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Abba Love Ministries 253
Abortion 54 , 359
Abrenica, Hermogenes 226228
Abundant Life Center 208
Adams, John A. D. 348
Adelaide 375 , 378380
Africa 2 , 40 , 209 , 280 , 309 , 317
African American 86 , 365
Abrojena, David 233
Agngarayngay, Agapito 221222
Ahn, Youngbok 44
Ai, Tran Dinh Paul 163 , 166
Alcantara, Rosendo 226229
Alphacrucis College 6 , 390
Alcoran-Benavidez 7 , 217
Allan, Dik 7 , 61
Alliance of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches of Singapore (apccs) 282 , 287 , 290
Alt, Margareth 248 , 251
American Samoa 297 , 301 , 301n , 302303 , 307 , 313314 , 316n , 317
amillennialism. See eschatology
Anderson, Allan 2 , 6263 , 196
Anderson, Carrie P. 199
Angelus Temple 233234
Anglican 52 , 92 , 206 , 272 , 274 , 300 , 327 , 358 , 363
Anhui province 7880
Annacondia, Carlos 28
anti-intellectualism 367
Apostles Gospel Outreach Fellowship International (agofi) 310311
Church 245 , 300 , 311 , 314 , 316 , 327 , 330 , 332 , 350 , 356 , 364 , 378
Church of Australia (aca) 300 , 378
Church of Pentecost of Canada 26
College of Theological Studies 311
faith 245
Faith Mission (afm) 15 , 86 , 89 , 94 , 104105 , 375376
leaders 130 , 354 , 364 , 385386
Light 14 , 93
movement 280 , 339 , 364
World Missions (Australia) 311
Apostolic Faith 14 , 374
Appleby, Blanche 9192 , 198
Asia Pacific
region 12 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 108 , 121 , 151 , 236 , 400405
Research Center xi
Theological Association (apta) ix , 5 , 121 , 190 , 210 , 406
Theological Seminary, Philippines (apts) ix , xi , 6 , 120
Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries, Makati, Philippines (ascm) 221 , 223
Asia Theological Association (ata) 210
Assemblies of God
Australia (aga) 19 , 22 , 28 , 40n , 168 , 299 , 332334 , 367 , 379386 , 389390
Bible College 279
Cambodia (agc) 136138 , 143
China Assemblies of God Taiwan (cag) 108109 , 112114 , 122
Department of Foreign Missions (agdfm) 157158 , 166
Fiji (agf) 299 , 302304 , 306307 , 309312
Formosa (agf) 109111
France 136 , 168
French Polynesian (fpag) 315
Great Britain (aggb) 19 , 24 , 203
Indonesia (agi) 250251 , 253 , 256 , 262
Japan (jag) 22n , 2225 , 2829
Kiribati (agk) 318319
Korea (agk) 3941 , 52 , 55
Malaya and Singapore (agms) 201202 , 204
Malaysia 136 , 198 , 202207 , 210
Marshall Islands (miag) 308309
Missionary Fellowship (agmf) 136 , 138
Myanmar (agm) 175191
New Caledonia (agnc) 303304
New Zealand (agnz) 168 , 307 , 350351 , 354357 , 363 , 366
Philippines 218 , 223232
Philippines District Council of the (pdcag) 228
Philippines General Council of the (pgcag) 218 , 231232
Queensland (agq) 377 , 379
Samoa (ags) 307 , 313
Singapore (ags) 271 , 273 , 277 , 281282
Solomon Islands (agsi) 306307 , 310
Thailand (tag) 160 , 164
Theological Seminary (agts) 107 , 113123
United States of America (agusa) 168 , 250 , 272 , 298
Vanuatu (agv) 304
World Missions (agwm) 122 , 135
Associated Pentecostal Churches of New Zealand 360
Auckland 350 , 352353 , 356 , 358 , 361 , 364365
Au, Connie 85
Augustine, Daniela 3
Austin, Denise A. 1 , 68 , 15 , 195 , 195n , 273 , 372 , 400
Australasian Pentecostal Studies Centre xi
Australia 93 , 136 , 144 , 161 , 165 , 168 , 211 , 280 , 298301 , 307 , 310311 , 313 , 318 , 320 , 326 , 328
Australian Christian Churches 28 , 165 , 332n , 356 , 390391
Australian Indigenous 8 , 372 , 376 , 381384 , 392
Awrey, Daniel 8789
Ayres, Mary (Molly) 376
Azusa Street 2 , 13 , 30 , 38 , 62 , 91 , 103 , 196 , 258 , 374 , 401
Back to Jerusalem Movement 75 , 402
Baker, David H. 203 , 205
Baker, Graham and Irene 335
Baker, James and Marjorie 109111
Balcombe, Dennis 67 , 74 , 77 , 80
Bali 249 , 249n
Bangkok 103n , 152 , 155156 , 159162 , 164166 , 253 , 274
In Jesus’ name 251352
in the Spirit 1418 , 20 , 2223 , 2930 , 3839 , 4245 , 44n , 50 , 66 , 68 , 72 , 74 , 79 , 8687 , 90 , 92102 , 103n , 116 , 135 , 141 , 141142 , 149 , 155 , 157 , 163 , 167 , 169 , 202 , 205 , 225 , 233 , 237 , 247 , 254 , 260 , 273274 , 299300 , 302303 , 305 , 326 , 333 , 349 , 353 , 358 , 376 , 385 , 401402
in water 15 , 39 , 86 , 95 , 141142 , 225 , 196 , 204 , 305306 , 308 , 315 , 352
Baptist 19 , 52 , 92 , 161 , 178 , 180 , 248 , 272 , 315 , 327 , 330 , 358359
Barnabas, Mam 133 , 138
Batak 247 , 251252
Beijing 76 , 93 , 95
Bell, John and Ruth 25
Benavidez, Edwardneil 7 , 218
Benentindi, Garland 109
Berean Women Bible School (bwbs) 17 , 19
Bernaldez, Emil 225
Bernauer, Estella A. 1416
Berntsen, Bernt 93
Bethel Temple 27 , 230231 , 233 , 248 , 258 , 268 , 352353 , 377378
interpretation 44 , 4648 , 52 , 53n , 5455 , 67 , 77 , 339 , 380
translation 327
Bible College of Malaysia (bcm) 198 , 201 , 203 , 207 , 210 , 213 , 216 , 273
See also Bible Institute of Malaya
Bible Institute of Malaya (bim) 203205 , 207 , 210 , 273
See also Bible College of Malaysia
college 24 , 26 , 33 , 103 , 110 , 115116 , 125 , 156 , 161 , 170 , 176 , 177 , 180 , 194 , 198 , 201 , 203 , 210 , 212 , 213 , 216 , 221 , 225 , 229 , 232 , 233 , 234 , 235 , 279 , 281 , 299 , 306307 , 309 , 317318 , 321 , 334 , 337 , 367 , 380 , 395
school 1718 , 2425 , 32 , 34 , 76 , 78 , 88 , 89 , 110112 , 122 , 130 , 152 , 154 , 156 , 158 , 167 , 190 , 193 , 217 , 220221 , 224 , 233235 , 237 , 240 , 262 , 279 , 281 , 302 , 307 , 313 , 315316 , 318 , 330 , 337 , 353 , 383 , 404
training 17 , 71 , 78 , 131 , 180 , 203 , 225 , 279 , 310 , 313314
biblical 44 , 4648 , 5255 , 67 , 7778 , 80 , 91 , 110 , 115 , 116117 , 119 , 217 , 240 , 275 , 281 , 289 , 291 , 349 , 352 , 405
Blekking, Bernard 247248
blessing 18 , 24 , 32 , 34 , 37 , 4143 , 4547 , 5657 , 86 , 151 , 172 , 247 , 254 , 261 , 276 , 280 , 326 , 337 , 340 , 344 , 372 , 405
Bloomfield, Ray 354 , 384
Boddy, Alexander 88 , 93
Booth-Clibborn, William 377378 , 394
born again 237 , 260 , 342
‘Born Again’/’Word of Life’ Movement, China 62 , 6870
Bread of Life Church, Taiwan 120
East India company 272
Israel 350 , 380
Buddhism 98 , 134 , 146 , 159 , 173 , 283 , 292
Burke, Todd 134 , 147
Burma. See Myanmar
Burma Socialist Programme Party (bspp) 181182
business 14 , 71 , 82 , 97 , 99 , 103 , 112 , 124 , 138 , 178 , 180181 , 186 , 203 , 208209 , 211 , 217 , 237238 , 242 , 259 , 261 , 267 , 274 , 303 , 307 , 309 , 321 , 389 , 396
C3. See Christian City Church
Cakau, Sevuloni and Iva 303 , 310
Cakua, Alipate 299
Cartledge, David 367 , 369 , 385
Cartledge, Mark iiiii
Assembly 205 , 210
Chapel Church 316
Charismatic Centre 278
Convention Centre 210
Cambodia 5 , 7 , 129140 , 142150 , 171 , 188 , 203 , 207 , 209 , 212 , 216 , 286 , 292 , 401403
Cambodia Bible Institute (cbi) 138
Cambodia Global Action (CGA) 143 , 146
Cambodia School of Missions (csm) 139
‘Canaan Hymns’ 74
Canada 24 , 26 , 93 , 103 , 108 , 159 , 222 , 334 , 345 , 352 , 366 , 371 , 401
Canadian Pentecostalism
Canton(ese) 8688 , 91 , 94 , 9697 , 99 , 101 , 198 , 201 , 203 , 272
Cameron, John 347 , 357
capitalism 133 , 148 , 202
Carter, John 6
Cary, Lovell 221222
Cathart, William 378
Catholic (Roman Catholic Church)
Charismatic Movement (ccm) 7 , 27 , 34 , 236 , 237
Charismatic Renewal 236 , 238239 , 253254 , 258
Caudle, Benjamin 223224 , 239
cell groups 136 , 208 , 277 , 284
Center of Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (crcs) 257 , 262
Ceylon 195 , 197198 , 202 , 272
Ceylon Pentecostal Mission (cpm) 197198 , 272273
Cha, Youngbae 44 , 56
chai qian 74
Chandler, Trevor 385
Chan, Simon K. H. 400
Chantakorn, Nirut 156 , 159 , 165
Charoenwongsak, Kriengsak and Rojana 161162
charismata 66 , 72 , 74 , 79 , 153 , 195 , 236 , 358 , 367 , 372 , 395
See also gifts
Charismatic Movement (Renewal) 4 , 7 , 13 , 20 , 2730 , 3435 , 3839 , 56 , 59 , 63 , 82 , 108 , 120 , 129 , 131 , 133 , 150 , 152 , 171 , 190191 , 196 , 199 , 205206 , 208210 , 212 , 216218 , 230 , 235239 , 241242 , 252255 , 257 , 267 , 269 , 271 , 273275 , 281 , 292293 , 299 , 319320 , 322 , 325 , 331 , 337 , 344 , 347 , 349 , 352353 , 355 , 357359 , 365 , 367371 , 384385 , 392 , 401
Chase, Michael 7 , 107126
Chen Cunfu 71
Chen Zhongdao 73
Cheng, Heng 137 , 144145 , 148
Chesnut, Arthur 22 , 31 , 38
Chin State 175 , 178179 , 181 , 186
China 2 , 5 , 22 , 27 , 30 , 6165 , 6770 , 7378 , 8083 , 8586 , 8889 , 9197 , 102104 , 106113 , 117 , 125 , 150153 , 165 , 170 , 176 , 195196 , 198201 , 203 , 212 , 218 , 227229 , 272 , 280 , 284285 , 378 , 386 , 401405
China Assemblies of God Taiwan District Council (cag) 108 , 109 , 112 , 122
China Assemblies of God Taiwan General Council (caogtgc) 113114 , 122
China Inland Mission 92 , 95
Chinese House Church Networks (chcn) 6169 , 7274 , 7677 , 8081
Chit, Myo 179 , 183186 , 188 , 193
Cho, David (Paul) Yonggi vii , 2 , 6 , 28 , 34 , 3760 , 278 , 385
Choi, Duk-Sung 51 , 53 , 56 , 60
Choi, Yung Hun 6 , 3760
Chong, Ezekiel 202
Chong, Terence 195 , 209 , 211 , 213 , 216 , 275 , 279 , 288 , 291292
and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) 130131 , 153 , 156157 , 162163 , 166
City Church (ccc), C3 278 , 283 , 387 , 391393
Life Centre (clc) 330 , 355356 , 385
Mission Fellowship International (cmfi) 317318 , 321322
Outreach Centre (coc) 310 , 338 , 385
Revival Crusade (crc) 310 , 331332 , 335337 , 339 , 340 , 344 , 380381 , 395
Christensen, Inger 300
Christology 47 , 53 , 60
Christ’s Ambassadors 109 , 201 , 313314
building 20 , 23 , 24 , 103 , 112 , 131 , 154 , 155 , 201 , 204 , 220 , 247 , 264265 , 286 , 289 , 299 , 302
growth 3942 , 45 , 5758 , 132 , 138 , 144 , 148 , 197 , 199 , 215217 , 230 , 235236 , 242 , 245 , 275 , 277278 , 297 , 312 , 320 , 327 , 333334 , 338 , 356 , 363 , 372 , 379 , 385 , 392 , 398 , 404
planting 129 , 132 , 138140 , 142 , 145146 , 148 , 160 , 164165 , 169 , 175 , 177 , 179 , 196 , 199 , 202 , 204 , 208 , 212 , 215 , 229 , 232233 , 235 , 265 , 297 , 306 , 308309 , 317 , 320 , 327 , 331332 , 337 , 355 , 380 , 383
Church of Christ 152 , 300 , 308 , 350
Church of God
Cleveland, Tennessee (cog) 21 , 160 , 218219 , 401
Theological College 221
World Missions 160 , 220
Church of Singapore 274 , 289 , 291
Cing, Mary Hau Lun 175 , 179 , 192
City Harvest Church (chc) 210 , 271 , 277 , 289 , 291 , 293 , 210 , 271
civil society 28 , 34 , 181
Clement, John 2223 , 31
Clements, Darin 7 , 129150
Clifton, Shane 6 , 8 , 332 , 372398
Coady, Ron 351353
collaboration(s) 5 , 85106
commerce, commercialisation 8 , 71 , 301 , 316 , 320321
communism 5253 , 150 , 162 , 212
development 129 , 132 , 142144 , 146 , 149 , 174 , 183189 , 192194 , 330 , 403 , 406
engagement 144 , 183 , 190
conference(s) 2029 , 3233 , 3839 , 48 , 55 , 60 , 72 , 9394 , 110111 , 143 , 147 , 154 , 165 , 201 , 210211 , 213215 , 236 , 280 , 284 , 309310 , 332 , 343 , 361 , 376 , 378380 , 383 , 385 , 387388 , 390 , 393 , 397399
Confucianism 108 , 125
Congregational, Congregationalist, Congregationalism 14 , 1920 , 2223 , 25 , 29 , 32 , 38 , 49 , 57 , 72 , 77 , 79 , 8587 , 90 , 92 , 102104 , 107108 , 114 , 137 , 141 , 155 , 164 , 190 , 198 , 200201 , 203205 , 207 , 209 , 211212 , 219 , 222223 , 230 , 232 , 234 , 249250 , 263 , 274 , 276277 , 299300 , 302 , 304 , 306 , 309313 , 315316 , 327 , 332333 , 335 , 340341 , 352 , 373 , 375 , 377 , 380381 , 390392 , 394 , 404
Conley, James and Doreen 299 , 321
conservative(s) 386
contextualisation 67 , 325 , 338 , 404405
conversion 22 , 116 , 133134 , 159 , 161 , 164165 , 167 , 169 , 172 , 175 , 204 , 225 , 233 , 259 , 261 , 265 , 267 , 282283 , 286288 , 297 , 305306 , 323 , 342 , 345 , 349 , 378
Cook Islands 297 , 314 , 321 , 337
Coote, Leonard W. 16 , 20 , 22 , 25 , 31
Cornerstone Community Church 282 , 401
Cortez Sr, Fulgencio 219222 , 239
Crooke, Wayne 161
cult 69 , 7677 , 8082 , 145 , 226 , 281 , 365 , 378
Cultural Revolution 70 , 73 , 99100 , 102
culture 1 , 6 , 54 , 55 , 63 , 108 , 116 , 125 , 141 , 150 , 171 , 177 , 193 , 245 , 255 , 260 , 266 , 270 , 277 , 279 , 290 , 301 , 307 , 316 , 322 , 342 , 346 , 363 , 365 , 368 , 379 , 381382 , 384 , 388389 , 392 , 396 , 398399 , 401 , 405
Dallimore, A. H. 350 , 360
dancing 73 , 209 , 312 , 341 , 385 , 398
Dakhum, David 176 , 178
Davao Bible College 221
Davidson, Alexander 380 , 383 , 395
Davidson, Hugh and Agnes 332333 , 383 , 395
Deane, Anna 87 , 89 , 91 , 103 , 105
Defante, Vicente 233234
de Jong, Paul 356 , 361
deliverance 79 , 135 , 154 , 279280 , 292 , 338
demons 6 , 16 , 54 , 64 , 74 , 7980 , 99 , 134 , 153154 , 159 , 163 , 206 , 246 , 312 , 322 , 325 , 328 , 339 , 385 , 398 , 402403
See also spirits; exorcism
Denison, Everett and Ruth 234
Denney, Frank and Clara 9192 , 104105
denomination, denominationalism 5 , 7 , 13 , 2122 , 2527 , 2930 , 37 , 4041 , 4344 , 50 , 52 , 5455 , 5961 , 65 , 82 , 92 , 9697 , 100112 , 114116 , 119123 , 129 , 131134 , 136138 , 140 , 146 , 160 , 162163 , 165 , 178 , 182183 , 190 , 196 , 201 , 208 , 216 , 220 , 225227 , 229 , 231235 , 237 , 241 , 243 , 252253 , 255256 , 258 , 262 , 271 , 274 , 276 , 278 , 281282 , 285 , 297 , 305 , 309315 , 318320 , 326328 , 330332 , 335338 , 341342 , 345 , 347 , 350 , 352354 , 359 , 363366 , 375377 , 381382 , 384 , 386 , 391392 , 401 , 406
Destiny Congregation Fellowship of Churches 335
Diaz, Silverio M. 233
di yi dai 69
diversity 4 , 7 , 13 , 28 , 34 , 166 , 196 , 209210 , 212 , 258 , 264 , 266 , 284285 , 293 , 298 , 303 , 305 , 309 , 312 , 314 , 319321 , 379 , 381 , 384 , 392 , 405406
disaster relief 40 , 93 , 188189
Dithridge, Harriett 17 , 26 , 31
doctrine, doctrinal 43 , 46 , 48 , 52 , 55 , 5758 , 65 , 6869 , 7273 , 76 , 87 , 94 , 116 , 121 , 138 , 155 , 174 , 177 , 211 , 214 , 226 , 277278 , 308 , 313 , 315 , 318320 , 328 , 335336 , 350 , 352 , 380381
Door of Hope Mission 15 , 94
Dorsey, Randy and Carolyn 135136 , 147
Dowdy, Naomi 279
Dowie, John Alexander 348 , 373374 , 393395 , 398
dream(s) 24 , 34 , 72 , 77 , 246 , 284
Drinkwater, Ian 358
dualism 274 , 366 , 369
Duncan, Philip B. and Mollie 377 , 381 , 385 , 395
Dutch 130 , 209 , 243 , 245247 , 249 , 251 , 326 , 401
East Indies 243 , 247 , 249 , 251 , 326
Mennonite Mission Society 247
Pentecostal Missionary Society 247 , 401
Eady, Constance Swinfen 302 , 305 , 321
East Asia 1 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 11 , 127 , 133 , 143144 , 148150 , 169 , 172 , 175 , 192 , 195197 , 202 , 206 , 209213 , 216 , 261 , 264 , 266 , 268 , 276 , 278 , 280 , 283285 , 291293 , 303 , 305 , 312 , 314 , 319321
Eastern Lighting 76
Christian 44 , 47 , 58 , 116 , 151
experiential 281
health 143 , 181 , 185187 , 403
higher 115 , 122 , 260
theological 107 , 120 , 124126 , 182 , 190 , 193 , 248 , 269 , 278 , 281
vocational 40 , 138
Ecclesia Bible College 103 , 204
ecclesiology 332 , 343 , 375 , 378379 , 380 , 386 , 388 , 394 , 398
economic 4 , 29 , 40 , 7172 , 118 , 125 , 145146 , 174 , 177 , 181 , 187 , 191 , 217 , 237 , 242 , 261 , 276 , 289 , 316 , 323326 , 328 , 340 , 343346 , 365
ecumenism xiv , 6 , 381 , 394 , 403 , 406
egalitarianism 108 , 260
Eim, Yeol-Soo 42
Eliam, Alex 309
El Shaddai 210 , 213 , 238 , 242
Elim Church 352 , 356
Empower 34 , 910 , 29 , 32 , 42 , 58 , 62 , 68 , 70 , 83 , 138 , 156 , 197 , 211212 , 214 , 233 , 240 , 328 , 364 , 377 , 381 , 403
empowerment 3 , 74 , 217 , 241 , 257 , 261 , 325 , 338339 , 367 , 375 , 383 , 401
Engcoy, Dynnice Rosanny 7 , 217 , 224n
English 4 , 14 , 9293 , 116 , 130 , 132 , 135 , 139 , 144 , 201 , 203205 , 207208 , 223 , 253254 , 299300 , 304 , 309 , 317 , 357 , 404
Episcopal 391
eschatology 37 , 42 , 4650 , 56 , 5960 , 80 , 174 , 177 , 352
Esperanza, Rodrigo C. 224 , 226229 , 231 , 240
ethics 37 , 276 , 301 , 322 , 374 , 394
Europe, European 2 , 9 , 53 , 85 , 136 , 195 , 210 , 215 , 243 , 247 , 258 , 272 , 299 , 310 , 326327 , 329 , 331 , 348 , 355
Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia (efc) 132 , 136137 , 140 , 143145 , 147148
Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand (eft) 160
Evangel Church, Myanmar 175 , 180 , 183 , 190192
Evangelical Church of Vietnam (ecv) 162163
evangelicalism 177 , 193 , 297 , 323 , 351 , 361 , 388
evangelism 7 , 23 , 37 , 46 , 50 , 53 , 55 , 7475 , 109112 , 124 , 145 , 157 , 159 , 174 , 177 , 179 , 183 , 186 , 199 , 215 , 219 , 222 , 230 , 235 , 238 , 243245 , 271 , 277 , 279 , 283285 , 302 , 317 , 331 , 336337 , 351 , 353 , 355 , 363
Andrew 367 , 385387 , 393
Ashley 386
John 378
Russell and Samantha 387
Tom and Stella 333
evil spirits. See spirits; demons
expansionism 277
exorcism. See demons
Ezekiel, John 202
faith 12 , 7 , 9 , 1317 , 1922 , 3132 , 34 , 37 , 4243 , 4647 , 48 , 5052 , 5460 , 6263 , 65 , 7576 , 80 , 82 , 85 , 86 , 89 , 91 , 9394 , 98 , 100104 , 110 , 114115 , 117 , 121 , 123 , 137 , 141143 , 147 , 153154 , 165 , 168 , 188 , 190 , 198199 , 201 , 215 , 236237 , 245 , 256 , 260 , 266 , 271 , 273 , 275276 , 282 , 285 , 292293 , 297 , 322 , 328 , 339 , 342 , 351 , 356357 , 364366 , 369 , 380 , 373375 , 389 , 395
Faith Community Baptist Church 271
Fangcheng network 7375 , 81 , 84
fasting 69 , 75 , 117 , 167
Fatialofa, Makisua and Mauosamoa 307 , 322
Federated States of Micronesia 297 , 309 , 319320
feminism 290 , 359 , 375
Feng Jianguo 75 , 77
Fida International 151 , 174 , 183194 , 229 , 240
See also Finnish Free Foreign Mission
Fiji 2 , 297299 , 301306 , 308 , 310314 , 316319 , 321324 , 337338 , 343
filial piety 103104
Filipino, Filipina 25 , 209 , 217 , 220 , 222229 , 232235 , 239240 , 242 , 284
filled 16–17 , 22 , 72 , 74 , 79 , 91 , 94 , 137 , 142 , 154–155 , 158–159 , 169 , 198 , 203 , 288 , 299–300 , 304 , 306 , 325 , 328 , 339 , 342 , 350 , 375 , 377 , 401
Finnish Free Foreign Mission (fffm) 27 , 108 , 151 , 155156 , 171172 , 202 , 272 , 401
See also Fida International
Fivefold Gospel 4 , 9 , 4142 , 46 , 57
Foo, Philip 196
Fourfold Gospel 42
flourishing 3 , 7 , 22 , 79 , 132 , 161 , 277 , 291 , 301 , 363 , 389 , 397
Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center xi , 13 , 224 , 241
Foursquare Gospel Church (fgc) 22 , 26 , 28 , 34 , 42 , 52 , 142 , 165 , 217 , 233236 , 240 , 242 , 316 , 330332 , 334336 , 339 , 375376
See also International Church of the Foursquare Gospel
French 129131 , 150 , 153154 , 156 , 297 , 303304 , 315316 , 402
French Polynesia 297 , 315316
Frost, Michael 8 , 347370
Full Gospel
Assembly 40 , 159 , 165 , 170 , 208 , 214 , 385
Businessmen’s Fellowship International 208 , 274
Full Gospel Assemblies of Thailand (fgat) 159 , 165 , 170
Tabernacle 21 , 101 , 105 , 208209 , 213214 , 233 , 256 , 339 , 373 , 377
Fuyin Yue 75
French Polynesian Assemblies of God church (fpag) 315
fundamentalism 23 , 50 , 62 , 65 , 73 , 177178 , 193 , 201202 , 214 , 216 , 269 , 310 , 351 , 370
Gakiya, Mitsuo 27
Gallagher, Luisa J. 8 , 325
Gallagher, Sarita 8 , 325
Garr, Alfred G. and Lillian 8588 , 9092 , 103105 , 329 , 331 , 344 , 367
Garsulao, Crispulo 224225 , 240
gender 19 , 31 , 143144 , 243 , 257 , 267 , 289 , 307 , 312 , 322 , 342 , 375 , 393
geography, geographical 2 , 4 , 67 , 68 , 230 , 243 , 245246 , 250 , 255 , 315 , 326 , 358
George, William 382
Gereja Bethal Indonesia (gbi) 252 , 285
Germany 247 , 326 , 165
gifts 3 , 37 , 4345 , 56 , 60 , 66 , 72 , 7779 , 94 , 99 , 114 , 116117 , 141 , 153 , 156 , 163 , 236237 , 254 , 260261 , 278 , 341 , 349 , 353 , 357 , 378 , 400 , 402 , 406
charismatic 153 , 357
of the Spirit 4344 , 77 , 254 , 260261 , 378 , 402
See also charismata
Gillespy, Jessie 2425
global, globalisation 110 , 2122 , 27 , 2930 , 32 , 37 , 40 , 42 , 55 , 58 , 6166 , 68 , 74 , 78 , 8283 , 85 , 104 , 108 , 120 , 125 , 134 , 143 , 146 , 159 , 161 , 163 , 165 , 169171 , 173 , 179 , 188 , 191 , 193 , 195197 , 199 , 202 , 209 , 211215 , 217 , 236242 , 248 , 257260 , 264265 , 267269 , 271272 , 279280 , 289 , 291292 , 297 , 299301 , 304313 , 315318 , 320325 , 331 , 336337 , 339 , 342343 , 348 , 351352 , 355 , 367369 , 376377 , 379 , 383 , 387394 , 397 , 399400 , 405406
glossolalia . See tongues
gnosticism 3 , 10
God 4 , 5 , 14 , 18 , 22 , 32 , 4548 , 5051 , 5354 , 5758 , 69 , 7374 , 7779 , 8687 , 91 , 95 , 99 , 101103 , 105 , 109 , 111 , 114117 , 123124 , 143 , 147 , 151 , 153154 , 156 , 158 , 162163 , 167168 , 185 , 197199 , 206 , 208 , 212 , 244 , 261 , 265 , 267 , 275276 , 279 , 285 , 291 , 297 , 301 , 303 , 324325 , 328329 , 331 , 334 , 339 , 340341 , 343 , 347348 , 351 , 353 , 369 , 372 , 374 , 376379 , 381 , 385 , 388 , 389 , 395396 , 401403 , 406
Goh, Daniel P. S. 196 , 276277 , 290.
Good News Hall 18 , 375
Gore, Kellesi 8 , 297
Gorospe, Adonis Abelard O. 7 , 218
gospel [of Christ] 21 , 26 , 4143 , 46 , 46n , 73 , 75 , 77 , 80 , 9394 , 97 , 104 , 111 , 114 , 130 , 135 , 151 , 153 , 155 , 158 , 163 , 174 , 179 , 184185 , 187 , 191 , 224225 , 258 , 263 , 273 , 284285 , 298300 , 305 , 307 , 316317 , 325 , 327328 , 340 , 342 , 364 , 374 , 383 , 389 , 401 , 403
See also Fivefold Gospel; Fourfold Gospel; Full Gospel; social gospel
grassroots 3 , 4 , 115 , 391
Graham, Billy 318 , 351 , 380
Grant, Paul and Dulcie 300301
Great Britain 196
See also British; United Kingdom
Greenwood, Charles L. 377 , 379380
Grey, Jacqueline 1 , 6
Groesbeek, Cornelis and Mies 247249
Guangzhou 73 , 93
Guneratnam, Tan Sri Prince 205 , 207 , 210
Guynes, Delmer R. 201 , 205
Haleck, Max and Taulima 307
Hammond, Arthur and Esther 130 , 130n
Hansen, Mina 247248
Harris, Charles 382
Harris, Leo Cecil 335336 , 380
heal, healing 16 , 18 , 25 , 42 , 6465 , 72 , 74 , 7780 , 86 , 90 , 9599 , 101 , 111 , 134 , 142 , 153 , 154155 , 157159 , 161 , 163 , 165 , 197198 , 206 , 218 , 225 , 230 , 236239 , 244 , 248249 , 259 , 261 , 265 , 273274 , 277 , 279280 , 284285 , 289 , 299 , 302 , 306 , 315 , 328329 , 338339 , 341 , 343 , 347351 , 353354 , 366 , 373375 , 392 , 402403
See also miracle; gifts
health, healthcare 4243 , 98 , 143 , 181 , 185187 , 237 , 259 , 261 , 277 , 329 , 389 , 403
See also prosperity
Hebei province 93
Heetebry, Adrian and Charlotte 298299
Helland, Rena 86
Henan province 7375 , 93 , 95
heretical 21 , 69 , 245 , 381
hermeneutic 50 , 78 , 352353
Hetherington, Isabella 376
Heungshan 9798 , 101 , 104
Hewitt, John 378
Hillsong 2 , 28 , 355 , 368 , 388391 , 402 , 404
Hinduism 283
Hinn, Benny 28 , 47 , 280
Ho Chi Minh 154 , 167
holiness 22 , 27 , 53 , 8687 , 91 , 115 , 197 , 348
Hollenweger, Walter 63
Hollingsworth, Bert and Charmaine 382
Holy Spirit 2021 , 27 , 4142 , 4546 , 54 , 63 , 67 , 72 , 77 , 79 , 89 , 9293 , 114 , 117 , 156 , 206 , 236237 , 244 , 251 , 253254 , 282 , 300 , 308 , 312 , 326 , 333 , 343 , 352 , 401
anointing 72 , 74 , 79 , 115
. See also filled ; baptism
fruits 72
outpouring 163 , 300 , 373
power 74 , 158 , 163 , 199 , 327 , 338339 , 378 , 387 , 392 , 401 , 406
work ix , x , 38 , 43 , 45 , 48 , 51 , 5455 , 66 , 81 , 198 , 254 , 265 , 274
homosexual, homosexuality 38 , 50 , 54 , 359360
See also lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (lgbti)
Honiara 59n , 306
Hong Kong 5 , 7 , 67 , 85106 , 109 , 199201 , 203204 , 235 , 273 , 401402
Hong Kong Pentecostal Mission 85106
Hope of Bangkok 161 , 164
Horstman, H. E.
Hosack, James 7 , 150
Hosoi, Makoto 29
house church 7 , 28 , 6162 , 68 , 70 , 117 , 136 , 140 , 311 , 347 , 357 , 366
Brian and Bobbie 388 , 390391
Frank 353356 , 358 , 366368 , 384
Kevin 330 , 341
Morris and Leila 333
Huang, Titus 196
Huff, Ken 7 , 129
Hughes, Mason and Virgene 334336
Huh, Hong 3839
Hurston, John and Maxine 157
identity 6162 , 65 , 81 , 92 , 145 , 202 , 205207 , 212 , 243 , 259 , 262 , 282 , 342 , 361362 , 368 , 384 , 400403
Ikoma Bible School (ibs) 2526
immigration 206 , 306 , 355
imperialism 21 , 81 , 97 , 108
incarnation 65
independent 15 , 21 , 92 , 120 , 152 , 159 , 161 , 164 , 197 , 202 , 204 , 208 , 219 , 229 , 234 , 238 , 248 , 252 , 271 , 274 , 276 , 281282 , 300 , 308 , 311313 , 330 , 342 , 350 , 356 , 361 , 363 , 365 , 383 , 390 , 401
Indian 14 , 197198 , 203 , 209 , 212 , 258 , 272 , 284 , 298299 , 310
indigenous, indigenise(d), indigenisation 4 , 68 , 18 , 30 , 63 , 84 , 92 , 96 , 104 , 136 , 145 , 60 , 195 , 198 , 202 , 217 , 219 , 223 , 235 , 238 , 244 , 272 , 279280 , 291 , 312 , 329330 , 341342 , 352354 , 362363 , 365 , 368 , 372 , 376 , 381384 , 392 , 400 , 403404 , 405
See also Australian Indigenous
individualism, individualistic 275
Indonesia 7 , 139 , 188 , 209 , 243 , 246265 , 283284 , 326337 , 402405
insider 400
initial evidence 17
See also tongues, as evidence
Christian Assembly (ica) 136
Cooperation Cambodia (icc) 143
Network of Churches (inc) 310 , 385
Church of the Foursquare Gospel 233235 , 316 , 330 , 334335 , 375376
Institute for Church Planting Cambodia (icpc) 138
Ipoh 196198 , 202204 , 207
Islam(ic) 146n , 202 , 263264
See also Muslim
Italian 383
Ito, Chirukichi 19
Jackson, Cecil and Edith 198 , 272
Jackson, Ray 352353
Jakarta 243 , 249 , 250251 , 253254 , 256258 , 261262
Praise Community Church (jpcc) 258
Jalan Sayor 201
Japan 6 , 1330 , 38 , 42n , 86 , 89 , 93 , 102 , 150 , 154 , 176 , 200 , 218 , 228229 , 235 , 378 , 380 , 402404
Apostolic Mission 20
Bible Church (jbc) 17
Bible Church Denomination (jgcd) 21
Evangelical Association (JEA) 28
Evangelistic Band (jeb) 24
Evangelical Church (jec) 2728
Pentecostal Bible Training School (jpbts) 1718
United Pentecost Church (jupc) 25
Java 244250 , 256 , 264n
Javanese 243244
Jesuit 130 , 153 , 236
Jesus 17 , 26 , 42 , 45 , 4748 , 5051 , 5354 , 64 , 7677 , 79 , 93 , 98 , 101102 , 131n , 142 , 158 , 163 , 177180 , 211 , 220 , 236 , 249 , 251 , 260n , 285 , 352 , 356 , 359 , 386 , 387 , 388n , 401 , 403
Family 2–3 , 7 , 16 , 18 , 26 , 64 , 73 , 76 , 79 , 85 , 88 , 96 , 101 , 141 , 144 , 151 , 157 , 169 , 207 , 218 , 225 , 228 , 233 , 285–286 , 290 , 298 , 302–303 , 305 , 309-310 , 312 , 317 , 347 , 356 , 361 , 386 , 392
Life House Church 28
only 155
Johnson, Bill 280 , 285
Johnson, Leland 227228
Johnson, Neville 355 , 384
Carl F. 18
John 1719
Esther 1718
Kachin State 175178 , 181 , 184 , 186
Kalay 179 , 181182 , 184
Kalimantan 246 , 250 , 256
Kato, Tomino 20
Kawasaki, Hajime 2223
Kay, William xi , 2
Kee, Ng Kok 210
Kelly, George M. 89
Keng, Teo Kwee 208
Killingbeck, Ronald K. 303304
Kim, Eui Hwan 45
Kim, Ig-Jin 4849
King, J. H. 8990 , 92
Kingdom 47 , 71n , 114 , 153 , 178 , 379
City Church 210211 , 391
Invasion Conference 280 , 284
of God 42n , 379
Kheng, Goh Ewe 274
Khmer Rouge 7 , 131 , 133 , 139 , 401
Kikuchi, Ryunosuke 24
Kiribati 297 , 318319
Kolkka, Aira 272
North 4041
South 28 , 3741 , 54 , 157 , 209 , 258 , 279n , 385
Korean Full Gospel Church 28 , 37 , 39 , 41 , 108
Korean War 38 , 45
Kosaka, Chu and Eika 28
Kowae, Wirachai 155156 , 160 , 404
Kuala Lumpur 155 , 196201 , 204205 , 208 , 210211
Kurokawa, Kyo 25
Kwok Lin Ying 100103
Kyoto 15 , 20 , 22 , 25 , 27
laity 7879 , 237 , 367
Lam, Duong Thanh 166167
Lagasca, Ernesto B. 235
language 34 , 1314 , 24 , 6266 , 81 , 91 , 93 , 95 , 97 , 115116 , 133 , 144n , 200 , 203 , 206n , 210 , 254 , 257n , 266267 , 269 , 276277 , 284 , 301n , 304 , 308 , 322 , 363 , 389 , 404
Ledru, Jean (John) and Simone 303
Laoban Jidutu (‘Boss Christians’) 71
Lancaster, Sarah Jane 375376 , 381
Laos 5 , 7 , 129133 , 135 , 137 , 140142 , 144146 , 149 , 402 , 405
Larson, Lawrence 302307
Latter Rain 27 , 93 , 97 , 103 , 151 , 208 , 246 , 347 , 351355 , 367369 , 385
leadership 68 , 15 , 17 , 21 , 2526 , 29n6 , 30 , 40 , 41 , 6768 , 7375 , 77 , 79 , 103n , 107 , 111 , 114117 , 140141 , 159 , 161 , 164 , 189 , 195 , 199 , 201202 , 205 , 207 , 209 , 212 , 219 , 232 , 234235 , 237 , 249 , 251 , 254 , 262263 , 278279 , 288 , 303 , 307311 , 315 , 317320 , 327 , 330 , 336337 , 342 , 353355 , 364365 , 367 , 372 , 375377 , 381 , 385386 , 389391 , 404 , 406
Leang, Ong Seak 210211
Lee, Matthew 109110
legalism 114 , 160 , 167 , 226 , 227 , 259360 , 373
Leoh, Vincent 210
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (lgbti) 289–290
See also homosexual
Leung, Ho Maan 91 , 94
Levant, Louis 315
Lewis, Paul W. xi , 1 , 400
liberal(s) 48 , 144 , 178 , 289290
liberalism 180 , 191
liberation theology 338 , 357
Life Church 139
Light-for-the-Lost 112 , 205 , 303
Lighthouse Evangelism 271 , 283
Lim, Victor 210
Lim Yeu Chuen 7 , 195 , 273
Lin, Samuel 69
liturgy 264 , 341
Lutheran 52 , 92 , 94 , 206 , 210 , 327 , 338
Luzon 93 , 219n , 220222 , 231 , 233234
Ma, Julie 260
Ma, Wonsuk 3 , 229 , 260
Macau 90 , 97
MacPherson, Aimee Semple 42
Machida, Tamotsu J. 16
Mageo, Ieti 307
Mageo, Siaosi 307
Malaysia 7 , 136 , 138 , 155 , 160 , 195196 , 205212 , 258 , 265 , 271 , 272n1 , 273274 , 283 , 401404
Association of Theological Schools (mats) 210
Tamil Bible Institute (mtbi) 207
Mandarin 110 , 112 , 201 , 272 , 312
Manila 90 , 218 , 222224 , 226 , 229231 , 234 , 236 , 238 , 253
Mang, Aung 179
Manwo, Loulou 304
Maprik 332334
Māori 8 , 347349 , 353 , 356 , 361365 , 368
Maoist 131
Mariana Islands 297 , 319
marketing 255 , 265 , 276 , 278
Marshall Islands 297 , 308309 , 319
Marshall Islands Assembly of God (miag) 308
Maruyama, Sakae 20
Masui, Seita 26
Mata, Poate 311
Mathews, Mathew 272
McCaul, Chuck 140
McCaul, Jesse 140
McIntosh, T. J. 61n , 87 , 9192 , 103
medical care 132
megachurch 195196 , 205 , 210 , 211n , 271 , 275277 , 282283 , 289 , 310n , 356357 , 364365 , 372 , 385n5 , 289392 , 404
Medan 94 , 243 , 257 , 261262
Media 135 , 261n1 , 283 , 290 , 364365 , 373374 , 388389 , 404
Melbourne 161 , 373375 , 385
Menzies, Robert 45n , 46n , 61n , 6869
Methodist 16 , 20 , 38 , 54 , 92 , 137138 , 196 , 199 , 203 , 210 , 230 , 271 , 305 , 311312 , 327 , 363 , 375 , 385
Meyer, Joyce 47 , 134
micro-enterprise 184187
millennialism. See eschatology
militarism 108n
Mindanao 220n , 221223 , 228 , 230231 , 234235
ministry 7 , 13 , 1518 , 24 , 30 , 43 , 61n , 72 , 75 , 7879 , 87 , 90 , 103 , 107 , 109 , 115122 , 134 , 138142 , 154155 , 157 , 161 , 175176 , 178179 , 181183 , 187 , 191 , 197200 , 202 , 204 , 206207 , 217218 , 221 , 225 , 229 , 234 , 237238 , 251 , 272274 , 278280 , 283 , 285286 , 288 , 299 , 304 , 307 , 309311 , 319 , 333 , 335338 , 340 , 342 , 347351 , 354 , 358 , 362363 , 367 , 372 , 373376 , 382 , 385 , 391 , 403405
calling 31 , 46 , 89 , 116 , 248 , 278 , 383
training 18 , 30 , 119 , 138 , 310 , 337
miracle(s), miraculous 3 , 13 , 77 , 79 , 101 , 141 , 153 , 158 , 163 , 197 , 237238 , 243 , 246248 , 273 , 275 , 284 , 289 , 302 , 318 , 325 , 338 , 340 , 374 , 392 , 402
See also healing
missiology 195 , 208n , 404
mission(s), missional 8 , 1516 , 18 , 2528 , 3941 , 45 , 55 , 70 , 7280 , 85104 , 108109 , 111 , 113115 , 121122 , 133 , 139145 , 149 , 153 , 157 , 161162 , 177 , 181 , 187 , 197198 , 204 , 222 , 235 , 265 , 277 , 284286 , 288 , 305 , 311 , 320 , 326327 , 329334 , 336 , 338340 , 342343 , 378 , 383 , 392 , 401404
missionary(ies) 23 , 8 , 1516 , 18 , 2528 , 3941 , 45 , 55 , 70 , 7280 , 86104 , 108113 , 123 , 129132 , 134136 , 141145 , 149 , 151160 , 165166 , 168169 , 174183 , 191 , 194196 , 198208 , 212 , 218224 , 226229 , 232238 , 244248 , 250 , 272 , 279 , 285 , 291 , 298308 , 310 , 312 , 314317 , 319320 , 325327 , 329338 , 340 , 352 , 362 , 373 , 381384 , 390392 , 401404
Mok Lai Chi 85
Mok, Robert Leonard 88
Montgomery, Carrie Judd 86 , 376
Montgomery, James 231 , 235
Moomau, Antoinette 90 , 94
Moore, Barney 16
morality 289290 , 359 , 361
Morris, Jason 7 , 150
Morrison, Scott 387
Morrow, Peter 352354 , 358359
movement 18 , 13 , 15n5 , 1619 , 2129 , 3843 , 5254 , 61n1 n.163 , 6870 , 72 , 7475 , 81 , 85 , 108 , 111115 , 120 , 129 , 133134 , 136 , 139140 , 143146 , 162 , 164 , 166169 , 174 , 191 , 195n , 196 , 198 , 200 , 202 , 204 , 206 , 208212 , 217218 , 223 , 227 , 231 , 235238 , 243 , 245 , 247 , 251256 , 262 , 264 , 271277 , 280282 , 284 , 288289 , 291 , 297 , 302 , 305 , 307310 , 316 , 318 , 320 , 325 , 327328 , 331339 , 342 , 347368 , 371 , 374379 , 383388 , 390392 , 401405
Muller, R. J. 358
multiculturalism 310 , 363 , 372 , 384 , 392
Murai, Jun 2021
music 2829 , 135 , 258 , 264 , 289 , 299 , 305 , 309310 , 316 , 341 , 343 , 355 , 367 , 368 , 387389 , 391 , 402
Muslim 205 , 235 , 252 , 263265 , 283284
See also Islam(ic)
Myanmar 7 , 174191 , 209
Nacagilevu, Apakuki and Viniana 305306
Naituku, Peni T. 305
Nagasaki 20
Nagashima, Tsuru 19 , 22
Namiki, Yoshimaro 17
Narrative, self-narrative 5 , 62 , 65 , 77 , 142 , 341 , 400 , 402
National Bible Institute (nbi) 221222
National Council of Christian Churches in Singapore (nccs) 271 , 281 , 287
National Council of Churches 271n , 316
Nationalisation, nationalism 7 , 26 , 104 , 181 , 217 , 234 , 235
Navarette, Ranulfo P. 221
Nee, Watchman 73
neo-Pentecostal 347 , 356361 , 363
Netherlands 93 , 95 , 247 , 326 , 331
Caledonia 297 , 303304
Creation Church 271 , 276 , 283
Life Churches 159 , 312 , 351352 , 354
Life Restoration 208
Perspectives on Paul (npp) 5052
South Wales 372 , 375 , 381382 , 387 , 390
Testament Church (ntc) 108 , 204 , 220 , 319
New Zealand, Aotearoa-New Zealand 8 , 93 , 159 , 168 , 303n , 307 , 310314 , 316 , 320 , 326n , 329330 , 337 , 347371 , 385 , 387388 , 401
Nias 245246 , 250
Niki, Makoto (Truth) 15
Nikkanen, Nilja 272
Nishimiya, Toshi 18
Nishimura, Shigeyo 16
Ni, Tuosheng. See Nee, Watchman
Niue 297 , 316
nominalism 64 , 98
Non-Government Organisation (ngo) 142143 , 168 , 184
North America(n) 2 , 27 , 53n , 63n , 258 , 307 , 320 , 348 , 351353 , 356 , 361
Norwegian 86 , 93 , 152 , 198
Norwegian Free Foreign Mission 152
Noumea 303
Nukida, William Jun 25
occupation 4 , 21 , 30 , 102 , 132 , 150 , 176 , 228
Allied 21 , 30
Japanese 102 , 150 , 176
Oceania 1 , 45 , 53n , 61n , 68 , 108n , 295 , 317 , 334
Ochi, Kaneko 19
Ogawa, Yutaka 20
Okay, Saw 175 , 178 , 188
Olbrich, Ted and Mak Sou 142
Oneness Pentecostalism 21 , 9495 , 196 , 217n
‘once saved, always saved’. See soteriology
Oo, Saw Tint Sann 7 , 174
Open Bible, Japan 21 , 26
Oppression. See Persecution
oral history 73n , 81n , 224n , 229n , 231n
orphanage 90 , 157 , 166 , 176 , 178 , 183185 , 286
orthodoxy 43 , 65 , 67 , 72 , 81
Osaka 15 , 20 , 22 , 2425 , 2728
Osborn, T. L. 155 , 161 , 202 , 230 , 403
Osgood, Howard C. 109 , 203
Osteen, Joel 4748
outreach 75 , 85 , 110112 , 116 , 129 , 133135 , 143 , 146 , 156 , 164166 , 202 , 204 , 206207 , 229 , 238 , 285 , 298 , 310311 , 315 , 317 , 338 , 383 , 385 , 402404
Pagaialii, Tavita 302303 , 307n
Page, Albert T. and Lou 298
pākehā 349
Palau 297 , 319320
Papua New Guinea (png) 235 , 310 , 325346 , 383 , 404
Park, Hyung Ryong 44 , 49
parousia 75 , 78
See also eschatology
Pasamonte, Domingo 222
Pascual, Francisco 234
Penang 197 , 201 , 203204
accommodation 8 , 288
Assemblies of Canada (paoc) 24 , 159
Church in Australia 375 , 377 , 384 , 386
Church of God 250
Church of New Zealand (pcnz) 350
Mission Church in Indonesia 250251 , 256
Movement Church 251
theology 6 , 3760 , 174n , 202n , 245n , 257 , 275 , 278 , 325 , 340 , 342 , 368 , 404
Pentecostal Truths 85 , 8889 , 9296 , 104
persecution 1 , 4 , 78 , 20 , 42n5 , 47 , 65 , 67 , 70 , 73 , 75 , 79 , 102 , 133 , 152 , 154 , 157 , 162163 , 167169 , 226 , 243 , 302 , 327
Petaling Jaya 203206 , 208211
Phat, Cao Tan 157158
phenomenology 63
Phetchsongkram, Wan 161
Philippines 67 , 93 , 120 , 136 , 138139 , 174 , 209 , 217243 , 258 , 286 , 309 , 337 , 401
Phnom Penh 130 , 133134 , 137140 , 143144
physical healing. See healing
Pietism 2
Pinkstergemeente 247248 , 251252
pioneer(ed), pioneering 7 , 14 , 1617 , 1920 , 2426 , 30 , 42 , 138139 , 141 , 159 , 191 , 195 , 197 , 202205 , 208 , 211 , 217 , 220227 , 233234 , 238 , 248249 , 251 , 263 , 297298 , 300 , 302 , 304 , 307308 , 312 , 327 , 335 , 375377 , 382 , 385 , 387388
Planetshakers 211 , 387388 , 391 , 402
pluralism 28 , 53 , 133
Plymire, David 111 , 113
pneumatology 37 , 4344 , 46 , 77 , 80
political, politics 100 , 109 , 162 , 169 , 181182 , 204206 , 212 , 228 , 252 , 283 , 328 , 359363 , 386 , 400
poor 4041 , 73 , 92 , 96 , 100 , 175 , 179 , 183184 , 260261 , 278 , 284 , 286 , 365 , 389 , 403
Porada, Frank 218219
Port Morseby 334339
Portugal 272
Port Vila 300 , 311312
positive thinking 37 , 43 , 46
postcolonialism 368
postmodernism 289291 , 366
poverty 70 , 73 , 89n , 103n , 143 , 145 , 179 , 181 , 191 , 265 , 362 , 300 , 325 , 327 , 339341 , 274 , 386 , 392 , 403
power 13 , 21 , 74 , 143n , 153 , 163 , 181182 , 285 , 406
encounter 8 , 154 , 159 , 204 , 275 , 403
evangelism 243244
praise 74 , 90 , 117118 , 258 , 262 , 274 , 302 , 311 , 367 , 387
prayer 19 , 27 , 46 , 54 , 7879 , 86 , 99101 , 109 , 117 , 154 , 158159 , 167 , 182 , 196197 , 201 , 206 , 236238 , 244 , 246 , 253 , 274 , 285 , 298 , 312 , 337 , 340341 , 350 , 353 , 372374 , 385 , 404
meetings 19 , 27 , 78 , 100101 , 109 , 154 , 196 , 236237 , 246 , 350 , 372
preach, preacher, preaching 1317 , 22 , 50n , 51 , 73 , 75 , 77 , 86 , 8890 , 9293 , 9599 , 102 , 104 , 111 , 115 , 120 , 134 , 141 , 151 , 155 , 158 , 168 , 177179 , 184185 , 191 , 199 , 206208 , 226 , 229 , 237238 , 243 , 245 , 249 , 262 , 272274 , 280281 , 283 , 285 , 298299 , 304305 , 307308 , 311 , 315 , 319 , 338339 , 341 , 375376 , 379 , 384 , 389 , 403
premillennialism. See eschatology
Presbyterian Church 37 , 44 , 52 , 101 , 120 , 155 , 163 , 199
Hapdong 44 , 52 , 54
Tonghap 37 , 43 , 52 , 5455
Prince, Joseph 276 , 291
Pringle, Phil and Christine 387
prophet(s), prophesying 4344 , 49 , 77 , 89 , 211 , 246 , 280 , 312n , 333 , 349350 , 356 , 368 , 378 , 380
prosperity 37 , 4547 , 202 , 261 , 275 , 340 , 364 , 389
theology 37 , 45 , 47
Pulepule, Samani 307
Quaker 92
Queensland 300 , 332 , 367 , 372 , 375377 , 382 , 386
Querro, Mary 382
radio 24 , 111112 , 135 , 152 , 229 , 238 , 299 , 311 , 313314 , 314 , 317 , 319 , 331 , 378 , 404
raised from the dead. See resurrection
Raassina, Verner and Hanna 151152
Rātana, Tahupōtiki Wiremu 348349
refugees 41 , 132134 , 139 , 157 , 384 , 390
regeneration. See salvation
renewal, renewalism 14 , 10 , 13 , 2730 , 61n , 63n , 68 , 108n , 120 , 150 , 163 , 196 , 202203 , 206 , 210212 , 236239 , 253255 , 271 , 274 , 281 , 332335 , 347 , 352 , 357359 , 367 , 372 , 384386 , 392 , 401
repentance 52n , 9798 , 245 , 341
repression. See persecution
restorationism 353
resurrection 16 , 4950 , 65 , 141
revelation 37 , 43 , 4850 , 246 , 328n5 , 352
revival, revivalism 13 , 1617 , 2930 , 38 , 61n , 6972 , 79 , 85 , 9193 , 101103 , 129 , 138 , 150 , 153157 , 163 , 177 , 195 , 199 , 202 , 209210 , 230 , 243 , 245 , 248 , 273274 , 280 , 305307 , 310 , 313 , 315 , 331 , 333335 , 342 , 347348 , 351 , 363 , 372 , 376 , 377381 , 392 , 403
Revival Centres of Australia (rca) 381
Richie, Rod 160
Roberts, Oral 202 , 208 , 250 , 318 , 351 , 380
Rokkas, Eukka and Maria 151152
Roman Catholicism 53 , 208 , 226 , 232 , 236 , 254 , 315316 , 325 , 327 , 401
Rumsey, Mary C. 38
rural 7980 , 139 , 175 , 181 , 330331 , 338 , 363 , 373
Ryoo, Jang-Hyun 4748
Sadrach 244245
Sakae, Yoshiyuki 20 , 25
Sakamoto, Kimi 1718
salvation 3738 , 4247 , 5053 , 6971 , 80 , 159 , 163 , 179180 , 248 , 260 , 273 , 275 , 304305 , 318 , 353 , 377 , 381 , 401
Salvation Army 19 , 38 , 248 , 354 , 377
(Western) Samoa 297308 , 313317 , 355 , 366
Samuel, V. V. 196198
sanctification 43 , 92 , 98 , 102
Sandhal, Arthur and Esther 199200
Sasser, Sam 308
schism 2125 , 41 , 52 , 64 , 7172 , 197 , 217 , 231 , 252 , 263 , 273 , 309311 , 335 , 342 , 350
school(s) 1719 , 22 , 24 , 25 , 48 , 52 , 71 , 76 , 78 , 8589 , 9194 , 99 , 102 , 104 , 107126 , 130 , 139 , 143 , 151158 , 167 , 174 , 177187 , 198 , 200203 , 207 , 210 , 217 , 220221 , 224 , 230237 , 253 , 257 , 260262 , 272 , 274 , 279 , 281 , 298319 , 330 , 333334 , 337 , 353 , 382390 , 403404
Schoonover, Hattie 14
scripture, scriptures, scriptural 46n , 48n , 49 , 51 , 53 , 55 , 152 , 200 , 237 , 367
second coming of Jesus. See eschatology
Second Wave 329331
secular, secularisation 8 , 13 , 28 , 142 , 178 , 276278 , 282 , 287 , 290 , 320 , 359 , 374 , 387389 , 403
Seila, Uon 130n , 138
Semarang 243 , 250
Senduk, Ho Lukas 248
Seoul 3739 , 54
Seventh-Day Adventist 14 , 137 , 316 , 327
sexual misconduct 356 , 386
shaking 22 , 341
Shanghai 86 , 9091 , 9394 , 109 , 112
Shen, Joshua 77
Siam. See Thailand
Siem Reap 139140
Silverback, Barry and Rosalie 336 , 340
Simpson, A. B. 153
Simpson, W. W. 94
Singapore 8 , 46 , 76 , 93 , 195n , 196 , 198 , 200201 , 203205 , 271294 , 312 , 402 , 402
signs and wonders 74 , 142 , 157 , 159
Herbert and Thera 18
Marie 18
concern 7 , 41 , 174194 , 265 , 361 , 364
engagement 55 , 178 , 191 , 276n , 403 , 406
gospel 174 , 179 , 191 , 362
justice 317 , 338 , 364365
ministries 175178 , 180188 , 191
mobility 237 , 262 , 276 , 278 , 289
responsibility 175–179 , 183–184 , 191 , 390
welfare 40 , 48 , 142 , 183 , 210
socialism 181182
Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (spuc) 359
Society of Pentecostal Studies xvi , 3n
Solomon Islands 297298 , 303 , 306 , 310312 , 337
Solomon Islands Full Gospel Association (sifga) 310
Sophal, Ung 134
soteriology 43 , 47 , 71 , 259
Africa 93 , 258 , 373378
Australia 327 , 375 , 382 , 386
Pacific Bible College (spbc) 303
Pacific Islands 8 , 297324 , 405
Southeast Asia 1 , 4 , 67 , 127 , 143 , 144 , 150 , 195196 , 210 , 280 , 285
Southeast Asian Outreach (sao) 143
Southern Cross College. See Alphacrucis College
speaking in tongues. See tongues
Spirit baptism. See baptism
Spirit of Jesus Church (sjc) 21
spirits 54 , 79 , 163 , 206 , 244 , 325 , 328 , 403
See also demons
spiritual, spirituality 61 , 64 , 118 , 154 , 169 , 276 , 347 , 351 , 355 , 357 , 359 , 363368 , 379 , 385 , 388 , 391
encounters 1415 , 274 , 402403
experientialism 1314 , 30 , 157 , 402
gifts. See gifts
manifestations 14 , 158 , 163 , 275
warfare 79 , 290
split. See schism
Srin, Khek 136
Steinkamp, Orrel 154 , 156 , 325
Sulawesi 246 , 250 , 256
Sullivan, Steve 138
Sumatra 245247 , 250251 , 256
Sumrall, Lester F. 230
Sunday school 15n , 19 , 22 , 71 , 92 , 185 , 187 , 201 , 224 , 299 , 302 , 305 , 382
Sung, John 154 , 199 , 403
Sung Sheung Hong 103
Sung Teng Man 103
Sunshine Revival 377 , 380
Suphatcharaserikul, Boonsong 164
Surabaya 243 , 249251 , 256257 , 261262
statement of faith 76 , 80 , 93
Su, Selena 7 , 61 , 196
suffering 4 , 38 , 42 , 47 , 61 , 65 , 75 , 81 , 101 , 146 , 229 , 265 , 362 , 374
Sukoto, Leo 253254
supernatural 43 , 198 , 209 , 261 , 278 , 284285 , 374
Sutedja, Sofjan 253
Suva 298299 , 303 , 310311
Suzuki, Masakazu 13
Switzerland 247
Sweden 93 , 152 , 188 , 280 , 331
Swedish Free Mission 27 , 152
Sydney 355356 , 373 , 377 , 384385 , 387388
syncretism 29 , 53 , 301 , 404405
Takigawa, Ichitaro 13 , 1516
Taichung 113114 , 116 , 119 , 123
Taikuang Bible Institute (tbi) 109
Taikuang Magazine 110
Tainan 112 , 119 , 123
Taipei 109110 , 113 , 119 , 123
Taiwan 7 , 21 , 26 , 107123 , 204 , 404
Takinogawa Holy Spirit Bible School (thsbs) 1820
Tamai, Fuyuko 20
Tamaki, Brian 361 , 364365
Tamil 196197 , 202 , 207 , 272
Tan, Rony 283
Tanaka, Tokuji 20
Tani, Chikara 17
Tanimoto, Yoshio 14
Tang, Susan 208
Tanghe network 7577
Tanusaputra, Alex Abraham 262
Taoism 98
tarrying 90 , 300
Tasi, Tavita 303 , 307
Tasmania 372 , 274
Taylor, Clark 385
television 152 , 317 , 331 , 389 , 404
testimony 9596 , 116 , 273
Taylor, William and Mary 15 , 20 , 26
teach, teaching(s), teacher(s) 14 , 17 , 4348 , 5152 , 55 , 6672 , 7476 , 79 , 80 , 85 , 8892 , 96 , 99 , 110 , 113 , 116122 , 132 , 134137 , 152157 , 169 , 174179 , 185187 , 191 , 198199 , 202 , 208 , 221 , 236237 , 245 , 248 , 262 , 275 , 285 , 300 , 307 , 309 , 317 , 319 , 336 , 339340 , 352353 , 358 , 367 , 376 , 389
Teen Challenge 157 , 313 , 403
Teik, Khoo Oon 203
New 44 , 4748 , 73 , 7879 , 108n3 , 204 , 220 , 235236 , 303n , 319
Old 45 , 49 , 51 , 78 , 87
Thailand 5 , 7 , 149173 , 235 , 401404
Thang, Thuam Khan 177180
Thiessen, Johannes G. 247
Tilo, Ta’afulisia Kalepo 314
theology 67 , 37 , 41 , 43 , 47 , 53 , 55 , 63 , 66 , 67 , 7778 , 107 , 110 , 113116 , 119123 , 174175 , 179180 , 120 , 253 , 271 , 275 , 278 , 319 , 325 , 328 , 340 , 342343 , 349n , 357 , 361 , 368 , 374 , 401 , 404405
Third Wave 1 , 4 , 27 , 68 , 329 , 331 , 401
Thomas, Christdoss Devanayagam 203 , 207
Threefold blessing 37 , 4142 , 4547
Three-Self Churches 69 , 74
tithing 237
Toeaina, Mataifale 313
Tokugi, Tsutomu 18 , 26
Tokyo 1536 , 229
Tominaga, Kitako 1819
Tonga 297299 , 303306 , 312314 , 355
Tong, Peter 208
Tonghap . See Presbyterian Church
tongues, speaking in tongues 34 , 14 , 17 , 4344 , 64 , 74 , 77 , 7980 , 142 , 163 , 167 , 206 , 209 , 237 , 273 , 278 , 281282 , 312 , 315 , 333 , 348350 , 353 , 381 , 401402
as evidence 17 , 167
See also initial evidence
praying in 14 , 236
speaking in 4344 , 64 , 74 , 77 , 7980 , 142 , 163 , 206 , 209 , 237 , 273 , 312 , 315 , 381 , 401402
Toronto Blessing 280
tracts 76
transnational, transnationalise(d) 7 , 195196 , 198 , 259 , 366
Treaty of Waitangi 362365
Christian Centre 279 , 282
Theological College 281
True Jesus Church (tjc) 26 , 196 , 272
Tuitele, Faasengi 317
Tuvula 297 , 316317
typology 281 , 352
Uchimura, Sei-ichi 22
United Christ Church of Japan (uccj) 21
United Kingdom 209 , 272 , 280
United Pentecostal Church (upc) 25 , 155 , 308 , 311 , 332 , 338
United States of America (usa) 2 , 15 , 39 , 107 , 134 , 155156 , 188 , 195 , 200 , 218 , 248 , 298 , 401
Unity 2021 , 2930 , 6466 , 76 , 81 , 92 , 117118 , 136 , 209 , 331 , 342 , 380381 , 392 , 405
universal (apostolic) church 43 , 78
university 41 , 54 , 71 , 103 , 139 , 144 , 161 , 164 , 224 , 236 , 257 , 283 , 336 , 387
urban, urbanisation 78 , 80 , 181 , 199 , 252 , 258 , 305 , 313 , 326 , 331 , 335 , 341 , 347 , 355 , 363 , 365 , 380
Valdez Jr, Alfred C. 273
Valdez Sr, Adolpho C. 377
Valu, Isiraeli 310
van Abkoude, Feodoor N. M. 246 , 251
van Eyk, Frederick 375 , 380
van Gessels, F. G. 247252
van Klaveren, Dirk and Stien 247249 , 251
Vanuatu 297 , 300 , 303304 , 310312 , 337
Vasao, Pati 313
Velarde, Mariano Z. 238
Vicente, Valerio 222
Victoria 372373 , 376 , 382
Vientiane 135 , 140141
Vietnam 7 , 130 , 132 , 138139 , 150173 , 209 , 232 , 315 , 402403
Vietnam War 169
Vietnamese Assemblies of God (vaog) 157
Vineyard 134 , 165 , 401
vision 16 , 37 , 43 , 69 , 72 , 75 , 77 , 99 , 140 , 211 , 221 , 248 , 251 , 265 , 308 , 331 , 336 , 365 , 380 , 402 , 404
Voice of Christ Full Gospel Church (voc) 314
Vondey, Wolfgang 3 , 405
Vua, Alu Vua 300
Wada, Kazuo 19 , 28
Wagner, Peter C. 28 , 280 , 385
Wallis, Arthur 304 , 357
Wanchai Mission 8689
Wannakiet, Saman 155156
war, wartime 4 , 78 , 13 , 1921 , 30 , 3839 , 79 , 102 , 108 , 150 , 154159 , 162 , 166 , 169 , 176 , 195 , 200 , 212 , 217218 , 228229 , 233 , 235 , 239 , 302 , 308 , 351352 , 363 , 380382 , 401402
water baptism . See baptism
Wattanachan, Chaiyong 155156
wealth 43 , 4647 , 71 , 99 , 259 , 261 , 276
Wellington 350 , 356 , 361
Wengler, Jessie 1718
Wenzhou network 6973
West, western 2 , 7 , 24 , 6168 , 74 , 81 , 85 , 100 , 104 , 113 , 168 , 263 , 272 , 305306 , 327 , 341 , 362
Westbrook, Cyril and Evelyn 333
West Papua 246 , 326
Wheeler, Rob 351354 , 358 , 367
Wholistic Development Organization (wdo) 143
Wichitnantana, Nien 164
Wichitnantana, Anuparp 164 , 173
Wigglesworth, Smith 299 , 347350 , 374
Williams, Grace 234
Williams, James 304
Winkleman, Herman 302
witchcraft 328
Wiyono, Gani 7 , 243
woman/women 1517 , 30 , 6870 , 75 , 87 , 9092 , 9597 , 99 , 143 , 168 , 187 , 198 , 206208 , 221 , 237 , 248 , 251 , 257 , 260 , 272 , 279 , 290 , 307310 , 314 , 317319 , 337 , 359 , 375377 , 392 , 405
‘Word of Life’. See ‘Born Again’/’Word of Life’ Movement China; Vietnam
World Assemblies of God Fellowship 136 , 166 , 319
World Council of Churches (wcc) 52 , 274
World War ii 18 , 19 , 26 , 30 , 38 , 99 , 102 , 108 , 154 , 176 , 195 , 200 , 212 , 217218 , 228 , 252 , 299 , 302 , 306 , 308 , 327 , 351352 , 363 , 380382 , 401402
worldview 6263 , 275 , 325 , 341 , 405
World Vision 133
worship 23 , 2730 , 74 , 80 , 9596 , 98 , 100 , 117118 , 132 , 135 , 182185 , 196 , 211 , 227 , 236 , 243 , 253 , 258 , 261264 , 274 , 281 , 286 , 289 , 305 , 308 , 311313 , 316320 , 326327 , 339 , 341342 , 367368 , 372 , 387392 , 402
Wulung, Coolen and Tunggul 243
xenolalia 13 , 30
See also tongues
Xin, Yalin 61 , 69 , 83
Xu, Peter 70
Yangon 175193
Yatsuzuka, Kazumoto 26
Yee, Kong Mui (Yee, Kong Duen) 204 , 273
Yen, Chin Long 122
Yeo, Dominic 129 , 282 , 287
Yingshang network 7879
Yumiyama, Kiyoma 18 , 2124
Yogyakarta 244 , 250 , 256257
Yoido Full Gospel Church (yfgc) 28 , 37 , 3942 , 108 , 278 , 385 , 404
Yokohama 16 , 1922 , 87
Yokota, Suwa 20
Yong, Amos 3 , 29n , 42n , 61n , 63n , 64n , 180n , 159n , 163n , 165n , 197n , 211n , 217n , 248n , 271n , 376n
Yonggi Cho’s Church Growth Institute 2 , 6 , 3760 , 209 , 278 , 385 , 404
Yoong, Yang Tuck 282283
Young, Peter 206
youth 98 , 109 , 132 , 139 , 143 , 201206 , 209 , 222 , 273 , 286 , 288 , 302 , 305313 , 319 , 357 , 361n , 382 , 387 , 389
Youth With A Mission (ywam) 132 , 139 , 144
Yu, Chinyeul 44
Yuan, Allan 69
Yun, Brother 77
Yunnan 95
Zhang Rong Liang 73
Zheng Xianqi 80
Zhongshan 97 , 99100 , 102103 , 106
Zschech, Darlene 388 , 396397
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