List of Figures and Tables

In: Culture and Environment
David Zandvliet
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1.1. Theme of the project 1
2.1. Lowenfeld’s stages in the development of drawing in children 22
2.2. Common elements in the representation of the environment in different drawings 23
2.3. Representation of the environment in the different drawings 24
2.4. Representation of space in the different drawn subjects 26
2.5. Space representation. Differences between type of school and gender. U PU = Urban Public school, U PR = Urban Private school, RI = Rural Indigenous school, B = Boy, G = Girl 27
2.6. Good and bad animals depicted in the drawings of nature: U PU = Urban Public school, U PR = Urban Private school, RI = Rural Indigenous school 28
2.7. Diversity Index of animals. Good and bad regarding school and sex in the drawings of nature. U PU = Urban Public school, U PR = Urban Private school, RI = Rural Indigenous school 28
2.8. Main good and bad animals depicted in the drawings of nature 29
2.9. Reasons why an animal is good or bad in the drawings of nature 30
2.10. Reasons to consider an animal as good in the drawings of nature. U PU = Urban Public school, U PR = Urban Private school, RI = Rural Indigenous school 30
2.11. Reasons to consider an animal as bad in the drawings of nature. U PU = Urban Public school, U PR = Urban Private school, RI = Rural Indigenous school 31
2.12. Percentage of neutral or evasive answers in the drawings of nature. U PU = Urban Public school, U PR = Urban Private school, RI = Rural Indigenous school 31
2.13. Environmental attitudes by drawing context 33
2.14. Feelings in different contexts by drawing context 34
2.15. Correspondence analysis of attitudes in different contexts 34
3.1. Perception of nature in the Andean world 43
3.2. Seminal thought and natural cycle 45
3.3. Relationship of dialogue between human beings and Nature in the Andes 49
3.4. Vertical relationship human beings and Nature 51
4.1. The digital picture book 66
4.2. Word categories 70
4.3. Rubric 70
5.1. Map of Guyana showing communities in the Annai District 79
5.2. The importance of indigenous knowledge to sustainable development 82
6.1. Results of survey 2 and 3. School students were asked (a) about their attitudes for out-of-classroom learning, and (b) about their participation in outdoor excursions (natural science subjects). Participants: 90 school students from 20 schools (28 students 7 to 10 years, 41 students 11 to 14 years, 21 students 15 to 18 years) 98
6.2. Knowledge about butterflies. Sustainability course (n = 18; n = 14. vs. Control group (n = 15; n = 14). Differences are significant (t-test) 99
6.3. The educational software SITAS. Butterfly simulation tool 100
7.1. Methodological design 115
7.2. Map of agroecological collective and self-managed projects in Galicia 117
7.3. Poster of sustainable projects national meetings 118
7.4. Main features of observed projects and processes 122
8.1. Example of sacred natural sites of Dan populations in Yorodougou 133
8.2. Traces of farming activities in the sacred natural sites of Yorodougou 135
10.1. Overview of the development framework 169
10.2. Students’ levels of leadership for sustainability for each round of interviews 171
12.1. “Climate change and agricultural production” class 204
12.2. Student measuring plant’s length and searching the presence of nodule bacteria 205
12.3. Using a refractometer to measure the sugar levels in the plant 206
13.1. Slovenia’s location on the map of Europe 210
13.2. Endemic olm or proteus (Proteus anguinus) living in karst caves in Slovenia 212
13.3. Number of implemented Outdoor Schools and types of Outdoor Schools in Slovenia 219
13.4. Locations of CŠOD centres. Note: CŠOD centres (n.d.) 221
13.5. Model that defines outdoor education (from Higgins & Loynes, 1997, p. 6) 223
13.6. Activities carried out by students in various CŠOD centres 225
14.1. EPA Bairro da Usina location 239
14.2. Hydroelectric power plant 240
14.3. EPA Represa Bairro da Usina overview 240
15.1. Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni city along the Maroni River, in French Guiana 250
15.2. The territory of French Guiana presents a concentration of the population on the coast. The two main cities are Cayenne and Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, also the name of the two municipalities, among the 22, are delimited on the map 252
15.3. Mana along the Mana River 253
15.4. Troglodytes aedon is one of those species nesting in College Arsene Bouyer d’Angoma (pictures taken on the fence). Euphonia violacea uses natural supports to stop 253
15.5. Different views inside and from College Arsene Bouyer d’Angoma that allow us to identify these diverse environments 254
15.6. The College Arsene Bouyer D’Angoma (also called College V) is near the Maroni River and some forest patches (image extracted from Google Earth in January 2018) 254
15.7. Travis H., Marvin A. and Markus G., participating in the Pilot Program on Avifaune and making observations of birds in the Amana Reserve in March 2019 255
15.8. Students participating in the Pilot Program on Avifauna present great knowledge of their environment and abilities in observing and capturing insects. Here are two grasshoppers captured by Rogely E. and Silciano T. and shown to the others before being released in the gardens of the college January 2018 256
15.9. A circular interaction of ideas beyond the bottom-up and up-down approaches makes the knowledge of French-Guiana students fundamental in the process of interpreting the environment/milieu 258
15.10. The Maroni River as seen from the French side. In the background, Suriname 258
16.1. Front and back cover of the publication of CEER 263
16.2. Website home page 264
16.3. Principal sections of the website 265
17.1. Perinole 277
17.2. Game board and chips 278
17.3. The Capital 279
17.4. Merchandise transport in FTA 280
17.5. Summit meetings 281
18.1. Our “table” of natural materials 292
18.2. Connecting objects, drawings and symbolic meanings 296
18.3. Starting the mind-mapping 297
18.4. Adding stories and connections to the map 298
18.5. Completed group maps 299
18.6. Reflecting on the map 300
18.7. Sharing maps, stories and symbols 301
20.1. Campus 8 of Nguyen Tat Thanh University 325
20.2. Students’ activities during the project period 326
20.3. Status of greenery 327
20.4. Species recommendation planted nearby National Highway 1A a) Tectona grandis; b) Chukrasia tabularis; c) Pterocarpus macrocarpus; d) Hopea odorata; e) Dipterocarpus alatus; f) Delonix regia 330
20.5. Species recommendation planted on campus a) Cassia fistula; b) Terminalia mantel; c) Lagerstroemia indica; d) Lagerstroemia peciosa; e) Mimusops elengi; f) Syzygium oleinum; g) Zoysia japonoca; h) Typha orientalis 330
20.6. Species recommendation planted on campus a) Dracontomelon duperreanum; b) Peltophorum pterocarpum; c) Lysidice rhodostegia; d) Cinnamomum camphora; e) Michelia champaca; f) Axonopus compressus; g) Chrysopogon zizanioides 331
20.7. Some reference models for roof garden on the L1 building 331
20.8. Some indoor greenery ideas 332
20.9. Species recommendation planted on campus a) Aglaonema Pseudobracteatum; b) Pride of sumatra; c) Cyrtostachys renda; d) Dieffenbachia; e) Aglaoocma; f) Cordyline terminalis; g) Tillandsia imperalis; h) Aglaonema modestum Schott 332
20.10. Some standing garden ideas 333
20.11. Species recommendation for standing garden a) Nephrolepis cordifolia; b) Coleus blumei Benth; c) Tradescantia pallida; d) Angelica dahurica; e) Petunia hybrida; f) Spathiphyllum; g) Aglaonema muntifolium; h) Aglaonema hybrid 333
20.12. Before and after enhancing greenery on campus 334
20.13. Habitat condition analysis 336
20.14. NDVI analysis results in the study area in spring and winter seasons 337
20.15. Study area selected by change level of NDVI value displayed as a grid layout 337
20.16. Classification of environmental aspects results 338
20.17. Classification of biological aspects results 338
20.18. Ecological corridor establishment 339
21.1. The seven sustainable development or well-being goals 346
21.2. United Nations sustainable development goals (UN, 2018) 355
21.3. Certificate introductory session – English and Welsh language provision 356
21.4. A wales of cohesive communities and a Resilient Wales as illustrated and animated by students from UWTSD’s Swansea college of art 357
22.1. Profile of S curve 369
22.2. Position of S curves in transition 370
22.3. Kuhn Paradigm shift 371
22.4. ESD from the empowerment and the behaviour modification perspective (based on Læssøe, 2009) 376
22.5. CleanTech categories (Berger, 2012) 377
22.6. Timeline StudentStartUp PXL-UHasselt 379
22.7. Different types of interaction in order to obtain good energy performance 389
23.1. Sustainable Development Goals (2015) 398
24.1. The Saskatchewan Ecomuseum Partnership (SEP) currently consists of 7 provincial heritage organizations, a group of Indigenous consultants (Raven Consortium), and a representative of the Saskatchewan Ecomuseum Network (SEN). The SEP is currently chaired by the Royal Saskatchewan Museum (RSM), which is also connected to other organizations involved in ecomuseum or heritage-related research and programs. The SEN is overseen by the Museums Association of Saskatchewan (MAS), with input from the RSM 409
24.2. Theoretical project analysis: to advance and connect theoretical approaches to determine future opportunities for community-based science/research 415
25.1. Location and boundary of the Cihalaay Cultural Landscape 426
25.2. The Cihalaay Cultural Landscape covers about 1,040 hectares and comprises mosaic landscapes of an indigenous village, rice terraces and irrigation channels, orchards, secondary forest, natural forests and streams 426
25.3. Theory of collaborative planning (Healey, 1998, p. 1542) 428
25.4. Development of basic, middle and advanced levels of the EE courses 430
25.5. Stakeholder Matrix according to their importance and influence (based on DFID, 2002) 436
25.6. Interactive framework of stakeholders’ roles and functions in the development of Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced Levels of the Pakalongay Interpreters Training Course from September 2012 to December 2014 437
25.6. Local youngsters learnt to observe and record the agro-biodiversity data of the rice paddies 439
2.1. Drawings obtained by educational modality 17
2.2. Missing elements, very rare or highlighted 25
4.1. Results of the word association task 69
4.2. Example comments by rubric index 71
5.1. Definitions of indigenous knowledge 81
5.2. Biodiversity knowledge that is transmitted through generations 84
6.1. Risk assessment for European butterflies in terms of habitat loss, assuming that there is no dispersal to new habitats, in 2080 (Settele et al., 2008) 95
6.2. Surveys used to evaluate attitudes and knowledge among students from 14 to 18 96
6.3. Results of survey 1 (see Table 6.2). Time spent outside a) Students were asked: How many hours per week do you spend outside? Age of students: 15 to 18 years b) Students were asked to select one of the given time periods (0–7; 8–14; or 15–21 hours). Age of students: 14 to 15 years 97
6.4. Questionnaire used in survey 4 (see Table 6.2). (+) and (–) indicate “right answer” and “wrong answer” respectively 101
6.5. Questionnaire according to survey 5 (Knowledge about butterflies, part 2). (+) and (–) indicate “right answer” and “wrong answer” 102
6.6. Questionnaire according to survey 6. (+) and (–) indicate “right answer” and “wrong answer” 103
8.1. Typology of sacred natural sites of Dan populations in Yorodougou. Investigations in Yorodougou, September to October 2016–January to February 2017 131
8.2. Modes of management of the sacred natural sites of Dan populations of Yorodougou. Investigations in Yorodougou, September to October 2016 and January to February 2017 134
10.1. Adolescent leadership for sustainability matrix 175
11.1. Student inquiry question (Grade three students, 2017, January). (Navigation work booklet, unpublished raw data) 195
13.1. Days of activities in the Slovenian primary and lower secondary schools 215
13.2. Days of activities at Vide Pregarc Basic School for 1st grade for year 2017/18 216
13.3. Outdoor School at the Basic School Dravlje for the year 2017 220
13.4. Historical review of the opening of CŠOD centres 222
20.1. Status of greenery species 328
20.2. Weights of aspects and factors were calculated by questionnaires 338
21.1. The seven sustainable development or well-being goals (Welsh Government, 2016a) 347
21.2. The five ways of working of the well-being of future generations (Wales) Act 2015 (Welsh Government, 2016a) 348
21.3. Example on-line discussion topics from certificate 361
22.1. Key competencies in ESD (Ploum, 2017) 375
22.2. Research transition in ESD 376
22.3. Start-up initiatives in PXL University College 380
22.4. Different scopes for an EPC contracting 387
22.5. Base and enhanced case PXL buildings 388
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