AJS | Association of Jewish Studies. |
BT | Babylonian Talmud. |
E | Cohen, Ethik des reinen Willens. |
EDVL | Aleksandrow, Esh Dat ve-Ruaḥ Leumi (Fiery Law and National Spirit). |
EJ | Lazarus, The Ethics of Judaism (Ethik des Judenthums). |
GB | Syrkin, Geschichtsphilosophische Betrachtungen. |
JJTP | Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy. |
KKAH | Kol Kitvei Aḥad Ha-Am (All the Writings of Aḥad Ha-Am). |
KMYBG | Kitvei Mikhah Yosef Bin Gorion (All the Writings of Micha Josef Berdyczewski / Bin Gorion) Vol. 2 (Essays). |
LBI | Leo Baeck Institute. |
MMV | Aleksandrow, Mikhtevei Meḥkar u-Vikoret (Letters of Research and Criticism). |
OHZ | Reines, Or Ḥadash ‘al Ziyon (New Light upon Zion). |
Question | Syrkin, The Jewish Question and the Socialist Jewish State. |
RJ | Hess, Rome and Jerusalem. |
ROR | Cohen, The Religion of Reason out of the Sources of Judaism. |
SA | Reines, Sefer Ha-Arakhim (Book of Articles/Values: Lexicon of Homiletics). |