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  1. 2.1Recurrent Systemic Crises 23
  2. 2.2Ongoing State Reproduction 24
  3. 2.3Organized Popular Resistance 25
  4. 2.4Investigating Pivotal Moments in the Social Welfare Reform Process 26
  5. 3.1National and European Union Elections, Percentage of Total Votes 55
  6. 3.2Comparative Migration 56
  7. 3.3Comparative Income Inequality: Percent Share of Overall Income 57
  8. 3.4Comparative Rents, Rent Ratio 60
  9. 3.5Comparative Housing Affordability, Rent and Income Ratios 60
  10. 3.6Comparative Household Debt, Percent of Net Disposable Income 62
  11. 3.7Comparative Household Disposable Income, Annual Rate of Change 63
  12. 3.8Finland, Industrial/Services Employment by Sex 65
  13. 3.9Sweden, Industrial/Services Employment by Sex 65
  14. 4.1Minimum Wage in Mexican Pesos, 1982–2015 79
  15. 4.2Evolution of Income Poverty, 1990–2014 81
  16. 4.3Evolution of Total and Per Capita Income Household Gini Coefficient: Mexico, 1984–2014 83
  17. 4.4Annual Average Growth Income of Deciles D10 and Gini 85
  18. 5.1Changes in Universalism of Unemployment Insurance, 1990–2005 103
  19. 5.2Generosity of Unemployment Insurance, 1990 104
  20. 5.3Generosity of Unemployment Insurance, 2005 105
  21. 5.4Index Of Change in Unemployment Insurance, 1990–2005 106
  22. 5.5Frequency of Protest Events per Country, 1990–2005 107
  23. 8.1Example of Statistics Made on the Basis of Home Visits, 1940 165
  24. 8.2Dimensions of Home Interventions 179
  25. 11.1Reflexive Action Positions to Everyday Social Problems and Personal Challenges 234
  26. 11.2Reflexive Rooms of Manoeuvring 239


  1. 4.1Gini Coefficients Estimated Using Different Methodologies 83
  2. 4.2Annual Growth Total Income Household Ratio by Three Groups of Deciles, México, 1984–2014 84
  3. 5.1Measures, Sources and Calibration of Independent Variables 97
  4. 5.2Index of Generosity of Unemployment Insurance 102
  5. 5.3Index of Universalism of Entitlements of Unemployment Insurance 103
  6. 5.4Truth Table: The Contexts of Retrenchment (Step 1) 109
  7. 5.5Truth Table: Configurations of Resilience (Step 2) 111
  8. 5.6Truth Table: Configurations of Retrenchment (Step 2) 113
  9. 5.7Raw Data, 1990–2005 117
  10. 7.1Three Local Community Comparative Cases: Social Welfare Responses 1497.2Three Local Community Comparative Cases: Weaknesses and Opportunities 158
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