The following is a list of abbreviations used in the Bibliography of Sign Languages. Please note that wherever these abbreviations appear in the titles of publications, they were used so by the authors.
ab. |
abstract |
Acad. |
Academy |
Afr. |
African |
art. |
article |
ass. |
association |
biblio. |
bibliography |
cf. |
confer (compare, “see”) |
ch. |
chapter |
Chin. |
Chinese |
comm. |
commentary |
conf. |
conference |
cont. |
continuation, continued |
contr. |
contribution(s) |
coord. |
coordinator, coordinated |
dir. |
direction, directeur, directrice |
disc. |
discussion |
diss. |
dissertation |
Du. |
Dutch |
E. |
English |
ed. |
edited, editor, edition |
fac. |
faculty |
Fr. |
French |
G. |
German |
Hrsg. |
Herausgeber, herausgegeben |
inst. |
institute |
introd. |
introduction, introductory |
LB |
Linguistic Bibliography |
lg. |
language |
ling. |
linguistic, linguistics |
n.s. |
new series, nouvelle série |
p. |
page(s) |
Pol. |
Polish |
publ. |
publication(s), published |
rev. |
review |
s.l. |
sine loco (no place) |
s.n. |
sine nomine (no publisher) |
Sp. |
Spanish |
summ. |
summary |
suppl. |
supplement |
transl. |
translation, translated, translator |
univ. |
university |