Yvonne Kozlovsky Golan
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Two Faces in the Mirror 200
Six-Day War 57
Six Months under the Boot 37
Nine out of Four Hundred 201
17 Sheikh Hamza Street, Cairo 159n27, 209
35mm Eyemo 39–40
48 Hours in Israel 158
1860 Mount Lebanon civil war 162
1948 Arab–Israeli War 135–136
ʿAbd al-Ilah 19
Abdelwahhab, Khaled 33–34, 36
Abitbol, Michel 36–38, 65–66, 119, 122, 129, 176–178
Aboulker, José 129, 177, 181–184
Abuhatzira, Aharon 119
Abwab Al-Rih 162
Afrika Korps 42, 124
Agamben, Giorgio 12
Agudat Israel 78
Alaouie, Borhane 164
Al Aqsa Intifada 95
Albania 119
Albou, Karin 50, 55, 205
Aleppo 137–138, 155, 166
Aleppo Codex 137–138
Alexandria, Why? 157
Alfasi, Oshra 209
Algeria, Algerian Jews
in French documentaries 62–65
in French films 51–53, 57–58
history of 26, 154
in Israeli television 121–124, 128–129
in Jewish films 112
research on 66
resistance by 91, 112, 122, 128–129, 173–185, 207
self-identification of 98–99
Alger Sous Vichy 64
Alhambra Decree 98
Aliyah Bet 151
Alliance Israélite Universelle 154
Almutabaki 165
Ami, Shlomo Ben 94
Amipaz-Silber, Gitta 175–176, 179
Amir, Eli 140
AMIT website 75–77, 207
Ancient Jasmine 162, 164
André Chouraqui / Jacqueline de Romilly 63
Anielewicz, Mordechai 69
Ankri, Serge 112, 122
Annaud, Jean-Jacques 53
Ansky, Michael 179
Antelme, Robert 182
Arab, identifying as 97–101
Arab countries. see Muslims, Arab; specific countries
Arabic language 49, 56, 99, 136, 146
Arab-Israeli conflict 33
Arab Spring 156
Arad, Itzhak 73
L’Armèe du crime 53
Army of Shadows 53
Arnam, Zafrir 64
Arouch, Salomo 61
Ars Poetica 114–115
Arviv, Yosef 38
Aryanization 5, 123–125, 131
Ashes and Dust 61
Ashkenazi Jewry 22
anti-Mizrahi plot 108
assimilation into 85
educational policies of 81–82, 84
hate towards 80, 83, 96
Mizrahi Holocaust made by 47, 87, 105
perceived privileges of 47
superiority against Mizrahim 28, 72, 79, 85
Ash Shatat 165
Asloum, Brahim 59
al-Assad, Hafez 166
At the Foothills of the Atlas Mountains 120
At the Front in North Africa 40
Auschwitz 20
in French films 58–61
in Mizrahi films 194–196
Nakache, Alfred, in 62–63
in Turkish film 147
Auschwitz: The Nazi “Final Solution”
Avanti Popolo 141
Avisar, Ilan 105
Ayouch, Nabil 112
Aziz, Mohamad Abdul 162
Bab Al-Hara 161
Babylonian Exile 98, 146
Bachar, Albert 164
Badash, Itzik 188
Balaish, Haim 3
Balbo, Italo 123
Baranes, Ilan 182, 184
Barazani, Nava T. 74, 188
Barbash, Uri 141
Bar Kokhba 158
Bartlett, Frederick 70
Bartov, Omer 200
Baruch, Joseph Marco 158
Bat-Adam, Michal 141
Battle of North Africa WWII, USA 41
Bauer, Yehuda 179
Beauty Queens, The 156
Because of That War 61
Begin, Menachem 175–176
Beitar 35, 110, 131–132
Beit Hatfutsot 42–43, 60
Benacerraf, Baruj 210
Ben-Dor, Orna 61
Benghabrit, Si Kaddour 62
Benghazi 3, 123–125
Benghazi-Bergen-Belsen 3, 209
Benigni, Roberto 193
Benjelloun, Hassan 112
Ben-Porat, Miriam 119
Ben-Porat, Mordechai 168
Ben Zvi Institute 11, 42, 70, 88
Bergen-Belsen 3, 20, 43, 121, 127–128
Berlin 60, 62
Bey, Moncef 125
Beyond Silence 120
Beyond the Walls 141
Bhabha, Homi 96
Bielski, Ze’ev 86
Bismuth, Victor 131
Bitton, Erez 180n33, 209
Bitton Committee 180, 209–210
Bizerte 20, 41, 131
Black and White in Color 53
Black Book 53
Black Panthers 92, 107n79
“blacks” vs. “whites” 8, 85, 93, 95, 99–100, 114, 210
Bligh, Irit Abramsky 122, 125, 127
Bochareb, Rachid 53
Bohr, Niels 61
Borgel, Robert 37, 65
Boughedir, Ferhid 54, 57, 206
Bourekas films 196
Bouzaglo, Haim 120, 199n19
boxing 58–60, 129
Bracha, Zehava 145
Braids 133–137, 207–208
Breathless 63
Buchenwald 62, 152
Bukai, Rafi 141
Buq Buq 20
camera, 35mm Eyemo 39–40
camp liberation films 13, 17, 24–25, 49, 195
camps, concentration and forced labor 2, 20n27, 35, 43, 66
in French films 50, 55–56
in Israeli television 121–122, 125, 127–128, 131
in Pillar of Salt 117
specific camps by name
Capra, Frank 39
Carmel, Marco 25n6, 121
Carr, Judy Feld 166
Casubolo, Antoine 65
Chahine, Youssef 157
Chant des mariées, Le 50, 55–57, 205
Charvit, Yosef 178
Chetrit, Sami Shalom 91, 104, 107, 109
Cheylus 20
in camps 74, 127–128
in European film 193
rescued 36–37, 120
in Return to Haifa 164
in Soleil 51–52
survivors, future of 32–33
in Tripoli 124
Chomsky, Marvin J. 14
Chouraqui, Nathan André 63, 210
Christianization 193–194
Ashkenazi 199
Egyptian 156–161
European, American 14, 19, 24, 152–153, 193, 197–198
French 51–61, 205–206
and historic consciousness 14–16, 24–25, 49
Hollywood film industry 39–40, 151
Israeli 104–105, 111–113, 140–146, 170–171, 180–185, 196–199, 206–208
Italian 51
Mizrahi 186–196, 199, 208–209
studies of Israeli 199–201
Turkish 146–150
camp liberation films; documentaries
Clinton, Bill 167
Clouds Over Israel 164
Cohen, Boaz 32
Cohen, Levy 46
Cohen, Rachel Igette 120
Cohen, Ran 93
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude 210
Cold War 8
collective memory 18, 69–76
top-down/bottom-up 103–104
colonialism 96, 102–103, 139
Combat Photography Unit 40
of Arab Muslims 33–36
of the dead 46–47
of Greek Jews 61
monuments 187
of North African Jews 36–37, 45, 60–61, 70, 73–74
by North African Jews 46–47, 69–70, 73–76, 81, 187
public vs. private 30–31
Righteous Among the Nations
Common Fate 112–113, 121–126, 206
Communism 135, 140, 159–160, 173, 175
compensation 2
accusations of profiting from 75, 110
denial of 45, 76–77, 86–87
for Jews fleeing Arab countries 167, 172
concentration camps. see camps, concentration and forced labor; specific camps by name
consciousness, historic 4, 6, 14, 208
and hegemony 72
impact of media on 14–18, 48–49, 70–72, 116, 120
liberation films 24–25, 49
visiting camps 18
collective memory
Counterfeiters, The 53
cultural differences
immigration to Israel 44–47, 85
rescue and risk 33–35
women 29–32
Customer of the Off-Season, The 190–193, 196
Cyprus 121
Cyrenaica 123–126
Dachau 20
Dad, Seifollah 165
Dadoun, Israel 114
Dadoune, Joseph 188
Damascus Affair 162
Damascus riots 162
Damascus with Love 162
Danan, Max 181
Daniel, Jean 183–184
Darlan, François 182
Darmon, Yoni 58, 205
Dayan, Nissim 137, 140, 142, 170
Death in Love 53
death marches 58, 60
Decision 34 167–168
Decision 791 168
Decision 792 168
Decision 1250 168
Decision 1544 168
de Gaulle, Charles 63, 128
De-Nur, Yehiel 12
Deri, Aryeh 79, 94n31
Derrida, Jacques 98, 210
Desert Victory 40–41
De Sica, Vittorio 51
diaries 25, 65, 130, 197
Diary of Anne Frank, The 25, 197
Diaspora, The 165
ḏimmah 154, 156, 171
Disabled Victims of Nazi Persecution Law 76–77
Djerba 76, 119–120
Doctor Farhat 156
Allied wartime 39–41
camp liberation films 13, 17, 24–25, 49, 195
Egyptian 160
French 62–67
homemade 44
Israeli 112–113, 118–132, 170–172, 180–185, 206–207
role of Hollywood 39–40, 151
as testimony 13–14
Turkish 146–150
Don’t Touch My Holocaust 111, 200
Douieb, Yeshoshua 131
Dove Flyer, The 140–145, 170, 172
Drancy 20, 51, 58, 62, 149
Drori, Dina 209
Duani, Mordechai 125
Duvdevani, Shmulik 142
Eastern Wind 141
Edge of the West 64
education 169, 187, 209–210
Algerian resistance in 176, 180
Askhenazi policies on 81–82, 84
impact of audio-visual media on 17–18
Kedma Foundation 109–110
in Muslim countries 154
Shas policies on 79–82, 102
in television shows 117
textbooks 107–108, 119, 123, 168, 176, 180, 201
during WWII 123–124
Egypt, Egyptian Jews 156–161
Egypt’s Lost Jews 159
Eichmann trial 12, 21n34, 45, 61, 123, 188
Eilat 190–192
El Alamein 124, 131
Elbaz, Reuven 78
El Ghriba 11
El Hama’ayan 79–80
Emam, Adel 158
Embassy is in the Building, The 157
Erkin, Behiç 147, 150
Escaping Tel Aviv 158
Etoile jaune et croix gammée: récit d’une servitude 65
Eurocentrism 22, 25, 31–33, 48–49, 72–73
Lithuanian school 81–82
“everyman”, Mizrahi 10, 97–100, 203, 209
Arab identity of 98–100
and intellectuals 103, 109–111
and Zionism 103
Exodus 152
expulsions of Jews 78n1, 98, 146, 170–171
Facebook 7, 11, 145
Falah, Rachel 127
Famagusta 121
Farewell Baghdad 140–145, 170, 172
Fargier, Jean-Paul 63
Farhud 19–20, 118, 134, 154, 172
Farhud, The 172
fatalism 46
Fawakherji, Sulaf 163
Ferro, Antoine Casubolo 65
Ferroukhi, Ismaël 53
films. see cinema; documentaries
Final Solution 34, 125, 130
financing of films 57
Fly Away From Here 76
Flying Lessons 3
Fogel, Ron 142
Forgotten Refugees, The 170–171
France 147, 149–150
Free Men 62
From Tripoli to Bergen-Belsen 55, 112, 121–122, 126–130
Gabès 20
Gal, Meir 201
Gan, Pinchas Cohen 208
Garden of the Finzi Continis, The 51
Gates of the Wind 162
Gauck, Joachim 1
Gavriel, Uri 172
al-Gaylani, Rashid Ali 19
Gaza flotilla raid 5, 148
Gelber, Yoav 28–29
Genaro, Frankie 58
Gertz, Nurith 199–200
Gestapo 62, 125, 132, 190–192
Gharyan 20n27, 126
Ghez, Gaston 3
Ghez, Paul 3, 37, 65, 124
Giado 2, 20n27, 49, 121, 125–126, 128, 188
Gibraltar Jews 127–128
Gilad, Ya’akov 61
Gilbert, Martin 68
Gillery, Francis 48
Girl from Israel, The 157
Gleiwitz 58
Golden Square 19
Grandma’s Story 120
Gras, Géo 182
Greek Jewry 18, 61, 119
Green, Henry 67
Green Fields 141
Grey Zone, The 53
Grynszpan, Michael 170
Guédiguian, Robert 53
Guedj, Max 131
Guez, Mathilda 32
Gutman, Israel 174, 179
Gutman, Shmaryahu 134
Guttstadt, Corry 148–149
Hadath Fi Dimashq 162
Haddad, Shimon 131
Hagag-Lilouf, Yaacov 122
Haganah movement 134–136, 176
Hajós, Alfréd 61
Hakim, Levana 171
Hakimi, Tehila 114
Halali, Salim 53, 62
Halbwachs, Maurice 71
Halutzi, Yitzhak 133, 135–136, 172
Hamam in Amsterdam 157
Hamdan, Fharis 164
Hamed, Saeed 157
hammam 56
Hanin, Roger 51–52, 205
Hanukkah 128
HaOket 111
Hara 27, 57
Haret El Yahud 160
Haroche, Serge 210
Hasfari, Hanna Azoulay 134
Hassan, Roy 114
Hatab, Yossef 131
Hativeet, Habrera 110
Hatuka, Shlomi 114
Havatzelet, Ze’ev 200
Ha’Yladim Mi’Shchunat Chaim 116
Heart in the East Coalition 113–114
Helfgott, Ben 63
Helmy, Muhammad 36
Hersco, Tzila 179
Herzog, Isaac 144, 168–169
High Court of Justice 118–119
Hilberg, Raul 174
Hill 24 Doesn’t Answer 191n2, 200
historic consciousness. see consciousness, historic
History of the People of Israel in Our Generation, The 201
Hollywood film industry 39–40, 151
Holocaust (1978) 14, 48
Holocaust, the
iconography of 24–25, 49–50, 52, 71, 205
Mizrahi research on 186
as punishment 84
stereotyping of 27–28, 71
Holocaust as Historical Experience, The 179
Holocaust denial 5, 76, 157
Holocaust memorial days 75, 109–110, 113, 121–122, 173, 203
Holocaust Research Institute 2
hommes libres dir, Les 53
Horseman Without a Horse 158
Houri, Clement 3, 35, 130–132
House on Chelouche Street, The 199
House Salad 159
al-Husseini, Amin 19
Huston, John 40
iconography of the Holocaust 24–25, 49–50, 52, 71, 205
Ifrane 126
Illegals, The 152–153
Illouz, Eva 79
immigration to Israel 44–47, 79, 84–87, 91–92
in film and television 151–153, 163, 171
history of 154–156
illegal 151–153, 166
integration problems 45, 79, 89, 92–93, 96, 100–101, 105, 153
Moroccans 112
opposition to 91
refugees, Israeli government on 167–169
Imperial War Museum 41n12
Inbar, Yehudit 15
In Darkness and in Struggle 179
Indigènes 53
Innsbruck-Reichenau 20, 127–128
intellectuals, Mizrahi. see Mizrahi Rainbow Coalition; New Mizrahi intellectuals; under North African Jews
Ioannina-Athens-Jerusalem 119
Iran, Iranian Jews 155–156
Iraq, Iraqi Jews 106
Farhud 19–20, 118, 134, 154, 172
history of 19–20, 133–135, 140, 146
in Israeli film and television 133–137, 140–145, 172
resistance movements 173
testimonies of 171–172
Israel Broadcast Authority 24, 116, 118, 130, 132, 138
Israeli-Palestinian conflict 64–65, 107–108, 111–112, 136, 141, 144
Italy, Jews in 20, 51, 126–127, 151
Itzik, Dalia 144
Jacob, Jacob 3
Jasmins de la vèranda, Les 54
Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival 55n17, 112
Jew in Cinema, The 200
Jewish Brigade 91, 124, 126
Jewish Neighborhood, The 160
Jewish Underground in Algeria 179
Jews and Muslims: Intimate Strangers 64–65, 206
Jews of Albania, The 119
Jews of Algeria, The 179
Jews of Egypt 160
Jews of Islamic Countries Archiving Project 88
Juifs d’Afrique du Nord pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, Les 65, 206
Juifs de pologne, Les 48
Juin, Alphonse 182–183
kaddish 46, 60, 82
Kadouri, Ezra 134
Kafr Kassem 164
Kamal, Nadia 159
Kanafani, Ghassan 164–165
Kapò 51, 191
Kapos 59, 126–127
Karif, Moshe 89–90, 95
Kasner, Yossi 176–178, 181
Kassem 164
Katsav, Moshe 118
Ka-Tsetnik 12
Kedar, Yifat 120
Kedma Foundation 109–110
Keissar, Adi 114
Kent, Necdet 147, 150
Keren, Ahuva 140
Khamsin 141
al-Khatib, Basil 162, 165
Khenin, Dov 86
Khirbet Hiza’a 141
Khoury, Makram 138
kibbutzim 31, 69, 95, 132
Kimhi, Rami 112–113, 180–181
Kirschenbaum, Shimshon Leib 201
Klarsfeld, Serge 38, 66
Klein, Uri 142, 196
Kleinman, Vivian 64
Klinger, Noah 58, 63
Knesset 10, 79–80, 103
Kohner, Hana Bloch 14
Kol-Inbar, Yehudit 15
Koren, Nurit 168
Kristallnacht 125, 139
Kruc, Stéphane 64
Kulthum, Umm 159
Kurtz, Arie 128
al-Kuwaiti, Saleh 141
Labor party 78, 92, 94, 103
Ladoge, Dominique 57
Laemmle, Carl 151
Lahham, Duraid 162–163
Landy, Marcia 197
leadership, Jewish 37, 43, 79, 96
Tunisian 67–68, 77
Tunisian in Paris 57
Lebanon 133, 138, 154, 161, 164–165
Lebanon War 136
Leibowitz, Yeshayanhu 12
Leila 156
Levin, Meyer 152
Levran, Aharon 164
Levy, David 94, 118
liberation films 13, 17, 24–25, 49, 195
Libya, Libyan Jews
in documentaries 26n6, 66
at the Eichmann trial 45, 123
experiences of 35
history of 20, 154
in Israeli television 121, 123–129
in museum exhibitions 43, 74
research gaps 37
research on 66
resistance by 173
self-identification of 98–99
testimonies of 38
in WWII literature 3
Libya: A Past Community 43
Light Out of Nowhere 199
Likud party 10, 92, 94, 118, 194
Lithuanian Jews 78–82
Littmann, David 36
LivLuv 11
Livnat, Limor 110
Livni, Tzipi 169
Loevy, Ram 141
Lohamei Hagetaot 69
Loi de mon pays, La 57–58
Lokai, Herzliya 133–136
Loren, Sophia 51–52
Losey, Joseph 51
Lossin, Yigal 118
Lo Tafchidunu 151–153
Lover 141
Lowry, Heath 147
Lumet, Sidney 151
Lyotard, Jean-François 12
Ma’ayan Hashavua 83
MacDonald, David 40
Madame Rosa 194–196
Malka, Haim 112
Malraux, Andre 63
Mandatory Palestine 66, 120, 155
Mapai 78, 94
Marmara 5, 148
Martin, Paul 167
Massuah Institute 45, 73
Matter of Time, A 25n6, 35, 112, 121–130, 206
Mazuz, Gilbert 131
Medioni, Messaoud El 62
Meggidish, Moshe 123
Melville, Jean-Pierre 53, 191
Memmi, Albert 3, 29–30, 116–118
memorial services. see commemoration
Mergi, Yaakov 86
Mesika, Mathilda 130
Metahistory 16
Meyer, Helena 61
Meyer, Sylvie 48
Michaeli, Avraham 86
Michel Ezra Safra & Sons 137–140, 170
Michman, Dan 20, 179
mikveh 56, 127
Milhaud, David 48
Mimran, Yehuda 209
Mintz, Alan 15
Miské, Karim 64, 206
Mission in Tel Aviv 158
Mitchell, Carlton 40
Mitterand, François 63
Mizrahi, Albert 159
Mizrahi, Asher 3
Mizrahi, Moshe 188, 190–196, 198, 208
Mizrahi, Togo 156
Mizrahi artists 186–196, 199, 208–209
Mizrahi Jews. see “everyman”; intellectuals; North African Jews
Mizrahi Pillar of Fire, The 209
Mizrahi Rainbow Coalition 10, 89–96, 102, 106
and Arab identity 97–101
and the everyman 103, 109–111
inner conflict 90, 93–95
land distribution 93
lectures by 111–113
and post-colonialism 96–98, 102–103, 105, 107
and post-nationalism 102–103
treatment of history 90–91, 95–96
New Mizrahi intellectuals
Mnuchin, Linda 171
Moati, Serge 54
Mohammed V 36
Monsieur Klein 51
monuments 187
Morocco, Moroccan Jews 36, 64–66, 112, 120, 122–123, 128–129
Mossad 91, 158, 176
Mouawad, Erieny 159
Mourad, Leila 158
movies. see cinema
Muel, Christophe 64
muselmann 12–14
museum exhibitions 42–43, 73–74, 206
Museum for Libyan Jews 11
Museum of Tunisian Jewry 11, 132
music, musicians 61–63, 114, 158–159
Muslim Brotherhood 160
Muslims, Arab
in French films 53, 55, 57, 59
Jewish life under 27, 96–97, 154–157
in new Mizrahi discourse 96–97, 166
as Righteous Among the Nations 33–36
saving Jews 62
Mussolini, Benito 123
My Heart is my Guide 158
My Land 112
Nagar, Lilith 138
Naim, Janette 43
Naji Atallah’s Team 158
Nakache, Alfred 58–59, 62–63
Nakba 64, 95, 102, 111, 199
formation of 5–6, 16, 72–73
public vs. private 30–31
in research 30
Nasser, Gamal Abdel 157, 160–161
Nataf, Claude 38, 43, 50, 65–66, 68, 134n6
National Religious Party 10
Nazi Concentration Camps 13
Nebot, Didier 66
Neighborhood’s Gate, The 161
Neubach, Keren 172
Neumann, Boaz 13
New Mizrahi intellectuals 95–98
disassociation from Ashkenazi 101
identifying as Jewish Arabs 97–98, 100
and life under Arab Muslims 96–97, 166
newspapers, German wartime 42
Night and Fog 14
Night of Fools 112–113, 180–185
Nine out of Four Hundred 201
Noiret, Philippe 51
nombril du monde, Le 54
North African Jewry 119
North African Jews
Aryanization of 5, 123–125, 131
belittlement of 19, 21n32, 28–29, 46, 48, 199
category of Holocaust of 20–22, 187–188, 200
collective memory of 18, 69–76
community of, divided 75–77
differences in experiences of 31, 34–36, 44–45, 49–50
population percentage of 21–22
repression of 46–47, 81–82, 94–95, 101–102, 109
research on 26–33, 37–38, 66, 70, 88–89, 176–180, 203–204
self-identification of 98–99
terminology 8, 10, 78n1
testimonies of 27–31, 37–38, 45–46, 65–66, 73, 122–132
immigration to Israel; specific countries
North African Jews in media 70–72
in Allied footage 39–41
in documentaries 26n6, 48, 118–132, 170–171
in Egyptian film and television 156–161
in French documentaries 62–67
in French films 51–61, 67–68
in German footage 41–42
in Israeli film and television 111–113, 116–132, 170–171
in museum exhibitions 42–43, 69, 73
in Syrian television 161–166
on YouTube 32, 74
photography; testimonies; specific countries
Nuqrat al-Salman 135
Nuremberg trials 13, 18
Odeh, Ayman 168
L’Odyssée des Juifs du Marco 64
Ohayon, Shimon 169
Olympics 58–63
Omar, Muhammad Al 161
Once Upon a Time in Damascus 162
Operation Mural 36
Operation Torch 40, 41n11, 64, 88, 91, 122, 128–129, 175, 181
Operation Torch (2012) 53
Opération Torch, les Alliés débarquent (2008) 64
Ophuls, Marcel 14
L’Oranaise, Reinette 62
Oranienburg 20
Orientalism 96, 104
Orlev, Zevulun 86
Or Shalom Center 11
Ortal, Eyal 75
Or Yehuda Museum 11
Oslo accords 104, 107
Ouaniche, Jacques 58
Oudghiri, Najib 55
Out of the Blue 130–132, 206
Où vas-tu Moshe 112
Pakula, Alan J. 197
Palestine, Palestinians 89, 100, 102, 107–112
history of 155
in Israeli film and television 141
Israeli-Palestinian conflict 64–65, 107–108, 111–112, 136, 141, 144
Nakba 64, 95, 102, 111, 199
Paris 52, 57–60
partisans 44, 69, 173
Pe’amim 2n2, 88, 101
Peauphilet, Bernard 181, 183
Pedaya, Haviya 209
Peres, Shimon 144
Perez, Victor 58–61
Pétain, Philippe 128–129
Petite Jérusalem, La 57
Allied wartime 39, 49
German wartime 42, 66
by Meir Gal 201
in museum exhibitions 42–43, 73
of North African camps 49–50, 204
from private collections 69, 73
Picard, Avi 112n95
Pillar of Fire 118–119, 207–208
Pillar of Salt 3, 29–30, 116–118, 199
Piterberg, Gabi 104
poetry 114
pogroms 153n9
Aleppo 137–138
Farhud 19–20, 118, 134, 154, 172
Poher, Alain 63
Poliker, Yehuda 61
Pontecorvo, Gillo 51, 191
Popiela, Bernard 129
post-colonialism 96–98, 102–103, 105, 107, 141
post-nationalism 102–103
Poznanski, Renée 179
Preminger, Otto 152
in feature films 57, 146–150, 206
German wartime 41–42
confiscation of 155, 166
government decisions on 167–168
lost or left behind 167, 171
Protocols of the Elders of Zion 158, 165
Rabin, Yitzhak 110
Ra’fat El-Haggan 158
Rainbow Coalition. see Mizrahi Rainbow Coalition
Ramadan, Zuhair 165–166
Ramses, Amir 160
rape 29–31, 73, 117
in film and television 52, 55
Rauff, Walter 38, 66, 125, 131–132
Raviya, Germaine 130
Raz-Krakotzkin, Amnon 104
reality shows 14
recognition. see commemoration
reenactments 40–41
Rees, Laurence 48
refugees, Israeli government on 167–169
Reginiano, Abraham 124, 128
Reik, Haviva 131
reparations. see compensation
resistance movements 44, 173–179
in Algeria 91, 112, 122, 128–129, 173–185, 207
in French films 53–54
in Iraq 173
in Israeli television 112, 122, 128–129
in Libya 173
in Tunisia 122, 173–174
underground movements
Resnais, Alain 14
Return to Haifa 164–165
Revivre 120–121
Rhodes 149
Righteous Among the Nations 36
Arab Muslims as 33–36
Turkish as 147–150
Ringelblum, Emanuel 131
Rome, Open City 51
Rommel, Erwin 124
Ronen, Yisrael 176–178, 181
Rossellini, Roberto 51
Rossi, Alfred 131
Röthke, Heinz 180
Rubinstein, Adi 60
Saadoun, Haim 2n2, 31–32, 38, 122, 125, 130, 176–178, 204, 209
Sabille, Jacques 38, 66
Sachsenhausen 20, 54
Sadat, Anwar 157
Said, Edward 96
Salamah 156
Santiago, Claude 65
Satloff, Robert 20, 32, 55
Savoeun, Paul 175
Schach, Elazar 78, 82, 84
Schneerson, Menachem Mendel 84n25
Schwarz, Heinrich 58
Schweitzer, Ariel 152–153
Second Intifada 95
Semel, Nava 3, 76
Sephardi Jews in Occupied France 179
Sephardim 10, 45, 67, 78, 81–82, 90, 209
Sephardi Voices 67
Sereni, Enzo 131, 134
settlement legislation 86–87
Sfax 20, 32, 173
Shaaya, Eli 109
Shamgar, Meir 118–119
Shamosh, Amnon 137–139
Shas party 10, 78–87, 119
culture and history, treatment of 80–87
education policies of 79–82, 102
founding of 78
Holocaust, treatment of 83–84
Rainbow Coalition and 94
settlement legislation 86–87
Shaw, Stanford 148n38
Shefy, Zvi 130
Shelly, David 131
Shenhav, Yehouda 95, 104, 106–107, 178
Shiloach, Yosef 136
Shimoni, Haviv 93
Shiran, Haim 113, 116–118
Shiran, Vicki 89, 95, 102, 113, 116, 118, 209
Shiran v. Broadcasting authority 118–119
Shmuelof, Mati 114
Shohat, Ella 94, 104, 199–200
Sichat Nefesh 172
Sidi Azzouz 20
Signal 42, 66
Signal Corps 40
Signoret, Simone 194
Silence of the Sea, The 191
Sinaia 164
Sireni, Ada 151
Sitbon, Claude 125, 130–132, 181–183
Six-Day War 57
Six Months under the Boot 37
Sobibor 62
Sobol, Neta 134
Solal, Martial 63, 210
Soleil 51–52, 205
Sophie’s Choice 197
Sorrow and the Pity, The 14
Soubai, Seef Alden 162
Sousse 20
Spielberg, Steven 67, 151
Srur, Israel 125
Star of David 58, 60, 158
yellow badges
Stein, Sarah Abrevaya 26
Steir-Livny, Liat 200
stereotyping of the Holocaust 27–28, 71
Stern, Elazar 86
Stern, Yuri 86
Stevens, George 195, 197
Stormy Night 156
Subaie, Rafiq 162–163
Subuh, Muthanna 162
Sucary, Yossi 3, 113, 209
Summer in La Goulette, A 57, 206
Sunshine 51–52, 205
Survivor, The 165
survivor testimonies. see testimonies
Svetlova, Ksenia 145, 168–169
swimmers 58–59, 61–63
Syria, Syrian Jews
emigration from 166
history of 133, 166
in Israeli television 137–140
in Syrian television 161–166
Syrian civil war 162–163
Szenes, Hannah 110, 131
Szturmann, Frieda 36
Tala Al Feddah 162
Tami 119
Tamman, Leon 168
Taub, Gadi 110
television 48
American reality shows 14
Egyptian 157–161
historic drama 64
Israel Broadcast Authority 24, 116, 118, 130, 132, 138
Israeli 112–113, 116–139, 170–172, 207–208
miniseries 14, 48
Syrian 161–166
Terre de lumières – La terre des secrets
testimonies 12–14, 67
of children 33
cultural differences in 29–32
of Iraqi Jews 171–172
in Israeli television 122–132
in museum exhibitions 73
narrative expectations of 44
of North African Jews 27–31, 37–38, 45–46, 65–66, 73, 122–132
of resistance members 177–178, 181–184
of Turkish Jews 147
on YouTube 32, 74, 207
textbooks 107–108, 119, 123, 168, 176, 180, 201
Thessaloniki Jewry 18, 61
This is Your Life 14
Time for Cherries 199n19
Timsit, Martial 183
Tlalim, Asher 111
Torah study 79–82
Tripoli 123–124
Triumph of the Spirit 61
Tshuva, Renato 125
Tsur, Yaron 104, 108, 122, 125, 153
Tuito, Nissim 131
Tunisia, Tunisian Jews
in Auschwitz 58–60
community of, divided 75–77
at the Eichmann trial 45, 123
in French documentaries 65–67
in French films 50, 54–61, 67–68, 205
history of 20, 21n33, 34, 154
in Israeli television 117–118, 120–126, 130–132
research gaps on 37
research on 66
resistance by 122, 173–174
self-identification of 98–99
testimonies of 29, 32
in wartime films 41
in WWII literature 3
Tunisian Victory 41
Turkey, Turkish Jews
in film 147–150
history of 146–150
Turkish Passport, The 146–150, 206
Türkmen, Mina 147
Two Faces in the Mirror 200
Ulkümen, Selahattin 149
underground movements
Algerian 53, 91, 106, 112, 121, 128, 174–185
in French films 53
Iraqi 134, 140
in Israeli film and documentary 112, 122, 128, 134, 140
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 167
Untold Holocaust of North African Jewry, The 120
Victor Young Perez 58–61, 68, 205
vie après la Shoah, La 48
vie devant soi, La 194–196
Villa Jasmin 54
Vita è bella, La 193
Völkischer Beobachter 42, 66
Wachsmann, Daniel 141
Wadi Salib riots 46
Wannsee Conference 66, 132
Warsaw 127, 130–131
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 69
wartime films. see documentaries
Wassef, Muna 163
Wedding Song, The 50, 55–57, 205
Weiss, Ernst 58
welfare institutions 79–80
What a Gang 200
White, Hayden 16
Winter, Jay 28
Winton, Nicholas 120
cultural differences and testimonies of 29–32
in Egyptian television 161
in French films 55–56
in the Haganah 134–136
in Israeli films 133–139, 141
in Mizrahi films 191–195
and the Rainbow Coalition 89
rape 29–31, 55, 73, 117
in Syrian television 161–165
Women for Peace Coalition 111
Wonderful Island of Djerba, The 119
World at War, The 48
World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries 167–168
Yablonka, Hanna 20, 33
Yacoubian Building 158
Yad Mordechai 69, 73
Yad Vashem 7, 33, 45, 67, 70, 73–74, 101, 122, 130, 176–179
Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi Institute 11, 42, 70, 88
Yang, Robert 61
Yehoshua, A.B. 64
Yehuda Halevi 120
yellow badges 34, 41–42, 58–60, 125, 147
Yellow Star and Swastika 37
yeshivas 79–82, 85
Yeshurun, Isaac Zepel 141
Yiddish 82, 85, 159
Yishuv 32, 69, 112, 120
Yitzhak, Amnon 78
Yona, Yossi 95, 103–104
Yosef, Ovadia 78, 80–82
youth movements 32, 131–132, 151, 173–174
YouTube 32, 74, 172, 207
Yuval, Yoram 172
Zamir, Levana 19n25
Zanuck, Darryl 40
Zaribi, Gabi 76–77
Zavit Keha forum 113
Ze’ev, Nissim 168
Zeitoun, Aiel 54
Zenatte, Valérie 3
Zermati, Jacques 181, 183–184
Zionism 81–85, 90–93, 134, 178
as colonialist 96
in Egypt, Egyptian media 156–159, 161
of the everyman 103
in Iraq 140, 173
in Israeli film and television 118, 132, 134–136, 140, 145
Mizrahim as victims of 104, 108
in Mizrahim identity 99–101
as nationalist 102
in Syrian television 165
in Tunisia 173
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Site of Amnesia: The Lost Historical Consciousness of Mizrahi Jewry

Representation of the Experience of the Jews of North Africa and the Middle East during World War II in Israeli, European and Middle Eastern Film and Television

Series:  Brill's Series in Jewish Studies, Volume: 64