Figures and Tables
- 2.1Recurrent Systemic Crises 23
- 2.2Ongoing State Reproduction 24
- 2.3Organized Popular Resistance 25
- 2.4Investigating Pivotal Moments in the Social Welfare Reform Process 26
- 3.1National and European Union Elections, Percentage of Total Votes 55
- 3.2Comparative Migration 56
- 3.3Comparative Income Inequality: Percent Share of Overall Income 57
- 3.4Comparative Rents, Rent Ratio 60
- 3.5Comparative Housing Affordability, Rent and Income Ratios 60
- 3.6Comparative Household Debt, Percent of Net Disposable Income 62
- 3.7Comparative Household Disposable Income, Annual Rate of Change 63
- 3.8Finland, Industrial/Services Employment by Sex 65
- 3.9Sweden, Industrial/Services Employment by Sex 65
- 4.1Minimum Wage in Mexican Pesos, 1982–2015 79
- 4.2Evolution of Income Poverty, 1990–2014 81
- 4.3Evolution of Total and Per Capita Income Household Gini Coefficient: Mexico, 1984–2014 83
- 4.4Annual Average Growth Income of Deciles D10 and Gini 85
- 5.1Changes in Universalism of Unemployment Insurance, 1990–2005 103
- 5.2Generosity of Unemployment Insurance, 1990 104
- 5.3Generosity of Unemployment Insurance, 2005 105
- 5.4Index Of Change in Unemployment Insurance, 1990–2005 106
- 5.5Frequency of Protest Events per Country, 1990–2005 107
- 8.1Example of Statistics Made on the Basis of Home Visits, 1940 165
- 8.2Dimensions of Home Interventions 179
- 11.1Reflexive Action Positions to Everyday Social Problems and Personal Challenges 234
- 11.2Reflexive Rooms of Manoeuvring 239
- 4.1Gini Coefficients Estimated Using Different Methodologies 83
- 4.2Annual Growth Total Income Household Ratio by Three Groups of Deciles, México, 1984–2014 84
- 5.1Measures, Sources and Calibration of Independent Variables 97
- 5.2Index of Generosity of Unemployment Insurance 102
- 5.3Index of Universalism of Entitlements of Unemployment Insurance 103
- 5.4Truth Table: The Contexts of Retrenchment (Step 1) 109
- 5.5Truth Table: Configurations of Resilience (Step 2) 111
- 5.6Truth Table: Configurations of Retrenchment (Step 2) 113
- 5.7Raw Data, 1990–2005 117
- 7.1Three Local Community Comparative Cases: Social Welfare Responses 1497.2Three Local Community Comparative Cases: Weaknesses and Opportunities 158