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Mia Arp Fallov
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Abdala, E. 78
Aboites, H. 75
accounting 49 , 205 , 208209 , 227 , 232233 , 240 , 244
accounts, young people’s 226 , 230 , 232 , 237238 , 244
action contexts 22627 , 232245
activation programs 126 , 226 , 231 , 233236
activation projects 224 , 226231
Act on Social Services 121123
adolescents 198199 , 232
adversities 3 , 45 , 46 , 52 , 59 , 66 , 68 , 71 , 256257
affective relations 16 , 161 , 167168 , 173174 , 176 , 179181 , 248
age 25 , 114 , 117 , 163 , 217218 , 224 , 230 , 259
agencies 10 , 22 , 39 , 77 , 143144
Aglietta, M. 27
Alasuutari, P. 58
Alinsky, S.D. 140 , 142 , 155
Allan, J.P. 91
alternatives 7 , 114 , 117 , 120 , 247 , 250253
Altvater, E. 6 , 69 , 247 , 256
Amenta, E. 9394 , 96
ambivalence 195 , 242244
Amin, A. 250
Amiridis, K. 182 , 186
Amyot, S. 222223
analysis, critical 21 , 24 , 41
anchor institutions 147 , 159
Andersen, J. 163
Anderson, K.M. 114 , 118
Andersen, N. 182 , 186 , 192193 , 198 , 249
apathy 16768
applicants 165 , 211
approach, individualistic 125 , 160163
assistance, social 74 , 127 , 207212 , 217
authoritarian populism 257259
authority 93 , 107108 , 141142 , 152153 , 161 , 169 , 175
public 8 , 88 , 93
Azamar Alonso, A. 7879
Baadsgaard, K. 228
Bailey, D.J. 95 , 108
Bak Nielsen, V. 17 , 61 , 224 , 227 , 22932 , 238239 , 241243 , 245 , 249 , 251 , 257258
Baldacci, E. 8
Balleza, E. 73
Bamberg, M. 226
Banks, A.S. 98 , 106
Banting, K. 203 , 205 , 214 , 217
Basu, K. 79
Beck, U. 185
behavior 1011 , 88 , 123 , 173 , 198 , 225 , 228 , 241242 , 244
Belfrage, C. 58
Belgium 95 , 105 , 109 , 111113 , 115 , 118 , 252
Benedict, C. 8
benefits 30 , 33 , 44 , 51 , 87 , 102103 , 105 , 114 , 121 , 148 , 154 , 213 , 229
social 58 , 74 , 185 , 196 , 233236
Bensusán, G. 76
Bentele, K.G. 30
Beramendi, P. 89
Berliner, P. 237 , 241
Betz, H.G. 12 , 48
Bird, E.J. 62n
Birk, R.H. 253
Birrell, D. 32
Blad, C. 12n , 14 , 23 , 44 , 70 , 138 , 140 , 247n , 252253 , 257
Blank, R. 44
Bleiklie, I. 234
Bochel, H. 31
Boltanski, L. 189
Borevi, K. 32
Bosco, A. 46
Bourdieu, P. 6 , 4647 , 49 , 5253 , 120 , 135 , 162163 , 234235 , 250 , 255
Bourguignon, F. 6
Branco, F.J. 253
Brandal, N. 58
Bratburg, O. 58
Brenner, N. 23 , 246 , 257
Brinkman, S. 226
Broadkin, E. 121
Brown, W. 11 , 247
Brubaker, R. 47
Bruff, I. 68 , 257
Brunse, M.H. 134
budget deficits 9697 , 108110 , 117
large 111114 , 117118
building relationships 241
Bush, G.H.W. 29 , 139
Buttimer, A. 162 , 179
calibration 96100
Cameron, A. 250
Campbell, J. 196 , 205
capacity 67 , 10 , 12 , 30 , 37 , 4849 , 63 , 68 , 71 , 130 , 135 , 241 , 242 , 259
capital 19 , 27 , 3436 , 74 , 76 , 234236 , 237 , 240 , 244
resources 910
capitalism 20 , 23 , 27 , 5052 , 6768 , 208209 , 211213 , 271 , 276277
capitalist 14 , 20 , 32 , 34 , 38 , 4142
care 125 , 127130 , 171 , 174 , 178 , 180 , 185 , 188 , 189 , 191 , 193 , 231
Cárdenas, C. 80
Caren, N. 9394
cases 5 , 45 , 54 , 6263 , 96 , 108113 , 145 , 166 , 173 , 201
case worker (cw) 126 , 131132 , 173
cash benefits 229230
Castells, M. 139
Caswell, D. 228
challenges 145 , 157158 , 224225 , 228229 , 231232 , 235 , 237 , 239240 , 242243
change in unemployment insurance 15 , 90 , 95 , 105106
Cecchini, S. 73
cepal. 72
Cerny, P.G. 135
Chiapello, È. 189
Chiarello, E. 93
child 13 , 120 , 123 , 12535 , 17177
children 30 , 119124 , 126 , 134 , 166167 , 171 , 173 , 175176
and families 119
Chopra, R. 53
Christophers, B. 58
Ciccia, R. 15 , 89 , 118 , 251 , 253 , 257 , 261
citizens 1112 , 16 , 8889 , 182 , 18891 , 193 , 195196 , 199200
active 189190 , 194 , 225 , 234
individual 188189 , 191
citizenship 12 , 33 , 161 , 244245
claims 67 , 13 , 15 , 22 , 68 , 83 , 94 , 96 , 106 , 114 , 254 , 256
clarification 227 , 231 , 233234 , 236 , 240 , 242 , 245
Clarke, J. 4 , 12 , 203 , 255
class 90 , 133 , 160 , 162 , 178 , 181 , 204 , 216 , 231 , 254 , 259
Clayton, R. 3031
clients 3 , 1112 , 39 , 145 , 148 , 200201 , 258
Cloward, R. 93 , 140
Coffé, H. 57
Cohen, L. 51
collective action 15 , 72 , 93 , 125 , 130 , 137 , 13945 , 147 , 149 , 15057 , 159 , 250
collective action groups 139142 , 154
collective impact 137159
efforts 144145 , 148 , 151 , 153157
structures 139 , 145 , 147 , 153154
Comaroff, J. 7
communities 42 , 140148 , 150151 , 155 , 157 , 159 , 220 , 223 , 242
foundations 15 , 137 , 139 , 146151 , 154 , 15759 , 250
leaders 141 , 145 , 154155
local 119 , 137 , 144 , 161 , 163 , 175 , 194195 , 250
residents 141 , 144 , 146 , 149 , 151 , 153155 , 157
compensations 91 , 119 , 122 , 130 , 132 , 135 , 196 , 200 , 249
competence development 188189 , 194 , 200202
competencies 174175 , 177178 , 237239 , 244
competitiveness 19 , 26 , 28 , 3536 , 39 , 58
complexities 3 , 61 , 178179 , 181 , 231 , 249 , 252253 , 258
conceptions 237 , 241243
concepts 4748 , 182 , 185186 , 188191 , 222 , 226 , 241 , 259
professional 167168
conceptualizations 203 , 233 , 237
conditions 21 , 4849 , 56 , 6667 , 93 , 9596 , 113114 , 133134 , 164 , 248
adverse 5051 , 252
good 87 , 162 , 163164
structural 48 , 18081
coneval 72 , 80 , 81n , 87
conflicts 7 , 50 , 119120 , 125 , 12730 , 134 , 196 , 246
constitution 74 , 76 , 86
contact 129 , 133 , 167 , 170 , 175 , 177
contexts 13 , 54 , 57 , 67 , 71 , 108110 , 112 , 114 , 117118 , 251 , 255 , 256
political 124 , 253
Contexts of Retrenchment 15 , 108109
contextual conditions 110 , 112 , 114 , 118
combinations of 108 , 110
continuation 27 , 183184 , 192 , 194
contradictions 14 , 18 , 20 , 22 , 110 , 112 , 249
contrast 3234 , 125 , 135 , 145 , 151 , 156 , 204
control 1314 , 137 , 154 , 166 , 193 , 227 , 229 , 235 , 242243 , 257
conversation 132 , 141 , 17273 , 204 , 221 , 255
Cordera, R. 72 , 26566
corporatism 96 , 99 , 112 , 114 , 117118 , 252
corporatist arrangements 99 , 110 , 112
Cortés 72 , 8085
cost burdens, increased 57 , 59 , 67
cost-effectiveness 120 , 122 , 124 , 134 , 250
Costea, B. 182 , 186
costs 1 , 4 , 51 , 58 , 61 , 62 , 64 , 67 , 6970 , 94 , 124 , 131 , 256 , 257
increased 2 , 50 , 5758 , 61 , 64 , 67
rental 59
rising 208 , 252 , 25657
Cota Yañez, R. 78
Council on Foundations 157
counseling 164 , 166 , 168 , 171 , 227 , 231 , 236 , 239
countries 89 , 5859 , 61 , 80 , 9798 , 102 , 104107 , 109 , 117 , 252
creativity 258259 , 269
crisis 22 , 2627 , 32 , 34 , 37 , 6869 , 138
crisis neoliberalism 19
Crossover 97100 , 105
crossover point 9799
Cruikshank, B. 189 , 225
Crump, N. 182 , 186
ctmp. 80
Cuba, L. 162
Cummins, I. 12
cutbacks 31 , 3435 , 42 , 94 , 101 , 114 , 252
Czarnecki, L. 14 , 46n , 73
Davies, B. 226
Dalton, R.J. 48 , 68
Danish context 162 , 167 , 180 , 249 , 251
Daguerre, A 30
de la Barra, X. 27 , 39
de Wilde, M. 168
Dean 4 , 175 , 187 , 189 , 194195 , 256
debt 59 , 6163
Decile D 10 , 8394
decisions, political 93 , 101102
DeGrauwe, P. 8
Dellinger, J. 158
Dello Buono, R.A. 14 , 20 , 22 , 25 , 27 , 39 , 138 , 252 , 257
demands 24 , 1112 , 16 , 20 , 5152 , 117 , 214 , 234235 , 245 , 252
Denmark 1 , 3235 , 109110 , 113115 , 118120 , 183 , 185 , 229
depression 28 , 224 , 231234 , 239240
deregulation 4 , 32 , 50 , 69 , 255256
Desai, R. 7 , 53
development 122123 , 180 , 185189 , 191192 , 196197 , 200202 , 259
personal 121122 , 134 , 228
recent 14 , 1617 , 173
social 86
development goals 80 , 187 , 192 , 200
deviation, standard 9799
Diaz, M.E. 106
diagnoses 127 , 187190 , 198
psychiatric 183 , 198199
dialectical approach 14 , 2022 , 41
differences, partisan 91
difficulties 207 , 235 , 249250
difficulties being 132133 , 176177
DiGregorio, M. 161
Directorate of Social Services 189
disabilities 182183 , 18586 , 188191 , 193196 , 198199 , 201
mental 13 , 198199
disposable income 6163 , 68
doctors 164165 , 167
Donation of Food Act 212
Donzelot, J. 134 , 160
double movement 14 , 46 , 4954 , 256
Downing, R. 203 , 205 , 223
doxa 6 , 46 , 5253
Dreyfus 153154
drop-in center 192 , 200
Duménil, G. 52
duration 101105 , 183
Dutra, M.V. 79
Duyvendak 9394 , 168
dynamics 20 , 25 , 50 , 101 , 118
ea (educational advisor) 131
Ebbinghaus, B. 37
adversities 44 , 46 , 67 , 71
growth, slow 112 , 114 , 118
openness 108110 , 112
protection 4445 , 54 , 59
rationales 15 , 119120 , 122 , 135136 , 247 , 250 , 254255 , 258
Economist 5859
economy 1 , 32 , 34 , 36 , 72 , 7475 , 78 , 193194
social 222 , 259
education 7375 , 80 , 86 , 217218 , 224 , 227 , 230 , 233235 , 241
educational advisor (ea) 131
Education Act 217
educational attainment 54 , 57 , 67
Education and employment-oriented social work 228
education and work 198 , 224225 , 229 , 231232 , 242 , 248
education system 74 , 76
eligibility conditions 101102
employees 195196 , 236
employment 3233 , 6364 , 7879 , 119120 , 212213 , 221222 , 227 , 234236
female 65
male 65
services 121 , 134135 , 230
total 65
empowerment 1213 , 29 , 40 , 160 , 182 , 186 , 191 , 194195
entitlements 2 , 33 , 34 , 101103
environment, local 161 , 167169 , 179 , 254
equality 15 , 119121 , 126 , 133 , 135 , 162 , 185186 , 195 , 197
era, post-neoliberal 15 , 255 , 257
Eriksen, T.H. 2n
Eskelinen, L. 226
Esping-Andersen, G. 4 , 7273 , 88 , 90 , 119 , 184
ethnography, institutional 205207
Europe 14 , 2728 , 33 , 35 , 42 , 4546 , 255256
austerity 3536
Social Model 3537
European Union 33 , 3536
Evans, G. 66 , 203
everyday life 189191 , 224 , 226 , 228229 , 232 , 235237 , 239 , 242243 , 253
evolution 25 , 81 , 83 , 152
exploration 119 , 160162
Eyre, J. 57
Fallov, M.A. 1 , 12 , 1617 , 119 , 134 , 162 , 166 , 170 , 179 , 248 , 250 , 253 , 257258
families 119130 , 133 , 161 , 163164 , 16681 , 24041
disadvantaged 133134
homes of 16 , 160
low income 121 , 134 , 144 , 220
low-income 29 , 121
vulnerable 161 , 163 , 171 , 174 , 178 , 248 , 250
family network 122123 , 125128 , 132 , 134 , 172 , 249
Farmer, S. 256
Fanjzylber, F. 79
father 126 , 128129 , 133 , 177 , 231
Ferguson 16 , 161 , 172173
Ferrera, M. 91
fields 4041 , 52 , 9193 , 169171 , 175176 , 182183 , 194195
financial support 7071 , 222 , 229 , 239
Finland 5666 , 71 , 113115 , 252
and Sweden 14 , 45 , 54 , 5859 , 64 , 6668 , 252
nationalist politics in 46 , 55
Parliament of 45 , 55
Finns Party 45 , 55 , 67
Flamand, L. 77
Follesø, R. 237 , 241
food 63 , 8081 , 171 , 178179 , 210 , 212 , 215 , 218219 , 254
Food and Drugs Act 212
food poverty 8081
formulas 19 , 110114
Forsell, T. 45n
Fortier, A. 161 , 168
Fourcade, M. 88 , 92 , 108
Foucault, M. 13 , 17 , 135 , 174 , 177 , 246
foundations 56 , 142 , 149151 , 155 , 157158
Fraser, N. 190
Fraser Institute 219220
Frederiksen, M. 39
Freire, P. 40
Frenk, J. 78
frustration 140141 , 207 , 216 , 222
fully in 97100
fully out 9799
functional handicaps 183184 , 189192 , 19597 , 199202
functionality 190 , 192 , 199200 , 249
funders 142 , 146147 , 154156 , 158
funding 9 , 12 , 144 , 146148 , 150 , 154155 , 157 , 212 , 221 , 249251
exchange 158
Gamson, W.A. 93
Garrett, G. 91
Gaventa, J. 53n
generative mechanisms 184 , 197198 , 201
generosity 102103 , 105 , 121 , 156
Gibson, R. 48
Gills, B. 2
Gini coefficients 8284 , 87
girl 131 , 133 , 177
Giroux, H. 7
Giugni, M. 89 , 9394 , 101
Glavind Bo 228229
Glick, N. 47
globalization 97 , 137139 , 146147 , 158159
goals 24 , 8 , 1012 , 9293 , 178 , 180 , 189 , 191192 , 248
Gómez-Dantés, O. 78
Gordon, L. 190
graduation rates 217218
grants 147148
Gray, A.M. 32
Green-Pedersen, C. 96 , 101 , 114 , 117
Greenwood, P. 56
Griffith, A.I. 203 , 206 , 209 , 217
groups 53 , 75 , 140141 , 145146 , 191 , 193 , 225 , 227 , 229 , 241 , 243 , 257 , 259
growth 4 , 30 , 32 , 44 , 58 , 6162 , 6566 , 68 , 115116
Gubrium J.F. 226
Guevara, D.A. 78
Guillen, A.M. 35
Gutierrez, A. 76
Guzmán-Concha, C. 96 , 251 , 253
Habermas, J. 135
Hacker, J.S. 42
Hagen 120 , 122 , 135 , 160
Hagstrom, P.A. 62n
Haldar, M. 164
Hall, P.A. 2 , 17 , 246247 , 259
Hall, S. 7
handicaps 188189 , 196197 , 200
Harré, R. 226
Harlow 214216
Hartman, Y. 3
Harvey, D. 6 , 5052 , 203 , 222 , 255
Häusermann, S. 89
Have, P.T. 226
Hedin, K. 58
health 73 , 76 , 8081 , 8687 , 121123 , 164165 , 218219
care 9 , 30 , 5051 , 63 , 67 , 73 , 7778 , 87 , 121 , 233
services 14 , 7273 , 77 , 87
system 7678 , 87
Healy, K. 232
Heikkila, M. 119
Heinisch, R. 71
help families 174
Henig 143144 , 155
Hernandez Laos, E. 7 , 83
high unemployment 32 , 109 , 113114 , 117118 , 252
Hobsbawm, E.J. 47
Holborow, M. 122
holiday 128129
Holmwood, J. 51
Holstein, J.A. 226
Holzman 238 , 240 , 272
home 16 , 5859 , 123 , 126 , 129 , 131133 , 16083 , 226 , 248 , 254
consultants 165166
good 163164 , 167
placement 123 , 128
services 122123
Homedes, N. 7778
homeless 198 , 230
homelessness 198 , 224
shelters 212 , 230
Hosseini Faradonbeh, S.A. 2
house 163 , 166167 , 176 , 197 , 200
household debt 6162 , 67
households 61 , 6364 , 6768 , 7071 , 81 , 84
housewife 165166 , 175
housing 5859 , 6364 , 67 , 8081 , 147 , 152 , 162163 , 204 , 208 , 210
costs 5961 , 63 , 67
Hovgaard, G. 163
Huber 91 , 94 , 100 , 112 , 272
Hudson, R. 250
Hummon, D.M. 162
Hutchinson, G.S. 228
Hutter, S. 89 , 111 , 114
Hvinden, B. 119
Hyde, M. 31
Hyslop, I. 259
identity politics 151152
ideological 7 , 5152 , 256257
Ignazi, P. 48
illnesses 129 , 135 , 182183 , 187 , 189192 , 198
Immerfall, S. 48
Immerzeel, T. 57
immigration 32 , 35 , 4546 , 54 , 56 , 70
implementation 2 , 20 , 72 , 86 , 87 , 99 , 112 , 114 , 122 , 223 , 256
inclusion 13031 , 133 , 135 , 160162 , 164 , 167 , 174175 , 178 , 180181 , 185 , 251
promoting 160162 , 164 , 168
income 7 , 5758 , 61 , 64 , 68 , 8081 , 119 , 165 , 214 , 220
income distribution 28 , 8384 , 86
income inequality 14 , 58 , 7273 , 82 , 84
Income Ratios 5960
Independent Variables 9698 , 100
individuals 144 , 149 , 154 , 156 , 161 , 195196 , 208 , 212214 , 218 , 248250
Industrial/Services Employment 65
Industry 44 , 6465 , 78
inequality 73 , 78 , 80 , 8287 , 13435 , 250 , 257
Informe 265266 , 285
innovations 39 , 7980 , 146 , 185186 , 192
institutions 25 , 32 , 75 , 8990 , 96 , 147 , 187 , 192 , 194 , 198199 , 205 , 211 , 273274
corporatist 92 , 111112 , 118
social 44 , 191 , 198199
intentionality 48 , 5253 , 237
internship 126 , 233 , 239 , 243
interventions 16 , 160163 , 168 , 174175 , 178181 , 204205 , 248
interviews 206 , 208 , 215218 , 231237 , 241 , 243
Japan 95 , 104105 , 109110 , 113 , 115
Jasper, J.M. 156
Jazz 207209 , 212 , 216
Jensen, S. 163
Jenson, J. 203
Jessop 4 , 7 , 21 , 54 , 135 , 247
jobs 1 , 19 , 79 , 87 , 142 , 144 , 147 , 224 , 227 , 229233 , 236
Jonung, L. 32
Jørgensen, A. 198n
Jørgensen, H. 228
Juberg 228 , 237238 , 240
Juliane 231 , 239241
Jupp, E. 162 , 178 , 248 , 253
Jusidman, C. 86
Jutila, M. 10 , 58
Kananen, J. 184 , 190
Kania, J. 142 , 156
Karlsson, E. 57
Kaspersen, L.B. 185
Katznelson, N. 227 , 229230
Kaufman, R.R. 9
Kautto, M. 119
Kaye, G. 144
Keck, C.S 75
Keeley, B. 58
Kenworthy, L. 52
Kestilä-Kekkonen, E. 57
Ketschner, K. 120
Keynesian 4647 , 5152
kids 216 , 219221
King, D. 68
Kitschelt, H. 89
Kittel, B. 91
Kjærulff, J. 253
Knaul, F.M. 78
Knobel, M. 217218
knowledge 17 , 5253 , 169171 , 173 , 178 , 184 , 198199 , 201 , 254255 , 25859
Knudsen, L.B. 162
Kommunernes Landsforening 122123
Koopmans, R. 9394
Korpi, W. 88 , 9091 , 94
Kramer, M. 142 , 148 , 156
Kriesi, H. 89 , 9394
Kühner, D.S. 91 , 94
Kuisma, M. 68
Laidlaw, J. 2n
labor 4 , 910 , 19 , 31 , 5051 , 68 , 73 , 87 , 135 , 162 , 225
labor market 4 , 78 , 120122 , 125 , 132 , 134135 , 175 , 178 , 185 , 227 , 229230
labor market opportunities 214 , 216 , 221
labor parties 31 , 66 , 70 , 252
Lamont, M. 2 , 17 , 246247 , 259
Lankshear, C. 217218
Larner, W. 246
laundry 166 , 191 , 197 , 200
learning 156 , 187192 , 197202 , 240 , 244 , 249 , 254
leftcab 111114
legitimacy 19 , 23 , 32 , 35 , 89 , 150151 , 154 , 247
political 14 , 44 , 46 , 54
Leonard, J. 147
levers 120 , 130135 , 149 , 153154 , 255
Lévy, D. 52
liberalization 22 , 5052 , 58
life 126127 , 130131 , 135136 , 167168 , 172 , 197 , 215 , 224 , 226 , 233 , 243
ordinary 122 , 127 , 133
social 203
Lipsky, M. 139
local community work 3 , 160163 , 167170 , 174 , 178179 , 248
local community worker 163 , 169171 , 174177
logical connector 109 , 111113
Lomnitz, L. 257
López-Calva 83
Lorenz, W. 184 , 225 , 229 , 242 , 253
Lowi, T. 51
Luhmann, N. 120 , 135 , 162 , 250
Lustig, N. 83
Mair, J 2n
Malenfant, J. 17 , 61n , 204207 , 211212 , 214215 , 223 , 248249 , 251 , 254 , 257258
Mallett, S. 162171
management 76 , 187 , 189 , 192193 , 195 , 205 , 209 , 211 , 217 , 223 , 249 , 254
Mazany, T. 139 , 147
market 3 , 6 , 11 , 51 , 53 , 119 , 122 , 160 , 163 , 187 , 194 , 215 , 222 , 258
free 4 , 68
marketization 53 , 58 , 247 , 257
market liberalization 5 , 10 , 5052 , 140 , 252
Marklund, S. 119
Markussen, A.M. 228
Martin, K. 2n
Martínez, R. 73
Marston, G. 121
masterplan 18889 , 191 , 193
matches 198 , 200 , 202
material conditions 5254 , 130 , 166 , 204
Mazany, T. 139 , 147
Mazzocchi, R. 36
Meirelles, A.J.A. 79
Mellon, J. 66
Melnick, A. 257
Merolli, J.L. 161
Mészáros, I. 27 , 276
methodologies 8183
Mexico 1415 , 7273 , 75 , 7780 , 8285
minimization 108 , 112
Mitchell, D. 91
mitigate 10 , 4546 , 5051 , 59 , 6970
mobility 160162 , 174 , 17778
mobilizing resources 119121 , 123 , 12730 , 132135 , 236 , 250
modalities 1920 , 26
model, stabilizing development 72 , 82 , 84
money 77 , 131132 , 193 , 196 , 198199 , 206 , 215217 , 233236
monitoring 209211
Mørck, L.L. 226 , 238
Mortensen, M. 228
mother 12632 , 161 , 164166 , 168 , 171173 , 177 , 215 , 219 , 236 , 240241 , 248
father’s 12829
Mother’s sister 129130
movements 22 , 25 , 93 , 101 , 153 , 155 , 157 , 184 , 188 , 196 , 237
municipalities 77 , 121123 , 183 , 188189 , 201
Myles, J. 203 , 205 , 214 , 217
national governments 8
nationalism 4447 , 71
nationalist 4447 , 49 , 54 , 5658 , 66 , 69716 , 14 , 45 , 57 , 67 , 70 , 253
politics 14 , 4649 , 54 , 6870
national populations 9 , 46 , 4951 , 5354 , 68 , 7071
nations 45 , 47 , 92 , 138 , 143 , 218 , 259
nature 3 , 1011 , 23 , 25 , 47 , 58 , 69
human 16 , 188191 , 196 , 198
Naumann, E. 37
Navarro Alvarado, A. 78
negation 112 , 120 , 133 , 135 , 250
Neidel, A. 237 , 241
neighborhood 141 , 144 , 154155 , 162 , 166168 , 170 , 174 , 177 , 179 , 206 , 220
neighbors 153 , 165 , 167 , 169
neoliberal 1 , 6 , 46 , 68 , 70 , 75 , 120 , 122 , 203 , 205 , 253 , 255256
approach 75 , 7778
doxa 49 , 5354 , 57 , 68 , 70
era 13 , 7 , 9 , 1113 , 1517 , 44 , 8485 , 246 , 248
goals 7 , 53
ideology 5 , 7 , 910 , 68 , 70 , 257
model 39 , 79 , 82 , 84 , 87
policies 36 , 54 , 68 , 7274 , 76 , 79 , 82 , 202
proponents 2 , 4 , 6 , 10 , 69
reforms 4 , 8 , 10 , 1417 , 44 , 69 , 246 , 252
transformation 14 , 7273
trends 160 , 162 , 178 , 181
neoliberalism 12 , 68 , 2728 , 69 , 138 , 203 , 257
neoliberalization 23 , 5 , 78 , 1011 , 13 , 44 , 46 , 52 , 54 , 5859 , 257
effects of 2 , 54 , 57 , 59
result of 1 , 3 , 7 , 9
Net Disposable Income 62
Netherlands 95 , 104105 , 109 , 113 , 115 , 117
network meeting 127128 , 131132 , 176177
networks 123125 , 127129 , 171172 , 175176 , 193195 , 200 , 251
Newman, J. 4 , 12 , 203 , 255
Newton, E. 159
ngos 39 , 230 , 235236
Nichols, N. 17 , 61n , 203 , 206207 , 209 , 213 , 215217
Nicoli, L.T. 30
Nissen, M.A. 1 , 9 , 12 , 1516 , 45n , 119 , 122 , 134 , 160 , 164 , 228 , 248250 , 253 , 255 , 257 , 258n , 259
Noland, M. 159
nonprofits 139 , 141142 , 144 , 147149 , 152154 , 157
Noonan, S. 256
Nordic countries 32 , 35 , 69 , 135
Nordic welfare states 3233 , 42 , 119 , 184 , 186 , 229 , 252
Nørgaard, J. 185
Norris, P. 47 , 39 , 92
Nørup, I. 228
Norway 10 , 3235 , 95 , 105 , 109 , 113115 , 118 , 252
Nye, J. 68
Obinger, H. 91
obsolete 188 , 191
Ochoa, S. 8082
odsp 207209
oecd 51 , 59 , 6162 , 75 , 85 , 9798 , 186
Offe, C. 51 , 88
Oikarinen, E. 61
Olasky, S.J. 9394
Oldenburg, R. 159
Olesen, S.P. 226
Oliphant, G. 147
Oliver, M. 196
Oltedal, S. 228
Ontario 204 , 206 , 208 , 210 , 218
Ontario Disability Support Program 207208
Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services 210211
Ontario Works. see ow
opposition 37 , 56 , 89 , 108 , 110112 , 114 , 117 , 251
organizations 69 , 76 , 92 , 143 , 145146 , 149150 , 153 , 158159 , 186 , 192193
nonprofit 14749
organizing 25 , 148 , 150 , 155156 , 222
Ortiz, D. 74 , 78 , 106
Ortíz-Juarez, E. 83
Ostrander, S. 158
ow (Ontario Works) 207208 , 210 , 212
pa (personal advisor) 131
pace 5 , 5859 , 61
Parliament of Canada 206n
Palme, J. 91 , 94 , 258
parents 44 , 120121 , 126129 , 131 , 133 , 160 , 167 , 175 , 214 , 233234
participants 133 , 139 , 143 , 177 , 183 , 190 , 204 , 207 , 211 , 215 , 223 , 226
participation 31 , 33 , 160161 , 174 , 185186 , 211212 , 216217 , 224226
parties 29 , 31 , 4546 , 48 , 5457 , 6771
left-wing 90 , 94 , 111114 , 117
social democratic 18 , 32 , 36 , 66 , 68
Pasdirtz, G. 52
Pasura, R. 7
Payne, M. 228
Peck, J. 2 , 7 , 69 , 246247 , 255257
Pennings, P. 88 , 96 , 101
performance 33 , 75 , 194195 , 209 , 217218 , 236
performance society 187 , 189
Perry, D. 139 , 147
personal advisor (pa) 131 , 263
personal challenges 224225 , 227 , 230 , 238 , 241 , 243245
perspectivas 266 , 271
perspectives 41 , 48 , 118 , 140 , 145 , 225226 , 228 , 230 , 232233 , 237
Perussuomalaiset (Finns Party) 45 , 55 , 66
Petmesidou, M. 35
Petterson, U. 228
Pettigrew, T.F. 48
philanthropy 146 , 156158 , 166
Philp, M. 134 , 258
Pierson, P. 4 , 88 , 91 , 94
Piven, ff. 93 , 140
plans 13 , 128130 , 143 , 163 , 186 , 190191 , 246
Pless, M. 227
Katznelson, N. 227 , 229230
Pløger, J. 163
Ploug, N. 119
Polan, M. 8
Polanyi, K. 4 , 14 , 47 , 4952 , 68 , 140 , 247 , 256
policies 23 , 5 , 7 , 27 , 70 , 7980 , 102 , 154 , 222223 , 253
public 86 , 9293 , 203 , 223
reform 15 , 252253
sectors 89 , 101 , 118
actors 47 , 51 , 54 , 57 , 8991 , 96 , 109 , 117 , 252
conditions 37 , 106 , 108 , 111112 , 114 , 118
economic relations 203
efficacy 46 , 49 , 5758 , 66
factors 48 , 90 , 9596 , 112
institutions 15 , 50 , 94 , 110 , 118 , 252
legitimation 45 , 47 , 4950 , 54 , 59 , 7071
participation 15 , 86 , 8990 , 92 , 1068 , 118
parties 25 , 4648 , 54 , 69 , 71 , 8892 , 94 , 114
traditional 68
political variables 95 , 98 , 110 , 112
politics 43 , 88 , 90 , 92
institutional 89 , 93 , 117
new 91
Pontusson, J. 3031
popularity 137 , 139140 , 142 , 146 , 149
populations 7 , 12 , 45 , 5052 , 68 , 70 , 77 , 8081 , 87 , 205
respective 1 , 10 , 44 , 48 , 5153 , 59 , 67 , 257
Porcile, G. 79
Pors, J.G. 186 , 249
Portes, A. 52
Portugal 56 , 95 , 98 , 103 , 105 , 107 , 109112 , 115 , 118 , 252
positions 12 , 17 , 34 , 53 , 74 , 104 , 153 , 157 , 212 , 226 , 233238 , 247
autonomous 234235 , 239
reflexive 233 , 237 , 240 , 243
potentiality 182183 , 185 , 187193 , 195 , 197 , 199201 , 249 , 254
potentialization 16
Poulantzas, N. 68
Poulsen, J.D. 96
poverty 3031 , 8081 , 8687 , 141143 , 145 , 14849 , 166 , 204 , 219 , 224
acute experiences of 216217
social rights 8081
power 53 , 75 , 77 , 9395 , 112114 , 144 , 150152
social service 5 , 78
strategic 164 , 249
praxis 21 , 3738 , 4142
social movement 2426
precarity 17 , 178179 , 181 , 248249 , 253
Pressman, S. 62n
pressure 9 , 1112 , 35 , 37 , 8889 , 106 , 110 , 130 , 132 , 196 , 198 , 246 , 249250
privatization 5 , 31 , 34 , 50
problem definitions 198199
problem pressures 15 , 90 , 96100 , 108 , 110 , 112 , 117118 , 252
contexts of 90 , 96 , 108 , 110
high 111 , 114
interplay of 117118
moderate 110 , 112 , 118
problems 49 , 77 , 123 , 12426 , 151 , 192 , 194 , 198199 , 202 , 225 , 228 , 232233 , 244
deficit 97
productivity 31 , 79 , 82 , 121122 , 131 , 134135 , 187
economic 119121 , 131132 , 135 , 184
professional resilience 259
professionals 132134 , 155 , 169170 , 176177 , 192193 , 195 , 198199 , 250 , 254
profit 20 , 27 , 50 , 52 , 147
maximize 5051
programming 145146
programs 3 , 9 , 29 , 77 , 131 , 145 , 148 , 151 , 157 , 166 , 205 , 210211 , 221222
projects 5 , 158 , 175 , 177 , 183 , 204 , 206207 , 211 , 216
protection 19 , 39 , 51 , 57 , 66 , 68 , 86
protectionist 57 , 6970 , 253
economic demands 10 , 54 , 68 , 70
protest 76 , 8896 , 98 , 1067 , 11015 , 117 , 25153
effect of 95 , 118
high levels of 98 , 113114
movements 8889 , 9294 , 114 , 117118 , 251252
social 15 , 22 , 270
protesters 9395
Provencio, E. 72
providers, single 121 , 126 , 128130
province 204 , 208 , 212 , 217219
provision 35 , 121 , 143
psychiatry 182183 , 188 , 196 , 200
psychiatry and disabilities 188189 , 193195 , 198 , 201
public sector institutions 213 , 216 , 221
Putnam, R.D. 159
Pykett, J. 248
Rådet for Socialt Udsatte 230
Ragin, C. 9496 , 112
Rambøll Management 122
Ramírez, M.A. 78
Ranis, G. 79
Rasimus, A. 58
rate 2728 , 64 , 6667 , 80 , 84
rationales 119 , 122123 , 228229 , 250
rationalities 17 , 121122 , 160 , 209 , 246247
reactions 7 , 38 , 89 , 166 , 227 , 232 , 234 , 237 , 240 , 243244 , 257
Rebell, M.A. 14344 , 155
recognition 135 , 228 , 231 , 233 , 240 , 242 , 245 , 255 , 258
reduction 4 , 6 , 10 , 19 , 28 , 31 , 34 , 36 , 82 , 229 , 248
Reese, E. 140 , 156
Reflexive Rooms 237 , 239
reforms 2 , 1920 , 75 , 8890 , 92 , 101102 , 112 , 117118 , 183184 , 246
rehabilitation 16 , 186 , 188189 , 190 , 195 , 200202 , 249
relations 127 , 166169 , 171 , 173174 , 176182 , 225 , 227 , 229 , 240 , 242244
complex 162 , 178 , 181 , 253254
relationship 5 , 11 , 14 , 5354 , 62 , 89 , 93 , 9596 , 107 , 126 , 179 , 214 , 219
relatives 123124 , 126 , 128129 , 194 , 196
relief 29 , 127130 , 172 , 256
rent 5961 , 121 , 208 , 215
Rent Ratio 5960
reorganization 23 , 28 , 38 , 4243 , 220
replacement rates 102105
residents 16 , 141 , 145 , 148 , 150 , 153155 , 157 , 159 , 164 , 166167 , 169170
resilience 17 , 108 , 110112 , 114 , 117
social 17 , 247 , 259
resistance 14 , 17 , 2022 , 3742 , 110 , 112
resources 89 , 119125 , 127 , 130131 , 134135 , 189 , 197 , 199 , 223 , 259
economic 131 , 134 , 175
focus on 15 , 120 , 123125 , 127 , 134 , 191 , 199201 , 249
mobilize 133135 , 250 , 255
responses 148149 , 177178 , 180181 , 230 , 244246 , 251 , 253 , 257259
responsibility 120 , 124125 , 127128 , 133 , 160 , 195196 , 200201 , 248 , 250
cabinet 100
decentralization of 189 , 194
retrenchment 3 , 5 , 88 , 9091 , 96 , 101102 , 10810 , 112114 , 117 , 246 , 247
Ridzi, F. 15 , 138 , 142 , 153 , 155156 , 250 , 253n , 257258
Riehl, C.J. 143144 , 155
Riessman, C.K. 226
right parties, radical 47
rights, social 8081 , 86 , 101
Ringø, P. 1 , 16 , 18388 , 194 , 226 , 248249 , 251 , 253254 , 257258
rising housing costs 61 , 67
risk 16 , 19 , 160162 , 174 , 176179 , 240242 , 252 , 254
Rodrik, D. 89
Romero Sotelo, M.E 75
Ros, J. 79
Rose, N. 135 , 203 , 221 , 246 , 248 , 257 , 259
Rosendahl, J. 45n
Rucht, D. 89 , 92
Rydgren, J. 48 , 55 , 68
Ryner, M. 58 , 68
Sáenz, M. 73
Safe Schools Program 210
safety 129130 , 134 , 173174 , 178 , 254
Salazar, C.A. 7879
Saleebey, D. 232
sample 59 , 9798
Sampson, R.J. 259
sanctions 121 , 197 , 228230 , 235 , 243
Sandbrook, R. 247
Sanjeev, G. 8
Saraví, G.A. 73
Saull, R. 40
Scandinavia 4 , 810 , 3233 , 46
Schneider, C.Q. 9596 , 108
Schofer, E. 88 , 92 , 108
school 129 , 131133 , 172 , 174177 , 206 , 209210 , 216218 , 220
child’s 123 , 132 , 176
elementary 24041
school boards 210 , 218220
schooling 121 , 123 , 127 , 130132 , 134 , 174 , 176177
school performance 217
school psychologist 132133
Schuldes, M. 29
scores, fuzzy 9698
Scott, R.H. 226
screens 132133 , 176
Scruggs, L. 91
sectors, public 185186 , 191 , 193 , 204205 , 207 , 211 , 213 , 215 , 217 , 249
security 14 , 119 , 178180 , 185 , 248 , 25758
sedesol 81
Segura-Ubiergo, A. 9
Seim, S. 11
Seltzer, M. 164
Sen, A. 72
sensitivity 23 , 49 , 129 , 134135 , 250
service delivery, social 5 , 7 , 35 , 3839
services 3839 , 6366 , 78 , 80 , 120122 , 143145 , 198
service searching 234235 , 238239
Settlement movement 166167
shaping 90 , 95 , 119 , 121 , 159162 , 205 , 223
Shefner, J. 52
Sheilds, J. 213214 , 217
shifts 9 , 11 , 14 , 53 , 5758 , 6667 , 137138 , 153 , 168 , 203 , 213214
shopping 166 , 176
Sierminska, E. 62n
Sippola, M. 10
slices, thin 191192
Smith, F.M. 248
Smith, D.E. 205206 , 209
social change 2425 , 48 , 79 , 157158
social democratic 34 , 66 , 6970 , 99 , 122 , 252
welfare state 160 , 180
social democrats 3334 , 36 , 163
Social Europe 18 , 3537
social movements 14 , 21 , 25 , 90 , 93 , 95 , 101 , 151157 , 159
social policies 8587 , 89 , 9394 , 96 , 118 , 121 , 184185
existing 91
social policy reform 8890 , 92 , 94 , 101 , 107 , 117 , 251
social practices 202 , 209 , 226 , 231233 , 238242 , 245
social problems 1516 , 138 , 155 , 168 , 180 , 183185 , 190 , 199 , 224 , 227 , 229 , 258
social problems and personal challenges 225 , 227 , 241 , 243245
complex 201 , 224 , 229
individualization of 247258
complexity of 230 , 241
social relations 14 , 2021 , 32 , 38 , 4142 , 127 , 135 , 161 , 164 , 205 , 207 , 213 , 216
social security 29 , 73 , 121 , 124125 , 131 , 134135 , 204
social service practitioners 1011
social services 1 , 119124 , 126 , 133135 , 189 , 210211
policy context of 119120
social spending 2 , 8 , 2829 , 36 , 69
social welfare 3 , 5 , 7 , 1114 , 17 , 1920 , 247248 , 254255 , 258
practices 23 , 5 , 78 , 1011 , 1517 , 248249 , 251 , 253 , 257
professionals 1214 , 246247 , 249255 , 258259
reform 14 , 20 , 2526 , 37 , 4142 , 252
process 26
state 1825 , 2729 , 3133 , 41 , 138
social work 16 , 40 , 119120 , 124 , 13336 , 161 , 16869 , 174 , 17895 , 19799 , 227228
encounters 225
exploring 119 , 162
home 286
interventions 160 , 162 , 168
practice 11 , 38 , 40 , 134 , 161 , 198 , 225 , 282
practitioners 180 , 257
social worker (sw) 1112 , 40 , 123134 , 16468 , 171173 , 177178 , 183 , 191 , 196197
chairing 177
social workers 1112 , 124129 , 132 , 134 , 164 , 166167 , 171173 , 197
skeptical 196197
special team of 173
socialrådgiveren 164 , 166167
Socialstyrelsen 166167
society 1213 , 7274 , 162 , 185187 , 196 , 202 , 225 , 230
Söderlund, P. 57
solidarity 15 , 17 , 120 , 135 , 224225 , 227 , 229 , 241245 , 258259
collective 12 , 258259
solutions 39 , 110 , 14142 , 186187 , 194 , 224225 , 229230 , 235236 , 241242 , 258
shared 131133
Soule, S.A. 93
source text 55 , 65 , 83 , 100 , 102107 , 150 , 165 , 179
Spain 36 , 95 , 102 , 105 , 109 , 113 , 116117
Springer, S. 6 , 69 , 97
Standing, G. 44
Starke, P. 88 , 96 , 101
dilemmas 21 , 23
policies 2021 , 204205
resources 204 , 213 , 221222
retrenchment 16 , 159
Statistics Canada 206n
Statistics Finland 56 , 59 , 6566
Statistics Sweden 56 , 59 , 6566
status quo 91 , 94 , 157158
Staunæs, D. 182 , 186
Stephens, J.D. 3334 , 91 , 94 , 100 , 112
Stern, K. 156
Stewart, F. 79
Stout, A.K. 22 , 25
students 7576 , 210 , 218221 , 224
Student Success 217218
stuff 171 , 198 , 210 , 215 , 220
Sum, N. 54 , 247
support 40 , 5456 , 71 , 7879 , 145146 , 212 , 222 , 232 , 235 , 239 , 259
ensured 196
sw. see social worker
sw1 128
sw2 12829
Swank, D. 3 , 8 , 12 , 89 , 91 , 96 , 101 , 285
Sweden 5 , 3235 , 45 , 56 , 5868 , 105 , 109110 , 11213 , 252
Sverigedemokraterna (Sweden Democrats) 45 , 55 , 57 , 66 , 69
Switzerland 39 , 95 , 102 , 105 , 109112 , 115
symbol 109 , 111113 , 185
systems 77 , 8687 , 91 , 133134 , 182 , 185 , 188 , 195 , 200 , 204 , 207209
table, truth 108113
Taggart, P. 46
Tapia, L.A. 76
teachers 7576 , 132 , 176 , 218
tension 4951 , 141 , 160 , 256
The Local 55
Theodore, N. 23 , 246 , 257
Theoretically 140142 , 147
theory 40 , 47 , 78 , 86 , 90 , 156
Thomas, C. 196
Thorsen, D.E. 58
thresholds 70 , 81 , 96 , 97100 , 105 , 108
Thuesen, S. 228
Tickell, A. 246 , 255 , 257
timeframe 58 , 61 , 63
Torfing, J. 227
Toronto 2056
Towns, A. 57
track 128 , 190191 , 217
transcend 187 , 191 , 198199 , 215
transition 7 , 84
treatment 123 , 227 , 230231
trends 56 , 31 , 58 , 6364 , 66 , 83 , 101 , 124 , 161
troubles 127 , 129130 , 134136 , 178
Tsatsanis, E. 39
Turk, R.A. 61
Turner, B.S. 164
Ugalde, A. 7778
unemployment 3132 , 34 , 102 , 108109 , 113114 , 117118 , 224225 , 227 , 229231 , 240241 , 244 , 252
unemployment insurance 8891 , 9597 , 10111 , 113117 , 118
generosity of 103105
reform of 8990 , 95 , 110 , 117118
unions 31 , 88 , 92 , 99 , 111114 , 118119 , 121
weak 112 , 114 , 117
United Kingdom 5 , 95 , 105 , 109110 , 113 , 117
United States 45 , 89 , 27 , 29 , 105 , 109 , 111112 , 137138 , 143 , 146147
universalism 35 , 102103 , 105 , 184
use of threat 229230
Van Aelst, P. 92
van der Lippe, T. 57
Van Ewijk, H. 229
Van Kersbergen, K. 88
Vargas, D. 72 , 8083 , 85 , 251257
variations 8 , 10 , 125 , 155 , 162 , 237
Velasco Arregui, E. 79
Venugopal, R. 2n
Verney, S. 46
veto points 91 , 94 , 96 , 100 , 111114 , 117
Villadsen, K. 12 , 160 , 164
Vis, B. 88
Vliegenthart, R. 89 , 111 , 114
volunteers 124 , 193194
vulnerable children 1112 , 122 , 248
Vygotsky, L. 238 , 240
Wacquant, L. 12 , 53
Wagemann, C. 9596 , 108
wages 33 , 61 , 71 , 138
Walby, S. 69
Walgrave, S. 92
Walkenhorst, P. 146
Walls, E. 106
waves 24 , 34 , 3738 , 124
weaknesses 15 , 151 , 154 , 157
wealth 3334 , 37 , 61 , 119 , 149 , 152 , 259
Weiss, L. 4
welfare 1214 , 29 , 119121 , 135 , 182 , 208209 , 211212 , 247
capitalism 45 , 45 , 67 , 69
general area of 123 , 133
institutions 185 , 187 , 243
policies, social 2 , 1314 , 19 , 137 , 146 , 156 , 255
political ideas of 185
provision, social 24 , 9 , 19 , 58 , 247
rationales 119120 , 125 , 127 , 132 , 160
reform 14 , 2223 , 29
services 135 , 182 , 186 , 239
state change 9091 , 95 , 101
states 7374 , 8889 , 9192 , 118 , 138 , 184 , 229
system requirements 235236
systems 41 , 229 , 233236 , 239 , 243245
social 17 , 42 , 230233 , 253
tasks, solution of 194
welfarism 203
well-being 119120 , 126127 , 130131 , 133135 , 175 , 177 , 247 , 259
Widfeldt, A. 55
Wild, R. 62n
Wilson, K.A. 98 , 106
Wimmer, A. 47
Winter, K. 163 , 166 , 174
Winther, I.W. 171
Wisman, J.D. 256
Wolff, J.R. 14344 , 155
World Bank Databank 57 , 64 , 98
World Health Organization 219
women 30 , 33 , 66 , 175 , 177178
workers 24 , 74 , 76 , 79 , 86 , 132 , 221
workshop 148 , 200
world 13 , 27 , 54 , 73 , 86 , 138 , 146 , 157 , 159 , 205 , 247
advanced capitalist 67 , 64 , 68
worries 125126 , 132133 , 171 , 173174 , 177 , 196197
Yaschine, I. 8082
young people 17 , 122 , 203207 , 211217 , 219 , 222 , 22538 , 240242 , 249
experiences of 203 , 205206
group of 224225 , 230231 , 241 , 243244
unemployed 225 , 227229 , 241 , 244
youth 166 , 204206 , 210 , 212213 , 217 , 221222 , 237 , 254
homelessness 61 , 207 , 213
unemployment 221 , 227 , 229
Yúdice, G. 7 , 257
Zelikow, P. 68
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