This volume’s origins lie in a workshop entitled “International Experience and Legacy of the Two World Wars”, which was held at the Royal Irish Academy in June 2015. We would like to thank the Academy for the use of its premises and all of the support shown on the occasion. We would also like to thank all those who sponsored the workshop: The ucd Centre for War Studies; the Alliance Française; the Provost of Trinity College Dublin, the Trinity Association and Trust, and the Trinity College Department of History; the London School of Economics and Political Science; the University of Exeter; and the International Society for First World War Studies. Finally, our gratitude to all those who participated in the Workshop, as speakers, panel chairs or audience members.
In relation to this volume, we would like to thank the contributors for their professionalism and constant good will, the staff at Brill, notably Marcella Mulder, and the following organizations for their permission to reproduce the images that enrich this volume: The Trinity College Dublin Library; the Henry Moore Foundation; the vicar and churchwardens of St. Matthew’s Church, Northampton; and Madame Sylvie Le Ray-Burimi, Conservateur en chef du patrimoine, Département des peintures et sculptures, Musée de l’Armée, Paris. Material from the Mass Observation collection in Chapter 12 is published with the permission of the Trustees of the Mass Observation Archive, University of Sussex.