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Filipe Ribeiro de Meneses
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Page numbers in italics denote illustrations.

1984 (Orwell) 33
Abdulin, Mansur 142
Abetz, Otto 209 , 210
Adam Park Project 276
Adenauer, Konrad 241
airmen, killing and 8990 , 91 , 97 , 104105
Akhmatova, Anna Andrejewna 237
Alexievich, Svetlana 138
Allies of a Kind (Thorne) 264
anti-Bolshevism 231232 , 240
“Appeal to the Civilized World” 49 , 5153 , 162163
Appel, John 9596 , 97
Arletty 208n24
Armenian genocide 13 , 165 , 170 , 172178 , 293 , 295
Aron, Robert 203205 , 215
art and religion, cultural mobilization and 22 , 25 , 3041
Ashworth, Tony 104
Asquith, Herbert 112 , 125
At Home and Under Fire: Air Raids and Culture in Britain from the Great War to the Blitz (Grayzel) 4
Atlantic Charter 40
in Belgium 165 , 168 , 170 , 172 , 178179
in France 165 , 170 , 172 , 178179
German 48 , 83 , 117 , 161172 , 177179 , 293
international law and 174180 , 293
Japanese 276
language of 292293
perpetration of 105106
propaganda and 105 , 144146 , 161170 , 176177
punishment of 161 , 173175 , 234
Russian 163
unwillingness to believe in 105 , 161170 , 176177
in wwi and wwii as continuum 161 , 164165 , 176 , 177 , 179180
Attaturk, Kemal 292
Attlee, Clement 265
attrition 286
Auden, W.H. 39
Au-dessus de la mêlée (Rolland) 56 , 58
Aufruf an die Europäer 53
Aulich, Jim 114
Austria-Hungary 243259 , 289
displacement of civilians and 182 , 197 , 199 , 291
autocratic rulership post-wwi 225 , 229 , 237 , 302
Axis Rule in Occupied Europe (Lemkin) 170 , 178
Azéma, Jean-Pierre 207 , 211
Baby Boom 30
Bacon, Francis 34
Bagnall, S. 99
Baldwin, Stanley 20 , 26
Banners (Krleža) 257
German 8892 , 117 , 161163 , 165 , 168
civilization versus 21 , 22 , 4853
international law and 174176 , 178 , 293atrocities
barbarization. see brutalization
Barbarossa, Operation 85 , 9091 , 227 , 237238
Barbusse, Henri 59 , 101 , 249 , 250
Barker, Ernest 54
“Baron Conrad” (Krleža) 247
Barracks Five B (Krleža) 255
Bartov, Omer 88 , 90 , 91 , 102
Basly, Émile 186187
Battle by Bistrica Lesna, The (Krleža) 255
Battle for Sevastopol, The 133
Bauman, Zygmunt 293
Bayly, Christopher 265
bayonet practice 25 , 8485
Beaunier, André 56
Beaverbrook, Lord 271272
Beckmann, Max 100
Beebe, Gilbert 96 , 97
atrocities in 13 , 48 , 51 , 53 , 163 , 165 , 168 , 170 , 172
deportations in 178179
occupation regimes in 183 , 184 , 288
Bell, Christopher 264
Bell, George 32 , 33 , 34 , 36
Bell, Vanessa 34
Belzec extermination camp 168
Benda, Julien 59
Benjamin, Walter 21 , 258
Benson, A.C. 5455
Bergson, Henri 48 , 55 , 59
Beveridge Report 2122 , 29 , 298
bipo (British Institute of Public Opinion) 267 , 274275
Blimp, Colonel 33 , 271
Blitz, the 4 , 297
Henry Moore’s sketches of 22 , 2324 , 39
Bloch, Marc 161 , 165 , 168 , 210n29
blocking detachments 139140 , 142143 , 283
Blumenson, Martin 202
Boer War. see South African War
Bogert, Ralph 257
Böhler, Jochen 88
Bolshevik revolution
Austria-Hungary and 251254
post-war violence and 228 , 229 , 231232 , 237 , 251254anti-Bolshevism
Bondarchuk, Fedor 133
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 32
Bose, Subhas 301
Bourgeois, Charles 184
Bourke, Joanna 9192 , 9495 , 96 , 103 , 119 , 227
Bourne, Randolph 58
Boyd, Andrew 263
Brandenberger, David 151
Brenner, First Lieutenant Dr. 69 , 71 , 73 , 75
Briand, Aristide 236 , 241
Briand-Kellogg Pact 236
Brideshead Revisited (Waugh) 23
Britten, Benjamin 31 , 36
Brown, Cecil 271
Broz, Josip. see Tito
Brusilov Offensive 249250 , 252
brutalization 8485 , 8892 , 96 , 106 , 107 , 140 , 147 , 227 , 304
brutalization thesis 225227
Buber, Martin 37
buddy system 283
Budnitskii, Oleg 156157
Buek, Otto 53
Bulgaria 234235 , 289
Bygone Days: Notes from 1914–1921 (Krleža) 256257
Byrne, General 130
Calder, Angus 4 , 265266
Calley, Lieutenant 86
Campbell, R.J. 130
Campion, Garry 266267
Campioni, Admiral 65
Capus, Alfred 57
Carden-Coyne, Ana 4
Carson, Edward 111 , 125 , 130
German 238239
psychiatric 97100 , 139
Red Army 136137 , 155156
high rate of 141 , 149 , 155156
Singapore, fall of and 262 , 275276
from wwi and wwii, comparison of 221injury
Catholic Irish soldiers. see Irish mobilization
ccori (Central Council for the Organisation of Recruiting in Ireland) 115 , 117
Cendrars, Blaise 100
Cenotaph (Lutyens) 37
Čerina, Vladimir 247 , 248
Cesarec, August 253
Cham, Mayor 188189
Chambers, John Whiteclay 103
Chanel, Coco 208n24
Channel Dash 269
Charteris, John 167
Chirac, Jacques 206
Choltitz, Dietrich von 203 , 215 , 216
Christian revival in wwii, art and 3041
Christopher Columbus (Krleža) 253
Chuikov, Vasily 151
Chukrai, Grigorii 148
Church and the Artist conference 34 , 36
Churchill, Winston
continuity between wwi and wwii and 161 , 298
Life and Death of Colonel Blimp and 33
refusal to admit defeat of 20
Singapore and 261 , 262264 , 268 , 271 , 275
welfare state and 29 , 40
Citadel 133
City of Benares 105
civilians, violence against
cross-conflict dialogue on 910 , 13 , 280 , 288292
by German army 161172 , 176180
international law and 163 , 174175 , 178180 , 293
myth of in wwi and unwillingness to believe in wwii 162170 , 176177
punishment of 161 , 173176
by Red Army 146
in wwi and wwii as continuum 161 , 164165 , 176 , 177 , 180Jews, extermination of; refugees; occupied populations
civil wars, post-war 222
Clark, Kenneth 23 , 33 , 36
Clark, Mark 213
Clausewitz, Carl von 281
Clemenceau, Georges 297
Cobb, Matthew 206
Cocteau, Jean 209
Cold War, post-war peace and 240242 , 279 , 303
collaboration, in occupied France 204208 , 213214
rewards for 210
women and 207208
Collini, Stefan 44
Collins, Randall 88
colonial policy in Far East, British 263266 , 270274
colonial soldiers, mobilization of 127 , 300301
combat experience, cross-conflict dialogue on 10 , 12 , 280 , 282286
combat motivation
comradeship 155157
conscription and 124132
cross-conflict dialogue on 280 , 283
cultural mobilization and 6264 , 71 , 7480 , 136 , 153 , 237238
discipline 139143
fear 137142
hatred 144147
ideology 147152 , 153
of Irish troops 108132
patriotism 114 , 121 , 152155
propaganda 114132 , 145146 , 150153
of Red Army 133158
religion 117 , 119
training and 143144
vengeance 117 , 144147killing
combat preparedness
maintaining 6265 , 6976 , 80
training and 8486 , 103104 , 143144
commemorative art 23 , 26 , 3132 , 39
Connolly, James E. 186
conscription crisis in Ireland in wwi 110 , 121 , 124132
corpse factories 165167
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (comecon) 241
Country Houses scheme 23
Coventry Cathedral 31
Crnjanski, Miloš 248
Croatia 243259 , 296
Croatian God Mars, The (Krleža) 243 , 248 , 249250 , 254257 , 259
“Croatian Literary Lie, The” (Krleža) 253
cross-conflict dialogue 115 , 279305
brutalization 304
civilian suffering 910 , 13 , 280 , 288292
colonial soldiers, mobilization of 300301
combat, experience of 10 , 12 , 280 , 282287
combat motivation 280 , 283
continuum of violence 83 , 221 , 225 , 228 , 230 , 280282
defeat, expectation of 1921 , 40 , 297
demobilization 12 , 224 , 225226 , 228 , 233234 , 237242 , 280
enmity, racial and ideological 285286 , 293294
historiography and 24 , 69 , 280 , 282283 , 297
home fronts 294295 , 297301
genocide 293294
ideology 89 , 285286
Jews, extermination of 225 , 287 , 288 , 289 , 290 , 292
mobilization 1112 , 294299
nationalism 286 , 293296 , 297
occupation 289290
peace 302303
refugees 290292
total war 8 , 13 , 281282 , 290 , 292
warfare, nature of 20 , 280282 , 284 , 286287
welfare state, prospect of 2022 , 2730 , 3940
wwi as “romantic adventure” 25 , 39
wwi, outcome of and legacy for wwii 12 , 14 , 302
Crucifixion (1946) (Sutherland) 34 , 35
cultural demobilization 8 , 59 , 223 , 224 , 242
Franco-German (post-wwi) 236 , 303
memory and 201 , 215217
occupation and 13 , 200217
cultural history of modern war 214 , 134 , 224 , 278 , 280 , 282 , 294
cultural legitimation of war 63 , 71 , 7576 , 78
cultural mobilization
art and 1941 , 297
combat motivation and 6264 , 71 , 76 , 134
concept of 67 , 1112 , 19 , 47 , 244
family and 22 , 2730 , 38 , 41
home fronts and 7 , 297 , 300301
imagined futures and 2022 , 2730 , 3940 , 298
of intellectuals 4260
John Horne on 19n1 , 47 , 80 , 134 , 244
landscape and 2227 , 38 , 41
religion and 22 , 25 , 3041
of troops
German occupying forces in Greece 6164 , 71 , 7580
Red Army on Eastern Front 136 , 147148 , 153 , 237238
welfare state, promise of and 20 , 2122 , 2729 , 3940 , 298
cultural phenomenon, war as 48
cultural turn, the 2 , 6 , 7 , 1011 , 14
cultural vandalism 48 , 50 , 79 , 175176
Curie, Marie 59
Daily Express 271
Dallin, Alexander 142
D’Annunzio, Gabriele 235236
Darlan, François 213
David-Fox, Michael 147
Davidson, Randall 50
Davis, H.W.C 54
accounts of 101
fear of 102
Death of Franjo Kadaver, The (Krleža) 255
de Beauvoir, Simone 209
“Declaration of the Independence of the Mind” (Rolland) 5859
culture of 8n31 , 233
experience of
Germany 8n31 , 224 , 233234 , 239
Singapore 260278 , 297
memory of 278
prospect of
artistic cultural mobilization and 21 , 39 , 40
cross-conflict dialogue on 1920 , 297
fall of Singapore and 268270
victory and
different meanings of 11 , 12 , 14 , 233234
pathways to peace and 224 , 228 , 230 , 232 , 303
post-war violence and 224225 , 228 , 230 , 232234 , 304
defeats, typology of 277278
Defence and Fall of Singapore, The (Farrell) 263
de Gaulle, Charles 161 , 202 , 205 , 208 , 215 , 216 , 225n13 , 241
dehumanization of enemy
combat motivation and 145146
cultural demobilization and 201
killing and 91 , 107 , 145146
de Man, Henri 86 , 94
de Mazenod, Pierre 94
cross-conflict dialogue on 12 , 224 , 225226 , 228 , 233234 , 237242
cultural 8n31 , 59 , 200201 , 215217
of enmity 13 , 147 , 200202 , 215217 , 241
John Horne on 11 , 200201 , 215217 , 223224 , 228 , 242
memory and 201 , 204205 , 215217 , 303
occupying troops and danger of 6280
peace and 223224 , 234241 , 303
post-war 222242self-demobilization
“Demobilizing the Mind: France and the Legacy of the Great War, 1919–1939” (Horne) 200
Denman, Terence 119
Depression, Great 222 , 234 , 236237 , 302 , 303
de Schaepdrijver, Sophie 182
deterritorialization, occupation as process of 186 , 187
Dickinson, Goldsworthy Lowes 59
Dien Bien Phu 278
Dillon, John 112 , 121 , 123 , 165
displacement of civilians. see refugees
Dix, Otto 100
Djilas, Milovan 258
Doumergue, Emile 57
Dreyfus affair 42 , 4344 , 57 , 295 , 296
Drieu la Rochelle, Pierre 209
Duke, H.E. 128 , 130
Dungan, Myles 109
Eastern Front
barbarism and 8892 , 227
Brusilov Offensive 249
German casualties on 85 , 238
Operation Barbarossa 85 , 9091 , 227 , 237238
Red Army on 133158
Easter Rising 108 , 110 , 121 , 123124 , 127 , 130 , 286 , 294n44 , 296
Edele, Mark 134 , 137 , 144 , 149 , 150
Eden, Anthony 207
effectiveness of troops. see peak effectiveness thesis
Ehrenburg, Ilya 145146 , 238
Einstein, Albert 53 , 59
Eley, Geoff 2
Eliot, T.S. 3132 , 36
Ellis, John 83 , 103
Emergency Rescue Committee 169
End of Empire and the Making of Malaya, The (Harper) 265
Engen, Robert 103
Enola Gay 97
“Eppur Si Muove” (Krleža) 254
ethnic cleansing. see genocide
ethnic minorities, revisionism and 234
Eucken, Rudolf 50
European Civil War 1 , 83
Ewald, Lieutenant 71 , 75
extremist movements, post-war 225 , 229 , 231 , 237238 , 240
Face of Battle, The (Keegan) 283 , 284
fake news 162170 , 176177
Fallen Soldiers (Mosse) 225
family, cultural mobilization and 22 , 2730 , 38 , 41
Family Group (Moore) 30
Far Eastern conflict 260278
Farrell, Brian 263
fascist states, post-war violence and 107 , 225 , 229 , 237 , 302
fascist warfare 9 , 12 , 105106 , 162 , 238 , 299
Feibusch, Hans 33
female soldiers, Red Army 154
Ferdinand, Franz 247
Ferro, Marc 205
film representations of war 33 , 95 , 133134 , 148 , 203
Finland, civil war in 229 , 232
Finney, Patrick 3
Foerster, Wilhelm Julius 53
Force Z 260 , 263
Forgotten Armies and Forgotten Wars (Bayly and Harper) 265
Forty Days of Musa-Dagh, The (Werfel) 177
forward panic 88
Four Quartets (Eliot) 31
atrocities in 165 , 170 , 172 , 178179
displacement of civilians and 182 , 190195
German invasion of in wwi 195 , 199
refugees and 190195
wwi occupation of 183 , 186190
wwii occupation of 200 , 201 , 202217 , 300
Allied air raids and 214215
deprivations and 210
economic exploitation and 212 , 213214
food shortages and 213215
German invasion of Soviet Union and 211212
historiography of 202208
memory and 201 , 204205 , 215217 , 303
persecution of Jews and 210 , 212 , 217
resistance and 202203 , 206207 , 211 , 212214
stages of 208217Vichy regime
France: The Dark Years (Jackson) 206
Francis, Martin 3
Franco-German reconciliation 201203 , 236 , 241 , 303
Free France movement 208209
Freud, Sigmund 99 , 227
Fried, Alfred 59
Friedrich, Ernst 100
front, the 6263Eastern Front; home front; quiet front, troops on the
Fry, Varian 169 , 170 , 172 , 177
Fussell, Paul 39
futures, imagined and mobilization 2022 , 2730 , 3940 , 298
Games, Abram 27
Garner, James Wilford 179
Gefter, Mikhail 149
Gelfand, Vladimir 142 , 148
gender and warfare 35 , 30 , 154women
Genevoix, Maurice 104
genocide 106 , 170 , 173174 , 178 , 180 , 292293Armenian genocide; Jews, extermination of
German atrocities 48 , 83 , 117 , 161172 , 177179 , 293German violence against civilians
German barbarism 8889 , 91 , 92 , 117 , 161163 , 165 , 168
civilization versus 21 , 22 , 4853
German casualties 238239
German cultural vandalism 48 , 79
German experience of defeat 8n31 , 224 , 233234 , 239
German invasion of France in wwi 195 , 199
German invasion of Soviet Union in wwii 211212
German mobilization 298299
German occupation of island of Rhodes 6180 , 281
cultural mobilization and 6164 , 71 , 7580
discipline and 6970 , 7374
education and 7172
entertainment and 7172
maintaining combat readiness and 6265 , 69 , 73 , 7476 , 80
morale and 6769 , 72 , 73
German occupation of France
wwi 183 , 186190
wwii 200 , 201 , 202217 , 300
Allied air raids and 214215
deprivations and 210
economic exploitation and 212 , 213214
food shortages and 213215
German invasion of Soviet Union and 211212
historiography of 202208
memory and 201 , 204205 , 215217 , 303
persecution of Jews and 210 , 212 , 217
resistance and 202203 , 206207 , 211 , 212214
stages of 208217
Germans and Nazis, distinction made between 203 , 205 , 216
German territorial revisionism 234
German violence against civilians 105 , 161172 , 176180
myth of in wwi and unwillingness to believe in wwii 162170 , 176177
rebuilding of post-wwii 240
peace-making with France 236 , 241 , 303
post-war violence and 226234
Gerson, Stéphane 194
Gerwarth, Robert 10 , 303
Geyer, Michael 85 , 137 , 144 , 226
Gill, H.V. 119
Glavpur 150151
Gleeson, Francis 119
Goebbels, Joseph 61 , 298299
Gollancz, Victor 169
Good, Joseph 130
Good Fight, The (Campion) 267
good Nazi, the 203 , 216
Good Soldier Švejk, The (Hašek) 256
Government of Ireland Act 111
Gramsci, Antonio 21 , 59
Grant, Duncan 3334
Graves, Robert 84
Grayzel, Susan R. 4
Great Patriotic War. see Red Army on the Eastern Front
Classical heritage, defence of as legitimation of occupation 63 , 71 , 7576 , 78
victory and 14
wwii occupation of 6180 , 281
Greece. A Book from the War (Kästner) 77
Green Cadres 251252
Gregory, Adrian 125 , 132
Grenfell, Julian 92
Greuelpropaganda 165169 , 177
Griechische Inseln (Kästner) 77
Grossman, Vasily 141
Grosz, George 100
Gwynn, Stephen 112
Habermas, Jurgen 4445
Habsburg empire, collapse of 225 , 229 , 234236 , 240 , 245
Habsburg war 247252 , 255256
Haeckel, Ernst 50
Haig, Douglas 19 , 131 , 167 , 286
Halifax, Lord 20
hands, severed, myth of 163 , 164 , 165
Harberton, Viscount 55
Harper, Tim 264265
Hašek, Jaroslav 256
hate propaganda 145147
hate training 85
combat motivation and 144146
demobilization of 13 , 147 , 200 , 201 , 202 , 215217
of Japanese army 105106
killing and 9193 , 105106 , 144147
racial and ideological 285286 , 293294
Hauptmann, Gerhart 77
Hellbeck, Jochen 136 , 151 , 155
Henriot, Philippe 214
Hesse, Hermann 59
Hewitt, John 114
Heydrich, Reinhard 168
Hiroshima 31 , 97 , 281
Histoire de la Libération de la France (Aron) 203
cross-conflict dialogue and 24 , 69 , 279 , 280 , 282283 , 297 , 300n63
of intellectuals 46
of Irish experience of war 109110
of occupation of France 202208
of post-war periods 223226
of Soviet combat motivation 135136 , 144 , 147149 , 157158
History of Warfare (Keegan) 84
Hitler, Adolf
assassination attempt on 32 , 70
attrition and 286
fear of Bolshevik-style revolution and 231
irredentism and 234
loyalty to 70
Paris and 203 , 204 , 216
propaganda and 167
surrender, refusal to 238
hm 6 (Moore) 30
hm 7 (Moore) 30
Hodges, Paul 85n8
Hofstadter, Richard 45
Holocaust. see Jews, extermination of
Holquist, Peter 139
home front
and battlefront 13 , 19 , 30 , 267
British 298
cross-conflict dialogue on 288 , 294295 , 297301
cultural mobilization and 7 , 297 , 300301
empire and 265266
German 298299
Home Intelligence reports 267272
horizontal collaboration 207208
Horne, Alistair 202
Horne, John
on cultural demobilization 200201 , 210n29 , 215217 , 223 , 224 , 228 , 242
on cultural mobilization 19n1 , 47 , 80 , 134 , 244
on the front 6263
on German atrocities 83 , 164
on German invasion of France in wwi 195 , 199
on Ireland in wwi 109
on memory and defeat 278
on propaganda and myth 162 , 164
on total war 181 , 195 , 199
typology of defeats 277278
volume as tribute to 1011 , 15
Horthy, Miklós 237 , 258
Horvat, Josip 248
Hötzendorf, Franz Conrad von 247248
Hussey, Walter 36
Hynes, Samuel 84 , 95 , 104
Imperialism at Bay (Louis) 264
Inber, Vera 238
India, British imperial power and 263264
Indian National Army 262 , 301
industrialized warfare 6 , 280281 , 284 , 287
brutalization and 92 , 226227 , 304
colonial participation and 6 , 301
experience of 99100
taboo on talking about 100101
intellectuals, engagement of during wwi 4260
critiquing of 5458
cultural authority and 44 , 50 , 5457
development of concept of intellectual and use of term 4346 , 51 , 5558
international nature of 46 , 4953 , 5657 , 5960
League of Nations and 5960
petitionary activity of 4953
role of in war 5559
Intellectuals and French Society (Lote) 57
International Experience and Legacy of the Two World Wars workshop 10
international law
cultural vandalism and 175176
violence against civilians and 163 , 174175 , 178180 , 293
International Law and the World War (Garner) 179
Intimate History of Killing (Bourke) 9192 , 227
Invasion 14 (Ven der Meersch) 177
Irish at the Front, The (MacDonagh) 126
Irish troop mobilization in wwi 108132 , 286
Catholic Church and 113 , 117118
conscription crisis and 110 , 121 , 124132
Easter Rising and 110 , 121 , 123124 , 127 , 130 , 286 , 296
Home Rule and 115 , 129 , 132
image/representation of Irish troops 109132
negative 126132
loyalty to uk government and 110112 , 124125
martial qualities of Irish and 112 , 119 , 126
nationalism and 111114 , 121 , 123130 , 286 , 296
portrayal of war as Irish war and 112 , 115124 , 126 , 130
posters and 114124
propaganda and 114132
recruitment and 112131
Is Paris Burning? 203
Issue of War, The (Thorne) 264
occupation of Greece in wwii and 65 , 69 , 73 , 74 , 80
peace negotiations post-wwi and 235236
post-war violence and 229 , 231
J’accuse letter (Zola) 43
Jackson, Julian 206 , 208
J’ai tué (Cendrars) 100
Jambrek the Domobran (Krleža) 255
James, G.W.B. 96
connections between wwi and wwii and 300
imperial forces and 301302
post-war periods and 235 , 303
Japanese army
atrocities against 106
atrocities by 276 , 285
fall of Singapore and 260263 , 274276
hatred of 105106
Jews, extermination of 2 , 9 , 162 , 168170
cross-conflict dialogue and 225 , 287 , 288 , 289 , 290 , 292
unwillingness to believe in 168170 , 176177 , 293
Vichy regime and 204 , 205206 , 212217
Johnson, Samuel 21
Jones, Edgar 97
Jones, Gareth Stedman 21
Jouhandeau, Marcel 209
Jug, Steven 138
Jünger, Ernst 75 , 78 , 86 , 87 , 94 , 101 , 209
“Justice in War-Time: An Appeal to the Intellectuals of Europe” (Russell) 5556
Karski, Jan 163164
Kästner, Erhart 63 , 75 , 7677 , 78 , 80
Keegan, John 84 , 94 , 283 , 284
Kemal, Mustafa 233 , 235
Kern, Robert 75
Kershaw, Ian 302303
Keswick, William 27
Kettle, Tom 112
airmen and 8990 , 91 , 97 , 104105
barbarization and 84 , 8891 , 96 , 106 , 147
dehumanization of victims and 91 , 107 , 145146
emotion and 8788
hatred and 9193 , 105106 , 144147
ideological indoctrination and 8891 , 105107
impersonal 95 , 9798 , 104
intensification of 9091
language use and 87
narratives of 83 , 89 , 9495 , 104106
naval personnel and 105
normalization of 86 , 89 , 90 , 106
orders and 90
overcoming societal prohibition of 8485 , 102104
for pleasure 8895
psychological breakdown and 9597
sportsmanship of shooting and 9394
tank operators and 95 , 9798
training as adequate preparation for 8486
as work 8688
King, Anthony 103
Kipling, Rudyard 84 , 273
Kirsten, Ernst 78
Kleemann, Ulrich 6465 , 70 , 7374 , 7980
Kleinschmidt, Captain 73
Klemperer, Viktor 168
Kobylanskiy, Isaak 138139
Kobylyanskiy, Ilya 144145
Kohl, Helmut 241
Komsomol 149 , 150 , 154
Kondriatev, Viacheslav 148
Kovač, Ante 248
Kraiker, Wilhelm 76
Kramer, Alan 1011 , 164 , 283
Krleža, Miroslav 243259 , 296 , 297
Kronbein, Major 73
Kühne, Thomas 107
Kvaternik, Slavko 257258
landscape, cultural mobilization and 2227 , 38 , 41
Langhamer, Claire 3
Languages of Class (Jones) 21
Lanz, General 70
Lanzmann, Claude 164
Lasch, Christopher 45
Lausanne, Treaty of 235 , 240 , 292
Laval, Pierre 204 , 212 , 216
law. see international law
Lazarev, Lazar 149
League of Nations 5960 , 230 , 235 , 236 , 292 , 297 , 302
Le Feu (Barbusse) 101
Lemkin, Raphaël 169 , 170 , 173180 , 293
Lenin, Vladimir 231 , 251 , 252 , 253 , 254
Lens 183184 , 186187
Lenz, Erwin 67
Le Pen, Marine 205206 , 217
Lepsius, Johannes 174
L’Étrange défaite: témoignage écrit en 1940 (Bloch) 210n29
Life and Death of Colonel Blimp 33
Liulevicius, Vejas Gabriel 185
Llorentz, Hendrik 59
Lloyd George, David 127 , 128 , 129 , 132 , 297 , 298
Locarno, Treaty of 236
Londonderry, Lord 127
Lote, René 57
Louis, William Roger 264
Louvain, cultural vandalism at 48 , 50
Low, David 271
Ludendorff, Erich 178
Ludendorff Offensive 129 , 131 , 132
Lusitania, sinking of 117 , 118
Lutyens, Edwin 37
Lwow 171172 , 210
MacDonagh, Michael 126
Mahon, General 130
Malaya, struggle for 260278
Malayan Postscript (Morrison) 273274
Mandel, Georges 214
Manela, Erez 5
Mann, Thomas 42 , 57
Mannheim, Karl 59
Markov, Nikolai 143 , 150151 , 156
Marshall, S.L.A. 102103 , 104
Marshall Plan 240
Martens, Friedrich (Fyodor) 174175
Martens Clause 175
Martin, Christopher 26
Masel, Nina 268269
“Massacre of the Jews, The” (Fry) 169
Matrosov, Alexander 138
Mawdsley, Evan 137
McConnel, James 111
Mein Kampf (Hitler) 167
cultural demobilization and 201 , 204205 , 215217 , 303
defeat and 277278
German occupation of France in wwii and 201 , 204205 , 215217 , 303
study of 2 , 3
Men Against Fire (Marshall) 102
Merridale, Catherine 135 , 143 , 150 , 153 , 157
Mikhalkov, Nikita 133
milice 214
Milner, Alfred 127
missing troops, in Far East 276277
Mitchell, Allan 206207 , 208
Mitchell, George 34
Mitterrand, François 241
M-O (Mass-Observation) 267270 , 272
mobilization. see cultural mobilization
Mokritskii, Sergei 133
Molotov, Vyacheslav 152
Moran, Lord 284
Moore, Henry 2127 , 30 , 34 , 3641 , 297
Blitz, illustrations of 2324
family, cultural mobilization and 22 , 2730 , 38 , 41
Family Group 30
feminine iconography and 22 , 39
gendered images and 22
hm 6 30
hm 7 30
landscape, cultural mobilization and 2227 , 38 , 41
military experience of 2425 , 39
Mother and Child on Ladderback Chair 30
Northampton Madonna and Child 3637 , 38
Reclining Figure 26 , 27
religious outlook of 25
the sacred, cultural mobilization and 22 , 3041
Standing Figure 27 , 28
war, influence of on art of 2526 , 30 , 37 , 3941
as war artist 2326 , 39 , 41
Morgenthau, Henry Jr 177 , 178
Morgenthau, Henry Sr 172 , 177 , 178
Morris, William 21
Morrison, Ian 273274 , 278
Mosse, George 225
Mother and Child on Ladderback Chair (Moore) 30
Müller, Lieutenant-General 79 , 80
Murder in the Cathedral (Eliot) 32
Murray, Gilbert 59
Mussolini, Benito 231 , 238
Mutually Assured Destruction (mad) 279 , 303
My Lai massacre 86 , 107
Mylona, Nafsika 76
Nansen, Fridtjof 292
Napoleon ii (duc de Reichstadt) 210
of injury 100102
of killing 83 , 89 , 9495 , 104106
personal as history 84
National Health Service, cultural mobilization and 2122 , 2729
Balkan 243259
cross-conflict dialogue on 286 , 293296 , 297
Irish 111114 , 121 , 123130 , 286 , 296
Turkish 296
National Trust 2223 , 26
nato 201 , 241
naval personnel, killing and 105
Nazi, the good 203 , 216
Nazis and Germans, distinction made between 203 , 205 , 216
Nazor, Vladimir 258
Neitzel, Sönke 94 , 105
Némirovsky, Irène 208 , 210n29 , 211 , 216
Newbould, Frank 27
New National Land Fund 23
Nicolai, Georg Friedrich 53 , 59
Nikulin, Nikolai 137138 , 146 , 148
Nivelle, General 283 , 287
Nivet, Philippe 191
Noakes, Lucy 3 , 4
Northampton Madonna and Child (Moore) 34 , 3637 , 38
nuclear deterrent, post-war violence and 241 , 279 , 303
Nuit et Brouillard (Resnais) 204
Ober Ost, occupation of 184186 , 187 , 190
of Belgium 288
collaboration and 204208 , 214
cross-conflict dialogue on 289290
demobilization and 13 , 200217
exploitation of resources and 290under France
occupied populations 182190 , 288
Allied occupation 187189
Belgium 288
German occupation 182187 , 189190 , 289290
restrictions of movement and 183190
Russian occupation 289290
occupying troops on Greek island of Rhodes 6180
cultural mobilization and 6164 , 71 , 7580
discipline and 6970 , 7374
education and 7172
entertainment and 7172
maintaining combat readiness and 6265 , 69 , 73 , 7476 , 80
morale and 6769 , 72 , 73
Office for Protection of Art (Referat Kunstschutz) 76
O’Leary, Michael 121
O’Meara, Corporal 114
Omelchenko, Olga 138
On the Edge of Reason (Krleža) 251n29 , 257
Orr, Philip 131
Orwell, George 33 , 40 , 161
Our War: Ireland and the Great War (Horne) 109
Ousby, Ian 204
Overy, Richard 142
pacifism, post-war 242 , 252 , 287 , 296
Panfilov Men 138
Pann, Abel 170
Paris, German occupation and 200 , 201 , 202217 , 300
Allied air raids and 214
collaboration and 204208 , 214
deprivations and 210
economic exploitation and 212 , 213214
food shortages and 213215
invasion of Soviet Union and 211212
memory and 201 , 204205 , 215217 , 303
persecution of Jews and 210 , 212 , 217
resistance and 202203 , 206207 , 211 , 212214
stages of 208217
Paris Peace Treaties 233236 , 302
Parsons, Lawrence 126
partisan, use of term 168
Pasha, Talaat 173 , 174
Pasternak, Boris 237
Pattinson, Juliette 3
Paul, Randolph E. 178
Paul, Rudolf 239
Pavelić, Ante 258
Paxton, Robert 204206
Cold War and 240242 , 279 , 303
cross-conflict dialogue on 302303
demobilization and 201 , 223224 , 234241 , 303
post-war pathways to 222236 , 239242 , 303
peace-making, Franco-German 236 , 241 , 303
peace negotiations post-wwi 233236
peak effectiveness thesis 96
Peckham Health Centre 2728
penal battalions
German Army 6667 , 69 , 74
Red Army 139 , 140 , 141 , 143 , 283
Pennell, Catriona 110
People’s War, The (Calder) 265
Perechodnik, Calel 177
Perham, Margery 273 , 278
Peri, Alexis 157
personal narratives as history 84
Pétain, Henri-Philippe 204 , 206 , 214 , 216
Petlioura, Simon 173
Petter, E. 129
Picasso, Pablo 209
Piłsudski, Józef 237
Plamen (Krleža) 253255
pogroms, anti-Jewish 170171 , 173 , 175 , 176
invasion of 8889
minorities in 172
occupation of 183
victory and 14
violence against civilians in 168
posters, Irish troop mobilization and 114124
post-traumatic stress disorder 96
post-war demobilization 222242
post-war extremist movements 225 , 229 , 231 , 237238 , 240
post-war pacifism 242 , 252 , 287 , 296
post-war peace
Cold War and 240242 , 279 , 303
nuclear deterrent and 241 , 279 , 303
pathways to 222236 , 239242 , 303
post-war periods
historiography of 223226
varying concepts of 221222
post-war violence 221242 , 281
anti-Bolshevism and 231232
Bolshevism and 228 , 229 , 231232 , 237 , 251254
civil wars 222
geographical distribution of 225227 , 229232
Germany and 226234
Italy and 229 , 231
pre-existing tensions and 228
reintegration and 229 , 230
revisionism and 234235
Russia and 231
self-mobilization and 229230
state monopoly on 228 , 232233
victory and defeat and 224225 , 228 , 230 , 233234 , 304
Powell, Enoch 277
Powell, Michael 33
Pressberger, Emeric 33
Prince of Wales, hms 260 , 268
Princip, Gavrilo 247
Proctor, Tammy 182
atrocities and 161170 , 176177
combat motivation of Red Army and 145146 , 150153 , 237238
Irish troop mobilization in wwi and 114132
John Horne on 162 , 164
posters as 114124Greuelpropaganda; hate propaganda
Prost, Antione 94 , 96 , 104
psychological trauma, combat and 95100 , 102 , 284285 , 304
public opinion of war, British 267274
Pulkovskij Meridian (Inber) 238
punishment battalions. see penal battalions
quiet front, troops on the 6180
race, wwi and 8n30
racism, wwi and 163 , 173
Radić, Stjepan 252 , 254 , 296
rafles 212
Read, Herbert 25
Reclining Figure (Moore) 26 , 27
recruitment, of Irish troops in wwi 112131
Red Army on the Eastern Front 133158 , 281
blocking detachments 139140 , 142143 , 283
brutalization and 147
casualties of 136137 , 155156
civilians, violence against and 146
coercion and 136 , 140142
combat motivation of 133158
commissars and 150151 , 153
cultural mobilization and 136 , 147148 , 153 , 237238
dehumanization of enemy and 145146
desertion and 142143
discipline and 139143 , 158
fear and 137142
female soldiers and 154
film representations of 133
frontline bonds and 155157
hatred and 144146
historiography of 135136 , 144 , 147149 , 157158
ideology and 135136 , 147152
myth and 133134 , 140
non-Russians and 154155
patriotism and 147 , 152154
penal battalions 141 , 142 , 283
political education and 150153
propaganda and 145146 , 150153 , 237238
socialism and 147148
songs and 153
Stalinism and 134136 , 139143 , 147150 , 152 , 154 , 158
training and 143144
vengeance and 144146 , 156
violence and 137 , 139142
Redmond, John 111 , 112 , 115 , 124 , 132
Redmond, Willie 112
Reese, Roger 135 , 140 , 141 , 143 , 150 , 154 , 156
Reese, Willy Peter 92
Referat Kunstschutz 76
Reflections of a Non-Political Man (Mann) 57
refugees 182 , 190199 , 291
aid and 192198
Austria-Hungary and 195197
cross-conflict dialogue on 290292
France and 190195
hostility and 191 , 196
local identities and, importance of 194195 , 198
national committees and 193194 , 197198
reception centres and 196
Russian empire and 197198
“Refugees’ Charter” 192193
Reichstadt, duc de (Napoleon ii) 210
Reitz, Denys 90
Rejoice in the Lamb (Britten) 36
Remarque, Erich Maria 249
Remembering the Second World War (Finney) 3
remobilization post-wwi 233237
Repulse, hms 260 , 268
resistance, French 186187 , 202203 , 205207 , 211 , 212215 , 285 , 288 , 298 , 300
Resnais, Alan 204
Return of Philip Latinowicz, The (Krleža) 257
revisionism, post-war violence and 234235
revolution, Russian. see Bolshevik revolution
Rheims Cathedral 48 , 119
Rhodes, occupying forces in 6180
Ringelblum, Emmanuel 177
Ringer, Fritz 45
Ritter, Julius 212
Robinson, Michael 109
Rolland, Romain 55 , 56 , 5859
Rol-Tanguy, Henri 211
Romania, defeat and 14
romanticized view of combat 25 , 39 , 92 , 104 , 258
Roman warfare, killing and 84
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 177 , 298
Rose, Sonya O. 34
Rosenberg, Paul 210n30
Rousso, Henry 205
Royal Hungarian Domobran Novella (Krleža) 255
Royal Navy in Far Eastern Waters, The (Boyd) 263
Russell, Bertrand 5556 , 167
Russell, John 37
defeat and 14
displacement of civilians and 182 , 197198
occupation of 190
post-war violence in (wwi) 231Bolshevik revolution; Red Army on the Eastern Front; Soviet Union
Sarajevo assassination 247
Sarantakes, Nicholas 264
Sartre, Jean-Paul 209
self-demobilization 62 , 74
self-mobilization, post-war violence and 229230
annexation of 289
nationalism in 246247 , 256
Service du Travail Obligatoire (sto) 212
severed hands, myth of 163 , 164 , 165
Sèvres, Treaty of 235 , 292
Schechter, Brandon 155
Schlieffen Plan 13
Schoenebeck, Hans-Ulrich von 76
Schofield, Camilla 277
Schumann Declaration 241
Schuschnigg, Kurt 237
Schwartzbard, Shalom 173
Seniavskaia, Elena 135
shatterzones 229 , 291 , 292
Shebba, Anne 208
shell shock 96 , 99100 , 102 , 285 , 304
Shirer, William 169
Shoah 164
Simonov, Konstantin 146
Sinclair, Anne 210n30
Singapore, fall of 260278
Australia and 301
British imperialism and 263266 , 270274 , 298
British public response to 260 , 267270 , 274275 , 278
casualties and 262 , 275276
defeat, expectations of and 268270
India and 301
Japanese army and 260263 , 274276
missing troops and 276277
naval strategy and 263
scholarship on 263267
Smart, Christopher 36
Smith, Len 83
Snyder, Timothy 171
social mobilization 19cultural mobilization
Sofsky, Wolfgang 86 , 88 , 90
sook ching 262 , 274
Sorrow and the Pity, The 207
Sous Verdun (Genevoix) 104
South African War 84 , 86 , 90 , 127 , 273
Soviet Union
German invasion of (wwii) 211212
as shared enemy, cultural demobilization and 201Red Army on the Eastern Front; Russia
Spence, Basil 31
Stalin, Joseph 145 , 241 , 299
Stalingrad 133
Stalinism 134136 , 139143 , 147150 , 152 , 154 , 158
Standing Figure (Moore) 27 , 28
stately homes, mobilization of 23
state monopoly on violence, peace and 228 , 232233
State, Society and Mobilization (Horne) 181
Stenker, Otto 6164 , 67 , 68 , 7273 , 77 , 7880
sto (Service du Travail Obligatoire) 212
Stockwell, Anthony 262n6 , 264
Stonehenge 26
Storm of Steel (Jünger) 101 , 209
Strange, Iris 276
Strange, Robert 276
Stresemann, Gustav 236 , 241
Ströer, Alfred 66 , 67 , 73
Sturmdivision Rhodos 6468
Punishment Battalion 999 6669 , 74
Suite Française (Némirovsky) 208n26 , 210n29 , 211 , 216
Summerfield, Penny 3
Sutherland, Graham 34 , 35
Svirin, Afanasy 153
Tacquet, Léon 183
Tawney, R.H. 93 , 101
Taylor, Paul 109
Tehlirian, Soghomon 173 , 174
Temkin, Gabriel 139 , 147
Temple, William 31 , 162 , 163
Third Home Rule Bill (Ireland) 110
Thirty Years’ War, Second 225 , 281
Thomas, Albert “Tommy” 277
Thorez, Maurice 211
Thorne, Christopher 264
Thorpe, Julia 195
“Thoughts for the Times on War and Death” (Freud) 99 , 227
Three Domobrans (Krleža) 255
Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion (Bacon) 34
Tito (Josip Broz) 248 , 253 , 259
“To the Evangelical Christians Abroad” 50
Todman, Daniel 3n10
Torch, Operation 212213
totalitarian regimes and mobilization 12
totalizing logics 281282 , 290 , 292
total war 8 , 13 , 171 , 181182 , 281282 , 292 , 299
tourism, war as 6162 , 7579
Touvier, Paul 204
travel, opportunity for offered by war 6162 , 7879
trench warfare 6 , 7 , 6263 , 282
Trumbić, Ante 252
Armenian genocide and 172173 , 177 , 293294
nationalism and 296
as victor 14
Turkish War of Independence 292
Tyre, Stephen 278
Ulianov, Vitaly 143144
Une Si Douce Occupation (Joseph) 209210
Unification of Criminal Law, International Conferences for the 174176
“un-mixing” post-wwii 240
Ustasha 258
utopian futures and mobilization 2022 , 2730 , 3940 , 298
vandalism, cultural
by German army 48 , 79
international law and 175176
Vel d’Hiv bicycle racetrack 206 , 212
Ven der Meersch, Maxence 177
Verkehrspolitik 184186 , 190
Versailles, Treaty of 171 , 174 , 236
Vichy, 1940–1944 (Azéma and Wieviorka) 207
Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, 1940–1944 (Paxton) 204
Vichy regime
army of 213
collaboration and 204208 , 209 , 212 , 214
continued impact of 205206 , 217
deportation of Jews and 204 , 205206 , 212 , 217
policemen of 204
punishment of officials of 216
resistance and 202203 , 206207 , 211 , 212215
Vichy syndrome 205206
victory and defeat
different meanings of 11 , 12 , 14 , 233234
pathways to peace and 224 , 228 , 230 , 232 , 303
post-war violence and 224225 , 228 , 230 , 232234 , 304
Victory of Calvary, The (Grant) 34
Vietnam War 84 , 86 , 91 , 95 , 107 , 278
experience of 99101
perpetrating 8386
World Wars as continuum of 83 , 221222 , 225 , 228 , 230 , 280282civilians, violence against; injury; killing; post-war violence
Wacht auf Rhodos 7475
Wagener, Otto 67 , 70 , 74 , 80
Wall Street Crash 236Depression, Great
“War and the Intellectuals, The” (Bourne) 58
fascist 9 , 12 , 105106 , 162 , 238 , 299
gender and 35 , 30 , 154
industrialized 6 , 280281 , 284 , 287
brutalization and 92 , 226227 , 304
colonial participation and 6 , 301
nature of and cross-conflict dialogue 20 , 280282 , 284 , 286287
trench 6263
War Requiem (Britten) 31
Warsaw Ghetto 177
Warsaw Pact 241
war worker, soldier as 8688
Wasteland, The (Eliot) 31
Wavell, Archibald 261
Weber, Alfred 59
Weber, Max 5758
welfare state, promise of and cultural mobilization 20 , 2122 , 2729 , 3940 , 298
Welzer, Harald 94 , 105
Werfel, Franz 177
Werth, Alexander 299
Why We Are at War: Great Britain’s Case (Davis and Barker) 54
Wiel, Jérôme aan de 113
Wieviorka, Olivier 207
Wilhelm ii, Kaiser 167
Wills, Clair 123
Wilson, Cat 262
Wilson, Woodrow 171 , 172 , 178 , 234 , 297 , 298
Wimborne, Lord 115
Winter, Major 66
Wise, Stephen 177
collaboration and 207208
cultural mobilization and 22 , 30
involvement in conflict of 45
in Red Army 154
work, war as 8688
Yalta peace conference 239
Your Britain: Fight For It Now 27
Yugoslavia 14 , 241 , 242 , 243259 , 289 , 296
Ziemann, Benjamin 252
Zola, Emile 43
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A World at War, 1911-1949

Explorations in the Cultural History of War

Series:  History of Warfare, Volume: 124


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