal acquisition. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 772-775 | Commentary on 159.

159 Lillo-Martin, Diane C.; Quadros, Ronice Müller de; Pichler, Deborah Chen: The development of bimodal bilingualism : implications for linguistic theory. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 719-755 | E. ab | Commentaries cf. 154 ; 155 ; 156 ; 380 ; 158 ; 129 ; 161 ; 130 ; 162 ; 377 ; 152 ; 131 ; 132 ; 134 ; 136 ; 163 & 157 | Authors’ response to commentaries cf. 160.

160 Lillo-Martin, Diane C.; Quadros, Ronice Müller de; Pichler, Deborah Chen: Synthesizing commentaries and responses. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 839-848 | Response to commentaries on 159.

161 Lohndal, Terje: The role of underspecification in grammar. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 782-785 | Commentary on 159.

162 Morford, Jill P.; Wilcox, Phyllis P.: A tale of two articulators : what bilingualism and multimodality together reveal about language representation and use. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 792-798 | Commentary on 159.

163 Steinbach, Markus: Mouthing and demonstrating in bimodal contexts. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 828-833 | Commentary on 159.

9.4. Neurolinguistics and language disorders

164 Curtiss, Susan: Revisiting modularity : using language as a window to the mind. – (24), 68-90.

9.4.1. Neurolinguistics

165 Capek, Cheryl M.; Woll, Bencie; MacSweeney, Mairéad; Waters, Dafydd; McGuire, Philip K.; David, Anthony S.; Brammer, Michael J.; Campbell, Ruth: Superior temporal activation as a function of linguistic knowledge : insights from deaf native signers who speechread. – B&L 112/2, 2010, 129-134.

166 Courtin, Cyril; Hervé, P.-Y.; Petit, L.; Zago, Laure; Vigneau, M.; Beaucousin, V.; Jobard, G.; Mazoyer, B.; Mellet, E.; Tzourio-Mazoyer, Nathalie: The neural correlates of highly iconic structures and topographic discourse in French Sign Language as observed in six hearing native signers. – B&L 114/3, 2010, 180-192.

167 Emmorey, Karen D.; McCullough, Stephen: The bimodal bilingual brain : effects of sign language experience. – B&L 109/2-3, 2009, 124-132.

168 Grosvald, Michael; Gutiérrez, Eva; Hafer, Sarah; Corina, David: Dissociating linguistic and non-linguistic gesture processing : electrophysiological evidence from American Sign Language. – B&L 121/1, 2012, 12-24.

169 Hu, Zhiguo; Wang, Wenjing; Liú, Hóngyàn; Peng, Danling; Yang, Yanhui; Li, Kuncheng; Zhang, John X.; Ding, Guosheng: Brain activations associated with sign production using word and picture inputs in deaf signers. – B&L 116/2, 2011, 64-70.

170 Kovelman, Ioulia; Shalinsky, Mark H.; White, Katherine S.; Schmitt, Shawn N.; Berens, Melody S.; Paymer, Nora; Petitto, Laura Ann: Dual language use in sign-speech bimodal bilinguals : fNIRS brain-imaging evidence. – B&L 109/2-3, 2009, 112-123.

171 Valadao, Michelle Nave; Issac, Myriam de Lima; Araujo, Draulio Barros de; Santos, Antonio Carlos dos: Visualizando a elaboração da linguagem em surdos bilíngues por meio da ressonância magnética funcional = Viewing the production of language in bilingual deaf subjects through functional magnetic resonance imaging. – RBLApl 14/4, 2014, 835-859 | E. ab.

9.4.2. Language disorders

172 Surdologopedia : teoria i praktyka / Red. Naukowa Ewa Muzyka- Furtak. – Gdańsk : Harmonia Universalis, 2015. – 493 p. | [Surdologopedy : theory and practice] | Biblio., 445-487 | Subject index, 488-493. Language disorders other than developmental and aphasia

173 Mouvet, Kimberley; Matthijs, Liesbeth; Loots, Gerrit; Taverniers, Miriam; Herreweghe, Mieke Van: The language development of a deaf child with a cochlear implant. – LS 35, 2013, 59-79.

10. Sociolinguistics and dialectology

10.1. Sociolinguistics

10.1.2. Language policy and language planning

174 Miti, Lazarus Musazitame: Language rights in Southern Africa. – Cape Town : CASAS, 2016. – 165 p. – (CASAS book series ; 118).

10.1.4. Language loss and maintenance

175 Endangered languages and languages in danger : issues of documentation, policy, and language rights / Edited by Luna Filipović ; Martin Pütz. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2016. – ix, 413 p. – (Impact. Studies in language and society ; 42).

176 Endangered languages and new technologies / Ed. by Mari C. Jones. – Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2015. – xv, 211 p.

177 Keeping languages alive : documentation, pedagogy and revitalization / Ed. by Mari C. Jones and Sarah Ogilvie. – Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2013. – xiv, 269 p.

10.2. Multilingualism, language contact

178 The handbook of bilingualism and multilingualism / Ed. by Tej K. Bhatia ; William C. Ritchie. – Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. – 964 p. – (Blackwell handbooks in linguistics).

10.2.1. Multilingualism

179 Baker, Anne Edith; Bogaerde, Beppie van den: Code-mixing in signs and words in input and output from children. – (412), 1-27.

180 The Cambridge handbook of linguistic code-switching / Ed. by Barbara E. Bullock ; Almeida Jacqueline Toribio. – Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2009. – xv, 422 p. – (Cambridge handbooks in linguistics).

10.3. Linguistic geography

181 Language, borders and identity / Ed. by Dominic Watt and Carmen Llamas. – Edinburgh : Edinburgh UP., 2014. – xvii, 268 p., maps.

11. Comparative linguistics

11.1. Historical linguistics and language change

182 New directions in grammaticalization research / Ed. by Andrew D.M. Smith ; Graeme Trousdale and Richard Waltereit. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2015. – xv, 302 p. – (Studies in language companion series ; 166).

183 The Oxford handbook of language evolution / Ed. by Maggie Tallerman ; Kathleen R. Gibson. – Oxford : Oxford UP, 2012. – xxv, 763 p. – (Oxford handbooks in linguistics).

11.2. Linguistic typology, universals of language

184 Cormier, Kearsy; Schembri, Adam C.; Woll, Bencie: Diversity across sign languages and spoken languages : implications for language universals. – Lingua 120/12, 2010, 2664-2667 | Cf. 63.

185 Measuring grammatical complexity / Ed. by Frederick J. Newmeyer and Laurel B. Preston. – Oxford : Oxford UP, 2014. – xvi, 370 p.

186 Reciprocals and semantic typology / Ed. by Nicholas Evans ; Alice R. Gaby ; Stephen C. Levinson ; Asifa Majid. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2011. – viii, 349 p. – (Typological studies in language ; 98).

187 Taub, Sarah F.; Galvan, Dennis B.; Piñar, Pilar: The role of gesture in crossmodal typological studies. – CognL 20/1, 2009, 71-92.

12. Mathematical and computational linguistics

12.2. Statistical and quantitative linguistics

12.2.1. Corpus linguistics

188 Spoken corpora and linguistic studies / Ed. by Tommaso Raso ; Heliana Mello. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2014. – vii, 498 p. – (Studies in corpus linguistics ; 61).

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A Bibliography of Sign Languages, 2008-2017

With an Introduction by Myriam Vermeerbergen and Anna-Lena Nilsson