AG | Assemblies of God |
aga | Assemblies of God in Australia |
agc | Assemblies of God of Cambodia |
agf | Assemblies of God Fiji |
aggb | Assemblies of God in Great Britain |
agk | Assemblies of God of Korea |
agnc | Assemblies of God in New Caledonia |
agnz | Assemblies of God in New Zealand |
ags | Assemblies of God of Singapore |
agst | Assemblies of God School of Theology, Taichung, Taiwan |
agusa | Assemblies of God of the United States of America |
agv | Assembly of God in Vanuatu |
agmf | Assemblies of God Missionary Fellowship |
agms | Assemblies of God Malaya and Singapore |
agm | Assemblies of God of Myanmar |
agsi | Assemblies of God in the Solomon Islands |
agst | Assemblies of God School of Theology, Taiwan |
apta | Asia Pacific Theological Association |
apts | Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio, Philippines |
ascm | Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries, Makati, Philippines |
bcm | Bible College of Malaysia, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia |
bim | Bible Institute of Malaysia |
bspp | Burma Socialist Programme Party |
cag | China Assemblies of God Taiwan District Council |
caogtgc | China Assemblies of God Taiwan General Council |
cbi | Cambodia Bible Institute, Phnom Penh, Cambodia |
ccc | Christian City Church, Australia |
cga | Cambodia Global Action |
chcn | Chinese House Church Networks |
C&MA | Christian and Missionary Alliance |
clc | Christian Life Center |
cmfi | Christian Mission Fellowship International |
coc | Christian Outreach Centre |
cog | Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee, usa |
cpm | Ceylon Pentecostal Mission |
crc | Christian Revival Crusade |
csm | Cambodia School of Missions |
efc | Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia |
eft | Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand |
ecv | Evangelical Church of Vietnam |
fgat | Full Gospel Assemblies of Thailand |
fgc | Foursquare Gospel Church |
fpag | French Polynesian Assemblies of God church |
ibs | Ikoma Bible School |
ica | International Christian Assembly |
icc | International Cooperation Cambodia |
icpc | Institute for Church Planting Cambodia |
jag | Japan Assemblies of God |
jbc | Japan Bible Church |
jbcd | Japan Bible Church Denomination |
jec | Japan Evangelical Church |
jpbts | Japan Pentecostal Bible Training School |
jupc | Japan United Pentecost Church |
miag | Marshall Islands Assembly of God |
mtbi | Malaysia Tamil Bible Institute |
nbi | National Bible Institute |
ngo | Non-Government Organisation |
npp | New Perspective on Paul |
ntc | New Testament Church |
paoc | Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada |
pcnz | Pentecostal Church of New Zealand |
pgcag | Philippines General Council of the Assemblies of God |
png | Papua New Guinea |
sao | Southeast Asian Outreach |
spbc | South Pacific Bible College, Suva, Fiji |
thsbs | Takinogawa Holy Spirit Bible School |
tag | Thailand Assemblies of God |
tbi | Taikuang Bible Institute |
tjc | True Jesus Church |
uccj | United Christ Church of Japan |
upc | United Pentecostal Church |
usa | United States of America |
upc | United Pentecostal Church |
vaog | Vietnamese Assemblies of God |
wcc | World Council of Churches |
wdo | Wholistic Development Organization |
yfgc | Yoido Full Gospel Church |
ywam | Youth With A Mission |