Dirk Damsma
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Author Index

Alberts 601
Arthur 1 , 25 , 2841 , 434 , 91 , 96103 , 1058 , 140 , 183
Baer 5n13 , 51 , 545 , 61 , 746
Bellofiore 28 , 32 , 165n19
Bell 28 , 33
Blaug 148n177
Boumans 48n5 , 88n1
Bryson 16
Brown 8
Burbidge 46
Burns 1 , 7 , 10n9 , 18n51 , 111n105
Carchedi 912
Carlson 16n43 , 47 , 52 , 55 , 56n51 , 64 , 79 , 846
Carver 289
Damsma 17 , 3840 , 56n52
Davis 48n5
Dijkgraaf 601
Ellsworth de Slade 5n13 , 501
Engels xiii , 8 , 25 , 109 , 1113 , 116 , 118n125 , 11922 , 123n137 , 124n138 , 126n143 , 135n169 , 136n170–1 , 137n173 , 179
Fineschi 289
Fleischhacker 5n13 , 512 , 601 , 66 , 76 , 826 , 90
Fraser 1 , 7 , 10n9 , 18n51 , 111n105
Harris 153 , 163 , 168n22 , 174 , 176
Hausman 33n112
Hawking 12n21 , 56n52 , 62n73
Hegel 25 , 8 , 1022 , 26 , 36 , 46 , 50 , 5372 , 74 , 7986 , 90 , 135
Heisenberg 56n52
Hodgson 8
Hofstädter 9n7
Horsten 778 , 182
Inwood xiv , 12n23 , 13 , 16n43 , 20n53 , 24n68 , 50 , 54 , 70
John 10n9
Kedourie 212
Kennedy 89 , 91
Knuuttila 109
Kol’man 5n13 , 52 , 76 , 8990 , 92
Koshimura 153 , 155n6
Kosok 55
Kuhn x
Lacroix 5n13 , 501 , 66
Lakatos 48n5
Marx 89 , 10n9–10 , 225 , 279 , 31 , 39 , 89 , 92 , 956 , 98108 , 11226 , 129–37 , 160 , 164
Matthews 89 , 92
McCarney 111
McLellan 22
Meaney 289
MEGA 111 , 119n128
Morgan 95n34 , 109
Murray 1 , 10 , 25 , 2931 , 35n120 , 36 , 39 , 96 , 100 , 103
Nietzsche 8n2
Orwell 54n41
Paterson 5n13 , 4850 , 689 , 78n131
Peperzak 9n7
Planck 50n22 , 56n52
Popper 48n5
Postone 289
Priest 55
Reuten x , 12 , 3n11 , 1011 , 145 , 212 , 26n77 , 29 , 33 , 36 , 3941 , 56n51 , 88n1 , 934 , 96101 , 103 , 105 , 108 , 110 , 119n126 , 119n128 , 120 , 122 , 123n137 , 124n139 , 1301 , 133 , 1357 , 153 , 1556 , 140 , 163n15 , 1645 , 182
Rockmore 111
Russell 545
Samuelson 10910
Sayers 29
Schnädelbach 8n2
Schumpeter 25n74
Sekine 2930 , 33 , 91n19
Shaw 25
Smith, Adam 36n123 , 113n109
Smith, Cyril 1 , 91
Smith, Tony 1 , 1011 , 145 , 16n43 , 27 , 29 , 336 , 3941 , 91n19 , 967 , 99102 , 104 , 135 , 140 , 182
Smolinski 1 , 89 , 923 , 95
Starosta 28
Struik 8891 , 93
Suchting 56n51 , 62n76
Sweezy 153
Tinbergen 5 , 88n1
Thomas 28
Tóth 489
Trigg 110
Uchida 289
Vygodski 108
Williams x , 1 , 2n9 , 101 , 145 , 29 , 3941 , 969 , 101 , 103 , 140 , 182
Wittgenstein 20n54
Wolff 51 , 58n57
Yanovskaya 5n13 , 52 , 76 , 90
Zarembka 1345

Subject Index

abstract determination 2 , 10
in Hegel 2 , 10 , 20n54 , 334
in Marx 2 , 268
abstractions-in-practice 3 , 324
actuality 17 , 19 , 20n53
and Marx 889 , 93 , 95
and Hegel 46
in Marxian models 130 , 153 , 155n6
alienation xii , 23 , 25 , 323 , 42 , 87
anthropology 18
as category 17 , 19
of capitalism 35
appropriation – see abstract determination
arithmetic 889 , 93
arithmetical operations 46 , 63
addition 64
division 64 , 84
multiplication 64 , 845
raising to (even) powers 64 , 85
subtraction 64
taking the n-root 64
absency 1478
anticipatory 148
foundational 1478
for expanded reproduction 12839 , 1489 , 152 , 1669
for extensive growth 152 , 15865
for simple reproduction 11428 , 1489 , 152 , 1548
heuristic 1478
negligibility 114
balanced growth – see steady state
Begriff – see Concept
Being 12 , 15n39 , 169 , 534
Being-for-self 59 , 812
biology 189
business cycles 27n79 , 923 , 131n153
cardinal numbers 768
categorial isolation (α) 4 , 14
categories (in dialectics) xiv , 11
Christianity 10n9 , 32n103
Concept 167 , 19
concrete determination 10 , 11 , 145 , 27
conservation of energy and mass 58n57
constructivism 10n9
in Hegel 20n53
in Marx 27n79
contradiction 58n57
Darstellungsee exhibition
deduction 12n21
depreciation 104n74 , 155n7 , 157
for Simple Reproduction 11921 , 126
for Expanded Reproduction 128 , 1301 , 134
diachronic 119n126
diagonal number 77n128
difference 145 , 35
differential calculus
in Hegel 502 , 92
in Marx 52 , 87 , 8992
empirics 201 , 132
in Hegel 24 , 10 , 145 , 20n53–4 , 323 , 412
in Marx 24 , 23 , 268 , 323 , 413 , 87 , 179
in Hegel 9 , 43 , 87
in Marx 26 , 434 , 878 , 140
Essence 167 , 19
Estrangement 3n12 , 236
exhibition 10 , 134
exploration 2 , 268 , 334 , 100
Free Will 135 , 22 , 36 , 38
Marx’s critique 223 , 25 , 36 , 38 , 39n133 , 42 , 96 , 98
formal systems 5n13 , 9n7 , 4950
formalisation 56 , 445 , 140
of dialectics 54
of reproduction schemes 15077
within dialectics 1479
Forschungsee exploration
geometry 44 , 46 , 48n8 , 669
and Marx 89
non-Euclidian 48
Gödel’s incompleteness theorems 9n7
great departments 107 , 118 , 127 , 139 , 152 , 158 , 173 , 189 , 192
extensive 1034 , 129n146 , 142 , 1524 , 15865
intensive 1034 , 142 , 153 , 166
of constant capital 1335
of variable capital 1335
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle 56n52 , 62n73
historical dialectics 1 , 25n74 , 401
in Hegel 78 , 212 , 25n74
in Marx 25 , 36
historical materialism – see historical dialectics (in Marx)
homology thesis 303 , 34n114 , 91n19 , 183
Idea 17 , 19
in and for itself 112 , 16
in its otherness 123 , 16
in Marx 234 , 312
that returns into itself out of its otherness 13 , 16
ideality 145
immediacy 16n39
immunizing stratagems 48n5
induction 12n21 , 75
infinitesimals – see differential calculus
infinity 5n13 , 47 , 501 , 53n40 , 656 , 745 , 778 , 803 , 86
innovation 1034 , 1145 , 144 , 1667
input-output tables 110 , 120n132
integrals 56n52
Logic xii , 112 , 15n39 , 169 , 20n53 , 22 , 7986
manifestation – see materialisation (β)
market forces 37
materialisation (β) 4 , 145
materiality 145
mathematical discovery 48n5
mathematical mechanics – see geometry
MEGA xiii , 109
mediation 134 , 16n39
method of the understanding 33n112
mind-matter dichotomy 545
as predicates 33n112
in dialectics 445 , 1479
in Marx – see reproduction
historical development of 95
of capitalism 3640
moment xiv , 15
monetary accommodation 1312 , 139 , 152
negation 478 , 89 , 91
necessity 5
in Hegel 20n53
in Marx 2627
Newspeak 54n41
number theory 46 , 756
numeration 634
object totality 11 , 1820
in Hegel 114 , 22 , 36 , 42
in Marx 3540 , 424
in Hegel 10n9 , 32 , 43 , 180
in Marx 324 , 40 , 434 , 92 , 183
in mathematics 489 , 64 , 856 , 92
of nature 38 , 180
ordinal numbers 768
phenomenological inquiry – see abstract determination
phenomenology of the mind 18
Philosophy of Mind
in Hegel 13 , 16 , 18
in Marx 32 , 345
Philosophy of Nature xii , 123 , 16 , 189 , 22 , 324 , 389 , 42 , 44 , 57n53 , 6772 , 78
Philosophy of Right xiv , 8 , 11 , 13 , 15
Marx’s critique on 223 , 267 , 423
physics 189
planck’s constant 56n52
Possibility 15 , 20n53
presupposition 3n16
price mechanism – see supply and demand
profit rate xv , 95 , 108 , 1245 , 143 , 1678 , 171
proportionality conditions 130n150 , 151n1
for simple reproduction 107 , 123 , 126 , 128 , 1445 , 157
for expanded reproduction 107 , 1368 , 147 , 149 , 1678
for extensive growth 1612
psychology 18
quantification 140
in Hegel 389 , 66 , 74
in Marx xii , 3 , 3740 , 878
in Hegel 17 , 50n22 , 51 , 612 , 82
in physics 50n22 , 62n73
quantum mechanics 62n73
rate of accumulation xv , 103 , 1367 , 156n8 , 1624 , 166n21 , 167 , 1712 , 1902
rate of surplus-value xv , 113n109 , 121 , 1245 , 1434 , 156n8 , 171 , 174 , 186 , 192
reflection 14
in itself (α) 14n35
in others (β) 14n35
reproduction 88 , 95 , 140
simple 107 , 11228 , 1435
expanded 107 , 12839 , 1457
resolution (γ) 45 , 15
Russel’s paradox 545 , 78n131
Seinsee Being
self-consciousness 9n7 , 21 , 25n74
set theory 5n14 , 389 , 4950 , 545 , 61 , 636 , 748 , 82
society 40
in Hegel xii , 8 , 11 , 13 , 15n39 , 16 , 189 , 212 , 36 , 423 , 87
in Marx xii , 228 , 327 , 423 , 87 , 967
in the philosophy of Mind 13 , 189
in World History 21
in Marx 345
steady state 130 , 1334 , 137 , 148 , 1645 , 172
superposition 49
supply and demand 168n22
surplus-value 1012 , 1056 , 1512 , 16971 , 186
with Expanded Reproduction 1301 , 1369 , 1467 , 1679 , 192
with extensive growth 15860 , 1624 , 18990
with Simple Reproduction 1123 , 1156 , 1189 , 1212 , 1245 , 127 , 1435 , 1547
synchronic 119n126
systematic dialectics 25 , 41
in Hegel 3 , 921 , 404
in Marx 3 , 2638 , 404
technical change – see innovation
technical composition of capital 133
theory of everything 12n21 , 56n52
translations xiii , 10n11 , 12n19 , 61n72
of Dasein 56
remarks on 16n43 , 20n53 , 22n63 , 23n64 , 24n67 , 24n68 , 55n49 , 84n15 , 116n119 , 126n143 , 130n151
unity 14 , 35
unity-in-difference 35
universal principle 3 , 11
of capitalism 3
of logic 12
of nature 3 , 123
of society 13 , 223
value composition of capital xv , 156n8 , 171
with Expanded Reproduction 124 , 1334 , 1669 , 172 , 1912
with extensive growth 159 , 172 , 18990
with Simple Reproduction 1235
Wesensee Essence
world history 8 , 212
Zeno’s paradox 8990
  • Collapse
  • Expand