200 Arık, Engin: Describing motion events in sign languages. – PSiCL 46/4, 2010, 367-390.
201 Buceva, Pavlina; Čakărova, Krasimira: Za njakoi specifiki na žestomimičnija ezik, izpolzvan ot sluchouvredeni lica. – ESOL 7/1, 2009, 73-79 | On some specific features of the sign language used by children with hearing disorders.
202 Dammeyer, Jesper: Tegnsprogsforskning : om tegnsprogets bidrag til viden om sprog. – SSS 3/2, 2012, 31-46 | Sign language research : on the contribution of sign language to the knowledge of languages | E. ab | Electronic publ.
203 Deaf around the world : the impact of language / Ed. by Gaurav Mathur and Donna Jo Napoli. – Oxford : Oxford UP, 2011. – xviii, 398 p.
204 Fischer, Susan D.: Sign languages East and West. – (34), 3-15.
205 Formational units in sign languages / Ed. by Rachel Channon ; Harry van der Hulst. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Nijmegen : Ishara Press, 2011. – vi, 346 p. – (Sign language typology ; 3) | Not analyzed.
206 Franklin, Amy; Giannakidou, Anastasia; Goldin-Meadow, Susan: Negation, questions, and structure building in a homesign system. – Cognition 118/3, 2011, 398-416.
207 Gebarentaalwetenschap : een inleiding / Onder red. van Anne E. Baker ; Beppie van den Bogaerde ; Roland Pfau ; Trude Schermer. – Deventer : Van Tricht, 2008. – 328 p.
208 Kendon, Adam: A history of the study of Australian Aboriginal sign languages. – (50), 383-402.
209 Kendon, Adam: Sign languages of Aboriginal Australia : cultural, semiotic and communicative perspectives. – Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2013. – 562 p. | First publ. 1988; cf. 629.
210 Kudła, Marcin: How to sign the other : on attributive ethnonyms in sign languages. – PFFJ 2014, 81-92 | Pol. & E. ab.
211 Meurant, Laurence; Sinte, Aurélie; Vermeerbergen, Myriam; Herreweghe, Mieke Van: Sign language research, uses and practices : a Belgian perspective. – (217), 1-14.
212 Nonmanuals in sign language / Ed. by Annika Herrmann and Markus Steinbach. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2013. – v, 197 p. – (Benjamins current topics ; 53) | Articles previously publ. in Sign language & linguistics 14/1, 2011.
213 Petitta, Giulia; Di Renzo, Alessio; Chiari, Isabella; Rossini, Paolo: Sign language representation : new approaches to the study of Italian Sign Language (LIS). – (217), 137-158.
214 Podbevsek, Sabrina: Gebärdensprachen im Internet. – ZGL 40/3, 2012, 481-484.
215 Sawicka, Grażyna: Czy język migowy jest językiem? – (46), 371-380 | E. ab.: Is sign language a language?
216 Sign language : an international handbook edited by Roland Pfau, Markus Steinbach, Bencie Woll / Ed. by Roland Pfau ; Markus Steinbach ; Bencie Woll. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2012. – xii, 1126 p. – (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft = Handbooks of linguistics and communication science ; 37) | Not analyzed.
217 Sign language research, uses and practices : crossing views on theoretical and applied sign language linguistics / Ed. by Laurence Meurant ; Aurélie Sinte ; Mieke Van Herreweghe ; Myriam Vermeerbergen. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2013. – viii, 318 p. – (Sign languages and deaf communities ; 1).
218 Sign languages / Ed. by Diane K. Brentari. – Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2010. – xxi, 691 p. – (Cambridge language surveys).
219 Sign languages of the world : a comparative handbook / Ed. by Julie Bakken Jepsen, Goedele De Clerck, Sam Lutalo-Kiingi, William B. McGregor. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Preston, UK : Ishara Press, 2015. – xviii, 1000 p. | Not analyzed.
220 Tobin, Yishai: Looking at sign language as a visual and gestural shorthand. – PSiCL 44/1, 2008, 103-119.
221 Where do nouns come from? / Ed. by John B. Haviland. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2015. – v, 140 p. – (Benjamins current topics ; 70) | Contains papers orig. publ. in Gesture 13/3, 2013.
222 Wilcox, Sherman E.: Hands and faces : linking human language and non-human primate communication. – (3), 223-239.
0.2.4. Organizations
223 Armstrong, David F.: The birth and rebirth of Sign language studies. – SLStud 13/1, 2012, 7-18.
0.3. Linguistic Theory and Methodology
224 Bōnō, Mayumi: Shuwa kaiwa ni miru wareware ga kangaeru beki rinri : “kūkanteki rensa kōzō” no teian ni mukete. – ShK 18, 2009, 15-18 | [The ethics we have to consider in sign conversation : a proposal for “spatial linkage structure”].
225 Boyes Braem, Penny: Evolving methods for written representations of signed languages of the deaf. – (66), 411-438.
226 Hara, Daisuke: Shuwa gengo kenkyū wa dō aru beki ka : shashō to chūshō. – ShK 19, 2010, 29-41 | [What should sign linguistics research be like : abstraction].
227 Ichikawa, Akira: Rikōgakuteki shuhō ni yoru shuwa kenkyū no jirei. – ShK 19, 2010, 43-52 | [Examples of sign language research using technological methods].
228 Johnson, Robert E.; Liddell, Scott K.: Toward a phonetic representation of signs : sequentiality and contrast. – SLStud 11/2, 2010, 241-274.
229 Lucas, Ceil; Mirus, Gene R.; Palmer, Jeffrey Levi; Roessler, Nicholas James; Frost, Adam: The effect of new technologies on sign language research. – SLStud 13/4, 2013, 541-564 | E. ab | Errata cf. Sign language studies 14/1, 2013, p. 137.
230 Matsuoka, Kazumi: Kyōtsūgo toshite no gengo riron. – ShK 18, 2009, 35-37 | [Theory on languages as standard language].
231 Mori, Sōya: Shuwa kenkyūsha no rinri o kangaeru : A-san e no tegami. – ShK 18, 2009, 39-41 | [Considering the ethics of sign linguists : letter to Mr. A.].
232 Sanogo, Yédê Adama; Kamei, Nobutaka: Afurika rōja komyuniti ni yoru shuwa gengo kenkyū no sokushin : Furansugoken nishi-chūbu Afurika no jirei. – ShK 24, 2016, 3-16 | Promotion of sign language research by the African Deaf community : cases in West and Central French-speaking Africa | E. ab.
233 SignGram Blueprint : a guide to sign language grammar writing / Ed. by Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Carlo Geraci, Meltem Kelepir, Roland Pfau, and Markus Steinbach (scientific directors) ; with the collaboration of Brendan Costello and Rannveig Sverrisdóttir. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2017. – lxxii, 824 p.
234 Takei, Wataru: Gengo o tsukuridasu chikara : hōmusain kenkyū/shuwa kenkyū o tsūjite miete kuru mono. – Energeia 37, 2012, 1-15 | E. ab.: The power to give birth to languages: sign language research which approaches the relationship between people and language.
235 Tokushū : shuwa kenkyū no rinri. – ShK / [Ed. by] Nihon shuwa gakkai. – Kyōto. – 73 p. – (ShK ; 18) | [Special issue : the ethics of sign linguistics] | No personal editor mentioned | Special issue.
0.5. Semiotics
236 Demey, Eline; Herreweghe, Mieke Van; Vermeerbergen, Myriam: Iconicity in sign languages. – (48), 189-214.
0.6. Applied Linguistics
237 Eccarius, Petra; Brentari, Diane K.: Handshape coding made easier : a theoretically based notation for phonological transcription. – SLLing 11/1, 2008, 69-101.
238 Kamei, Nobutaka: Bunka jinruigakuteki na shiten kara kentōsuru shuwa kenkyūsha no soyō. – ShK 18, 2009, 19-22 | [Training sign linguists who do their research from a cultural anthropological point of view].
239 Millet, Agnès; Estève, Isabelle: Transcribing and annotating multimodality : how deaf children’s productions call into the question the analytical tools. – (143), 175-197.
1. Phonetics and Phonology
240 Hochgesang, Julie A.: Using design principles to consider representation of the hand in some notation systems. – SLStud 14/4, 2014, 488-542 | E. ab.
1.1. Phonetics
241 Jantunen, Tommi: Signs and transitions : do they differ phonetically and does it matter? – SLStud 13/2, 2013, 211-237 | E. ab.
242 Johnson, Robert E.; Liddell, Scott K.: A segmental framework for representing signs phonetically. – SLStud 11/3, 2011, 408-463 | E. ab.
243 Johnson, Robert E.; Liddell, Scott K.: Toward a phonetic representation of hand configuration : the thumb. – SLStud 12/2, 2012, 316-333 | E. ab.
244 Sanders, Nathan C.; Napoli, Donna Jo: A cross-linguistic preference for torso stability in the lexicon : evidence from 24 sign languages. – SLLing 19/2, 2016, 197-231 | E. ab.
245 Sanders, Nathan C.; Napoli, Donna Jo: Reactive effort as a factor that shapes sign language lexicons. – Language 92/2, 2016, 275-297.
246 Tyrone, Martha E.; Woll, Bencie: Sign phonetics and the motor system : implications from Parkinson’s disease. – (30), 43-60.
1.1.1. Articulatory Phonetics
247 Eccarius, Petra; Bour, Rebecca; Scheidt, Robert A.: Dataglove measurement of joint angles in sign language handshapes. – SLLing 15/1, 2012, 39-72.
248 Johnson, Robert E.; Liddell, Scott K.: Toward a phonetic representation of hand configuration : the fingers. – SLStud 12/1, 2011, 5-45 | E. ab.
1.1.3. Auditory Phonetics
249 Brentari, Diane K.; González, Carolina; Seidl, Amanda; Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Sensitivity to visual prosodic cues in signers and nonsigners. – L&S 54/1, 2011, 49-72.
1.2. Phonology
250 Armstrong, David F.; Wilcox, Sherman E.: Gesture and the nature of semantic phonology. – SLStud 9/4, 2009, 410-416.
251 Channon, Rachel Elizabeth: The symmetry and dominance conditions reconsidered. – CLS 40/1, 2004 (2008), 45-57.
252 Gù, Shēngyùn; Zhāng, Jíshēng: Shǒuyǔ yīnxì yánjiū jí qí lǐlùn móxíng. – JFL 40/1, 2017, 52-65 | On studies of sign language phonology and its theoretical models | Chin. & E. ab.
253 [Malaia, Evguenia] Malaia, Evie; Wilbur, Ronnie B.: What sign languages show : neurobiological bases of visual phonology. – (114), 265-275.
254 Rozelle, Lorna: A cross-linguistic analysis of dependence between phonological parameters. – (30), 25-42.
255 Sandler, Wendy: The challenge of sign language phonology. – ARL 3, 2017, 43-63 | E. ab.
256 Sandler, Wendy: The phonological organization of sign languages. – Compass 6/3, 2012, 162-182.
1.2.1. Suprasegmental Phonology (Prosody)
257 Applebaum, Lauren; Coppola, Marie; Goldin-Meadow, Susan: Prosody in a communication system developed without a language model. – SLLing 17/2, 2014, 181-212.
258 Hohenberger, Annette: The word in sign language : empirical evidence and theoretical controversies. – Linguistics 46/2, 2008, 249-308.
259 Ormel, Ellen; Crasborn, Onno A.: Prosodic correlates of sentences in signed languages : a literature review and suggestions for new types of studies. – SLStud 12/2, 2012, 279-315 | E. ab.
2. Grammar, Morphosyntax
260 Aronoff, Mark; Padden, Carol A.: Sign language verb agreement and the ontology of morphosyntactic categories. – TL 37/3-4, 2011, 143-151 | Comm. on 265.
261 Cormier, Kearsy; Schembri, Adam C.; Woll, Bencie: Pronouns and pointing in sign languages. – Lingua 137, 2013, 230-247.
262 Cysouw, Michael: Very atypical agreement indeed. – TL 37/3-4, 2011, 153-160 | Comm. on 265.
263 Kuhn, Jeremy: Cross-categorial singular and plural reference in sign language. – SLLing 19/1, 2016, 124-131 | Diss. ab. (New York University, 2015).
264 Liddell, Scott K.: Agreement disagreements. – TL 37/3-4, 2011, 161-172 | Comm. on 265.
265 Lillo-Martin, Diane C.; Meier, Richard P.: On the linguistic status of ‘agreement’ in sign languages. – TL 37/3-4, 2011, 95-141.
266 Lillo-Martin, Diane C.; Meier, Richard P.: Response to commentaries : gesture, language, and directionality. – TL 37/3-4, 2011, 235-246 | Authors’ reply to comments on 265.
267 Meier, Richard P.; Lillo-Martin, Diane C.: Response : the apparent reorganization of gesture in the evolution of verb agreement in signed languages. – TL 38/1-2, 2012, 153-157 | Response to 747.
268 Nevins, Andrew Ira: Prospects and challenges for a clitic analysis of (A)SL agreement. – TL 37/3-4, 2011, 173-187 | Comm. on 265.
269 Pfau, Roland; Quer, Josep: Nonmanuals: their grammatical and prosodic roles. – (218), 381-402.
270 Quer, Josep: When agreeing to disagree is not enough : further arguments for the linguistic status of sign language agreement. – TL 37/3-4, 2011, 189-196 | Comm. on 265.
271 Rathmann, Christian; Mathur, Gaurav: A featural approach to verb agreement in signed languages. – TL 37/3-4, 2011, 197-208 | Comm. on 265.
272 Schlenker, Philippe: Iconic features. – NLS 22/4, 2014, 299-356 | E. ab.
273 Slobin, Dan Isaac: Breaking the molds : signed languages and the nature of human language. – SLStud 8/2, 2008, 114-130.
274 Steinbach, Markus; Onea, Edgar: A DRT analysis of discourse referents and anaphora resolution in sign language. – JSem 33/3, 2016, 409-448 | DRT = Discourse Representation Theory | E. ab.
275 Steinbach, Markus: What do agreement auxiliaries reveal about the grammar of sign language agreement? – TL 37/3-4, 2011, 209-221 | Comm. on 265.
276 Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Complex predicates involving events, time and aspect : is this why sign languages look so similar? – (30), 217-250.
2.1. Morphology and Word-Formation
277 McNeill, David; Sowa, Claudia: Birth of a morph. – (76), 27-47.
2.1.1. Inflectional Morphology
278 Borstell, Carl; Lepic, Ryan; Belsitzman, Gal: Articulatory plurality is a property of lexical plurals in sign language. – LInv 39/2, 2016, 391-407 | E. ab.
279 Mathur, Gaurav; Rathmann, Christian: Two types of nonconcatenative morphology in signed languages. – (203), 35 p. | Cf. 467.
2.1.2. Derivational Morphology
280 Meir, Irit; Aronoff, Mark; Sandler, Wendy; Padden, Carol A.: Sign languages and compounding. – (90), 301-322.
281 Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Word-formation and sign languages. – (96), 2225-2251.
2.2. Syntax
282 Cecchetto, Carlo; Geraci, Carlo; [Zucchi, Alessandro] Zucchi, Sandro: Another way to mark syntactic dependencies : the case for right-peripheral specifiers in sign languages. – Language 85/2, 2009, 278-320.
283 Costello, Brendan: Sign language serial verb constructions fit into the bigger picture : commentary on Bos (1996). – SLLing 19/2, 2016, 252-269 | Comm. on 773.
284 Fischer, Susan D.: Constituent order in sign languages. – GK 146, 2014, 1-12 | Jap. ab.
285 Fischer, Susan D.: Crosslinguistic variation in sign language syntax. – ARL 3, 2017, 125-147 | E. ab.
286 Franklin, Amy; Giannakidou, Anastasia; Goldin-Meadow, Susan: Negation as structure building in a home sign system. – (44), 261-276.
287 Geraci, Carlo; Quer, Josep: Determining argument structure in sign languages. – (103), 45-60.
288 Kremers, Joost: The syntax of simultaneity. – Lingua 122/9, 2012, 979-1003 | On the simultaneity of signs.
289 A matter of complexity : subordination in sign languages / Ed. by Roland Pfau ; Markus Steinbach ; Annika Herrmann. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Preston, UK : Ishara Press, 2016. – viii, 262 p. – (Sign languages and deaf communities ; 6).
290 Pfau, Roland; Steinbach, Markus: Complex sentences in sign languages : modality – typology – discourse. – (289), 1-35 | E. ab.
291 Sandler, Wendy: Prosody and syntax in sign languages. – TPhS 108/3, 2010 (2011), 298-328.
292 Schlenker, Philippe: Sign language and the foundations of anaphora. – ARL 3, 2017, 149-177 | E. ab.
293 Signs and structures : formal approaches to sign language syntax / Paweł Rutkowski (ed.). – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2015. – v, 143 p. – (Benjamins current topics ; 71) | Papers orig. publ. in Sign language & linguistics 16/2, 2013.
294 Slobin, Dan Isaac: Typology and channel of communication : where do signed languages fit in. – (42), 47-67.
295 Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Internally-headed relative clauses in sign languages. – Glossa 2/1, 2017, 25 | E. ab.
296 Wilbur, Ronnie B.: The point of agreement : changing how we think about sign language, gesture, and agreement. – SLLing 16/2, 2013, 221-258.
297 Wilcox, Sherman E.; Occhino, Corrine: Constructing signs : place as a symbolic structure in signed languages. – CognL 27/3, 2016, 371-404.
3.1. Lexicology
298 Cormier, Kearsy; Quinto-Pozos, David; Sevcikova, Zed; Schembri, Adam C.: Lexicalisation and de-lexicalisation processes in sign languages : comparing depicting constructions and viewpoint gestures. – L&C 32/4, 2012, 329-348.
299 Padden, Carol A.; Meir, Irit; Hwang, So-One K.; Lepic, Ryan; Seegers, Sharon; Sampson, Tory: Patterned iconicity in sign language lexicons. – (221), 43-63.
300 Semantic fields in sign languages : colour, kinship and quantification / Ed. by Ulrike Zeshan ; Keiko Sagara. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Lancaster : Ishara Press, 2016. – vi, 394 p. – (Sign language typology ; 6).
3.2. Lexicography
301 König, Susanne; Konrad, Reiner; Langer, Gabriele: What’s in a sign? : theoretical lessons from practical sign language lexicography. – (30), 379-404.
3.2.2. Plurilingual Lexicography
302 [Fourie, Hanelle] Fourie Blair, Hanelle: Buitetekste in ‘n elektroniese gebaretaalwoordeboek. – Lexikos 24, 2014, 116-154 | E. ab.: Outer texts in an electronic sign language dictionary | E. & Afrikaans ab.
303 [Fourie, Hanelle] Fourie Blair, Hanelle: Woordeboeke en Dowe gebruikers : huidige probleme en die behoefte aan beter oplossings. –
Lexikos 23, 2013, 113-134 | E. ab.: Dictionaries and Deaf users : current problems and the need for better solutions | E. & Afrikaans ab.
3.4. Terminology
304 Concise lexicon for sign linguistics / Ed. by Jan Nijen Twilhaar ; Beppie van den Bogaerde. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2016. – xi, 230 p.
4.1. Semantics
305 Arık, Engin: Spatial language : insights from sign and spoken languages (Purdue University, West Lafayette, 2009). – SLLing 12/1, 2009, 83-92.
306 Davidson, Kathryn: The nature of the semantic scale : evidence from sign language research. – SLLing 16/1, 2013, 106-110 | Diss. ab.
307 Erratum to Quer/Steinbach Ambiguities in sign languages. – LRev 32/3, 2015, 601 | Cf. 312.
308 Kosecki, Krzysztof: On prototype-related metonymic models in signed languages. – KNf 61/3, 2014, 511-527.
309 Kosecki, Krzysztof: Western conception of time in signed languages : a cognitive linguistic perspective. – (106), 85-101.
310 Lepic, Ryan; Borstell, Carl; Belsitzman, Gal; Sandler, Wendy: Taking meaning in hand : iconic motivations in two-handed signs. – SLLing 19/1, 2016, 37-81.
311 Mesch, Johanna; Raanes, Eli; Ferrara, Lindsay: Co-forming real space blends in tactile signed language dialogues. – CognL 26/2, 2015, 261-287 | E. ab.
312 Quer, Josep; Steinbach, Markus: Ambiguities in sign languages. – LRev 32/1, 2015, 143-165 | E. ab | Erratum, cf. 307.
313 Yau, Shun-chiu: The role of visual space in sign language development. – (199), 143-174.
314 [Zucchi, Alessandro] Zucchi, Sandro: Formal semantics of sign languages. – Compass 6/11, 2012, 719-734.
4.1.1. Lexical Semantics
315 Ghido, Diana: Aspecte ale semanticii lexicale în limbajele mimico-gestuale. – SCL 60/1, 2009, 63-85 | E. ab.
316 Napoli, Donna Jo: Iconicity chains in sign languages. – (89), 517-545 | E. ab.
317 Schlenker, Philippe: Iconic agreement. – TL 37/3-4, 2011, 223-234 | Comm. on 265.
4.2. Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis and Text Grammar
318 Berge, Sigrid Slettebakk; Raanes, Eli: Coordinating the chain of utterances : an analysis of communicative flow and turn taking in an interpreted group dialogue for deaf-blind persons. – SLStud 13/3, 2013, 350-371 | E. ab.
319 Bōnō, Mayumi: Shuwa sōgo kōi ni okeru sokkyō shuwa hyōgen : shūfuku no rensa no kanten kara. – SGK 19/2, 2017, 59-74 | Improvisational signing in sign language interaction : through the lens of repair sequence.
320 Cartmill, Erica A.; Rissman, Lilia; Novack, Miriam A.; Goldin-Meadow, Susan: The development of iconicity in children’s co-speech gesture and homesign. – LIA 8/1, 2017, 42-68 | E. & Fr. ab.
321 Discourse in signed languages / Cynthia B. Roy, editor. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2011. – 240 p. – (Sociolinguistics in deaf communities ; 17) | Not analyzed.
322 Jarque, Maria Josep: What about? : fictive question-answer pairs for non-information-seeking functions across signed languages. – (110), 171-192 | E. ab.
323 Mesch, Johanna: Tactile signing with one-handed perception. – SLStud 13/2, 2013, 238-263 | E. ab.
324 Sze, Felix Yim Binh; Wei, Monica X.; Wong, Aaron Yiu Leung: Taboos and euphemisms in sex-related signs in Asian sign languages. – Linguistics 55/1, 2017, 153-205 | E. ab.
325 Willoughby, Louisa; Manns, Howard; Shimako, Iwasaki; Bartlett, Meredith: Misunderstanding and repair in Tactile Auslan. – SLStud 14/4, 2014, 419-443 | E. ab.
5. Stylistics
326 Sutton-Spence, Rachel L.; Kaneko, Michiko: Introducing sign language literature : folklore and creativity. – London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. – 280 p.
7. Translation
327 Dickinson, Jules; Turner, Graham H.: Sign language interpreters and the role conflict in the workplace. – (2), 231-244.
328 Swabey, Laurie; Gajewski Mickelson, Paula: Role definition : a perspective on forty years of professionalism in sign language interpreting. – (2), 51-80.
7.1 Machine Translation
329 Morrissey, Sara; [Way, Andrew] Way, Andy: Manual labour : tackling machine translation for sign languages. – MT 27/1, 2013, 25-64.
330 Stein, Daniel; Schmidt, Christoph; Ney, Hermann: Analysis, preparation, and optimization of statistical sign language machine translation. – MT 26/4, 2012, 325-357.
8. Script, Orthography
331 Filhol, Michael: Modèle descriptif des signes pour un traitement automatique des langues des signes [A descriptive model of signs for sign language processing] (Paris 11 University, Limsi. – CNRS, 2008). – SLLing 12/1, 2009, 93-100 | Abstract of the author’s doctoral diss.
332 Hoffmann-Dilloway, Erika: Writing the smile : language ideologies in, and through, sign language scripts. – L&C 31/4, 2011, 345-355.
333 Hulst, Harry van der; Channon, Rachel Elizabeth: Notation systems. – (218), 151-172.
8.1. Orthography
334 Hopkins, Jason: Choosing how to write sign language : a sociolinguistic perspective. – IJSL 192, 2008, 75-89
9. Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition and Neurolinguistics
335 Assessing literacy in deaf individuals : neurocognitive measurement and predictors / Donna Morere ; Thomas Allen, editors. – New York : Springer, 2012. – xvi, 268 p.
9.1. Origin of Language
336 Armstrong, David F.: Show of hands : a natural history of sign language. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2011. – ix, 116 p.
337 Brentari, Diane K.; Goldin-Meadow, Susan: Language emergence. – ARL 3, 2017, 363-388 | E. ab.
338 Meir, Irit; Aronoff, Mark; Borstell, Carl; Hwang, So-One K.; İlkbaşaran, Deniz; Kastner, Itamar; Lepic, Ryan; Lifshitz Ben-Basat, Adi; Padden, Carol A.; Sandler, Wendy: The effect of being human and the basis of grammatical word order : insights from novel communication systems and young sign languages. – Cognition 158, 2017, 189-207 | E. ab.
339 Padden, Carol A.: Iconicity in a new sign language. – CLS 44/2, 2008 (2010), 213-225.
9.2. Psycholinguistics
340 Ding, Guosheng: Code-blending and language control in bimodal bilinguals. – Bilingualism 19/2, 2016, 246-247 | Cf. 349.
341 Emmorey, Karen; Giezen, Marcel R.; Gollan, Tamar H.: Insights from bimodal bilingualism : reply to commentaries. – Bilingualism 19/2, 2016, 261-263 | Cf. 349.
342 Green, David W.: Language control in bimodal bilinguals : multimodality and serial order. – Bilingualism 19/2, 2016, 248-249 | Cf. 349.
343 Napoli, Donna Jo; Sutton-Spence, Rachel L.: Limitations on simultaneity in sign language. – Language 86/3, 2010, 647-662.
344 Poarch, Gregory J.: What bimodal and unimodal bilinguals can tell us about bilingual language processing. – Bilingualism 19/2, 2016, 256-258 | Cf. 349.
345 Wilcox, Sherman E.: Gesture and language, gesture as language, language as gesture : comments on Loehr and Fais et al. – LabPhon 3/1, 2012, 125-131 | Comm. on 195 ; 194.
346 Woll, Bencie; MacSweeney, Mairéad: Let’s not forget the role of deafness in sign/speech bilingualism. – Bilingualism 19/2, 2016, 253-255 | Cf. 349.
9.2.1. Language Production
347 Millet, Agnès; Estève, Isabelle: Contacts de langues et multimodalité chez des locuteurs sourds : concepts et outils méthodologiques pour l’analyse. – JLC 2/Varia, 2009, 111-131 | On bilingual children using French & French Sign Language.
348 Watkins, Freya; Thompson, Robin L.: The relationship between sign production and sign comprehension : what handedness reveals. – Cognition 164, 2017, 144-149 | E. ab.
9.2.2. Language Comprehension
349 Emmorey, Karen; Giezen, Marcel R.; Gollan, Tamar H.: Psycholinguistic, cognitive, and neural implications of bimodal bilingualism. – Bilingualism 19/2, 2016, 223-242 | Commentary cf. 122 ; 340 ; 342 ; 125 ; 346 ; 344 & 126 | Reply to commentaries cf. 341.
350 Fenlon, Jordan; Denmark, Tanya; Campbell, Ruth; Woll, Bencie: Seeing sentence boundaries. – SLLing 10/2, 2008, 177-200.
351 Thompson, Robin L.: Iconicity in language processing and acquisition : what signed languages reveal. – Compass 5/9, 2011, 603-616.
352 Zeshan, Ulrike: “Making meaning” : communication between sign language users without a shared language. – CognL 26/2, 2015, 211-260 | E. ab.
9.2.3. Memory
353 Miozzo, Michele; Petrova, Anna; Fischer-Baum, Simon; Peressotti, Francesca: Serial position encoding of signs. – Cognition 154, 2016, 69-80.
354 Spaepen, Elizabet; Coppola, Marie; Flaherty, Molly; Spelke, Elisabeth S.; Goldin-Meadow, Susan: Generating a lexicon without a language model : do words for number count? – JM&L 69/4, 2013, 496-505.
9.3. Language Acquisition
355 Brentari, Diane K.; Coppola, Marie; Cho, Pyeong Whan; Senghas, Ann: Handshape complexity as a precursor to phonology : variation, emergence, and acquisition. – LAcq 24/4, 2017, 283-306 | E. ab.
356 Carrigan, Emily M.; Coppola, Marie: Successful communication does not drive language development : evidence from adult homesign. – Cognition 158, 2017, 10-27 | E. ab.
357 Fontana, Sabina: Les langues des signes entre transmission naturelle et artificielle. – CFS 67, 2014, 91-114 | E. ab.
358 Hunsicker, Dea; Goldin-Meadow, Susan: Hierarchical structure in a self-created communication system : building nominal constituents in homesign. – Language 88/4, 2012, 732-763.
359 Kamada, Mayuko; Matsuzaki, Jō; Sugai, Hiroyuki: Shuwa no kūkanteki hyōgen ni okeru gakushūsha no erā bunseki : “dōshi no itchi” ni chakumokushite. – ShK 17, 2008, 47-56 | [Error analysis in sign language learners’ spatial expressions : focusing on “verb agreement”].
360 Lillo-Martin, Diane C.: Sign language acquisition studies. – (142), 399-415.
361 Morford, Jill P.; Hänel-Faulhaber, Barbara: Homesigners as late learners : connecting the dots from delayed acquisition in childhood to sign language processing in adulthood. – Compass 5/8, 2011, 525-537.
362 Wood, Sandra K.: Acquisition of topicalization in very late learners of LIBRAS : degrees of resilience in language. – (203), 24 p. | Cf. 382.
9.3.1. First Language Acquisition, Child Language
363 Acquiring sign language as a first language.Acquisition d’une langue des signes comme langue première. – LIA / Guest ed. by Marie-Anne Sallandre ; Marion Blondel. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2010. – 158 p. – (LIA ; 1/1) | Special issue.
364 Evans, Vyvyan: Cooperative intelligence and recipient design as drivers for language biases in homesign systems. – LCN 30/8, 2015, 912-914 | Cf. 147.
365 Kotowicz, Justyna: Rozwój kompetencji fonologicznych dzieci nabywających języki migowe. – Polonica 36, 2016, 145-157 | Phonological development in children acquiring sign language | E. ab.
366 Magid, Rachel W.; Pyers, Jennie E.: “I use it when I see it” : the role of development and experience in deaf and hearing children’s understanding of iconic gesture. – Cognition 162, 2017, 73-86 | E. ab.
367 Sign language acquisition / Ed. by Anne E. Baker ; Bencie Woll. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2008. – xii, 167 p. – (Benjamins current topics ; 14) | Originally publ. as a special issue of Sign language & linguistics, 8/1-2, 2005. First Language Acquisition by Pre-School Children
368 Staden, Annalene van; Badenhorst, Gerhard; Ridge, Elaine: The benefits of sign language for deaf learners with language challenges. – PerLinguam 25/1, 2009, 44-60 | E. ab.
369 Bernardino, Elidéa Lúcia Almeida: The value of interaction in the acquisition of a sign language = O valor da interação na aquisição de uma língua de sinais. – RBLApl 14/4, 2014, 769-798.
370 Lu, Jenny; Jones, Anna; Morgan, Gary: The impact of input quality on early sign development in native and non-native language learners. – JChL 43/3, 2016, 537-552 | E. ab.
371 [Malaia, Evguenia] Malaia, Evie; Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Early acquisition of sign language : what neuroimaging data tell us. – SLLing 13/2, 2010, 183-199.
372 Nader, Julia Maria Vieira; Novaes-Pinto, Rosana do Carmo: Aquisição tardia de linguagem e desenvolvimento cognitivo do surdo. – EstLing 40/2, 2011, 929-943 | Late language acquisition and the cognitive development of deaf children. First Language Acquisition by School Children
373 Surian, Luca; Tedoldi, Mariantonia; Siegal, Michael: Sensitivity to conversational maxims in deaf and hearing children. – JChL 37/4, 2010, 929-943. Plurilingual Language Acquisition
374 Deafness and bilingual education. – IJBEB / Ruth Swanwick. – London : Routledge, 2010. – 131-271. – (IJBEB ; 13/2).
375 Kanto, Laura; Laakso, Marja-Leena; Huttunen, Kerttu: Differentiation in language and gesture use during early bilingual development of hearing children of Deaf parents. – Bilingualism 18/4, 2015, 769-788.
376 Kanto, Laura; Laakso, Marja-Leena; Huttunen, Kerttu: Use of code-mixing by young hearing children of Deaf parents. – Bilingualism 20/5, 2017, 947-964 | E. ab.
377 Morgan, Gary: Trying to make sense of language synthesis. – LABi 6/6, 2016, 799-801 | Commentary on 159.
378 Takkinen, Ritva: Két- és többnyelvűség : jelnyelv és hangzó nyelv mint anyanyelvek. – ÁNyT 28, 2016, 219-239 | Bi- and multilingualism : sign language and spoken language as mother tongues | E. and Hg. ab.
379 Woll, Bencie: Sign language and spoken language development in young children : measuring vocabulary by means of the CDI. – (217), 15-34.
9.3.2. Second Language Acquisition
380 Crasborn, Onno A.: What is a sign language? – LABi 6/6, 2016, 768-771 | Commentary on 159.
381 Ortega, Gerardo; Morgan, Gary: Input processing at first exposure to a sign language. – SLR 31/4, 2015, 443-463 | E. ab. Unguided Second Language Acquisition
382 Courtin, Cyril: A critical period for the acquisition of a theory of mind? : clues from homesigners. – (203), 13 p. | Cf. 362.
9.4.1. Neurolinguistics
383 Emmorey, Karen D.: The neurobiology of language : perspectives from sign language. – (8), 157-178.
384 Wilcox, Sherman E.; Xavier, André Nogueira: A framework for unifying spoken language, signed language, and gesture. – TAL-RLL 15/1, 2013, 88-110 | E. & Port. ab. Disorders of Language Development
385 Multilingual aspects of signed language communication and disorder / Ed. by: David Quinto-Pozos. – Bristol : Multilingual Matters, 2014. – xvi, 264 p. – (Communication disorders across languages).
10. Ociolinguistics and Dialectology
386 Edwards, Terra: Sensing the rhythms of everyday life : temporal integration and tactile translation in the Seattle deaf-blind community. – LiS 41/1, 2012, 29-71.
387 Sign language, sustainable development, and equal opportunities : envisioning the future for deaf students / Ed. by Goedele A. M. De Clerck and Peter V. Paul. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2016. – x, 238 p. | Not analyzed.
10.1. Sociolinguistics
388 Friedner, Michele: Understanding and not-understanding : what do epistemologies and ontologies do in deaf worlds? – SLStud 16/2, 2016, 184-203 | E. ab.
389 Lucas, Ceil: Methodological issues in studying sign language variation. – (217), 285-308.
390 Mouvet, Kimberley; Matthijs, Liesbeth; Loots, Gerrit; Puyvelde, Martine Van; Herreweghe, Mieke Van: The influence of social discourses concerning deafness on the interaction between hearing mothers and deaf infants : a comparative case study. – (217), 35-62.
391 Sociolinguistics and deaf communities / Ed. by Adam C. Schembri and Ceil Lucas. – Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2015. – ix, 182 p. | Not analyzed.
10.1.1. Language Attitudes and Social Identity
392 Īzānlū, ʿAlī; Šarīfī, Šahlā: Abzārhā-ye angīxtegī dar nešānehā-ye zabān-e ešāre : barrasī-ye voǧūh-e maʿnāyī-ye dalālat dar yek zabān-e ešāre-ye xānegī. – PažZab 2/[1, series no. 3], 1389 [2010-11], 37-56 | Motivation devices in a sign language : the investigation of aspects of signification in a home sign language | Persian ab | E. ab., p. iii.
393 Krausneker, Verena: Ideologies and attitudes toward sign languages : an approximation. – SLStud 15/4, 2015, 411-431 | E. ab.
394 Ladd, Paddy; Lane, Harlan: Deaf ethnicity, deafhood, and their relationship. – SLStud 13/4, 2013, 565-579.
395 Schmitt, Pierre: Representations of sign language, deaf people, and interpreters in the arts and the media. – SLStud 18/1, 2017, 130-147 | E. ab.
10.1.2. Language Policy and Language Planning
396 Adam, Robert: Standardization of sign languages. – SLStud 15/4, 2015, 432-445 | E. ab.
397 Batterbury, Sarah C. E.: Language justice for Sign Language Peoples : the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. – LPol 11/3, 2012, 253-272.
398 Berent, Gerald P.: Sign language – spoken language bilingualism and the derivation of bimodally mixed sentences. – (178), 351-374.
399 Eichmann, Hanna: Planning sign languages : promoting hearing hegemony? : conceptualizing sign language standardization. – CILP 10/3, 2009, 293-307.
400 Grosjean, François: Bilingualism, biculturalism, and deafness. – IJBEB 13/2, 2010, 133-145.
401 Meulder, Maartje De: The legal recognition of sign languages. – SLStud 15/4, 2015, 498-506 | E. ab.
402 Meulder, Maartje De; Murray, Joseph J.: Buttering their bread on both sides? : the recognition of sign languages and the aspirations of deaf communities. – LPLP 41/2, 2017, 136-158 | E., Du. & Esperanto ab.
403 Meulder, Maartje De: Promotion in times of endangerment : the Sign Language Act in Finland. – LPol 16/2, 2017, 189-208 | E. ab.
404 Murray, Joseph J.: Linguistic human rights discourse in deaf community activism. – SLStud 15/4, 2015, 379-410 | E. ab.
405 Rayman, Janice: Why doesn’t everyone here speak Sign Language? : questions of language policy, ideology and economics. – CILP 10/3, 2009, 338-350.
406 Reagan, Timothy G.: Language policy and planning for Sign Languages. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2010. – xviii, 252 p. – (Sociolinguistics in deaf communities ; 16).
407 [Sibon, Teresa G] Sibón Maccaro, Teresa-G.: La norma lingüística ante la codificación en Lengua de Signos Española (LSE). – (191), 261-269 | Sp. & E. ab.
408 Snoddon, Kristin: Equity in education : signed language and the courts. – CILP 10/3, 2009, 255-271.
409 Trovato, Sara: A stronger reason for the right to sign languages. – SLStud 13/3, 2013, 401-422 | E. ab.
10.1.4. Language Loss and Maintenance
410 Bickford, J. Albert; Lewis, M. Paul; Simons, Gary F.: Rating the vitality of sign languages. – JMMD 36/5, 2015, 513-527.
10.2. Multilingualism, Language Contact
411 Nyst, Victoria: The significance of African sign languages for African linguistics and sign language studies. – (27), 77-81 | Also freely available online.
412 Sign bilingualism : language development, interaction, and maintenance in sign language contact situations / Ed. by Carolina Plaza Pust ; Esperanza Morales López. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2008. – xvi, 389 p. – (Studies in bilingualism ; 38).
10.2.1. Multilingualism
413 Bartha, Csilla; Holecz, Margit; Romanek, Péter Zalán: Bimodális kétnyelvűség, nyelvi-szociokulturális változatosság és hozzáférés : a JelEsély modell eredményei és távlatai. – ÁNyT 28, 2016, 337-370 | Bimodal bilingualism, linguistic, socio-cultural diversity and access : results and perspectives of the SIGNificant Chance model | E. and Hg. ab.
414 Hiddinga, Anja; Crasborn, Onno A.: Signed languages and globalization. – LiS 40/4, 2011, 483-505.
415 Kusters, Annelies; Spotti, Massimiliano; Swanwick, Ruth; Tapio, Elina: Beyond languages, beyond modalities : transforming the study of semiotic repertoires. – IJM 14/3, 2017, 219-232 | E. ab.
416 Plaza Pust, Carolina; Morales López, Esperanza: Sign bilingualism : language development, interaction, and maintenance in sign language contact situations. – (412), 333-379.
417 Quinto-Pozos, David: Code-switching between sign languages. – (180), 221-237.
10.2.3. Language Contact
418 English in international deaf communication / Cynthia J. Kellett Bidoli ; Elana Ochse. – Bern : Lang, 2008. – 444 p. – (Linguistic insights. Studies in language and communication ; 72).
10.3. Linguistic Geography
419 Padden, Carol A.: Sign language geography. – (203), 23 p. | Cf. 421.
11. Comparative Linguistics
420 Bakker, Peter: Creoles, creole studies and sign languages. – JPCL 30/2, 2015, 357-369.
421 Woodward, James C.: Some observations on research methodology in lexicostatistical studies of sign languages. – (203), 21 p. | Cf. 419.
11.1. Historical Linguistics and Language Change
422 Pfau, Roland: The grammaticalization of headshakes : from head movement to negative head. – (182), 9-50.
423 Richardson, Kristina: New evidence for Early Modern Ottoman Arabic and Turkish sign systems. – SLStud 17/2, 2017, 172-192 | E. ab.
11.2. Linguistic Typology, Universals of Language
424 Engberg-Pedersen, Elisabeth: Factors that form classifier signs. – (218), 252-283.
425 Pfau, Roland; Zeshan, Ulrike: Positive signs : how sign language typology benefits deaf communities and linguistic theory. – LT 20/3, 2016, 547-559.
426 Vos, Connie de; Pfau, Roland: Sign language typology : the contribution of rural sign languages. – ARL 1, 2015, 265-288.
427 Zeshan, Ulrike; Escobedo Delgado, César Ernesto; Dikyuva, Hasan; Panda, Sibaji; Vos, Connie de: Cardinal numerals in rural sign languages : approaching cross-modal typology. – LT 17/3, 2013, 357-396.
12.2.1. Corpus Linguistics
428 Fabisiak, Sylwia: Języki migowe a lingwistyka korpusowa. – JP 90/4-5, 2010, 346-353 | Sign languages and corpus linguistics.
12.3. Computational Linguistics
429 Sallandre, Marie-Anne; Garcia, Brigitte: Epistemological issues in the semiological model for the annotation of sign languages. – (217), 159-178.
1. American Sign Language
0.3. Linguistic Theory and Methodology
430 Davidson, Kathryn: Quotation, demonstration, and iconicity. – L&P 38/6, 2015, 447-520 | E. ab.
0.6. Applied Linguistics
431 Geer, Leah C.: Teaching ASL fingerspelling to second-language learners : explicit versus implicit phonetic training. – SLLing 19/2, 2016, 280-284 | Diss. ab.
432 Swaney, Michelle G.; Smith, David Harry: Perceived gaps and the use of supplemental materials in postsecondary American Sign Language curricula. – SLStud 17/3, 2017, 293-321 | E. ab.
1. Phonetics and Phonology
433 Mirus, Gene R.: Articulatory play among American cuers. – SLStud 14/3, 2014, 382-401 | E. ab.
434 Stewart, Jesse: A quantitative analysis of sign lengthening in American Sign Language. – SLLing 17/1, 2014, 82-101.
435 Whitworth, Cecily: Features and natural classes in ASL handshapes. – SLStud 12/1, 2011, 46-71 | E. ab.
1.1. Phonetics
436 Keane, Jonathan; Brentari, Diane K.; Riggle, Jason: Segmentation and pinky extension in ASL fingerspelling. – (86), 103-128.
437 Russell, Kevin; Wilkinson, Erin; Janzen, Terry: ASL sign lowering as undershoot : a corpus study. – LabPhon 2/2, 2011, 403-422 | Comm. cf. 441.
438 Tyrone, Martha E.; Mauk, Claude E.: Phonetic reduction and variation in American Sign Language : a quantitative study of sign lowering. – LabPhon 3/2, 2012, 425-453.
439 Tyrone, Martha E.; Mauk, Claude E.: The phonetics of head and body movement in the realization of American Sign Language signs. – Phonetica 73/2, 2016, 120-140.
440 Tyrone, Martha E.; Mauk, Claude E.: Sign lowering and phonetic reduction in American Sign Language. – JPhon 38/2, 2010, 317-328.
441 Tyrone, Martha E.: Phonetics of sign location in ASL : comments on papers by Russell, Wilkinson, & Janzen and by Grosvald & Corina. – LabPhon 3/1, 2012, 61-70 | Comm. on 437 ; 451.
1.1.1. Articulatory Phonetics
442 Mauk, Claude E.; Lindblom, Björn; Meier, Richard P.: Undershoot of ASL locations in fast signing. – (30), 3-24.
443 Mauk, Claude E.; Tyrone, Martha E.: Location in ASL : insights from phonetic variation. – SLLing 15/1, 2012, 128-146.
444 Napoli, Donna Jo; Sanders, Nathan C.; Wright, Rebecca A.: On the linguistic effects of articulatory ease, with a focus on sign languages. – Language 90/2, 2014, 424-456.
1.2. Phonology
445 Eccarius, Petra; Brentari, Diane K.: Contrast differences across lexical substrata : evidence from ASL handshapes. – CLS 44/2, 2008 (2010), 187-201.
446 Eccarius, Petra; Brentari, Diane K.: A formal analysis of phonological contrast and iconicity in sign language handshapes. – SLLing 13/2, 2010, 156-181.
447 Geraci, Carlo: Tracing direction to contact : commentary on Wilbur (1985). – SLLing 13/2, 2010, 222-227 | Cf. 449.
448 Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Productive reduplication in a fundamentally monosyllabic language. – LS 31/2-3, 2009, 325-342.
449 Wilbur, Ronnie B.: The role of contact in the phonology of ASL. – SLLing 13/2, 2010, 203-216 | Publ. of a paper presented at the 1985 annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America in Seattle; with author’s preface (201-202) and afterword (217-221) | Cf. 447.
1.2.1. Suprasegmental Phonology (Prosody)
450 [Chen, Deborah] Chen Pichler, Deborah: Sources of handshape error in first-time signers of ASL. – (203), 29 p. | Cf. 570.
451 Grosvald, Michael; Corina, David P.: Exploring the movement dynamics of manual and oral articulation : evidence from coarticulation. – LabPhon 3/1, 2012, 37-60 | Comm. cf. 441.
452 Hall, Matthew L.; Ferreira, Victor S.; Mayberry, Rachel I.: Phonological similarity judgments in ASL : evidence for maturational constraints on phonetic perception in sign. – SLLing 15/1, 2012, 104-127.
453 Nicodemus, Brenda: Prosodic markers and utterance boundaries in American Sign Language interpretation. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2009. – 162 p. – (Studies in interpretation ; 5).
454 Nicodemus, Brenda: The use of prosodic markers to indicate utterance boundaries in American Sign Language interpretation. – SLLing 11/1, 2008, 113-122 | Ab. of the author’s University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, 2007 diss.
455 Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Effects of varying rate of signing on ASL manual signs and nonmanual markers. – L&S 52/2-3, 2009, 245-285.
2. Grammar, Morphosyntax
456 Abner, Natasha: Gettin’ together a posse : the primacy of predication in ASL possessives. – SLLing 16/2, 2013, 125-156.
457 Abner, Natasha: There once was a verb : the predicative core of possessive and nominalization structures in American Sign Language. – SLLing 17/1, 2014, 109-118 | Diss. ab.
458 Fischer, Susan D.; Johnson, Robert E.: Nominal markers in ASL. – SLLing 15/2, 2012, 243-250 | Author’s preface (p. 241), afterword (p. 251-252), and commentary by Helen Koulidobrova (p. 253-258).
459 Kuhn, Jeremy: ASL loci : variables or features? – JSem 33/3, 2016, 449-491 | E. ab.
460 Schlenker, Philippe: Featural variables. – NLLT 34/3, 2016, 1067-1088 | E. ab.
461 Thompson, Robin L.; Emmorey, Karen D.; Kluender, Robert E.; Langdon, Clifton: The eyes don’t point : understanding language universals through person marking in American Signed Language. – Lingua 137, 2013, 219-229.
462 Wilkinson, Erin: Finding frequency effects in the usage of NOT collocations in American Sign Language. – SLLing 19/1, 2016, 82-123.
463 Wilkinson, Erin: Morphosyntactic variation in American Sign Language : genre effects on the usage of SELF. – (217), 259-284.
464 [Zucchi, Alessandro] Zucchi, Sandro; Neidle, Carol; Geraci, Carlo; Duffy, Quinn; Cecchetto, Carlo: Functional markers in sign languages. – (218), 197-224.
2.1. Morphology and Word-Formation
465 Lepic, Ryan: Motivation in morphology : lexical patterns in ASL and English. – SLLing 19/2, 2016, 285-291 | Diss. ab.
466 Lepic, Ryan; Padden, Carol A.: A-morphous iconicity. – (89), 489-515 | E. ab.
2.1.1. Inflectional Morphology
467 Dudis, Paul G.: Some observations on form-meaning correspondences in two types of verbs in ASL. – (203), 16 p. | Cf. 279.
468 Fischer, Susan D.: Verb inflections in American Sign Language and their acquisition by the deaf child. – SLLing 12/2, 2009, 187-202.
469 Mathur, Gaurav; Rathmann, Christian: Verb agreement in sign language morphology. – (218), 173-196.
470 Rathmann, Christian; Mathur, Gaurav: Verb agreement as a linguistic innovation in signed languages. – (30), 191-216.
471 Thompson, Robin L.: Eye gaze in American Sign Language : linguistic functions for verbs and pronouns. – SLLing 11/1, 2008, 130-135 | Ab. of the author’s University of California, San Diego, 2006 diss.
472 Weast, Traci: Questions in American Sign Language : a quantitative analysis of raised and lowered eyebrows (The University of Texas at Arlington, 2008). – SLLing 12/2, 2009, 211-221.
2.1.2. Derivational Morphology
473 Abner, Natasha: What you see is what you get.get : surface transparency and ambiguity of nominalizing reduplication in American Sign Language. – Syntax 20/4, 2017, 317-352 | E. ab.
474 Vercellotti, Mary Lou; Mortensen, David R.: A classification of compounds in American Sign Language : an evaluation of the Bisetto and Scalise framework. – Morphology 22/4, 2012, 545-579 | Cf. Scalise & Bisetto (2009), 92.
2.2. Syntax
475 Davidson, Kathryn; Caponigro, Ivano: Embedding polar interrogative clauses in American Sign Language. – (289), 151-181 | E. ab.
476 Gökgöz, Kadir: The nature of object marking in American Sign Language : (Purdue University, 2013). – SLLing 17/1, 2014, 119-122 | Diss. ab.
477 Koulidobrova, Elena: Elide me bare : null arguments in American Sign Language. – NLLT 35/2, 2017, 397-446 | E. ab.
478 Koulidobrova, Helen: Parallelism revisited : the nature of the null argument in ASL as compared to the Romance-style pro. – SLLing 15/2, 2012, 259-270.
479 Lillo-Martin, Diane C.; Müller de Quadros, Ronice: Focus constructions in American Sign Language and Língua de Sinais Brasileira. – (30), 161-176.
480 Matsuoka, Kazumi: Dōshi jōshō o mochiita Amerika shuwa kōbun no tōgoteki bunseki. – ShK 17, 2008, 69-83 | [Syntactic analysis of verb raising structures in American Sign Language].
481 Napoli, Donna Jo; Fisher, Jami; Mirus, Gene R.: Bleached taboo-term predicates in American Sign Language. – Lingua 123, 2013, 148-167 | On the syntactic effects of bleaching.
482 Nunes, Jairo; Müller de Quadros, Ronice: Phonetically realized traces in American Sign Language and Brazilian Sign Language. – (30), 177-190.
483 Todd, Peyton: ASL ‘topics’ revisited. – SLLing 11/2, 2008, 184-239.
484 Todd, Peyton: Does ASL really have just two grammatical persons? – SLStud 9/2, 2009, 166-210.
485 Weast, Traci: Quantified eyebrow motion : new evidence from American Sign Language questions. – CLS 44/2, 2008 (2010), 227-242.
486 Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Preference for clause order in complex sentences with adverbial clauses in American Sign Language. – (289), 36-64 | E. ab.
3.1. Lexicology
487 Cormier, Kearsy; Schembri, Adam C.; Tyrone, Martha E.: One hand or two? : nativisation of fingerspelling in ASL and BANZSL. – SLLing 11/1, 2008, 3-44.
488 Kowalsky, Jilly; Meier, Richard P.: The sign INSTITUTE and its derivatives : a family of culturally important ASL signs. – SLStud 13/3, 2013, 291-315 | E. ab.
489 Mirus, Gene R.; Fisher, Jami; Napoli, Donna Jo: Taboo expressions in American Sign Language. – Lingua 122/9, 2012, 1004-1020.
4. Semantics and Pragmatics
490 Rankin, Miako: Form, meaning, and focus in American Sign Language. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2013. – 148 p. – (Sociolinguistics in deaf communities ; 19).
491 Roush, Daniel R.: The expression of the location event-structure metaphor in American Sign Language. – SLStud 16/3, 2016, 389-432 | E. ab.
492 Wilkinson, Erin: A functional description of SELF in American Sign Language. – SLStud 13/4, 2013, 462-490 | E. ab.
4.1. Semantics
493 Arık, Engin: The expressions of spatial relations during interaction in American Sign Language, Croatian Sign Language, and Turkish Sign Language. – PSiCL 48/2, 2012, 179-201.
494 Caponigro, Ivano; Davidson, Kathryn: Ask, and tell as well: question–answer clauses in American Sign Language. – NLS 19/4, 2011, 323-371.
495 Cates, Deborah; Gutiérrez, Eva; Hafer, Sarah; Barrett, Ryan; Corina, David: Location, location, location. – SLStud 13/4, 2013, 433-461 | E. ab.
496 Davidson, Kathryn: ‘And’ or ‘or’ : general use coordination in ASL. – SemPrag 6, 2013, 4:1-44.
497 Kosecki, Krzysztof: Metaphors and metonymies in American and British Sign Languages : a contrastive cognitive perspective. – LSil 35, 2014, 153-172 | E. ab.
498 Kuhn, Jeremy: Dependent indefinites : the view from sign language. – JSem 34/3, 2017, 407-446 | E. ab.
499 Schlenker, Philippe: Donkey anaphora : the view from sign language (ASL and LSF). – L&P 34/4, 2011, 341-395.
500 Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Nonmanuals, semantic operators, domain marking, and the solution to two outstanding puzzles in ASL. – SLLing 14/1, 2011, 148-178.
4.1.1. Lexical Semantics
501 [Malaia, Evguenia] Malaia, Evie; Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Kinematic signatures of telic and atelic events in ASL predicates. – L&S 55/3, 2012, 407-421.
4.1.2. Grammatical Semantics
502 Churng, Sarah: Syntax and prosodic consequences in ASL : evidence from multiple WH-questions. – SLLing 14/1, 2011, 9-48.
4.2. Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis and Text Grammar
503 Beal-Alvarez, Jennifer S.; Trussell, Jessica W.: Depicting verbs and constructed action : necessary narrative components in deaf adults’ storybook renditions. – SLStud 16/1, 2015, 5-29 | E. ab.
504 Davidson, Kathryn: Scalar implicatures in a signed language. – SLLing 17/1, 2014, 1-19.
505 Edwards, Terra: From compensation to integration : effects of the pro-tactile movement on the sublexical structure of Tactile American Sign Language. – JoP 69, 2014, 22-41.
506 Frederiksen, Anne Therese; Mayberry, Rachel I.: Who is on First? Investigating the referential hierarchy in simple native ASL narratives. – Lingua 180, 2016, 49-68 | E. ab.
507 Hoza, Jack: Five nonmanual modifiers that mitigate requests and rejections in American Sign Language. – SLStud 8/3, 2008, 264-288.
508 Janzen, Terry: Composite utterances in a signed language : topic constructions and perspective-taking in ASL. – CognL 28/3, 2017, 511-538 | E. ab.
509 Janzen, Terry; Shaffer, Barbara: Intersubjectivity in interpreted interactions : the interpreter’s role in co-constructing meaning. – (113), 333-355 | Evidence from American Sign Language.
510 Jones, Stephen: Classifier constructions as procedural referring expressions in American Sign Language. – RLg 13/4, 2015, 367-391 | E. ab.
511 Lieberman, Amy M.: Attention-getting skills of deaf children using American Sign Language in a preschool classroom. – AP 36/4, 2015, 855-873.
512 Mulrooney, Kristin Jean: Extraordinary from the ordinary : personal experience narratives in American Sign Language. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2009. – 184 p. – (Sociolinguistics in deaf communities ; 15).
513 Parrill, Fey; Stec, Kashmiri; Quinto-Pozos, David; Rimehaug, Sebastian: Linguistic, gestural, and cinematographic viewpoint : an analysis of ASL and English narrative. – CognL 27/3, 2016, 345-369.
514 Quinto-Pozos, David; Mehta, Sarika: Register variation in mimetic gestural complements to signed language. – JoP 42/3, 2010, 557-584.
515 Quinto-Pozos, David; Reynolds, Wanette: ASL discourse strategies : chaining and connecting-explaining across audiences. – SLStud 12/2, 2012, 211-235 | E. ab.
516 Roush, Daniel R.: Language between bodies : a cognitive approach to understanding linguistic politeness in American Sign Language. – SLStud 11/3, 2011, 329-374 | E. ab.
517 Schlenker, Philippe: Temporal and modal anaphora in sign language (ASL). – NLLT 31/1, 2013, 207-234.
518 Thumann, Mary: Identifying recurring depiction in ASL presentations. – SLStud 13/3, 2013, 316-349 | E. ab.
519 Young, Lesa; Morris, Carla D.; Langdon, Clifton: “He said what?!” : constructed dialogue in various interface modes. – SLStud 12/3, 2012, 398-413 | E. ab.
9. Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition and Neurolinguistics
520 Morere, Donna A.: Methodological issues associated with sign-based neuropsychological assessment. – SLStud 14/1, 2013, 8-20 | E. ab.
521 Witkin, Gregory A.; Morere, Donna A.; Geer, Leah C.: Establishment of a phonemic clustering system for American Sign Language. – SLStud 14/1, 2013, 21-38 | E. ab.
9.2. Psycholinguistics
522 Berent, Iris; Dupuis, Amanda: The unbounded productivity of (sign) language : evidence from the Stroop task. – ML 12/3, 2017, 309-341 | E. ab.
523 McQuarrie, Lynn; Abbott, Marilyn L.: Bilingual deaf students’ phonological awareness in ASL and reading skills in English. – SLStud 14/1, 2013, 80-100 | E. ab.
524 Secora, Kristen; Emmorey, Karen: The action-sentence compatibility effect in ASL : the role of semantics vs. perception. – LCog 7/2, 2015, 305-318.
525 Tevenal, Stephanie; Villanueva, Miako: Are you getting the message? : the effects of simCom on the message received by deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing students. – SLStud 9/3, 2009, 266-286 | SimCom=simultaneous communication.
9.2.1. Language Production
526 Emmorey, Karen; McCullough, Stephen; Mehta, Sonya; Ponto, Laura L. B.; Grabowski, Thomas J.: Sign language and pantomime production differentially engage frontal and parietal cortices. – LCProc 26/7, 2011, 878-901.
527 Emmorey, Karen D.; Bosworth, Rain; Kraljic, Tanya: Visual feedback and self-monitoring of sign language. – JM&L 61/3, 2009, 398-411.
528 Emmorey, Karen D.; Gertsberg, Nelly; Korpics, Franco; Wright, Charles E.: The influence of visual feedback and register changes on sign language production : a kinematic study with deaf signers. – AP 30/1, 2009, 187-203.
529 Giezen, Marcel R.; Emmorey, Karen: Language co-activation and lexical selection in bimodal bilinguals : evidence from picture–word interference. – Bilingualism 19/2, 2016, 264-276.
9.2.2. Language Comprehension
530 Almeida, Diogo; Poeppel, David; Corina, David: The processing of biologically plausible and implausible forms in American Sign Language : evidence for perceptual tuning. – LCN 31/3, 2016, 361-374 | E. ab.
531 Ausbrooks, Melissa M.; Gentry, Mary Anne: Exploring linguistic interdependence between American Sign Language and English through correlational and multiple regression analyses of the abilities of biliterate deaf adults. – IJEL 4/1, 2014, 1-18.
532 Baus, Cristina; Carreiras, Manuel, orcid.org/0000-0001-6726-7613; Emmorey, Karen: When does iconicity in sign language matter? – LCProc 28/3, 2013, 261-271.
533 Chamberlain, Charlene; Mayberry, Rachel I.: American Sign Language syntactic and narrative comprehension in skilled and less skilled readers : bilingual and bimodal evidence for the linguistic basis of reading. – AP 29/3, 2008, 367-388.
534 Corina, David; Grosvald, Michael; Lachaud, Christian M.: Perceptual invariance or orientation specificity in American Sign Language? : evidence from repetition priming for signs and gestures. – LCProc 26/8, 2011, 1102-1135.
535 Corina, David P.; Grosvald, Michael: Exploring perceptual processing of ASL and human actions : effects of inversion and repetition priming. – Cognition 122/3, 2012, 330-345.
536 Dupuis, Amanda; Berent, Iris: Signs are symbols : evidence from the Stroop task. – LCN 30/10, 2015, 1339-1344.
537 Grosvald, Michael; Corina, David P.: The perceptibility of long-distance coarticulation in speech and sign : a study of English and American Sign Language. – SLLing 15/1, 2012, 73-103.
538 Grosvald, Michael; Lachaud, Christian M.; Corina, David: Handshape monitoring : evaluation of linguistic and perceptual factors in the processing of American Sign Language. – LCProc 27/1, 2012, 117-141.
539 Grosvald, Michael; Lachaud, Christian M.; Corina, David P.: Influences of linguistic and non-linguistic factors in the processing of American Sign Language : evidence from handshape monitoring. – BLS 35S, 2009 (2010), 24-35.
540 Morford, Jill P.; Grieve-Smith, Angus B.; MacFarlane, James; Staley, Joshua; Waters, Gabriel: Effects of language experience on the perception of American Sign Language. – Cognition 109/1, 2008, 41-53.
541 Piñar, Pilar; Carlson, Matthew T.; Morford, Jill P.; Dussias, Paola E.: Bilingual deaf readers’ use of semantic and syntactic cues in the processing of English relative clauses. – Bilingualism 20/5, 2017, 980-998 | E. ab.
542 Weisberg, Jill; McCullough, Stephen; Emmorey, Karen D.: Simultaneous perception of a spoken and a signed language : the brain basis of ASL-English code-blends. – B&L 147, 2015, 96-106.
543 Williams, Joshua T.; Newman, Sharlene D.: Connections between fingerspelling and print : the impact of working memory and temporal dynamics on lexical activation. – SLStud 16/2, 2016, 157-183 | E. ab.
9.2.3. Memory
544 Hamilton, Harley: Sequential recall and American Sign Language : a look at LOT. – SLStud 17/2, 2017, 265-276 | E. ab.
545 Morere, Donna A.: The signed verbal learning test : assessing verbal memory of deaf signers. – SLStud 14/1, 2013, 39-57 | E. ab.
9.3. Language Acquisition
546 Brentari, Diane K.; Falk, Joshua; Wolford, George: The acquisition of prosody in American Sign Language. – Language 91/3, 2015, e144-e168.
547 Novogrodsky, Rama; Henner, Jon; Caldwell-Harris, Catherine L.; Hoffmeister, Robert: The development of sensitivity to grammatical violations in American Sign Language : native versus nonnative signers. – LL 67/4, 2017, 791-818 | E. ab.
9.3.1. First Language Acquisition, Child Language
548 Allen, Thomas E.; Enns, Charlotte: A psychometric study of the ASL receptive skills test when administered to deaf 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children. – SLStud 14/1, 2013, 58-79 | E. ab.
549 Davidson, Kathryn; Mayberry, Rachel I.: Do adults show an effect of delayed first language acquisition when calculating scalar implicatures? – LAcq 22/4, 2015, 329-354. First Language Acquisition by Pre-School Children
550 Allen, Thomas E.: ASL skills, fingerspelling ability, home communication context and early alphabetic knowledge of preschool-aged deaf children. – SLStud 15/3, 2015, 233-265 | E. ab.
551 Bailes, Cynthia Neese; Erting, Carol J.; Erting, Lynne C.; Thumann-Prezioso, Carlene: Language and literacy acquisition through parental mediation in American Sign Language. – SLStud 9/4, 2009, 417-456.
552 [Chen, Deborah] Chen Pichler, Deborah: Using early ASL word order to shed light on word order variability in Sign Language. – (148), 157-177.
553 [Chen, Deborah] Chen Pichler, Deborah: Views on word order in early ASL : then and now. – (30), 293-317.
554 Ferjan Ramírez, Naja; Lieberman, Amy M.; Mayberry, Rachel I.: The initial stages of first-language acquisition begun in adolescence : when late looks early. – JChL 40/2, 2013, 391-414.
555 Golos, Debbie: Literacy behaviors of deaf preschoolers during video viewing. – SLStud 11/1, 2010, 76-99.
556 Hou, Lynn Y-S: Acquiring plurality in directional verbs. – SLLing 16/1, 2013, 31-73.
557 Lillo-Martin, Diane C.; Müller de Quadros, Ronice: Acquisition of the syntax-discourse interface : the expression of point of view. – Lingua 121/4, 2011, 623-636 | Evidence from American Sign Language and Brazilian Sign Language. First Language Acquisition by School Children
558 Novogrodsky, Rama; Fish, Sarah; Hoffmeister, Robert: The acquisition of synonyms in American Sign Language (ASL) : toward a further understanding of the components of ASL vocabulary knowledge. – SLStud 14/2, 2014, 225-249 | E. ab. Plurilingual Language Acquisition
559 Giezen, Marcel R.; Emmorey, Karen: Evidence for a bimodal bilingual disadvantage in letter fluency. – Bilingualism 20/1, 2017, 42-48 | E. ab.
560 Koulidobrova, Elena V.: Language interaction effects in bimodal bilingualism : argument omission in the languages of hearing ASL-English bilinguals. – LABi 7/5, 2017, 583-613 | E. ab.
561 Lillo-Martin, Diane C.; Müller de Quadros, Ronice; Koulidobrova, Helen; [Chen, Deborah] Chen Pichler, Deborah: Bimodal bilingual cross-language influence in unexpected domains. – (10), 264-275 | On the development of a sign lg. and a spoken lg. in two pairs: American Sign Language & American English, and Brazilian Sign Language & Brazilian Portuguese.
562 Mann, Wolfgang; Shèng, Lì; Morgan, Gary: Lexical-semantic organization in bilingually developing deaf children with ASL-dominant language exposure : evidence from a repeated meaning association task. – LL 66/4, 2016, 872-899 | E. ab.
9.3.2. Second Language Acquisition
563 Hilger, Allison I.; Loucks, Torrey M. J.; Quinto-Pozos, David; Dye, Matthew W. G.: Second language acquisition across modalities : production variability in adult L2 learners of American Sign Language. – SLR 31/3, 2015, 375-388 | E. ab.
564 Morford, Jill P.; Kroll, Judith F.; Piñar, Pilar; Wilkinson, Erin: Bilingual word recognition in deaf and hearing signers : effects of proficiency and language dominance on cross-language activation. – SLR 30/2, 2014, 251-271 | E. ab.
565 Morford, Jill P.; [Occhino, Corrine] Occhino-Kehoe, Corrine; Piñar, Pilar; Wilkinson, Erin; Kroll, Judith F.: The time course of cross- language activation in deaf ASL-English bilinguals. – Bilingualism 20/2, 2017, 337-350 | E. ab.
566 Williams, Joshua T.; Newman, Sharlene D.: Interlanguage dynamics and lexical networks in nonnative L2 signers of ASL : cross-modal rhyme priming. – Bilingualism 19/3, 2016, 453-470.
567 Williams, Joshua T.; Newman, Sharlene D.: Modality-independent effect of phonological neighborhood structure on initial L2 sign language learning. – RLg 13/2, 2015, 198-212 | E. ab.
568 Williams, Joshua T.; Newman, Sharlene D.: Spoken language activation alters subsequent sign language activation in L2 learners of American Sign Language. – JPR 46/1, 2017, 211-225 | E. ab.
569 Wolbers, Kimberly A.; Bowers, Lisa M.; Dostal, Hannah M.; Graham, Shannon C.: Deaf writers’ application of American Sign Language knowledge to English. – IJBEB 17/4, 2014, 410-428. Unguided Second Language Acquisition
570 Rosen, Russel S.: Modality and language in the second language acquisition of American Sign Language. – (203), 6 p. | Cf. 450. Guided Second Language Acquisition
571 Rosen, Russel S.: American Sign Language curricula : a review. – SLStud 10/3, 2010, 348-381.
572 Williams, Joshua T.; Darcy, Isabelle; Newman, Sharlene D.: The beneficial role of L1 spoken language skills on initial L2 sign language learning : cognitive and linguistic predictors of M2L2 acquisition. – SSLA 39/4, 2017, 833-850 | E. ab.
573 Williams, Joshua T.; Newman, Sharlene D.: Phonological substitution errors in L2 ASL sentence processing by hearing M2L2 learners. – SLR 32/3, 2016, 347-366 | E. ab.
9.4.1. Neurolinguistics
574 Emmorey, Karen; McCullough, Stephen; Weisberg, Jill: Neural correlates of fingerspelling, text, and sign processing in deaf American Sign Language–English bilinguals. – LCN 30/6, 2015, 749-767.
575 Emmorey, Karen; Mehta, Sonya; McCullough, Stephen; Grabowski, Thomas J.: The neural circuits recruited for the production of signs and fingerspelled words. – B&L 160, 2016, 30-41 | E. ab.
576 Malaia, Evguenia; Wilbur, Ronnie B.; Talavage, Thomas: Experimental evidence of event structure effects on American Sign Language predicate production and neural processing. – CLS 44/2, 2008 (2010), 203-211.
577 Meade, Gabriela; Midgley, Katherine J.; [Sevcikova, Zed] Sevcikova-Sehyr, Zed; Holcomb, Phillip J.; Emmorey, Karen: Implicit co- activation of American Sign Language in deaf readers : an ERP study. – B&L 170, 2017, 50-61 | E. ab. Language Disorders other than Developmental and Aphasia
578 Shield, Aaron: The signing of deaf children with autism : lexical phonology and perspective-taking in the visual-spatial modality (The University of Texas at Austin, 2010). – SLLing 14/1, 2011, 207-212.
10.1. Sociolinguistics
579 Hill, Joseph: The importance of the sociohistorical context in sociolinguistics : the case of Black ASL. – SLStud 18/1, 2017, 41-57 | E. ab.
580 Lucas, Ceil; Bayley, Robert: Variation in American Sign Language. – (218), 451-475.
581 Nicodemus, Brenda; Swabey, Laurie; Leeson, Lorraine; Napier, Jemina; Petitta, Giulia; Taylor, Marty M.: A cross-linguistic analysis of fingerspelling production by sign language interpreters. – SLStud 17/2, 2017, 143-171 | E. ab.
582 Palmer, Jeffrey Levi; Reynolds, Wanette; Minor, Rebecca: “You want what on your PIZZA!?” : videophone and video-relay service as potential influences on the lexical standardization of American Sign Language. – SLStud 12/3, 2012, 371-397 | E. ab.
583 Schneider, Erin; Kozak, L. Viola; Santiago, Roberto; Stephen, Anika: The effects of electronic communication on American Sign Language. – SLStud 12/3, 2012, 347-370 | E. ab.
584 Snoddon, Kristin: American Sign Language and early literacy : a model parent-child program. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2012. – xi, 142 p.
10.1.1. Language Attitudes and Social Identity
585 Bauman, H-Dirksen L.: American Sign Language music videos : language preservation or denigration?. – (5), 110-116.
586 Blau, Shane: Indexing gay identities in American Sign Language. – SLStud 18/1, 2017, 5-40 | E. ab.
587 Hill, Joseph: Language attitudes in the American deaf community. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2012. – xiv, 194 p. – (Sociolinguistics in deaf communities ; 18).
588 McDermid, Campbell: The dialectic of second-language learning : on becoming an ASL-English interpreter. – SLStud 17/4, 2017, 450-480 | E. ab.
589 Parks, Elizabeth S.: Constructing national and international deaf identity : perceived use of American Sign Language. – (181), 206-217.
590 Reagan, Timothy G.: Ideological barriers to American Sign Language : unpacking linguistic resistance. – SLStud 11/4, 2011, 606-636 | E. ab.
10.1.2. Language Policy and Language Planning
591 Cooper, Sheryl B.; Reisman, Joel I.; Watson, Douglas: Sign language program structure and content in institutions of higher education in the United States, 1994-2004. – SLStud 11/3, 2011, 298-328.
10.2.1. Multilingualism
592 Bishop, Michele: Happen can’t hear : an analysis of code-blends in hearing, native signers of American Sign Language. – SLStud 11/2, 2010, 205-240.
10.2.3. Language Contact
593 Lucas, Ceil; Bayley, Robert; McCaskill, Carolyn; Hill, Joseph: The intersection of African American English and Black American Sign Language. – IJB 19/2, 2015, 156-168.
11.1. Historical Linguistics and Language Change
594 Shaw, Emily; Delaporte, Yves: New perspectives on the history of American Sign Language. – SLStud 11/2, 2010, 158-204.
595 Supalla, Ted; Clark, Patricia: Sign language archaeology : understanding the historical roots of American Sign Language. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2014. – viii, 270 p.
596 Supalla, Ted: The role of historical research in building a model of Sign Language typology, variation, and change. – (6), 15-42.
12.3. Computational Linguistics
597 Wolfe, Rosalee; Cook, Peter; McDonald, John C.; Schnepp, Jerry: Linguistics as structure in computer animation : toward a more effective synthesis of brow motion in American Sign Language. – SLLing 14/1, 2011, 179-199.
2. Individual sign languages (except ASL)
598 Adone, Marie Carla D.; Maypilama, Elaine L. : A grammar sketch of Yolŋu Sign Language. – München : LINCOM Europa, 2014. – viii, 133 p. – (LINCOM studies in Australian languages ; 8).
599 Angoua Jean-Jacques, Tano: Etude d’une langue des signes émergente de Côte d’Ivoire : l’exemple de la Langue des Signes de Bouakako (LaSiBo). – Utrecht : LOT, 2016. – 396 p. – (LOT dissertation series ; 437) | [The description of an emerging sign language in Ivory Coast : the Bouakako Sign Language] | Fr. ab | E. summary p. 367-374 | Du. summary p. 375-383.
600 Aronoff, Mark; Meir, Irit; Padden, Carol A.; Sandler, Wendy: The roots of linguistic organization in a new language. – (116), 133-152.
601 [Aslan, Sema] Aslan Demir, Sema: Sessizliğin dili : Türk İşaret Dili’ne dair gözlemler. – (615), 141-155 | [The language of silence : observations on the Turkish Sign Language].
602 Baker, Anne Edith: Poetry in South African Sign Language : what is different? – SPIL 48, 2017, 87-92 | E. ab.
603 Baker, Anne Edith: Sign languages as natural languages. – (633), 1-24.
604 Bank, Richard: The ubiquity of mouthings in NGT : a corpus study. – Utrecht : LOT, 2015. – xi, 153 p. – (LOT dissertation series ; 376) | Du. summary, p. 143-151 | Diss. (2015) at the Radboud Univ. Nijmegen | NGT = Nederlandse Gebarentaal = Dutch Sign Language.
605 Bank, Richard: The ubiquity of mouthings in NGT : a corpus study (Radboud University, Nijmegen, 2015). – SLLing 18/2, 2015, 257-265 | NGT = Nederlandse Gebarentaal = Dutch Sign Language | Diss. ab | Diss. (2015), cf. 604.
606 Bauer, Anastasia: The use of signing space in a shared sign language of Australia. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Lancaster : Ishara Press, 2014. – xxiv, 279 p. – (Sign language typology ; 5).
607 Bauer, Anastasia: The use of signing space in a shared sign language of Australia : (University of Cologne, 2013). – SLLing 17/2, 2014, 259-266 | Diss. ab.
608 Brynjólfsdóttir, Elísa Guðrún; Jónsson, Jóhannes Gísli; Þorvaldsdóttir, Kristín Lena; Sverrisdóttir, Rannveig: Málfræði íslenska táknmálsins. – ÍMAM 34, 2012, 9-52 | E. ab.: The grammar of Icelandic Sign Language.
609 Checchetto, Alessandra; Cecchetto, Carlo; Geraci, Carlo; Guasti, Maria Teresa; Zucchi, Alessandro: Una varietà molto speciale : la LISt (lingua dei segni italiana tattile). – (621), 207-218.
610 Cieśla, Bartłomiej: Językowe własności systemu komunikacji głuchych. – FLŁ 46, 2012, 53-59 | E. ab.: Linguistic features of the Polish sign lg.
611 Conte, Genny; Santoro, Mirko; Geraci, Carlo; Cardinaletti, Anna: Perché alzi le sopracciglia? : le funzioni linguistiche marcate dal sollevamento in LIS. – (621), 161-170.
612 Cruz-Aldrete, Miroslava: Gramática de la Lengua de Señas Mexicana (LSM) (El Colegio de México, Mexico City, 2008). – SLLing 13/2, 2010, 241-252 | Abstract of the author’s doctoral diss.
613 Current directions in Turkish sign language research / Ed. by Engin Arik. – Newcastle : Cambridge scholars, 2013. – xix, 306 p. | Not analyzed.
614 Davis, Jeffrey E.: Hand talk : sign language among American Indian nations. – Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 2010. – xxix, 244 p.
615 Ellerle konuşmak : Türk İşaret Dili araştırmaları / Derleyen Engin Arık. – İstanbul : Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2016. – 540 p. – (Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları ; 81) | [To speak with the hands : research on the Turkish Sign Language].
616 Erlenkamp, Sonja: Norsk tegnspråk : helt norsk og veldig annerledes : skisse av en ny beskrivelsesmodell for norsk tegnspråk. – NLT 29/1, 2011, 26-37 | Norwegian Sign Language : entirely Norwegian and completely different : a sketch for a new descriptive model of Norwegian Sign Language | E. ab.
617 Fabisiak, Sylwia: Imitacyjność w polskim języku migowym. – PJ 6, 2010, 62-79 | E. ab.: Imitativeness in Polish sign lg.
618 Fabisiak, Sylwia: Przejawy imitacyjności w systemie gramatycznym Polskiego Języka Migowego. – LingVaria 5/1 (9), 2010, 183-192 | E. ab.: Imitative aspects of grammatical system in Polish Sign Language.
619 Fox Tree, Erich: Meemul Tziij : an indigenous sign language complex of Mesoamerica. – SLStud 9/3, 2009, 324-366.
620 Gesser, Audrei: Libras? Que língua é essa? : crenças e preconceitos em torno da língua de sinais e da realidade surda. – São Paulo : Parábola, 2009. – 87 p. – (Estratégias de ensino ; 14) | Libras? What kind of language is that? : beliefs and prejudices about sign language and the deaf reality.
621 Grammatica, lessico e dimensioni di variazione nella Lis / A cura di Anna Cardinaletti ; Carlo Cecchetto ; Caterina Donati. – Milano : FrancoAngeli, 2011. – 272 p. | Lis = Lingua italiana dei segni.
622 Green, Jennifer; Wilkins, David P.: With or without speech : Arandic Sign Language from Central Australia. – AJL 34/2, 2014, 234-261.
623 Handbuch Deutsche Gebärdensprache : sprachwissenschaftliche und anwendungsbezogene Perspektiven / Hanna Eichmann ; Martje Hansen und Jens Heßmann (Hg.). – Seedorf : Signum, 2012. – xvi, 528 p. – (Internationale Arbeiten zur Gebärdensprache und Kommunikation Gehörloser = International studies on sign language and communication of the Deaf ; 50).
624 Hein, Kadri: The Estonian deaf community. – SLStud 10/3, 2010, 304-316.
625 Hendriks, Bernadet: Jordanian Sign Language : aspects of grammar from a cross-linguistic perspective (University of Amsterdam, 2008). – SLLing 12/1, 2009, 101-110.
626 Hochgesang, Julie A.; Mcauliff, Kate: An initial description of the Deaf community in Haiti and Haitian Sign Language (LSH). – SLStud 16/2, 2016, 227-294 | E. ab.
627 Indian Sign Language(s) / G. N. Devy (chief ed.) ; Tanmoy Bhattacharya ; Nisha Grover ; Surinder P. K. Randhawa (eds.). – New Delhi : Orient Blackswan, 2014. – xli, 198 p. – (People’s linguistic survey of India ; 38).
628 International Sign : linguistic, usage, and status issues / Rachel Rosenstock and Jemina Napier, editors. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2016. – 232 p. – (Sociolinguistics in deaf communities ; 21) | Not analyzed.
629 Kendon, Adam: Sign languages of aboriginal Australia : cultural, semiotic, and communicative perspectives. – Cambridge : Cambridge UP, 1988. – xviii, 542 p.
630 Korol´kova, Ol´ga O.: Koncepcija postroenija grammatičeskoj sistemy russkogo žestovogo jazyka (k postanovke problemy). – SFŽ 4, 2011, 226-233 | On the concept of the construction of a grammatical system for Russian Sign Language.
631 Lackner, Andrea: Linguistic functions of head and body movements in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS) : a corpus-based analysis (Karl-Franzens-University Graz, 2013). – SLLing 18/1, 2015, 151-157 | Diss. ab.
632 Leeson, Lorraine; Saeed, John Ibrahim: Irish Sign Language : a cognitive linguistic account. – Edinburgh : Edinburgh UP., 2012. – xii, 244 p.
633 The linguistics of sign languages : an introduction / Ed. by Anne Baker ; Beppie van den Bogaerde ; Roland Pfau ; Trude Schermer. – Amsterdam : Benjamins, 2016. – xv, 378 p.
634 Lutalo-Kiingi, Sam: The importance of Deaf involvement in African Sign Language research. – (18), 23-27.
635 Marsaja, I Gede: Desa Kolok : a deaf village and its sign language in Bali, Indonesia. – Nijmegen : Ishara Press, 2008. – xxi, 262 p., 1 DVD | Revised version of the author’s 2003 La Trobe Univ. diss.
636 Nyst, Victoria: Sign languages in West Africa. – (218), 405-432.
637 Nyst, Victoria; Sylla, Kara; Magassouba, Moustapha: Deaf signers in Douentza, a rural area in Mali. – (1047), 251-276.
638 Polski język migowy : konwersacje / Red. Agnieszka Kwiecień ; Olga Romanowska. – Łódź : Polski Związek Głuchych Oddział Łódzki, 2011. – 100 p., DVD | Polish sign language : conversations.
639 Quer, Josep: La llengua de signes catalana, una llengua pròpia més de Catalunya. – CatRev 24, 2010 [2011], 45-57.
640 Rutkowski, Paweł; Łozińska, Sylwia: O niedookreśloności semantycznej migowych predykatów klasyfikatorowych. – (45), 211-223 | E. ab.: On the semantic underspecification of sign lg. classifier predicates.
641 Sanjabi, Ali; Behmanesh, Abbas Ali; Guity, Ardavan; Siyavoshi, Sara; Watkins, Martin; Hochgesang, Julie A.: Zaban Eshareh Irani (ZEI) and its fingerspelling system. – SLStud 16/4, 2016, 500-534 | E. ab.
642 Sawicka, Grażyna: Polski Język Migowy (PJM) : język czy nie język?. – (197), 83-88.
643 Schmaling, Constanze H.: Hausa Sign language. – (219), 361-389.
644 Schmaling, Halima C.; Hausawa, Lawan Bala: Maganar Hannu : Harshen Bebaye na Kasar Hausa. Littafi na Farko Iyali. – Kano : Goethe Institut, 2011. – 28 p. | Sign language : the language of the Deaf in Hausaland : Book one : Family.
645 Szabó, Mária Helga: A hangzó magyar nyelv hatása a magyar jelnyelvre. – (16), 43-79 | The effect of sounding Hungarian on Hungarian Sign Language.
646 Szczepankowski, Bogdan; Koncewicz, Dorota: Język migowy w terapii. – Łódź : Wyd. Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Łodzi, 2012. – 241 p., CD-ROM/DVD | Sign language in therapy.
647 Tano, Angoua Jean-Jacques: Etude d’une langue des signes émergente de Côte d’Ivoire : l’exemple de la Langue des Signes de Bouakako (LaSiBo). – SLLing 20/1, 2017, 146-155 | [Study of an emerging sign language in Ivory Coast : the example of the Bouakako Sign Language (LaSiBo)] | Diss. ab.
648 Through Indian Sign Language : the Fort Sill ledgers of Hugh Lenox Scott and Iseeo, 1889-1897 / Ed. by William C. Meadows. – Norman, OK : Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 2015. – 520 p. – (The civilization of the American Indian series ; 274).
649 Tomaszewski, Piotr; Piekot, Tomasz: Język migowy w perspektywie socjolingwistycznej. – Socjolingwistyka 29, 2015, 63-87 | Sign language from sociolinguistic perspective | Pol. & E. ab.
650 Vonen, Arnfinn Muruvik: Tegnspråk i Norden. – SpriN 2012, 86-96 | Sign languages in the Nordic countries | E. & Norw. ab.
651 Vos, Connie de: Sign-spatiality in Kata Kolok : how a village sign language of Bali inscribes its signing space. – SLLing 16/2, 2013, 277-284 | Diss. ab.
652 Wojda, Piotr: Naturalne języki migowe a polski język migowy. – (172), 372-391 | Natural sign languages and Polish sign language | P0l. & E. ab.
653 Wrobel, Ulrike Rosa: Raum als kommunikative Ressource – eine handlungstheoretische Analyse visueller Sprachen. – SLLing 10/2, 2008, 223-231 | Space as a communicative resource – a functional-pragmatic approach to visual languages | Ab. of the author’s diss.
654 [Wrzesniewska, Marta] Wrześniewska-Pietrzak, Marta; Ruta, Karolina: Rzecz o nieobecnych : o słownikach polskiego języka migowego. – PF 65, 2014, 359-376 | E. ab.: On the absent ones: dictionaries of the Polish sign lg.
655 Zeshan, Ulrike: Village sign languages : a commentary. – (203), 13 p. | Cf. 826.
656 Zwets, Martine: Locating the difference : a comparison between Dutch pointing gestures and pointing signs in Sign Language of the Netherlands. – Utrecht : LOT, 2014. – iv, 219 p. – (LOT dissertation series ; 351) | Du. summary, p. 207-216 | Diss.
0.3. Linguistic Theory and Methodology
657 Bōnō, Mayumi: Nihon shuwa danwa ni okeru kūkan to shiten : shuwa kenkyū to jesuchā kenkyū no setten. – ShK 17, 2008, 1-10 | [Space and viewpoint in Japan Sign Language discourse : interaction between sign language research and gesture research].
658 Davis, Jeffrey E.: American Indian Sign Language : documentary linguistic methodologies and technologies. – (176), 161-178.
659 Davis, Jeffrey E.: American Indian Sign Language documentary linguistic fieldwork and digital archive. – (177), 69-82.
660 Dikyuva, Hasan; Escobedo Delgado, César Ernesto; Panda, Sibaji; Zeshan, Ulrike: Working with village sign language communities : deaf fieldwork researchers in professional dialogue. – (1047), 313-404.
661 Haug, Tobias: A review of sign language acquisition studies as the basis for informed decisions for sign language test adaptation : the case of the German Sign Language Receptive Skills Test. – SLLing 15/2, 2012, 213-239.
662 Kimura, Tsutomu; Hara, Daisuke; Kanda, Kazuyuki; Morimoto, Kazunari: Nihon shuwa, Nihongo jisho shisutemu no hatten to hyōka. – ShK 17, 2008, 11-27 | [Development and assessment of Japan Sign Language and the Japanese dictonary system].
663 Kusters, Annelies: Being a deaf white anthropologist in Adamorobe : some ethical and methodological issues. – (1047), 27-52.
664 Lutalo-Kiingi, Sam; Clerck, Goedele A. M. De: Research on sign languages and deaf/sign communities in sub-Saharan Africa : challenges of diversity, documentation, revitalization, language planning, and capacity building. – (20), 354-375.
665 Zeshan, Ulrike; Dikyuva, Hasan: Documentation for endangered sign languages : the case of Mardin Sign Language. – (177), 29-41.
0.5. Semiotics
666 Kutscher, Silvia: Ikonizität und Indexikalität im gebärdensprachlichen Lexikon : zur Typologie sprachlicher Zeichen. – ZS 29/1, 2010, 79-109 | E. ab.
667 Reis, Marga; Wöllstein, Angelika: Zur Grammatik (vor allem) konditionaler V1-Gefüge im Deutschen. – ZS 29/1, 2010, 111-179 | E. ab.
0.5.1. Non-Verbal Communication
668 Arık, Engin: Left/right and front/back in sign, speech, and co-speech gestures : what do data from Turkish Sign Language, Croatian Sign Language, American Sign Language, Turkish, Croatian, and English reveal? – PSiCL 47/3, 2011, 442-469.
669 Arvensisová, Marika: Neverbálne prostriedky komunikácie nepočujúcich a ich špecifiká. – MinV 2/2, 2013, 103-111 | Non-verbal communication of the deaf : its means and specifics | E. ab.
670 Barberà, Gemma; Zwets, Martine: Pointing and reference in sign language and spoken language : anchoring vs. identifying. – SLStud 13/4, 2013, 491-515 | E. ab.
671 Johnston, Trevor; Roekel, Jane van; Schembri, Adam C.: On the conventionalization of mouth actions in Australian Sign Language. – L&S 59/1, 2016, 3-42.
672 Mohr, Susanne: Mouth actions in sign languages : an empirical study of Irish Sign Language. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Preston, UK : Ishara Press, 2014. – xviii, 231 p. – (Sign languages and deaf communities ; 3).
673 Ōsugi, Yutaka: “Shuwa” kara “shuwa gengo” e. – Nihongogaku 33/11, 2014, 4-14 | From “signing” to “sign language”.
674 Raanes, Eli: Tegnrom og taktilt tegnspråk. – NLT 29/1, 2011, 54-86 | Signing space and tactile sign language | E. ab.
675 Rizzi, Mariapia: Manomissioni : tre strategie iconiche del testo poetico segnato. – (14), 189-206.
0.6. Applied Linguistics
676 Escuela española de sordomudos : la gramática de la lengua de signos en su contexto interlingüístico y pedagógico / Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro : estudio introd. y ed. de Ángel Luis Herrero Blanco. – Alicante : Univ. de Alicante, 2008. – 407 p.
677 Garncarek, Michał: Polski język migowy w nauczaniu osób słyszących : wskazówki metodyczne. – JwK 2, 2012, 129-140 | Polish Sign Language and its teaching to hearing persons : methodical advices | E. ab.
1. Phonetics and Phonology
678 [Kimmelman, Vadim] Kimmelman, Vadim; Sáfár, Anna; Crasborn, Onno A.: Towards a classification of weak hand holds. – OpLi 2/1, 2016, 211-234 | E. ab.
679 Puupponen, Anna; Wainio, Tuija; Burger, Birgitta; Jantunen, Tommi: Head movements in Finnish Sign Language on the basis of motion capture data : a study of the form and function of nods, nodding, head thrusts, and head pulls. – SLLing 18/1, 2015, 41-89.
1.1. Phonetics
680 Arendsen, Jeroen; Doorn, Andrea J. van; Ridder, Huib de: Acceptability of sign manipulations. – SLLing 13/2, 2010, 101-155.
681 Barbosa, Felipe Venâncio; Temoteo, Janice Gonçalves; Nogueira Rizzo, Rodrigo Rossi: What generates Location? Study on the arm and forearm of lexical items in the Brazilian Sign Language. – (32), 181-194 | E. ab.
682 Crasborn, Onno A.: Phonetics. – (633), 229-249.
683 Healy, Christina: Pinky extension as a phonestheme in Mongolian Sign Language. – SLStud 11/4, 2011, 575-593 | E. ab.
684 Jantunen, Tommi: How long is the sign? – Linguistics 53/1, 2015, 93-124.
685 Ormel, Ellen; Crasborn, Onno A.; Kooij, Els van der: Coarticulation of hand height in Sign Language of the Netherlands is affected by contact type. – JPhon 41/3-4, 2013, 156-171.
686 Xavier, André Nogueira; [Barbosa, Plinio Almeida] Barbosa, Plínio: Com quantas mãos se faz um sinal? : um estudo do parâmetro número de mãos na produção de sinais da língua brasileira de sinais (libras). – TAL-RLL 15/1, 2013, 111-128 | How many hands do you need to make a sign? : on the parameter “number of hands” in producing signs in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) | E. ab.
1.1.1. Articulatory Phonetics
687 Geraci, Carlo: Epenthesis in Italian Sign Language. – SLLing 12/1, 2009, 3-51.
1.2. Phonology
688 Borstell, Carl; Lepic, Ryan: Commentary on Kita, van Gijn & van der Hulst (1998). – SLLing 17/2, 2014, 241-250 | Comm. on an unpublished manuscript from 1998, publ. in 2014 as 697.
689 Brentari, Diane K.; Eccarius, Petra: Handshape contrasts in sign language phonology. – (218), 284-311.
690 Demey, Eline; Kooij, Els van der: Phonological patterns in a dependency model : allophonic relations grounded in phonetic and iconic motivation. – Lingua 118/8, 2008, 1109-1138.
691 Elliott, Eeva A.; Jacobs, Arthur M.: Phonological and morphological faces : disgust signs in German Sign Language. – SLLing 17/2, 2014, 123-180.
692 Fenlon, Jordan; Schembri, Adam C.; Rentelis, Ramas; Cormier, Kearsy: Variation in handshape and orientation in British Sign Language : the case of the ‘1’ hand configuration. – L&C 33/1, 2013, 69-91.
693 Giustolisi, Beatrice; Mereghetti, Emiliano; Cecchetto, Carlo: Phonological blending or code mixing? : why mouthing is not a core component of sign language grammar. – NLLT 35/2, 2017, 347-365 | E. ab.
694 Handbuch Laut, Gebärde, Buchstabe / Hrsg. von Ulrike Domahs und Beatrice Primus. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2016. – xx, 516 p. – (Handbücher Sprachwissen ; 2) | Handbook of sounds, signs, and letters.
695 Jantunen, Tommi; Takkinen, Ritva: Syllable structure in sign language phonology. – (218), 312-331.
696 Kimmel´man, Vadim I.: Parts of speech in Russian Sign Language : the role of iconicity and economy. – SLLing 12/2, 2009, 161-186.
697 [Kita, Sotaro 01] Kita, Sotaro; Gijn, Ingeborg van; Hulst, Harry van der: The non-linguistic status of the Symmetry Condition in signed languages : evidence from a comparison of signs and speech-accompanying representational gestures. – SLLing 17/2, 2014, 215-238 | Cf. authors’ preface (p. 213-214) and afterword (p. 239-240) | Comm. cf. 688.
698 Köhlo, Mikhaela D. K.; Siebörger, Ian; Bennett, William G.: A perfect end : a study of syllable codas in South African Sign Language. – SPILPLUS 52, 2017, 127-156 | E. ab.
699 Kooij, Els van der: Phonology. – (633), 251-278.
700 Kozak, L. Viola; Tomita, Nozomi: On selected phonological patterns in Saudi Arabian Sign Language. – SLStud 13/1, 2012, 56-78 | E. ab.
701 Lee, Hsin-hsien: The representation of handshape change in Taiwan Sign Language. – SLLing 11/2, 2008, 139-183.
702 Lewin, Donna; Schembri, Adam C.: Mouth gestures in British Sign Language : a case study of tongue protrusion in BSL narratives. – SLLing 14/1, 2011, 94-114.
703 Makaroğlu, Bahtiyar; Bekar, İpek Pınar; Arık, Engin: Evidence for minimal pairs in Turkish Sign Language (TİD). – PSiCL 50/3, 2014, 207-230 | E. ab.
704 Nishio, Rie: Kōpasu ni motozuku shuwa on’inron no kenkyū : Doitsu shuwa ni okeru weak drop to weak prop ni tsuite. – ShK 18, 2009, 47-60 | [Sign language phonology research based on a corpus : weak drop and weak prop in German Sign Language].
705 Özkul, Aslı: Türk İşaret Dilinde araç bildiren isim ve fiil çiftlerine birimbilimsel bir bakış. – (615), 211-230 | [A look into the phonology of instrumental nouns and verbs in Turkish Sign Language].
706 Richterová, Klára: O vzdálených i blízkých aspektech fonologie znakového jazyka : nepříznakové tvary ruky (nejen) v českém znakovém jazyce. – (1), 99-112 | On distant and near aspects of sign language phonology : unmarked hand shapes (not only) in Czech Sign Language | Pol. & G. ab.
707 Sandler, Wendy; Aronoff, Mark; Meir, Irit; Padden, Carol A.: The gradual emergence of phonological form in a new language. – NLLT 29/2, 2011, 503-543 | On Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language.
708 Stoianov, Diane; Nevins, Andrew Ira: The phonology of handshape distribution in Maxakalí sign. – (40), 231-262 | E. ab.
709 Sze, Felix Yim Binh: Nonmanual markings for topic constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language. – SLLing 14/1, 2011, 115-147.
710 Yang, Junhui: Numeral signs and compounding in Chinese Sign Language (CSL). – (300), 253-268.
1.2.1. Suprasegmental Phonology (Prosody)
711 Bank, Richard; Crasborn, Onno A.; Hout, Roeland van: Alignment of two languages : the spreading of mouthings in Sign Language of the Netherlands. – IJB 19/1, 2015, 40-55.
712 Crasborn, Onno A.; Kooij, Els van der: The phonology of focus in Sign Language of the Netherlands. – JL 49/3, 2013, 515-565.
713 Crasborn, Onno A.; Kooij, Els van der; Ros, Johan: On the weight of phrase-final prosodic words in a sign language. – SLLing 15/1, 2012, 11-38.
714 Dachkovsky, Svetlana: Facial expression as intonation in Israeli Sign Language : the case of neutral and counterfactual conditionals. – (30), 61-82.
715 Dachkovsky, Svetlana; Healy, Christina; Sandler, Wendy: Visual intonation in two sign languages. – Phonology 30/2, 2013, 211-252 | On Israeli Sign Language and American Sign Language.
716 Dachkovsky, Svetlana; Sandler, Wendy: Visual intonation in the prosody of a sign language. – L&S 52/2-3, 2009, 287-314.
717 Göksel, Aslı; Kelepir, Meltem; [Untak, Asli] Üntak-Tarhan, Aslı: Decomposing the non-manual tier : cross-modality generalisations. – BLS 35S, 2009 (2010), 1-11 | Evidence from Turkish and Turkish Sign Language.
718 Herrmann, Annika: The interaction of eye blinks and other prosodic cues in German Sign Language. – SLLing 13/1, 2010, 3-39.
719 Herrmann, Annika: Prosody in German Sign Language. – (23), 349-380.
720 Jantunen, Tommi: Acceleration peaks and sonority in Finnish Sign Language syllables. – (87), 347-381.
721 Kooij, Els van der; Crasborn, Onno A.: Syllables and the word-prosodic system in Sign Language of the Netherlands. – Lingua 118/9, 2008, 1307-1327.
722 Özsoy, A. Sumru; Kelepir, Meltem; Nuhbalaoğlu, Derya; Hakgüder, Emre: Commands in Turkish sign language. – GK 146, 2014, 13-30 | Jap. ab.
723 Quer, Josep: Intonation and grammar in the visual-gestural modality : a case study on conditionals in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). – (190), 369-386.
724 Sandler, Wendy; Meir, Irit; Dachkovsky, Svetlana; Padden, Carol A.; Aronoff, Mark: The emergence of complexity in prosody and syntax. – Lingua 121/13, 2011, 2014-2033.
725 Sze, Felix Yim Binh: Blinks and intonational phrasing in Hong Kong Sign Language. – (30), 83-107.
726 Tang, Gladys; Brentari, Diane K.; González, Carolina; Sze, Felix Yim Binh: Crosslinguistic variation in prosodic cues. – (218), 519-542.
727 Vos, Connie de; Kooij, Els van der; Crasborn, Onno A.: Mixed signals : combining linguistic and affective functions of eyebrows in questions in Sign Language of the Netherlands. – L&S 52/2-3, 2009, 315-339.
1.3. Mor(pho)Phonology
728 Brentari, Diane K.; Coppola, Marie; Mazzoni, Laura; Goldin-Meadow, Susan: When does a system become phonological? : handshape production in gesturers, signers, and homesigners. – NLLT 30/1, 2012, 1-31 | On Italian & American Sign Language.
2. Grammar, Morphosyntax
729 Antzakas, Klimis: Aspects of morphology and syntax of negation in Greek Sign Language (City University London, 2008). – SLLing 11/2, 2008, 265-275 | Abstract of the author’s diss.
730 Arık, Engin: Türk İşaret Dili’nde sınıflandırıcılar üzerine bir çalışma. – Bilig 67, 2013, 1–24 | On classifiers in Turkish sign language.
731 Baker, Anne Edith; Pfau, Roland: Constituents and word classes. – (633), 93-115.
732 Benedicto, Elena E.; Cvejanov, Sandra; Quer, Josep: The morphosyntax of verbs of motion in serial constructions : a crosslinguistic study in three signed languages. – (30), 111-132.
733 Cormier, Kearsy; Fenlon, Jordan: Possession in the visual-gestural modality : how possession is expressed in British Sign Language. – (88), 389-422.
734 Cormier, Kearsy; Fenlon, Jordan; Schembri, Adam C.: Indicating verbs in British Sign Language favour motivated use of space. – OpLi 1/1, 2015, 684-707 | Electronic publ.
735 Crasborn, Onno A.; Kooij, Els van der; Ros, Johan; Hoop, Helen de: Topic agreement in NGT (Sign Language of the Netherlands). – LRev 26/2-3, 2009, 355-370.
736 Duarte, Kyle: The mechanics of fingerspelling : analyzing Ethiopian Sign Language. – SLStud 11/1, 2010, 5-21.
737 Garcia, Brigitte; Sallandre, Marie-Anne: Reference resolution in French Sign Language (LSF). – (100), 316-364.
738 Haviland, John B.: The emerging grammar of nouns in a first generation sign language : specification, iconicity, and syntax. – (221), 65-110.
739 Hosemann, Jana: Eye gaze and verb agreement in German Sign Language : a first glance. – SLLing 14/1, 2011, 76-93 | Compared to ASL.
740 Hunsicker, Dea; Goldin-Meadow, Susan: How handshape type can distinguish between nouns and verbs in homesign. – (221), 111-133.
741 Imazato, Noriko: Nihon shuwa ni okeru shugo/mokutekigo hyōji no jodōshi ni tsuite. – GK 146, 2014, 31-50 | E. ab.: Subject/object marking auxiliaries in Japanese sign languages.
742 Johnston, Trevor: Formational and functional characteristics of pointing signs in a corpus of Auslan (Australian sign language) : are the data sufficient to posit a grammatical class of ‘pronouns’ in Auslan? – CLLT 9/1, 2013, 109-159 | E. ab.
743 Klann, Juliane: Ikonizität in Gebärdensprachen. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2014. – xv, 167 p. – (Linguistik – Impulse & Tendenzen ; 59).
744 Ktejik, Mish: Numeral incorporation in Japanese Sign Language. – SLStud 13/2, 2013, 186-210 | E. ab.
745 Lutalo-Kiingi, Sam: A descriptive grammar of morphosyntactic constructions in Ugandan Sign Language (UgSL). – SLLing 19/1, 2016, 132-141 | Diss. ab. (University of Central Lancashire, 2014).
746 Meir, Irit: The emergence of argument structure in two new sign languages. – (13), 101-123 | On Israeli Sign Language (ISL) and Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language (ABSL).
747 Meir, Irit: The evolution of verb classes and verb agreement in sign languages. – TL 38/1-2, 2012, 145-152 | Comm. on 265 | Response cf. 267.
748 Rinfret, Julie: The spatial association of nouns in Langue des Signes Québécoise : form, function and meaning (Université du Québec à Montréal, 2009). – SLLing 13/1, 2010, 92-97 | Abstract of the author’s doctoral diss.
749 Rutkowski, Paweł; Czajkowski-Kisil, Małgorzata: O kategorii zaimka osobowego w polskim języku migowym (PJM). – LingVaria 5/1 (9), 2010, 65-77 | E. ab.: On the category of personal pronouns in Polish Sign Language.
750 Sevinç, Ayça Müge; Bozşahin, Cem: Verbal categories in Turkish sign language. – (35), 220-229.
751 Tkachman, Oksana; Sandler, Wendy: The noun-verb distinction in two young sign languages. – (221), 9-41.
2.1. Morphology and Word-Formation
752 Brunelli, Michele: Antisymmetry and sign languages : a comparison between NGT and LIS (University of Amsterdam & Ca’Foscari University, Venice, 2011). – SLLing 15/1, 2012, 175-183 | Abstract of the author’s diss. (780).
753 Damian, Simona: An introduction to the morphology of Romanian sign language. – StUBB-Ph 56/1, 2011, 133-138 | E. ab.
754 [Hudson, Carla L.] Hudson Kam, Carla L.; [Goodrich, Whitney] Goodrich Smith, Whitney: The problem of conventionality in the development of creole morphological systems. – CJL 56/1, 2011, 109-124 | On spatial morphology in Nicaraguan Sign Language.
755 Morris, Carla D.; Schneider, Erin: On selected morphemes in Saudi Arabian Sign Language. – SLStud 13/1, 2012, 103-121 | E. ab.
756 Pfau, Roland: Morphology. – (633), 197-228.
757 Sagara, Keiko: Aspects of number and kinship terms in Japanese Sign Language. – (300), 301-331.
2.1.1. Inflectional Morphology
758 [Antzakas, Klimis] Άντζακας, Κλήμης; Quer, Josep: Η ρηματική συμφωνία στην ελληνική νοηματική γλώσσα. – SGL 35, 2015, 92-105 | Verb agreement in Greek Sign Language.
759 Crasborn, Onno A.; Kooij, Els van der; Waters, Dafydd; Woll, Bencie; Mesch, Johanna: Frequency distribution and spreading behavior of different types of mouth actions in three sign languages. – SLLing 11/1, 2008, 45-67.
760 Lam, Scholastica Wai-sze: Reconsidering number agreement in Hong Kong Sign Language. – (30), 133-160.
761 Maxaroblidze, Tamar: versiis k’at’egoria kartul žest’ur enaši. – k’admosi 5, 2013, 168-191 | E. ab.: The category of version in Georgian Sign Language.
762 Morgan, Hope E.; Mayberry, Rachel I.: Complexity in two-handed signs in Kenyan Sign Language : evidence for sublexical structure in a young sign language. – SLLing 15/1, 2012, 147-174.
763 Zwitserlood, Inge: Morphology below the level of the sign : “frozen” forms and classifier predicates. – (30), 251-272.
2.1.2. Derivational Morphology
764 Fuentes, Mariana; Massone, María Ignacia; Fernández Viader, M. Pilar; Makotrinsky, Alejandro; Pulgarin, Francisca: Numeral-incorporating roots in numeral systems : a comparative analysis of two sign languages. – SLStud 11/1, 2010, 55-75.
765 Herlofsky, William J.: Iconic thinking and the contact-induced transfer of linguistic material : the case of Japanese, signed Japanese, and Japan Sign Language. – (73), 19-38.
766 Podstolec, Alicja: Różnice w sposobach derywacji między polskim językiem mówionym a miganym. – (22), 126-131 | Differences between Polish spoken lg. and the Polish Sign Language in the field of derivation.
767 Young, Lesa; Palmer, Jeffrey Levi; Reynolds, Wanette: Selected lexical patterns in Saudi Arabian Sign Language. – SLStud 13/1, 2012, 79-102 | E. ab.
2.2. Syntax
768 [Antzakas, Klimis] Άντζακας, Κλήμης: Το πεδίο εμβέλειας της άρνησης στην ελληνική νοηματική γλώσσα. – (9), 635-645 | E. ab.
769 Barberà, Gemma; Cabredo Hofherr, Patricia: Backgrounded agents in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) : passives, middles, or impersonals? – Language 93/4, 2017, 767-798 | E. ab.
770 Barros, Courtney de; Siebörger, Ian: Sentential negation in South African Sign Language : a case study. – Literator 37/2, 2016, 13 p. | E. & Afrikaans ab.
771 Bertone, Carmela; Cardinaletti, Anna: Il sistema pronominale della lingua dei segni italiana. – (621), 145-160.
772 Borstell, Carl: Object marking in the signed modality : verbal and nominal strategies in Swedish Sign Language and other sign languages. – SLLing 20/2, 2017, 279-287 | Diss. ab.
773 Bos, Heleen F.: Serial verb constructions in Sign Language of the Netherlands. – SLLing 19/2, 2016, 238-251 | Paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR) in Montreal, Canada (September 1996).
774 Branchini, Chiara; Cardinaletti, Anna; Cecchetto, Carlo; Donati, Caterina; Geraci, Carlo: wh-duplication in Italian Sign Language (LIS). – SLLing 16/2, 2013, 157-188.
775 Branchini, Chiara; Donati, Caterina: Relatively different : Italian Sign Language relative clauses in a typological perspective. – (99), 157-191.
776 Branchini, Chiara; Geraci, Carlo: L’ordine dei costituenti in LIS : risultati preliminari. – (621), 113-126.
777 Branchini, Chiara: On relativization and clefting in Italian Sign Language. – SLLing 10/2, 2008, 201-212 | Ab. of the author’s diss.
778 Branchini, Chiara: On relativization and clefting : an analysis of Italian Sign Language. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2014. – xvii, 343 p. – (Sign languages and deaf communities ; 5).
779 Bross, Fabian; Hole, Daniel: Scope-taking strategies and the order of clausal categories in German Sign Language. – Glossa 2/1, 2017, 76 | E. ab.
780 Brunelli, Michele: Antisymmetry and sign languages : a comparison between NGT and LIS. – Utrecht : LOT, 2011. – 348 p. – (LOT dissertation series ; 284) | Amsterdam Univ. diss | Du. & It. ab | Cf. 752.
781 Brynjólfsdóttir, Elísa Guðrún; Þorvaldsdóttir, Kristín Lena: Að tengja saman epli og appelsínur : aðaltengingar í íslenska táknmálinu. – ÍMAM 36, 2014, 127-137 | E. ab.: Connecting apples and oranges : conjunctions in Icelandic Sign Language.
782 Cecchetto, Carlo; Checchetto, Alessandra; Geraci, Carlo; Santoro, Mirko; [Zucchi, Alessandro] Zucchi, Sandro: The syntax of predicate ellipsis in Italian Sign Language (LIS). – Lingua 166/B, 2015, 214-235.
783 Cecchetto, Carlo; Donati, Caterina: Relativization in Italian Sign Language : the missing link of relativization. – (289), 182-203 | E. ab.
784 Costello, Brendan: Language and modality : effects of the use of space in the agreement system of lengua de signos española (Spanish Sign Language). – SLLing 19/2, 2016, 270-279 | Diss. ab.
785 Donati, Caterina; Barberà, Gemma; Branchini, Chiara; Cecchetto, Carlo; Geraci, Carlo; Quer, Josep: Searching for imperatives in European sign languages. – (104), 111-155 | E. ab.
786 Donati, Caterina; Branchini, Chiara: Challenging linearization : simultaneous mixing in the production of bimodal bilinguals. – (98), 93-128 | A case study of Italian Sign Language-Italian bilinguals.
787 Erlenkamp, Sonja: Grunntegnstilling i norsk tegnspråk. – NLT 29/1, 2011, 87-116 | Basic sign order in Norwegian Sign Language | E. ab.
788 Ferrara, Lindsay; Johnston, Trevor: Elaborating who’s what : a study of constructed action and clause structure in Auslan (Australian Sign Language). – AJL 34/2, 2014, 193-215.
789 Geraci, Carlo; Aristodemo, Valentina: An in-depth tour into sentential complementation in Italian Sign Language. – (289), 95-150 | E. ab.
790 Geraci, Carlo; Bayley, Robert: Chi, cosa, dove, perché, quando : la distribuzione dei segni wh- in LIS. – (621), 127-144.
791 Geraci, Carlo; Cecchetto, Carlo: Neglected cases of rightward movement : when wh-phrases and negative quantifiers go to the right. – (25), 211-241.
792 Gil, David: Sign languages, creoles, and the development of predication. – (185), 37-64.
793 Gökgöz, Kadir: Negation in Turkish Sign Language : the syntax of nonmanual markers. – SLLing 14/1, 2011, 49-75.
794 Gökgöz, Kadir; Wilbur, Ronnie B.: Olumsuz evet-hayır sorularında olumlu önyargı : Türk İşaret Dili’nde olumsuzluk başından tümleyici başa taşımanın delili. – (615), 253-273 | [Positive bias in negative yes-no questions : raising from negation to complement in Turkish Sign language].
795 Göksel, Aslı; Hakgüder, Emre; Kelepir, Meltem: İşaret dillerinde karmaşık tümceleri belirlemek : Türk İşaret Dili (TİD) üzerine bir yöntem ve betimleme çalışması. – (33), 162-169 | To determine complex sentences in sign languages : a methodological and descriptive study on the basis of Turkish Sign Language.
796 Göksel, Aslı; Kelepir, Meltem: Observations on clausal complementation in Turkish Sign Language. – (289), 65-94 | E. ab.
797 Göksel, Aslı; Kelepir, Meltem: The phonological and semantic bifurcation of the functions of an articulator : HEAD in questions in Turkish Sign Language. – SLLing 16/1, 2013, 1-30.
798 Hansen, Martje; Heßmann, Jens: Matching propositional content and formal markers : sentence boundaries in a DGS text. – SLLing 10/2, 2008, 145-175.
799 Hansen, Martje: Warum braucht die Deutsche Gebärdensprache kein Passiv? : Verfahren der Markierung semantischer Rollen in der DGS. – SLLing 10/2, 2008, 213-222 | Why can German Sign Language (DGS) do without a passive construction? Ways of marking semantic roles in DGS | Ab. of the author’s diss.
800 Herrmann, Annika; Steinbach, Markus: Satztypen und Gebärdensprache. – (192), 786-814 | [Clause types and sign language].
801 Hodge, Gabrielle; Johnston, Trevor: Points, depictions, gestures and enactment : partly lexical and non-lexical signs as core elements of single clause-like units in Auslan (Australian Sign Language). – AJL 34/2, 2014, 262-291.
802 Hong, Sung-Eun: Ein empirische Untersuchung zu Kongruenzverben in der Koreanischen Gebärdensprache [An empirical investigation of agreement verbs in Korean Sign Language] (University of Hamburg, 2008). – SLLing 12/2, 2009, 228-234 | Abstract of the author’s doctoral diss.
803 Huddlestone, Kate: A preliminary look at negative constructions in South African Sign Language : question-answer clauses. – SPIL 48, 2017, 93-104 | E. ab.
804 İşsever, Selçuk; Makaroğlu, Bahtiyar: Türk İşaret Dili’nde ne-taşıma. – (615), 275-296 | [Wh-movement in Turkish Sign Language].
805 Jantunen, Tommi: Clausal coordination in Finnish Sign Language. – SLang 40/1, 2016, 204-234 | E. ab.
806 Jantunen, Tommi: Constructed action, the clause and the nature of syntax in Finnish Sign Language. – OpLi 3/1, 2017, 65-85 | E. ab.
807 Jantunen, Tommi: Ellipsis in Finnish Sign Language. – NJL 36/3, 2013, 303-323.
808 Jantunen, Tommi: The equative sentence in Finnish Sign Language. – SLLing 10/2, 2008, 113-143.
809 Jantunen, Tommi: Fixed and free : the order of the verbal predicate and its core arguments in declarative transitive clauses of Finnish Sign Language. – SKY 21, 2008, 83-123.
810 Jantunen, Tommi: Fixed and NOT free : revisiting the order of the main clausal constituents in Finnish Sign Language from a corpus perspective. – SKY 30, 2017, 137-149 | E. ab.
811 Kimmel´man, Vadim I.: Topics and topic prominence in two sign languages. – JoP 87, 2015, 156-170.
812 Kimmel´man, Vadim I.: Word order in Russian Sign Language. – SLStud 12/3, 2012, 414-445 | E. ab.
813 Krebs, Julia: The syntax and the processing of argument relations in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS). – SLLing 20/2, 2017, 288-295 | Diss. ab.
814 Krebs, Julia; Wilbur, Ronnie B.; Roehm, Dietmar: Two agreement markers in Austrian Sign Language (ÖGS). – SLLing 20/1, 2017, 27-54 | E. ab.
815 Loos, Cornelia: The syntax and semantics of resultative constructions in Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS) and American Sign Language (ASL). – SLLing 20/2, 2017, 296-303 | Diss. ab | Full diss. cf. 816.
816 Loos, Cornelia: The syntax and semantics of resultative constructions in Deutsche Gebärdensprache (DGS) and American Sign Language (ASL). – Austin, TX : Univ. of Texas at Austin, 2017. – xvii, 268 p. | Diss. at Univ. of Texas at Austin (2017) | E. ab.
817 [Makharoblidze, Tamara] Makharoblidze, Tamar: Indirect object markers in Georgian Sign Language. – SLLing 18/2, 2015, 238-250.
818 Mantovan, Lara; Geraci, Carlo: The syntax of nominal modification in Italian Sign Language (LIS). – SLLing 20/2, 2017, 183-220 | E. ab.
819 Mantovan, Lara: Nominal modification in Italian Sign Language. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Preston, UK : Ishara Press, 2017. – xvii, 207 p. – (Sign languages and deaf communities ; 8).
820 [McKee, Rachel M Locker] McKee, Rachel; Schembri, Adam C.; McKee, David; Johnston, Trevor: Variable “subject” presence in Australian Sign Language and New Zealand Sign Language. – LVC 23/3, 2011, 375-398.
821 Minoura, Nobukatsu: Inversion in Sayula Popoluca and Japanese Sign Language. – GKR 18, 2013, 41-54 | Jap. ab.
822 Minoura, Nobukatsu: Madagasukaru shuwa (TTM) no juekisha ninshō itchi hyōshiki ni kanshite. – TGDR 94, 2017, 37-52 | On benefactive person agreement marker in Malagasy sign language (TTM) | Jap. ab.
823 Minoura, Nobukatsu: On S, A, P, T, and R alignment in Malagasy Sign Language (TTM). – GKR 19, 2014, 1-20 | Jap. ab.
824 Morgan, Michael W.: Typology of Indian Sign Language verbs from a comparative perspective. – (189), 103-131 | A comparison with British, American & Japanese Sign Language.
825 Müller de Quadros, Ronice; Lillo-Martin, Diane C.: Clause structure. – (218), 225-251.
826 Nonaka, Angela M.: Interrogatives in Ban Khor Sign Language : a preliminary description. – (203), 30 p. | Cf. 655.
827 Pavlič, Matic: Sharing space in Slovenian Sign Language (SZJ). – GLS 83, 2015, 67-91.
828 Pfau, Roland; Bos, Heleen F.: Syntax : simple sentences. – (633), 117-147.
829 Pfau, Roland: Syntax : complex sentences. – (633), 149-172.
830 Quer, Josep: Les oracions condicionals en llengua de signes catalana. – (41), Vol. 2, 121-127 | [Conditional clauses in Catalan sign language].
831 Quer, Josep: Reporting with and without role shift : sign language strategies of complementation. – (289), 204-230 | E. ab.
832 Quer, Josep; Rosselló, Joana: On sloppy readings, ellipsis and pronouns : missing arguments in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) and other argument-drop languages. – (111), 337-370.
833 Rosenstock, Rachel: The role of iconicity in international sign. – SLStud 8/2, 2008, 131-159.
834 Rutkowski, Paweł; Kuder, Anna; Czajkowski-Kisil, Małgorzata; Łacheta, Joanna: The structure of nominal constructions in Polish Sign Language (PJM) : a corpus-based study. – SiPL 10, 2015, 1-15 | E. & Pol. ab.
835 Schwager, Waldemar; Zeshan, Ulrike: Word classes in sign languages : criteria and classifications. – SLang 32/3, 2008, 509-545 | Evidence from Kata Kolok (signed in a village in Bali) and German Sign Language.
836 Sprenger, Kristen; Mathur, Gaurav: Observations on word order in Saudi Arabian Sign Language. – SLStud 13/1, 2012, 122-134 | E. ab.
837 Sze, Felix Yim Binh: Topic constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language (University of Bristol, 2008). – SLLing 12/2, 2009, 222-227 | Abstract of the author’s doctoral diss.
838 Uchibori, Asako; Matsuoka, Kazumi: Some observations on wh-clauses in Japanese Sign Language. – JJLing 29, 2013, 19-30 | E. ab.
839 Uchibori, Asako; Matsuoka, Kazumi: Split movement of wh-elements in Japanese Sign Language : a preliminary study. – Lingua 183, 2016, 107-125 | E. ab.
840 Vletsi, Eleni; Stavrakaki, Stavroula: Tense and aspect in Greek Sign Language. – (9), 589-600.
841 Weerdt, Danny De: Existential sentences in Flemish Sign Language and Finnish Sign Language. – SKY 29, 2016, 7-38 | E. ab.
3. Lexicon (Lexicology and Lexicography)
842 Cabeza Pereiro, Carmen: Metaphor and lexicon in sign languages : analysis of the hand-opening articulation in LSE and BSL. – SLStud 14/3, 2014, 302-332 | LSE = lengua de signos española (Spanish Sign Language) | BSL = British Sign Language | E. ab.
843 Fenlon, Jordan; Schembri, Adam C.; Rentelis, Ramas; Vinson, David P.; Cormier, Kearsy: Using conversational data to determine lexical frequency in British Sign Language : the influence of text type. – Lingua 143, 2014, 187-202.
844 Schermer, Trude: Lexicon. – (633), 173-195.
3.1. Lexicology
845 Adone, Dany; Bauer, Anastasia; Cumberbatch, Keren; Maypilama, Elaine L. : Colour signs in two indigenous sign languages. – (1047), 53-86.
846 Báez Montero, Inmaculada C.; Fernández Soneira, Ana: Colours and numerals in Spanish Sign Language (LSE). – (300), 73-121.
847 Bank, Richard; Crasborn, Onno A.; Hout, Roeland van: Variation in mouth actions with manual signs in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT). – SLLing 14/2, 2011, 248-270.
848 Battaglia, Katia; Cardinaletti, Anna; Cecchetto, Carlo; Donati, Caterina; Geraci, Carlo; Mereghetti, Emiliano: La variazione nel lessico della Lingua dei Segni Italiana. – (12), 271-280.
849 Battaglia, Katia: Variazione lessicale e fonologica nella LIS. – (621), 189-203.
850 Bianchini, Claudia S.; Di Renzo, Alessio; Lucioli, Tommaso; Rossini, Paolo; [Antinoro, Elena] Antinoro Pizzuto, Elena: Unità lessematiche e strutture di grande iconicità nella lingua dei segni italiana (LIS) : nuovi dati e nuove metodologie di analisi. – (12), 281-294.
851 Ebling, Sarah; Konrad, Reiner; Boyes Braem, Penny; Langer, Gabriele: Factors to consider when making lexical comparisons of sign languages : notes from an ongoing comparison of German Sign Language and Swiss German Sign Language. – SLStud 16/1, 2015, 30-56 | E. ab.
852 Engberg-Pedersen, Elisabeth: Expressions of causation in Danish Sign Language. – SLLing 13/1, 2010, 40-67.
853 Hendriks, Bernadet; Dufoe, Shelley: Non-native or native vocabulary in Mexican Sign Language. – SLLing 17/1, 2014, 20-55.
854 Hendriks, Bernadet: Kinship and colour terms in Mexican Sign Language. – (300), 333-349.
855 Hollman, Liivi: Colour terms, kinship terms and numerals in Estonian Sign Language. – (300), 41-72.
856 Hollman, Liivi: Miks must on MUST ja valge VALGE : eesti viipekeele värvinimedest. – KjK 61/11, 2008, 847-862 | E. ab.: Why black is MUST and white is VALGE : on colour terms in Estonian Sign Language.
857 Hollman, Liivi; Sutrop, Urmas: Basic color terms in Estonian Sign Language. – SLStud 11/2, 2010, 130-157.
858 Konrad, Reiner: The lexical structure of German Sign Language (DGS) in the light of empirical LSP lexicography : on how to integrate iconicity in a corpus-based lexicon model. – SLLing 16/1, 2013, 111-118 | Diss. ab.
859 Maxaroblidze, Tamar: drois sist’ema kartul žest’ur enaši. – EnS 2014 (2015), 209-218 | E. ab.: The temporal system in the Georgian Sign Language.
860 Maxaroblidze, Tamar: kartuli žest’uri enis leksik’is šesaxeb. – IKE 43, 2015, 116-143 | E. ab.: On Georgian Sign Language lexical level.
861 Palfreyman, Nick: Colour terms in Indonesian sign language varieties : a preliminary study. – (300), 269-299.
862 Richterová, Klára; Macurová, Alena; Nováková, Radka: Kinship terminology in Czech Sign Language. – (300), 163-207.
863 Rodrigues, Isabel Cristina; Baalbaki, Angela Corrêa Ferreira: Práticas sociais entre línguas em contato : os empréstimos linguísticos do português à Libras = Social practices between languages in contact : the loanwords from Portuguese to Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). – RBLApl 14/4, 2014, 1095-1120 | E. ab.
864 Stamp, Rose: Sociolinguistic variation, language change and contact in the British Sign Language (BSL) lexicon : (Deafness Cognition & Language Research Centre, University College London, 2013). – SLLing 18/1, 2015, 158-166 | Diss. ab.
865 Sverrisdóttir, Rannveig; Þorvaldsdóttir, Kristín Lena: Why is the SKY BLUE? : on colour signs in Icelandic Sign Language. – (300), 209-249.
866 Taşçı, Süleyman S.; Göksel, Aslı: The morphological categorization of polymorphemic lexemes : a study based on lexicalized fingerspelled forms in TİD. – DAD 2, 2014, 165-180.
867 Vysuček, Petr: Specifické znaky v českém znakovém jazyce. – Praha : Česká komora tlumočníků znakového jazyka, 2008. – 53 p. | Specific signs in the Czech sign language.
3.2. Lexicography
868 Fenlon, Jordan; Cormier, Kearsy; Schembri, Adam C.: Building BSL SignBank : the lemma dilemma revisited. – IJLex 28/2, 2015, 169-206.
869 Kosiba, Olgierd; Grenda, Piotr: Leksykon języka migowego. – Bogatynia : Silentium, 2011. – 360 p. | Dictionary of Polish Sign Language.
870 Kristoffersen, Jette Hedegaard; Troelsgård, Thomas: En ordbog uden ord : lemmatiseringsproblemer i en tegnsprogsordbog. – SpriN 2010, 81-91 | A dictionary without words : lemmatisation problems in a Sign Language dictionary.
871 Lesotho Sign Language learners’ dictionary / produced by National Association of the Deaf Lesotho (NADL), in association with Department of African Languages and Literatures (NUL) ; compiled by ‘Malillo E. M. Machobane and Litšepiso Matlosa ; illustrations and layout by Peter Maphatšoe. – S. l. : S. n., 2010. – 302 p.
872 Linde-Usiekniewicz, Jadwiga; Czajkowski-Kisil, Małgorzata; Łacheta, Joanna: Między leksykografią opisową a przekładową : Słownik polskiego języka migowego (PJM). – PF 68, 2016, 225-244 | Between monolingual and bilingual lexicography : the Dictionary of Polish sign language (PJM) | E. ab.
873 Schmaling, Constanze H.: Dictionaries of African sign languages : an overview. – SLStud 12/2, 2012, 236-278 | E. ab | Erratum cf. Sign language studies 13/1 2012, p. 145.
874 Thamm, Ulrike: Wörterbücher der Deutschen Gebärdensprache : sprachspezifische Besonderheiten und deren Bearbeitung in ausgewählten Wörterbüchern. – Frankfurt am Main : Lang, 2014. – 231 p. – (Leipziger Studien zur angewandten Linguistik und Translatologie ; 14).
875 Wallang, Melissa G.: The making of the Shillong Sign Language Multimedia Lexicon (ShSL MML). – SLStud 15/3, 2015, 296-321 | E. ab.
3.2.2. Plurilingual Lexicography
876 Cabeza Pereiro, Carmen: En busca de la precisión : análisis de una configuración manual en el Diccionario normativo de la lengua de signos española. – (43), 167-181.
877 [Fourie, Hanelle] Fourie Blair, Hanelle: Ekwivalentverhoudings in tweetalige woordeboeke : implikasies vir die databasis van ‘n elektroniese tweetalige woordeboek van Suid-Afrikaanse Gebaretaal en Afrikaans. – Lexikos 25, 2015, 151-169 | Equivalent relations in bilingual dictionaries : implications for the database of an electronic bilingual dictionary of South African Sign Language AND Afrikaans | E. & Afrikaans ab.
878 Fourie, Hanelle: ‘n Leksikografiese model vir ‘n elektroniese tweetalige grondslagfasewoordeboek van Suid-Afrikaanse Gebaretaal en Afrikaans. – Stellenbosch : Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 2013. – [16], 446 p. | [Lexicographical model for an electronic bilingual dictionary of South African Sign Language and Afrikaans] | Diss. at Univ. of Stellenbosch, March 2013 | E. & Afrikaans ab.
879 Hollak, Józef; Jagodziński, Teofil: Słownik mimiczny dla głuchoniemych i osób z nimi styczność mających. – Łódź : Polski Związek Głuchych Oddział Łódzki, 2011. – 512 p. | Repr. of the 1879 ed | Józef Hollak (1812-1890) ; Teofil Jagodziński (1833-1907).
880 McKee, Rachel M. Locker; McKee, David: Making an online dictionary of New Zealand Sign Language. – Lexikos 23, 2013, 500-531 | E. & Afrikaans ab.
3.3. Etymology
881 Ferrerons, Ramon: Primer diccionari general i etimològic de la llengua de signes catalana. 2 vols. – Barcelona : Documenta universitaria, 2011. – 506; 510 p.
3.4. Terminology
882 Geer, Leah C.: Kinship in Mongolian Sign Language. – SLStud 11/4, 2011, 594-605 | E. ab.
883 Oliveira, Janine Soares; Weininger, Markus Johannes: Densidade de informação, complexidade fonológica e suas implicações para a organização de glossários de termos técnicos da língua de sinais brasileira. – CdT 2 (32), 2013, 141-163 | Information density, phonological complexity and its implications for the organization of glossaries of technical terms in Brazilian Sign Language.
4. Semantics and Pragmatics
884 Nilsson, Anna-Lena: Embodying metaphors : signed language interpreters at work. – CognL 27/1, 2016, 35-65.
4.1. Semantics
885 Arık, Engin: Türk İşaret Dili’nde mekânsal dil. – (615), 315-335 | Spatial relations in Turkish Sign Language.
886 Bos, Heleen F.: An analysis of main verb agreement and auxiliary agreement in NGT within the theory of Conceptual Semantics (Jackendoff 1990). – SLLing 20/2, 2017, 228-252 | Preface (p. 221-227) and afterword (p. 253-269) | Commentary cf. 887.
887 Gökgöz, Kadir: Commentary on Bos (1998). – SLLing 20/2, 2017, 270-278 | Commentary on 886.
888 Hwang, So-One K.; Tomita, Nozomi; Morgan, Hope E.; Ergin, Rabia; İlkbaşaran, Deniz; Seegers, Sharon; Lepic, Ryan; Padden, Carol A.: Of the body and the hands : patterned iconicity for semantic categories. – LCog 9/4, 2017, 573-602 | E. ab.
889 Kimmel´man, Vadim I.; Kyuseva, Maria; Lomakina, Yana; Perova, Daria: On the notion of metaphor in sign languages : some observations based on Russian Sign Language. – SLLing 20/2, 2017, 157-182 | E. ab.
890 Napoli, Donna Jo; Sutton-Spence, Rachel L.; Müller de Quadros, Ronice: Influence of predicate sense on word order in sign languages : intensional and extensional verbs. – Language 93/3, 2017, 641-670 | E. ab.
891 Özyürek, Aslı; Perniss, Pamela M.: Event representation in signed languages. – (107), 84-107 | A contrastive analysis of Turkish Sign Language & German Sign Language.
892 Perniss, Pamela M.; Zwitserlood, Inge; Özyürek, Aslı: Does space structure spatial language? : a comparison of spatial expression across sign languages. – Language 91/3, 2015, 611-641.
893 Pfau, Roland; Steinbach, Markus: Modality and meaning : plurality of relations in German Sign Language. – Lingua 170, 2016, 69-91 | E. ab.
894 Risler, Annie: Expression du déplacement dans les langues signées : comment parler d’espace dans une langue spatiale? – Faits 42, 2013, 217-244 | Fr. & E. ab.: Motion events encoding in French Sign Language : expression of spatial events in a language based on spatial relations.
895 Schlenker, Philippe: Anaphora : insights from sign language (summary). – (8), 83-107.
896 Schlenker, Philippe; Lamberton, Jonathan; Santoro, Mirko: Iconic variables. – L&P 36/2, 2013, 91-149.
897 Selvik, Kari-Anne: Tidsuttrykk i rommet : en kognitiv lingvistisk tilnærming til en gruppe tidsuttrykk i norsk tegnspråk. – NLT 29/1, 2011, 38-53 | Expressing time in space : a cognitive linguistic approach to a group of temporal expressions in Norwegian Sign Language | E. ab.
898 Šůchová, Lucie: Metafory w czeskim języku migowym. – (196), 131-150 | Metaphors in Czech sign lg.E. ab.
899 Šůchová, Lucie: Znakové jazyky a kognitivní lingvistika : problematika konceptuálních metafor. – JazA 48/1-2, 2011, 5-15 | Sign languages and cognitive linguistics : the question of conceptual metaphors | Cz. ab.
900 Vintar, Špela: Lexical properties of Slovene Sign Language : a corpus-based study. – SLStud 15/2, 2015, 182-201 | E. ab.
901 Wilbur, Ronnie B.: The semantics-phonology interface. – (218), 355-380.
4.1.1. Lexical Semantics
902 Kosecki, Krzysztof: Metaphorical aspects of selected signs in Polish sign language. – LSil 29, 2008, 67-74 | E. ab.
903 Oomen, Marloes: Iconicity in argument structure : psych-verbs in Sign Language of the Netherlands. – SLLing 20/1, 2017, 55-108 | E. ab.
904 Takkinen, Ritva; Jantunen, Tommi; Seilola, Irja: A typological look at kinship terms, colour terms and numbers in Finnish Sign Language. – (300), 123-162.
905 [Zucchi, Alessandro] Zucchi, Sandro: Along the time line : tense and time adverbs in Italian Sign Language. – NLS 17/2, 2009, 99-139.
4.1.2. Grammatical Semantics
906 Barberà Altimira, Gemma: The meaning of space in sign language : reference, specificity and structure in Catalan Sign Language discourse. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Preston, UK : Ishara Press, 2015. – xix, 271 p. – (Sign languages and deaf communities ; 4).
907 Barberà, Gemma: Indefiniteness and specificity marking in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). – SLLing 19/1, 2016, 1-36.
908 Barberà, Gemma; Quer, Josep: Impersonal reference in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). – (217), 237-258.
909 Beuzeville, Louise de; Johnston, Trevor; Schembri, Adam C.: The use of space with indicating verbs in Auslan : a corpus-based investigation. – SLLing 12/1, 2009, 53-82.
910 Bolgueroni, Thais; Viotti, Evani: Referência nominal em língua de sinais brasileira (libras). – TAL-RLL 15/1, 2013, 15-50 | E. ab.
911 Coppola, Marie; Senghas, Ann: Deixis in an emerging sign language. – (218), 543-569.
912 Dikyuva, Hasan: Türk İşaret Dili’nde görünüş kodlayan el-dışı işaretler. – (615), 297-314 | [Non-manual signs to mark aspect in Turkish Sign Language].
913 Herrmann, Annika; Steinbach, Markus: Quotation in sign languages : a visible context shift. – (112), 203-228.
914 Horton, L.; Goldin-Meadow, Susan; Coppola, Marie; Senghas, Ann; Brentari, Diane K.: Forging a morphological system out of two dimensions : agentivity and number. – OpLi 1/1, 2015, 596-613 | Electronic publ.
915 Meir, Irit; Padden, Carol A.; Aronoff, Mark; Sandler, Wendy: Competing iconicities in the structure of languages. – CognL 24/2, 2013, 309-343 | E. ab.
916 Özyürek, Aslı; Zwitserlood, Inge; Perniss, Pamela M.: Locative expressions in signed languages : a view from Turkish Sign Language (TİD). – Linguistics 48/5, 2010, 1111-1145.
917 Padden, Carol A.; Meir, Irit; Aronoff, Mark; Sandler, Wendy: The grammar of space in two new sign languages. – (218), 570-592.
918 Perniss, Pamela M.: Space and iconicity in German Sign Language (DGS). – SLLing 11/1, 2008, 123-129 | Ab. of the author’s Radboud University, Nijmegen, 2007 diss.
919 Sinte, Aurélie: Expression of time in French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB). – (217), 205-236.
920 Sinte, Aurélie: Français – Langue des signes française de Belgique (LSFB) : quelques éléments d’analyse contrastive des temps verbaux. – CAFLS 16/1, 2010, 129-152.
921 Slowikowska Schrøder, Bogumila: Imperativ i norsk tegnspråk. – NLT 29/1, 2011, 136-157 | The imperative in Norwegian Sign Language | E. ab.
922 Šůchová, Lucie: Konceptualizace buducnosti a minulosti v českém znakovém jazyce a v polském znakovém jazyce. – (1), 145-160 | Conceptualization of the future and the past in Czech and Polish sign lgs. | Pol. & G. ab.
923 Xavier, André Nogueira; Wilcox, Sherman E.: Necessity and possibility modals in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). – LT 18/3, 2014, 449-488.
924 Zwitserlood, Inge; Perniss, Pamela M.; Özyürek, Aslı: An empirical investigation of expression of multiple entities in Turkish Sign Language (TİD) : considering the effects of modality. – Lingua 122/14, 2012, 1636-1667
4.2. Pragmatics, Discourse Analysis and Text Grammar
925 Baker, Anne Edith; Bogaerde, Beppie van den: Interaction and discourse. – (633), 73-91.
926 Barberà, Gemma: The meaning of space in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) : reference, specificity and structure in signed discourse. – SLLing 16/1, 2013, 97-105 | Diss. ab.
927 Barberà, Gemma: Use and functions of spatial planes in Catalan Sign Language (LSC) discourse. – SLStud 14/2, 2014, 147-174 | E. ab.
928 Bōnō, Mayumi: Shuwa sansha kaiwa ni okeru shintai to shisen. – Nihongogaku 32/1, 2013, 46-55 | [Body and eye movement in sign language conversation in three persons].
929 Cibulka, Paul: On how to do things with holds : manual movement phases as part of interactional practices in signed conversation. – SLStud 16/4, 2016, 447-472 | E. ab.
930 Cormier, Kearsy; Smith, Sandra; [Sevcikova, Zed] Sevcikova-Sehyr, Zed: Rethinking constructed action. – SLLing 18/2, 2015, 167-204.
931 Cormier, Kearsy; Smith, Sandra; Zwets, Martine: Framing constructed action in British Sign Language narratives. – JoP 55, 2013, 119-139.
932 Engberg-Pedersen, Elisabeth: Perspective in signed discourse : the privileged status of the signer’s locus and gaze. – OpLi 1/1, 2015, 411-431 | Electronic. publ.
933 Engberg-Pedersen, Elisabeth: Tilegnelse af fortællerperspektiv og referentperspektiv i dansk tegnsprog : introduktion af en ny referent. –
NySS 48, 2015, 9-35 | E. ab.: Acquisition of narrator perspective and referent perspective in Danish Sign Language : introducing a new referent in a narrative | E. ab.
934 Fehrmann, Gisela: Exploiting space in German Sign Language : linguistic and topographic reference in signed discourse. – (31), 607-636 | Cf. comm. by Holger Diessel, p. 687-692.
935 Fischer, Renate; Kollien, Simon: Pejorative aspects attributed to hearing people in signed constructed dialogue. – (105), 325-353.
936 Floyd, Simeon; Manrique, Elizabeth; Rossi, Giovanni; Torreira, Francisco: Timing of visual bodily behavior in repair sequences : evidence from three languages. – DP 53/3, 2016, 175-204 | E. ab.
937 Fuks, Orit: Gradient and categorically : handshape’s two semiotic dimensions in Israeli Sign Language discourse. – JoP 60, 2014, 207-225.
938 George, Johnny: Universals in the visual-kinesthetic modality : politeness marking features in Japanese Sign Language (JSL). – (17), 129-143.
939 Groeber, Simone; Pochon-Berger, Evelyne: Turns and turn-taking in sign language interaction : a study of turn-final holds. – JoP 65, 2014, 121-136.
940 Halvorsen, Rolf Piene; Amundsen, Guri: Noen diskursmarkører i norsk tegnspråk. – NLT 29/1, 2011, 117-135 | Some discourse markers in Norwegian Sign Language | E. ab.
941 Hansen, Martje; Heßmann, Jens: Researching linguistic features of text genres in a DGS corpus : the case of finger loci. – SLLing 18/1, 2015, 1-40.
942 Haviland, John B.: Xi to vi: “Over that way, look!” : (meta)spatial representation in an emerging (Mayan?) sign language. – (31), 334-400 | Also on the use of gestures in spoken Tzotzil | Cf. comm. by Anja Stukenbrock, p. 401-408.
943 Herrmann, Annika: The marking of information structure in German Sign Language. – Lingua 165/B, 2015, 277-297.
944 Herrmann, Annika: Modal and focus particles in sign languages : a cross-linguistic study. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Nijmegen : Ishara Press, 2013. – xix, 400 p. – (Sign languages and deaf communities ; 2) | On German Sign Language, Sign Language of the Netherlands, and Irish Sign Language.
945 Hoetjes, Marieke; Krahmer, Emiel; Swerts, Marc: Do repeated references result in sign reduction? – SLLing 17/1, 2014, 56-81.
946 Jarque, Maria Josep; Pascual, Esther: Mixed viewpoints in factual and fictive discourse in Catalan Sign Language narratives. – (127), 259-280 | E. ab.
947 Kelepir, Meltem; Göksel, Aslı: Türk İşaret Dili’nde aktarılmış anlatımın özellikleri. – (615), 337-360 | [Aspects of reported utterances in Turkish Sign Language].
948 Kikuchi, Kōhei; Bōnō, Mayumi: Sōgo kōi toshite no shuwa tsūyaku katsudō : tsūyakusha o kaishita junban kaishi no tame no kikite kakutoku tetsuzuki no bunseki. – NinK 22/1, 2015, 167-180 | Sign interpreting as an interaction : an analysis on procedures of getting addressee for turn-opening mediated by sign interpreters | E. ab.
949 Kikuchi, Kōhei: Nihon shuwa kaiwa ni okeru tān teikingu mekanizumu : rinsetsu ōtō pea to sono shigunaru no bunseki. – ShK 17, 2008, 29-45 | [Turn taking mechanism in Japan Sign Language : analysis of adjacency pairs and their signs].
950 Kimmel´man, Vadim I.: Information structure in Russian Sign Language and Sign Language of the Netherlands : (University of Amsterdam, 2014). – SLLing 18/1, 2015, 142-150 | Diss. ab.
951 Kimmel´man, Vadim I.; Vink, Lianne: Question-answer pairs in Sign Language of the Netherlands. – SLStud 17/4, 2017, 417-449 | E. ab.
952 Lackner, Andrea: Functions of head and body movements in Austrian Sign Language. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Preston, UK : Ishara Press, 2017. – xxiv, 261 p. – (Sign languages and deaf communities ; 9).
953 Leite, Tarcísio de Arantes; McCleary, Leland: A identificação de unidades gramaticais na libras : uma proposta de abordagem baseada-no-uso. – TAL-RLL 15/1, 2013, 62-87 | Identifying grammatical units in Libras : a proposal for a usage-based approach | E. ab | Libras = Brazilian Sign Language.
954 Makaroğlu, Bahtiyar: Türk İşaret Dili’nde soru tümcelerinin görünümü : kaş hareketlerinin rolü. – (615), 233-252 | [Interrogatives in Turkish Sign Language : the role of eyebrow movements].
955 Manrique, Elizabeth: Other-initiated repair in Argentine Sign Language. – OpLi 2/1, 2016, 1-34 | E. ab.
956 Mapson, Rachel: Polite appearances : how non-manual features convey politeness in British Sign Language. – JPLR 10/2, 2014, 157-184 | E. ab.
957 Matsuoka, Kazumi; Gajewski, Jon: The polarity-sensitive intensifier mouth gestures in Japanese Sign Language. – JJLing 29, 2013, 31-49 | E. ab.
958 McKee, Rachel M. Locker; Wallingford, Sophia: ‘So, well, whatever’: discourse functions of palm-up in New Zealand Sign Language. – SLLing 14/2, 2011, 213-247.
959 Meurant, Laurence: Role shift, anaphora and discourse polyphony in Sign Language of Southern Belgium (LSFB). – (30), 319-352.
960 Morales López, Esperanza; Reigosa Varela, César; Bobillo García, Nancy: Word order and informative functions (topic and focus) in Spanish Signed Language utterances. – JoP 44/4, 2012, 474-489.
961 Morgan, Michael W.: Participant tracking in Nepali Sign Language narrative. – NepL 28, 2013, 86-93.
962 Perniss, Pamela M.; Özyürek, Aslı: Representations of action, motion, and location in sign space : a comparison of German (DGS) and Turkish (TİD) Sign Language narratives. – (30), 353-377.
963 Siyavoshi, Sara: The role of the non-dominant hand in ZEI discourse structure. – SLStud 18/1, 2017, 58-72 | E. ab.
964 Sutton-Spence, Rachel L.; Napoli, Donna Jo: Anthropomorphism in sign languages : a look at poetry and storytelling with a focus on British Sign Language. – SLStud 10/4, 2010, 442-475.
965 Sze, Felix Yim Binh: Is Hong Kong Sign Language a topic-prominent language? – Linguistics 53/4, 2015, 809-876.
966 Sze, Felix Yim Binh: Right dislocated pronominals in Hong Kong Sign Language. – JoP 44/14, 2012, 1949-1965.
967 Thompson, Robin L.; England, Rachel; Woll, Bencie; Lu, Jenny; Mumford, Katherine; Morgan, Gary: Deaf and hearing children’s picture naming : impact of age of acquisition and language modality on representational gesture. – LIA 8/1, 2017, 69-88 | E. & Fr. ab.
968 Yasugahira, Yūta; Horiuchi, Yasuo; Nishida, Masafumi; Kuroiwa, Shingo: Nihon shuwa no shuwa hatsuwa sokudo no chigai ni yoru te dōsa henka no bunseki. – ShK 17, 2008, 57-68 | [Hand movement change caused by the difference in speed of sign utterances in Japan Sign Language].
5. Stylistics
969 Kaneko, Michiko; Mesch, Johanna: Eye gaze in creative sign language. – SLStud 13/3, 2013, 372-400 | E. ab.
7. Translation
970 Albres, Neiva Aquino; Lacerda, Cristina Broglia Feitosa de: Interpretação educacional como campo de pesquisa : estudo bibliométrico de publicações internacionais e suas marcas no campo nacional. – CdT 1 (31), 2013, 179-204 | Educational interpreting as a field of research.
971 [Antinoro, Elena] Antinoro Pizzuto, Elena; Chiari, Isabella; Rossini, Paolo: Strumenti per la traduzione della Lingua dei Segni Italiana : critiche e proposte per una ricerca responsabile. – (14), 159-172.
972 Danese, Lisa; Bertone, Carmela; De Souza Faria, Carla Valeria: La traduzione dall’italiano alla Lingua dei Segni Italiana (LIS) : nuove prospettive dì ricerca. – (14), 223-228.
973 Danese, Lisa: La traduzione dall’italiano alla LIS : proposta di accessibilità dei contenuti turistici e culturali. – (621), 237-251.
974 Fontana, Sabina; Zuccalà, Amir: Traduzione e identità : impatto sociolinguistico dell’interpretariato da e verso la lingua dei segni nella percezione dell’identità comunitaria sorda. – (14), 173-188.
975 Gianfreda, Gabriele; Di Renzo, Alessio: Conversazioni in Lingua dei Segni Italiana (LIS) : rappresentazione e traducibilità linguistica. – (14), 207-222.
8. Script, Orthography
976 Maxaroblidze, Tamar: kartuli dakt’iluri anbani. – IKE 42, 2014, 144-165 | E. ab.: The Georgian dactyl alphabet.
9.1. Origin of Language
977 Senghas, Ann; Özyürek, Aslı; Goldin-Meadow, Susan: Homesign as a way-station between co-speech gesture and sign language : the evolution of segmenting and sequencing. – (117), 62-76 | Exemplified by Nicaraguan Sign Language.
9.2. Psycholinguistics
978 Bogaerde, Beppie van den; Buré, Marjolein; Fortgens, Connie: Bilingualism and deaf education. – (633), 325-336.
979 Cáo, Yǔ; Lǐ, Héng: Eryǔ shuǐpíng hé èryǔ tōngdào duì shuāngyǔzhě zhùyì kòngzhì nénglì de yǐngxiǎng. – XDW 39/3, 2016, 390-398 | The influence of L2 proficiency and modality on bilinguals’ attention control ability | Chin. & E. ab.
980 Efthimiou, Eleni: Processing cumulative morphology information in GSL : the case of pronominal reference in a three-dimensional morphological system. – (38), 114-128 | Gr. ab | GSL = Greek Sign Language.
981 Massone, María Ignacia; Baez, Mónica: Deaf children’s construction of writing. – SLStud 9/4, 2009, 457-479.
982 Schermer, Trude; Pfau, Roland: Psycholinguistics. – (633), 25-50.
983 Takashima, Yufuko: Nihon shuwa no shinri gengogakuteki chōsa no jissen to mondai. – NinK 22/1, 2015, 181-193 | Some issues on psycholinguistic investigation of Japanese sign language | E. ab.
984 Villameriel, Saúl; Dias, Patricia; Costello, Brendan; Carreiras, Manuel, orcid.org/0000-0001-6726-7613: Cross-language and cross-modal activation in hearing bimodal bilinguals. – JM&L 87, 2016, 59-70 | E. ab.
985 Vinson, David P.; Thompson, Robin L.; Skinner, Robert; Vigliocco, Gabriella: A faster path between meaning and form? : iconicity facilitates sign recognition and production in British Sign Language. – JM&L 82, 2015, 56-85.
9.2.1. Language Production
986 Baus, Cristina; Gutiérrez-Sigut, Eva; Quer, Josep; Carreiras, Manuel, orcid.org/0000-0001-6726-7613: Lexical access in Catalan Signed Language (LSC) production. – Cognition 108/3, 2008.
987 Branchini, Chiara; Donati, Caterina: Assessing lexicalism through bimodal eyes. – Glossa 1/1, 2016, 48 | E. ab.
988 Carreiras, Manuel, orcid.org/0000-0001-6726-7613; Gutiérrez-Sigut, Eva; Baquero, Silvia; Corina, David P.: Lexical processing in Spanish Sign Language (LSE). – JM&L 58/1, 2008, 100-122.
989 Goldin-Meadow, Susan; Brentari, Diane K.; Coppola, Marie; Horton, L.; Senghas, Ann: Watching language grow in the manual modality : nominals, predicates, and handshapes. – Cognition 136, 2015, 381-395.
990 Gutiérrez-Sigut, Eva; Payne, Heather; MacSweeney, Mairéad: Examining the contribution of motor movement and language dominance to increased left lateralization during sign generation in native signers. – B&L 159, 2016, 109-117 | E. ab.
991 Kaufmann, Emily; Philipp, Andrea M.: Language-switch costs and dual-response costs in bimodal bilingual language production. – Bilingualism 20/2, 2017, 418-434 | E. ab.
992 Vletsi, Eleni; Hrisovalantou Liapi, Irene; Stavrakaki, Stavroula; Marshall, Chloë R.; Grouios, George: Assessing verbal fluency in Greek Sign Language. – (26), 612-619.
9.2.2. Language Comprehension
993 Holt, Gineke ten; Doorn, Arna van; Ridder, Huib de; Reinders, M. J. T.; Hendriks, E. A.: Which fragments of a sign enable its recognition? – SLStud 9/2, 2009, 211-239.
994 Holt, Gineke ten; Doorn, Arna van; Ridder, Huib de; Reinders, M. J. T.; Hendriks, E. A.: Signs in which handshape and hand orientation are either not visible or are only partially visible : what is the consequence for lexical recognition? – SLStud 10/1, 2009, 5-35.
995 Marshall, Chloë R.; Rowley, Katherine; Atkinson, Joanna: Modality-dependent and -independent factors in the organisation of the signed language lexicon : insights from semantic and phonological fluency tasks in BSL. – JPR 43/5, 2014, 587-610 | E. ab.
996 Ortega, Gerardo; Morgan, Gary: The effect of iconicity in the mental lexicon of hearing non-signers and proficient signers : evidence of cross-modal priming. – LCN 30/5, 2015, 574-585.
997 [Sevcikova, Zed] Sevcikova-Sehyr, Zed; Cormier, Kearsy: Perceptual categorization of handling handshapes in British Sign Language. – LCog 8/4, 2016, 501-532 | E. ab. Psychology of Reading
998 Kubus, Okan; Villwock, Agnes; Morford, Jill P.; Rathmann, Christian: Word recognition in deaf readers : cross-language activation of German Sign Language and German. – AP 36/4, 2015, 831-854.
9.3. Language Acquisition
999 Baker, Anne Edith; Bogaerde, Beppie van den; Jansma, Sonja: Acquisition. – (633), 51-72.
1000 Beijsterveldt, Liesbeth M. van; Hell, Janet G. van: Lexical noun phrases in texts written by deaf children and adults with different proficiency levels in sign language. – IJBEB 13/4, 2010, 439-468.
1001 Dakwa, Francis Emson; Musengi, Martin: A look at language problems experienced by children with hearing impairments : the learner’s experience. – SAfrJAL 35/2, 2015, 177-180.
1002 Handbook of Japanese applied linguistics / Ed. by Masahiko Minami. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2016. – xliii, 535 p. – (Handbooks of Japanese language and linguistics ; 10) | Not analyzed.
9.3.1. First Language Acquisition, Child Language
1003 [Chen, Deborah] Chen Pichler, Deborah; Hochgesang, Julie A.; Lillo-Martin, Diane C.; Müller de Quadros, Ronice; Reynolds, Wanette: Best practices for building a bimodal/bilingual child language corpus. – SLStud 16/3, 2016, 361-388 | E. ab.
1004 Sümer, Beyza: Scene-setting and referent introduction in sign and spoken languages : what does modality tell us?. – (198), 193-220 | E. ab.
1005 Sümer, Beyza; Zwitserlood, Inge; Perniss, Pamela M.; Özyürek, Aslı: Yer bildiren ifadelerin Türkçe ve Türk İşaret Dili’nde (TİD) çocuklar tarafından edinimi. – (615), 157-182 | [The acquisiton of spatial expressions by children in Turkish and Turkish Sign Language]. First Language Acquisition by Pre-School Children
1006 Blondel, Marion; Boutet, Dominique; Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline; Morgenstern, Aliyah: La négation chez les enfants signeurs et non signeurs : des patrons gestuels communs. – LIA 8/1, 2017, 141-171 | [Negation in signing and non-signing children : common gestural patterns] | E. & Fr. ab.
1007 Caët, Stéphanie; Limousin, Fanny; Morgenstern, Aliyah: A functional approach to self-points and self-reference in a deaf signing child and the (dis)continuity issue in child language. – LIA 8/1, 2017, 117-140 | E. & Fr. ab.
1008 Carmo, Patrícia do; Mineiro, Ana; Castelo Branco, Joana; Müller de Quadros, Ronice; Castro-Caldas, Alexandre: Handshape is the hardest path in Portuguese Sign Language acquisition : towards a universal modality constraint. – SLLing 16/1, 2013, 75-90.
1009 Cormier, Kearsy; Schembri, Adam C.; Vinson, David P.; Orfanidou, Eleni: First language acquisition differs from second language acquisition in prelingually deaf signers : evidence from sensitivity to grammaticality judgement in British Sign Language. – Cognition 124/1, 2012, 50-65.
1010 Cramér-Wolrath, Emelie: Mediating native Swedish Sign Language : first language in gestural modality interactions at storytime. – SLStud 15/3, 2015, 266-295 | E. ab.
1011 Fridman Mintz, Boris: De sordos hablantes, semilingües y señantes. – LynX 8, 2009, 93-126.
1012 Hatzopoulou, Marianna: Acquisition of reference to self and others in Greek Sign Language (Stockholm University, 2008). – SLLing 13/1, 2010, 83-91 | Abstract of the author’s doctoral diss.
1013 Limousin, Fanny; Blondel, Marion: Prosodie et acquisition de la langue des signes française : acquisition monolingue LSF et bilingue LSG-français. – LIA 1/1, 2010, 82-109 | E. ab.
1014 Marshall, Chloë R.; Rowley, Katherine; Mason, Kathryn; Herman, Rosalind; Morgan, Gary: Lexical organization in deaf children who use British Sign Language : evidence from a semantic fluency task. – JChL 40/1, 2013, 193-220.
1015 Morgenstern, Aliyah; Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline; Blondel, Marion; Boutet, Dominique: A multimodal approach to the development of negation in signed and spoken languages : four case studies. – (146), 15-36 | E. ab.
1016 Morgenstern, Aliyah; Caët, Stéphanie; Limousin, Fanny: Pointing and self-reference in French and French Sign Language. – OpLi 2/1, 2016, 47-66 | E. ab.
1017 Ortega, Gerardo; Morgan, Gary: Comparing child and adult development of a visual phonological system. – LIA 1/1, 2010, 67-81 | Fr. ab.
1018 Slowikowska, Beata: Tidlig språkutvikling hos et døvt barn av døve foreldre. – NLT 29/1, 2011, 158-187 | Early language development in a deaf child of deaf parents | E. ab.
1019 Tomaszewski, Piotr: Interactions of deaf preschoolers : a comparison of the communicative behaviors of deaf children of deaf parents and of deaf children of hearing parents. – PsychLC 12/2, 2008, 69-87.
1020 Vos, Connie de: The Kata Kolok perfective in child signing : coordination of manual and non-manual components. – (1047), 127-152. First Language Acquisition by School Children
1021 Becker, Claudia: Narrative competences of deaf children in German Sign Language. – SLLing 12/2, 2009, 113-160.
1022 Sallandre, Marie-Anne; Courtin, Cyril; Fusellier-Souza, Ivani; L’Huillier, Marie Thérèse: L’expression des déplacements chez l’enfant sourd en langue des signes française. – LIA 1/1, 2010, 41-66 | E. ab.
1023 Smith, Sandra; Cormier, Kearsy: In or out? : spatial scale and enactment in narratives of native and nonnative signing deaf children acquiring British Sign Language. – SLStud 14/3, 2014, 275-301 | E. ab.
1024 Sümer, Beyza; Perniss, Pamela M.; Özyürek, Aslı: A first study on the development of spatial viewpoint in sign language acquisition : the case of Turkish Sign Language. – (37), 223-240 | E. ab.
1025 Tomasuolo, Elena; Fellini, Laura; Di Renzo, Alessio; Volterra, Virginia: Assessing lexical production in deaf signing children with the Boston naming test. – LIA 1/1, 2010, 110-128 | Fr. ab. Plurilingual Language Acquisition
1026 Blondel, Marion; Tuller, Laurice: Pointing in bimodal, bilingual acquisition : a longitudinal study of a LSF-French bilingual child. – (30), 275-292.
1027 Cramér-Wolrath, Emelie: Parallel bimodal bilingual acquisition : a hearing child mediated in a deaf family. – SLStud 13/4, 2013, 516-540 | E. ab.
1028 Fung, Cat H.-M.; Tang, Gladys: Code-blending of functional heads in Hong Kong Sign Language and Cantonese : a case study. – Bilingualism 19/4, 2016, 754-781.
1029 Plaza Pust, Carolina: Bilingualism and deafness : on language contact in the bilingual acquisition of sign language and written language. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Preston, UK : Ishara Press, 2016. – xxiv, 498 p. – (Sign languages and deaf communities ; 7).
1030 Rinaldi, Pasquale; Caselli, Maria Cristina: Language development in a bimodal bilingual child with cochlear implant : a longitudinal study. – Bilingualism 17/4, 2014, 798-809.
1031 Taira, Eiji: Mōdosuitchi ni okeru gengo kōzō no kirikae : bairingaru chōji K no kēsusutadī wo tōshite. – ShK 24, 2016, 31-49 | Switching language structure during mode-switches : the case study of the bilingual hearing child K | E. ab.
9.3.2. Second Language Acquisition
1032 Bel, Aurora; Ortells, Marta; Morgan, Gary: Reference control in the narratives of adult sign language learners. – IJB 19/5, 2015, 608-624.
1033 Ferrara, Lindsay; Nilsson, Anna-Lena: Describing spatial layouts as an L2M2 signed language learner. – SLLing 20/1, 2017, 1-26 | E. ab.
1034 Harrison, Simon: Visible bodily action in disfluencies when learning to sign : a classroom study of non-native sign language. – TAL-RLL 15/1, 2013, 51-61 | E. ab.
1035 Ortega, Gerardo: Acquisition of a signed phonological system by hearing adults : the role of sign structure and iconicity (Deafness, Cognition and Language Research Centre (DCAL), University College London (UCL), 2013). – SLLing 17/2, 2014, 267-275 | Diss. ab. Guided Second Language Acquisition
1036 Ardito, Barbara; Caselli, Maria Cristina; Vecchietti, Angela; Volterra, Virginia: Deaf and hearing children : reading together in preschool. – (412), 137-164.
1037 Matsuoka, Kazumi; Lillo-Martin, Diane C.: Interpretation of bound pronouns by learners of Japanese Sign Language. – (39), 107-126 | E. ab.
1038 Ortega, Gerardo; Morgan, Gary: Phonological development in hearing learners of a sign language : the influence of phonological parameters, sign complexity, and iconicity. – LL 65/3, 2015, 660-688.
1039 Plaza Pust, Carolina: Why variation matters : on language contact in the development of L2 written German. – (412), 73-135.
9.4.1. Neurolinguistics
1040 Gutiérrez-Sigut, Eva; Daws, Richard; Payne, Heather; Blott, Jonathan; Marshall, Chloë R.; MacSweeney, Mairéad: Language lateralization of hearing native signers : a functional transcranial Doppler sonography (fTCD) study of speech and sign production. – B&L 151, 2015, 23-34.
9.4.2. Language Disorders
1041 Orie, Ọlanikẹ Ọla: Acquisition reversal : the effects of postlingual deafness in Yoruba. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2012. – xi, 281 p. – (Studies on language acquisition ; 47). Aphasia
1042 Patil, Gouri Shanker; Rangasayee, R.; Mukundan, Geetha: Non-fluent aphasia in deaf user of Indian Sign Language : a case study. – CognLS 1/1, 2014, 147-153.
10. Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
1043 Cooper, Audrey C.: Signed languages and sociopolitical formation : the case of “contributing to society” through Hồ Chí Minh City Sign Language. – LiS 43/3, 2014, 311-332 | E. ab.
1044 Green, E. Mara: Building the tower of Babel : international sign, linguistic commensuration, and moral orientation. – LiS 43/4, 2014, 445-465 | E. ab.
1045 Lozanova, Slavina; Stojanova, Ivelina: Interkulturni i sociolingvistični osobenosti na žestovija ezik v Bălgarija. – NTPlovdiv 53/1A, 2015, 290-302 | Intercultural and sociolinguistic features of Bulgarian sign language | E. ab.
1046 Palfreyman, Nick: Sign language varieties of Indonesia : a linguistic and sociolinguistic investigation. – SLLing 20/1, 2017, 135-145 | Diss. ab.
1047 Sign languages in village communities : anthropological and linguistic insights / Ed. by Ulrike Zeshan ; Connie de Vos. – Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton ; Nijmegen : Ishara Press, 2012. – vii, 413 p. – (Sign language typology ; 4).
1048 Suemori, Akio; Shintani, Yoshihiro; Nakane, Shin’ichi: Nihon shuwa seiritsu denpashi : creoloid-sei oyobi chōyakuteki denpa. – HistLing 3, 2014, 21-52 | E. ab.: A history of Japanese sign language : creoloid and saltational propagation.
10.1. Sociolinguistics
1049 Bank, Richard; Crasborn, Onno A.; Hout, Roeland van: The prominence of spoken language elements in a sign language. – Linguistics 54/6, 2016, 1281-1305.
1050 Bokor, Julianna: Siket szülők halló gyermekeinek identitása a nyelvhasználat tükrében. – (4), 83-100 | The identity of the hearing children of deaf parents : the sign language.
1051 Borstell, Carl; Hörberg, Thomas; Östling, Robert: Distribution and duration of signs and parts of speech in Swedish Sign Language. – SLLing 19/2, 2016, 143-196 | E. ab.
1052 Brown, Matt; Cormier, Kearsy: Sociolinguistic variation in the nativisation of BSL fingerspelling. – OpLi 3/1, 2017, 115-144 | E. ab.
1053 Clark, Brenda: Sign language varieties in Lima, Peru. – SLStud 17/2, 2017, 222-264 | E. ab.
1054 Filippová, Eva; Hudáková, Andrea: Czech Sign Language in contemporary Czech society. – IJSL 238, 2016, 85-103 | E. ab.
1055 Fischer, Susan D.; Gong, Qunhu: Variation in East Asian sign language structures. – (218), 499-518.
1056 Fontana, Sabina; Corazza, Serena; Boyes Braem, Penny; Volterra, Virginia: Language research and language community change : Italian Sign Language, 1981-2013. – SLStud 17/3, 2017, 363-398 | E. ab.
1057 Geraci, Carlo; Battaglia, Katia; Cardinaletti, Anna; Cecchetto, Carlo; Donati, Caterina; Giudice, Serena; Mereghetti, Emiliano: The LIS corpus project : a discussion of sociolinguistic variation in the lexicon. – SLStud 11/4, 2011, 528-574 | LIS = Lingua dei Segni Italiana (Italian Sign Language).
1058 Geraci, Carlo; Bayley, Robert; Cardinaletti, Anna; Cecchetto, Carlo; Donati, Caterina: Variation in Italian Sign Language (LIS) : the case of wh-signs. – Linguistics 53/1, 2015, 125-151.
1059 Ghari, Zohreh: Variations in the Baghcheban manual alphabet in Iranian Sign Language. – SLStud 18/1, 2017, 73-129 | E. ab.
1060 Hakamura, Naoja: K probleme žestovogo jazyka v istoričeskom kontekste SSSR 30 godov XX veka. – JSEES 32, 2012, 141-170 | Jap. & E. ab.: The problem posed by sign language in the historical context of the USSR in 1930s : the educational and employment policy toward people with disabilities and All-Russian Society of Deaf.
1061 Hoffmann-Dilloway, Erika: Metasemiotic regimentation in the standardization of Nepali Sign Language. – JLA 18/2, 2008, 192-213.
1062 Hoffmann-Dilloway, Erika: Ordering burgers, reordering relations : gestural interactions between hearing and d/Deaf Nepalis. – Pragmatics 21/3, 2011, 373-391.
1063 Hoffmann-Dilloway, Erika: Signing and belonging in Nepal. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2016. – 176 p.
1064 İlkbaşaran, Deniz: Türkiye’deki sağır gençlerin iletişim alışkanlıkları ve Türk İşaret Dili’nin toplumsal dilbilimi açısından incelenmesi. – (615), 411-443 | [Communication patterns among Turkish deaf young people and sociolinguistic research on Turkish Sign Language].
1065 Jónsson, Jóhannes Gísli; Brynjólfsdóttir, Elísa Guðrún; Sverrisdóttir, Rannveig: Variation in wh-questions in Icelandic Sign Language. – (11), 145-156.
1066 Khanal, Upendra: Age-related sociolinguistic variation in sign languages, with particular reference to Nepali sign language. – NepL 28, 2013, 64-70.
1067 Kisch, Shifra: Demarcating generations of signers in the dynamic sociolinguistic landscape of a shared sign-language : the case of the Al-Sayyid Bedouin. – (1047), 87-126.
1068 Lucas, Ceil; Bayley, Robert: Variation in sign languages : recent research on ASL and beyond. – Compass 5/9, 2011, 677-690.
1069 McKee, David; [McKee, Rachel M Locker] McKee, Rachel; Major, George: Numeral variation in New Zealand Sign Language. – SLStud 12/1, 2011, 72-97 | E. ab.
1070 [McKee, Rachel M Locker] McKee, Rachel; McKee, David: Old signs, new signs, whose signs? : sociolinguistic variation in the NZSL lexicon. – SLStud 11/4, 2011, 485-527 | E. ab.
1071 Meir, Irit; Israel, Assaf; Sandler, Wendy; Padden, Carol A.; Aronoff, Mark: The influence of community on language structure : evidence from two young sign languages. – LV 12/2, 2012, 247-291.
1072 Nonaka, Angela M.: Estimating size, scope, and membership of the speech/sign communities of undocumented indigenous/village sign languages : the Ban Khor case study. – L&C 29/3, 2009, 210-229.
1073 Nyst, Victoria: The sign language situation in Mali. – SLStud 15/2, 2015, 126-150 | E. ab.
1074 Parks, Elizabeth S.; Parks, Jason: A sociolinguistic profile of the Peruvian deaf community. – SLStud 10/4, 2010, 409-441.
1075 [Power, Desmond John] Power, Des: Australian Aboriginal deaf people and Aboriginal sign language. – SLStud 13/2, 2013, 264-277 | E. ab.
1076 Quinn, Gary: Schoolization : an account of the origins of regional variation in British Sign Language. – SLStud 10/4, 2010, 476-501.
1077 Raanes, Eli: Døve på slutten av 1800-tallet : en språklig og kulturell gruppering? – MM 1, 2013, 84-118.
1078 Sande, Inge van de; Crasborn, Onno A.: Lexically bound mouth actions in Sign Language of the Netherlands : a comparison between different registers and age groups. – LIN 26, 2009, 78-90.
1079 Schembri, Adam C.; Cormier, Kearsy; Johnston, Trevor; McKee, David; McKee, Rachel M. Locker; Woll, Bencie: Sociolinguistic variation in British, Australian and New Zealand Sign Languages. – (218), 476-498.
1080 Schembri, Adam C.; McKee, David; McKee, Rachel M. Locker; Pivac, Sara; Johnston, Trevor; Goswell, Della: Phonological variation and change in Australian and New Zealand Sign Languages : the location variable. – LVC 21/2, 2009, 193-231.
1081 Schermer, Trude: Language variation and standardisation. – (633), 279-298.
1082 Siu, Wai Yan Rebecca: Location variation in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL). – APLV 2/1, 2016, 4-47 | E. ab.
1083 Stamp, Rose; Schembri, Adam C.; Fenlon, Jordan; Rentelis, Ramas: Sociolinguistic variation and change in British Sign Language number signs : evidence of leveling? – SLStud 15/2, 2015, 151-181 | E. ab.
1084 Sze, Felix Yim Binh; Lo, Connie; Lo, Lisa; Chu, Kenny: Historical development of Hong Kong Sign Language. – SLStud 13/2, 2013, 155-185 | E. ab.
1085 Tagarelli De Monte, Maria: La scrittura online di sordi profondi preverbali segnanti LIS : semplificazione e interferenze linguistiche. – SILTA 44/3, 2015, 532-545 | [The online writing of profound pre-verbal deaf subjects signing ISL : linguistic simplifications and interferences] | E. ab.
1086 Tamene, Eyasu Hailu: Language use in Ethiopian Sign Language. – SLStud 16/3, 2016, 307-329 | E. ab.
1087 Vasishta, Madan M.: Social situations and the education of deaf children in India. – (203), 9 p. | Cf. 1152.
1088 Vermeerbergen, Myriam; Nijen Twilhaar, Jan; Herreweghe, Mieke Van: Variation between and within Sign Language of the Netherlands and Flemish Sign Language. – (193), 680-699.
1089 Vos, Connie de: Sampling shared sign languages. – SLStud 16/2, 2016, 204-226 | E. ab.
1090 Whynot, Lori A.: Understanding International Sign : a sociolinguistic study. – Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet UP., 2017. – 376 p. – (Sociolinguistics in deaf communities ; 22).
10.1.1. Language Attitudes and Social Identity
1091 Cooper, Audrey C.; Nguyễn, Trần Thủy Tiên: Signed language community-researcher collaboration in Việt Nam : challenging language ideologies, creating social change. – JLA 25/2, 2015, 105-127 | E. & Viet. ab.
1092 Fontana, Sabina; Corazza, Serena; Boyes Braem, Penny; Volterra, Virginia: Language research and language community change : Italian Sign Language 1981–2013. – IJSL 236, 2015, 1-30.
1093 Herreweghe, Mieke Van; Vandemeulebroucke, Eva: Vlaamse gebarentaligen en standaard Vlaamse Gebarentaal : verstoten of omarmen? – TeT 68/2, 2016, 201-236 | Flemish Signers and Standard Flemish Sign Language : embraced or dismissed? | E. ab.
1094 Hoffmann-Dilloway, Erika: Lending a hand : competence through cooperation in Nepal’s Deaf associations. – LiS 40/3, 2011, 285-306.
1095 Holten, Sonja Myhre; Lønning, Hege R.: Døves språkholdninger og norsk tegnspråk. – NLT 29/1, 2011, 7-24 | On lg. attitudes towards Norwegian Sign Language & Signed Norwegian | E. ab.
1096 Krausneker, Verena: Language use and awareness of deaf and hearing children in a bilingual setting. – (412), 195-221.
1097 Kusters, Annelies: Language ideologies in the shared signing community of Adamorobe. – LiS 43/2, 2014, 139-158 | E. ab.
1098 Mizak, Marcin: Sign language : a real and natural language. – LMNf 35, 2011, 50-67 | E. ab.
1099 Moges, Rezenet: Dichotomy of the Deaf community in Eritrea. – (18), 635-639 | On Eritrean Sign Language.
1100 Parks, Elizabeth S.: Identifying overlapping language communities : the case of Chiriquí and Panamanian signed languages. – Multilingua 35/3, 2016, 305-330 | E. ab.
1101 Stander, Marga; McIlroy, Guy: Language and culture in the Deaf community : a case study in a South African special school. – PerLinguam 33/1, 2017, 83-99 | E. ab.
1102 [Wrzesniewska, Marta] Wrześniewska-Pietrzak, Marta; Ruta, Karolina: Jakim językiem mówią głusi? – język migowy i polszczyzna w wypowiedziach głuchych. – RHKUL 63/6, 2015, 193-212 | How do hearing impaired people in Poland communicate? : the axiology of Polish Sign Language and Polish spoken language in the written texts of hearing impaired people | Pol. & E. ab.
10.1.2. Language Policy and Language Planning
1103 Behares, Luis Ernesto; Brovetto, Claudia; Peluso Crespi, Leonardo: Language policies in Uruguay and Uruguayan Sign Language (LSU). – SLStud 12/4, 2012, 519-542 | E. ab.
1104 Bergman, Brita; Engberg-Pedersen, Elisabeth: Transmission of sign languages in the Nordic countries. – (218), 74-94.
1105 Boyes Braem, Penny; Rathmann, Christian: Transmission of sign languages in Northern Europe. – (218), 19-45.
1106 Bres, Julia de: The hierarchy of minority languages in New Zealand. – JMMD 36/7, 2015, 677-693.
1107 Cabeza Pereiro, Carmen; Ramallo, Fernando F.: Lenguas de signos y educación en España : una aproximación desde la comunidad sorda. – LPLP 40/1, 2016, 1-25 | Sign language in Spain : an approximation of the deaf community | Sp., E. & Esperanto ab.
1108 Geraci, Carlo: Language policy and planning : the case of Italian Sign Language. – SLStud 12/4, 2012, 494-518 | E. ab.
1109 González Abelaira, Cristina: Unha lingua de signos galega? – EdLG 8, 2016, 89-106 | A Galician sign language? | E. & Galician ab.
1110 Gras, Victòria: Can signed language be planned? : implications for interpretation in Spain. – (412), 165-193.
1111 Hermans, Daan; Ormel, Ellen; Knoors, Harry: On the relation between the signing and reading skills of deaf bilinguals. – IJBEB 13/2, 2010, 187-199.
1112 Herreweghe, Mieke Van; Vermeerbergen, Myriam: Flemish Sign Language standardisation. – CILP 10/3, 2009, 308-326.
1113 Hosoya, Miyoko: Kokugo kyōkasho ni okeru ‘shuwa’ no atsukawarekata. – ShK 23, 2014, 43-56 | The presentation of “sign language” in Japanese language textbooks.
1114 Hoyer, Karin: Normeringen av de tecknade språken i Finland : en historisk tillbakablick. – SpriN 2010, 65-80 | Standardization of the sign languages in Finland : a historical review | E. & Sw. ab.
1115 Hult, Francis M.; Compton, Sarah E.: Deaf education policy as language policy : a comparative analysis of Sweden and the United States. – SLStud 12/4, 2012, 602-620 | E. ab.
1116 Jones, Jill: Towards language planning for sign languages : measuring endangerment and the treatment of British Sign Language. – (175), 87-114.
1117 Kadenge, Maxwell; Mugari, Victor: The current politics of African languages in Zimbabwe. – PerLinguam 31/2, 2015, 21-34 | E. ab.
1118 Kanazawa, Takayuki: Shuwa kanren jōrei ga hatasu yakuwari ni kansuru kōsatsu : jōtei purosesu e no tōjisha kan’yo no arikata. – ShK 23, 2014, 31-42 | The role of sign language regulations : current state of the involvement of deaf people in the submission process.
1119 Kristinsson, Ari Páll: Vandað, einfalt og skýrt. – ÍMAM 36, 2014, 123-126 | E. ab.: Good, simple and clear.
1120 Kubus, Okan; İlkbaşaran, Deniz; Kieran, Shane: Türkiye’de işaret dili planlaması ve Türk İşaret Dili’nin yasal durumu. – (615), 23-50 | [Language planning and legal status of the sign language in Turkey].
1121 Lin, Christina Mien-Chun; Gerner de García, Barbara; [Chen, Deborah] Chen Pichler, Deborah: Standardizing Chinese Sign Language for use in post-secondary education. – CILP 10/3, 2009, 327-337.
1122 Lule, Dorothy; Wallin, Lars: Transmission of sign languages in Africa. – (218), 113-130.
1123 Lyxell, Tommy: Färre förskolor för teckenspråkiga barn. – SpriN 2012, 73-85 | Fewer preschools for sign language children | On the access to Swedish Sign Language by deaf or hearing impaired children | E. & Sw. ab.
1124 Mann, Wolfgang; Marshall, Chloë R.: Building an assessment use argument for sign language : the BSL nonsense sign repetition test. – IJBEB 13/2, 2010, 243-258.
1125 Massone, María Ignacia: Ideological signs in deaf education discourse. – (412), 277-295.
1126 Matlosa, Lits’episo: Language policy and literacy among deaf people in Lesotho. – SAfrJAL 30/1, 2010, 72-78.
1127 McKee, Rachel M. Locker; Manning, Victoria: Evaluating effects of language recognition on language rights and the vitality of New Zealand Sign Language. – SLStud 15/4, 2015, 473-497 | E. ab.
1128 Menéndez, Bruno: Cross-modal bilingualism : language contact as evidence of linguistic transfer in sign bilingual education. – IJBEB 13/2, 2010, 201-223.
1129 Meulder, Maartje De: A barking dog that never bites? : the British Sign Language (Scotland) bill. – SLStud 15/4, 2015, 446-472 | E. ab.
1130 Meulder, Maartje De: The influence of deaf people’s dual category status on sign language planning : the British Sign Language (Scotland) Act (2015). – CILP 18/2, 2017, 215-232 | E. ab.
1131 Morales López, Esperanza: Sign bilingualism in Spanish deaf education. – (412), 223-276.
1132 Morgan, Ruth; Glaser, Meryl; Magongwa, Lucas: Constructing and rolling out the new South African Sign Language (SASL) curriculum : reflexive critique. – PerLinguam 32/2, 2016, 15-29 | E. ab.
1133 Mori, Sōya: Pluralization : an alternative to the existing hegemony in JSL. – (203), 8 p. | Cf. 1135.
1134 Müller de Quadros, Ronice: Linguistic policies, linguistic planning, and Brazilian Sign Language in Brazil. – SLStud 12/4, 2012, 543-564 | E. ab.
1135 Nakamura, Karen: The language politics of Japanese Sign Language (Nihon Shuwa). – (203), 22 p. | Cf. 1133.
1136 Napier, Jemina; Major, George; Ferrara, Lindsay; Johnston, Trevor: Medical Signbank as a model for sign language planning? : a review of community engagement. – CILP 16/3, 2015, 279-295.
1137 Nkolola-Wakumelo, Mildred; Manyando, Mulonda: A situational analysis of the use of sign language in the education of the Deaf in Zambia : a case of Magwero and St Joseph’s schools for the Deaf. –
LM 44/3, 2013, 69-88 | E. ab.
1138 Parisot, Anne-Marie; Rinfret, Julie: Recognition of Langue des Signes Québécoise in Eastern Canada. – SLStud 12/4, 2012, 583-601 | E. ab.
1139 Quer, Josep: Legal pathways to the recognition of sign languages : a comparison of the Catalan and Spanish Sign Language acts. – SLStud 12/4, 2012, 565-582 | E. ab.
1140 Quer, Josep; Mazzoni, Laura: Transmission of sign languages in Mediterranean Europe. – (218), 95-112.
1141 Quer, Josep: Els projectes de codificació de la llengua de signes catalana (LSC). – ER 39, 2017, 445-452 | [Codification projects of Catalan sign language (LSC)].
1142 Ramsey, Claire; Quinto-Pozos, David: Transmission of sign languages in Latin America. – (218), 46-73.
1143 Reagan, Timothy G.: South African Sign Language and language-in-education policy in South Africa. – SPIL 38, 2008, 165-190.
1144 Reffell, Hayley; McKee, Rachel M. Locker: Motives and outcomes of New Zealand Sign Language legislation : a comparative study between New Zealand and Finland. – CILP 10/3, 2009, 272-292.
1145 Schermer, Trude: Sign language planning in the Netherlands between 1980 and 2010. – SLStud 12/4, 2012, 467-493 | E. ab.
1146 Sugimoto, Atsubumi: Nihon ni okeru gengoken no hōseika o meguru sho mondai no kōsatsu : kenpōgakuteki na kenchi kara. – ShK 23, 2014, 3-10 | Movement to legislate language and linguistic rights in Japan : a constitutional study.
1147 Svartholm, Kristina: Bilingual education for deaf children in Sweden. – IJBEB 13/2, 2010, 159-174.
1148 Swanwick, Ruth: Policy and practice in sign bilingual education : development, challenges and directions. – IJBEB 13/2, 2010, 147-158.
1149 Tamon, Hiroshi: Shuwa gengohō no hōseika o meguru kōsatsu : jinken yōgo to no kanren kara. – ShK 23, 2014, 11-30 | A discussion on the legislation of the Japanese sign language act : in view of human rights.
1150 Wojda, Piotr: Transmission of Polish sign systems. – (218), 131-147.
1151 Yang, Jun Hui: Sign language and oral/written language in deaf education in China. – (412), 297-331.
1152 Yang, Jun Hui: Social situations and the education of deaf children in China. – (203), 15 p. | Cf. 1087.
10.1.4. Language Loss and Maintenance
1153 Davis, Jeffrey E.: The linguistic vitality of American Indian Sign Language : endangered, yet not vanished. – SLStud 16/4, 2016, 535-562 | E. ab.
1154 Hofer, Theresia: Is Lhasa Tibetan Sign Language emerging, endangered, or both? – IJSL 245, 2017, 113-145 | E. ab.
1155 Lanesman, Sara; Meir, Irit: The survival of Algerian Jewish Sign Language alongside Israeli Sign Language in Israel. – (1047), 153-180.
1156 [McKee, Rachel M Locker] McKee, Rachel: Assessing the vitality of New Zealand Sign Language. – SLStud 17/3, 2017, 322-362 | E. ab.
1157 Nonaka, Angela M.: (Almost) everyone here spoke Ban Khor Sign Language — until they started using TSL : language shift and endangerment of a Thai village sign language. – L&C 38, 2014, 54-72.
1158 Nonaka, Angela M.: Language ecological change in Ban Khor, Thailand : an ethnographic endangerment. – (1047), 277-312.
1159 Rarrick, Samantha; Wilson, Brittany: Documenting Hawai‘i’s sign languages. – LDC 10, 2016, 337-346 | E. ab.
1160 Wrobel, Ulrike Rosa: German Sign Language (DGS) as an instance of an endangered language? – JLIPP 3, 2014, 27-37.
10.2. Multilingualism, Language Contact
1161 Kusters, Annelies: Gesture-based customer interactions : deaf and hearing Mumbaikars’ multimodal and metrolingual practices. – IJM 14/3, 2017, 283-302 | E. ab.
10.2.1. Multilingualism
1162 Branchini, Chiara: Fenomeni di simultaneità negli enunciati mistilingui : bilingui e bimodali a confronto. – (621), 219-236.
1163 Volpato, Francesca: Clitic pronouns and past participle agreement in Italian in three hearing impaired bilinguals Italian/LIS. – RdL 20/2, 2008, 309-345.
10.2.3. Language Contact
1164 Göksel, Aslı; Taşçı, Süleyman S.: Türk İşaret Dili’nde ödünçlemeler. – (615), 361-388 | [Loanwords in Turkish Sign Language].
1165 Green, E. Mara: Nepali Sign Language and Nepali : social and linguistic dimensions of a case of inter-modal language contact. – BLS 35S, 2009 (2010), 12-23.
1166 Le Guen, Olivier: An exploration in the domain of time : from Yucatec Maya time gestures to Yucatec Maya Sign Language time signs. – (1047), 209-250.
1167 Mohr, Susanne: The visual-gestural modality and beyond : mouthings as a language contact phenomenon in Irish Sign Language. – SLLing 15/2, 2012, 185-211.
1168 Orie, Ọlanikẹ Ọla: From conventional gestures to sign language : the case of Yoruba Sign Language. – (27), 244-251 | Also freely available online.
1169 Quinto-Pozos, David: Sign language contact and interference : ASL and LSM. – LiS 37/2, 2008, 161-189 | ASL = American Sign Language; LSM = Mexican Sign Language.
1170 Schermer, Trude; Pfau, Roland: Language contact and change. – (633), 299-324.
1171 Schuit, Joke: Signing in the Arctic : external influences on Inuit Sign Language. – (1047), 181-208.
1172 Zeshan, Ulrike; Panda, Sibaji: Two languages at hand : code-switching in bilingual deaf signers. – SLLing 18/1, 2015, 90-131.
10.4. Dialectology
1173 Eichmann, Hanna; Rosenstock, Rachel: Regional variation in German Sign Language : the role of schools (re-)visited. – SLStud 14/2, 2014, 175-202 | E. ab.
1174 Johnson, Russell J.; Johnson, Jane E.: Distinction between West Bengal Sign Language and Indian Sign Language based on statistical assessment. – SLStud 16/4, 2016, 473-499 | E. ab.
11. Comparative Linguistics
1175 Sze, Felix Yim Binh; Isma, Silva; Suwiryo, Adhika Irlang; Wijaya, Laura Lesmana; Bharato, Adhi Kusumo; Satryawan, Iwan: Differentiating ‘dialect’ and ‘language’ in sign languages : a case study of two signing varieties in Indonesia. – APLV 1/2, 2015, 190-219 | E. & Indonesian ab.
1176 Al-Fityani, Kinda; Padden, Carol A.: Sign languages in the Arab world. – (218), 433-450.
1177 Aldersson, Russell R.; McEntee-Atalianis, Lisa J.: A lexical comparison of signs from Icelandic and Danish sign languages. – SLStud 9/1, 2008, 33-44.
1178 Minoura, Nobukatsu: A preliminary comparative study of Norwegian Sign Language and Malagasy Sign Language. – TGDR 88, 2014, 91-116 | Jap. & E. ab.
1179 Miyamoto, Ritsuko; Mori, Sōya: Is Kenyan Sign Language a sister language of ASL? : an analysis of language nativity through comparison between KSL and ASL. – ShK 24, 2016, 17-30 | E. ab.
1180 Sáfár, Anna; Kimmel´man, Vadim I.: Weak hand holds in two sign languages and two genres. – SLLing 18/2, 2015, 205-237.
1181 Sáfár, Anna; Meurant, Laurence; Haesenne, Thierry; Nauta, Ellen; Weerdt, Danny De; Ormel, Ellen: Mutual intelligibility among the sign languages of Belgium and the Netherlands. – Linguistics 53/2, 2015, 353-374.
11.1. Historical Linguistics and Language Change
1182 Dotter, Franz; Kellett Bidoli, Cynthia J.: The historical relationship between Triestine Sign Language and Austrian Sign Language. – SLStud 17/2, 2017, 193-221 | E. ab.
1183 Johnston, Trevor; Cresdee, Donovan; Schembri, Adam C.; Woll, Bencie: FINISH variation and grammaticalization in a signed language : how far down this well-trodden pathway is Auslan (Australian Sign Language)? – LVC 27/1, 2015, 117-155.
1184 Kobayashi, Masayuki; Ōsugi, Yutaka: Nyūjīrando shuwa gengohō no keisei to hatten. – ShK 23, 2014, 57-75 | The development and the prospects of the New Zealand sign language act.
1185 Kocab, Annemarie; Senghas, Ann; Snedeker, Jesse: The emergence of temporal language in Nicaraguan Sign Language. – Cognition 156, 2016, 147-163.
1186 [McKee, Rachel M. Locker] McKee, Rachel: Number, colour and kinship in New Zealand Sign Language. – (300), 351-384.
1187 Mineiro, Ana; Carmo, Patrícia do; Caroça, Cristina; Moita, Mara; Carvalho, Sara; Paço, João; Zaky, Ahmed: Emerging linguistic features of Sao Tome and Principe Sign Language. – SLLing 20/1, 2017, 109-128 | E. ab.
1188 Pfau, Roland; Steinbach, Markus: PERSON climbing up a tree (and other adventures in sign language grammaticalization). – SLLing 16/2, 2013, 189-220.
1189 Radutzky, Elena; Canigiani, Elisabetta; Mottinelli, Mauro: Il cambiamento diacronico morfo-fonologico della lingua dei segni italiana. – (621), 171-188.
1190 Sagara, Keiko: Nihon shuwa to Taiwan shuwa no goi ni okeru henka o saguru : sū no hyōgen o chūshin ni. – HistLing 6, 2017, 13-40 | Investigation of lexical change in Japanese sign language and Taiwan sign language : focus on numeral signs.
1191 Senghas, Ann; Coppola, Marie: Getting to the point : how a simple gesture became a linguistic element in Nicaraguan signing. – (203), 21 p. | Cf. 79.
1192 Taşçı, Süleyman S.: TİD el alfabesinin sözlükselleşmesi ve biçimlenişsel yapılandırılması : el değişimi ve benzeşme olguları. – (615), 183-210 | Lexicalisation and formalisation in Turkish Sign Language’s fingerspelling : hand change and analogy.
1193 Wilcox, Sherman E.; Rossini, Paolo; Antinoro, Elena: Grammaticalization in sign languages. – (218), 332-354.
11.2. Linguistic Typology, Universals of Language
1194 Wilcox, Sherman E.: Symbol and symptom : routes from gesture to signed language. – ARCL 7, 2009, 89-110 | Case study of the Italian Sign Language modal form ‘impossible’
1195 Lǐ, Héng; Wú, Líng: Zhōngguó shǒuyǔ yùndòng shìjiàn de cíhuìhuà móshì. – XDW 36/4, 2013, 355-361 | Motion event integration in Chinese sign language | Chin. & E. ab.
1196 Oomen, Marloes; Pfau, Roland: Signing not (or not) : a typological perspective on standard negation in Sign Language of the Netherlands. – LT 21/1, 2017, 1-51 | E. ab.
1197 Rutkowski, Paweł; Łozińska, Sylwia: Argument linearization in a three-dimensional grammar : a typological perspective on word order in Polish Sign Language (PJM). – JUL 17/1, 2016, 109-134 | E. ab.
1198 Schuit, Joke: Signs of the Arctic : typological aspects of Inuit Sign Language : (Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2013). – SLLing 17/2, 2014, 276-284 | Diss. ab.
1199 Zeshan, Ulrike; Panda, Sibaji: Reciprocal constructions in Indo-Pakistani Sign Language. – (186), 91-113.
12.2.1. Corpus Linguistics
1200 Barberà, Gemma; Quer, Josep; Frigola, Santiago: Primers passos cap a la documentació de discurs signat : el projecte pilot de constitució del corpus de la llengua de signes catalana. – TSC 25, 2015, 287-302 | Cat. & E. ab.: First steps towards the documentation of signed discourse : the pilot project for the creation of the Catalan Sign Language corpus.
1201 Cecchetto, Carlo; Giudice, Serena; Mereghetti, Emiliano: La raccolta del Corpus LIS. – (621), 55-68.
1202 Crasborn, Onno A.; Sáfár, Anna: An annotation scheme to investigate the form and function of hand dominance in the Corpus NGT. – (289), 231-251 | E. ab.
1203 Ebling, Sarah: Building a parallel corpus of German/Swiss German Sign Language train announcements. – IJCL 21/1, 2016, 116-129.
1204 Geraci, Carlo: Metodi e strumenti : l’analisi statistica e il software VARBRUL. – (621), 79-94.
1205 Gianfreda, Gabriele: Un corpus di conversazioni in lingua dei segni italiana attraverso videochat : una proposta per la loro trascrizione e analisi. – (621), 95-109.
1206 Johnston, Trevor: From archive to corpus : transcription and annotation in the creation of signed language corpora. – IJCL 15/1, 2010, 106-131.
1207 Johnston, Trevor: The reluctant oracle : using strategic annotations to add value to, and extract value from, a signed language corpus. – Corpora 9/2, 2014, 155-189.
1208 Lucas, Ceil: Perché usare i corpora nello studio delle lingue dei segni. – (621), 47-54.
1209 Mesch, Johanna; Wallin, Lars: Gloss annotations in the Swedish Sign Language Corpus. – IJCL 20/1, 2015, 102-120.
1210 Müller de Quadros, Ronice; Lillo-Martin, Diane C.; [Chen, Deborah] Chen Pichler, Deborah: Methodological considerations for the development and use of sign language acquisition corpora. – (188), 84-102.
1211 Rutkowski, Paweł; Łozińska, Sylwia; Filipczak, Joanna; Łacheta, Joanna; Mostowski, Piotr: Jak powstaje korpus polskiego języka migowego (PJM)? – Polonica 33, 2013, 297-308 | E. ab.: The making of Polish Sign Language Corpus.
1212 Santoro, Mirko; Poletti, Fabio: L’annotazione del corpus. – (621), 69-78.
1213 Schembri, Adam C.; Fenlon, Jordan; Rentelis, Ramas; Reynolds, Sally; Cormier, Kearsy: Building the British Sign Language Corpus. – LDC 7, 2013, 136-154 | Electronic publ.
12.3. Computational Linguistics
1214 Johnston, Trevor; Napier, Jemina: Medical signbank : bringing deaf people and linguists together in the process of language development. – SLStud 10/2, 2010, 258-275.
1215 Karpov, Aleksej A.: Komp´juternyj analiz i sintez russkogo žestovogo jazyka. – VJa 59/6, 2011, 41-53 | Computer analysis and synthesis of Russian Sign Language.
1216 Maxaroblidze, Tamar: GESL vocabulary and innovation technologies. – (19), 257-266 | E. ab.
1217 Sáfár, Anna; Crasborn, Onno A.: A corpus-based approach to manual simultaneity. – (217), 179-204.
13.1. Anthroponymy
1218 Borstell, Carl: Types and trends of name signs in the Swedish Sign Language community. – SKY 30, 2017, 7-34 | E. ab.
1219 Faltínová, Radka: Osobní vlastní jména v českém znakovém jazyce. – Praha : Česká komora tlumočníků znakového jazyka, 2008. – 119 p.
1220 Nonaka, Angela M.; Mesh, Kate; Sagara, Keiko: Signed names in Japanese Sign Language : linguistic and cultural analyses. – SLStud 16/1, 2015, 57-85 | E. ab.
1221 Paales, Liina: On the system of person-denoting signs in Estonian Sign Language : Estonian personal name signs. – SLStud 10/3, 2010, 317-335.
13.2. Toponymy
1222 Podstolec, Alicja: Nazwy miast w polskim języku migowym. – PJ 6, 2010, 80-90 | E. ab.: Names of cities in Polish sign lg.
13.3. Name Studies other than Anthroponymy and Toponymy
1223 Day, Linda; Sutton-Spence, Rachel L.: British sign name customs. – SLStud 11/1, 2010, 22-54.