We wish to thank all who presented their fascinating papers during the conference in 2015 and all who prepared them in the intensive editing process for this publication. We would like to thank Barbara Schneider-Kempf and her staff from the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin for all their efforts to make this exciting conference happen. Its organization was a cooperation between the Staatsbibliothek and the Oriental Institute of Leipzig University and we are grateful to Verena Klemm (Leipzig University) for her invaluable support. The conference was made possible by the generous support of the Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung and the Verein der Freunde der Staatsbibliothek. Our thanks go also to the Stiftung Dr. Johann Gottfried Wetzstein for providing funding for the copy editing. Thanks are due to Edward Street who thoroughly copy edited the whole volume. We finally would like to extend our sincere appreciation to Arnoud Vrolijk and Karin Scheper for having accepted the volume in the series “Islamic Manuscripts and Books”, to Maurits van den Boogert and Franca de Kort from Brill for their immense support, and to Pieter te Velde for seeing the volume through the press.