Jennifer Kling
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activism 2 , 3 , 6 , 68 , 74 , 78 , 160 , 163164protest; resistance
aesthetic experience 160161 , 162163
agency 2 , 7 , 14
non-autonomous 10
robust 12
threats to 10 , 2123authority; autonomy
American Civil War 108n3
anger 2022
art 6 , 163
as activism 163164
as collaboration 162
as communication 160
as process 160 , 161162
as product 159160
as self-expression 160
the arts 56 , 159164
artist 160 , 161162
audience 160161 , 162
epistemic 104 , 106
practical 2 , 8 , 1617 , 23agency; autonomy
autonomy 7 , 31 , 32
feminist critique of 12
individualist 7
relational 2 , 8 , 1213
the mastery approach 9 , 12 , 23agency; authority
Brison, Susan 32
Bufacchi, Vittorio 2 , 31
Cady, Duane 139140 , 142
care ethics 8890 , 140141 , 145146
against violence 8990
capitalism 34n , 108 , 133
Center for Global Nonkilling 143
choice 1516 , 2122
Christiansen, Silke Marie 124
civility 65
classism 106110
climate change
as a war 118 , 132133
coercive mitigation of 45 , 120121 , 122124
direct threat 121122
mitigation by developing versus developed countries 119
mitigation through military action 117118 , 120 , 125126 , 134
refugees 131
responsibility for 124125
securitization of 121123 , 133134
severe or catastrophic 120
threat multiplier 121 , 134Paris Climate Accord
coercion 1011
collective collaboration 6 , 162
combatants 4 , 9697 , 106
epistemic position of 107 , 110
moral asymmetry of 100
moral equality of 107
Comins Mingol, Irene 144147
communication 38 , 160
Concerned Philosophers for Peace 156
conflict 149150
transformation 5 , 146147 , 150 , 163
resolution 146
perception of 89
deference 15
DiAngelo, Robin 5253
discourse ethics 144145
critiques of 145
Dotson, Kristie 37 , 40n4 , 42 , 63
eco-apartheid 134n2
emotion 163
empathy 6 , 159 , 162
arrogance 3 , 5657 , 5961 , 65intellectual arrogance
authority 104 , 106
bias 103 , 104106 , 106110
humility 56 , 61intellectual humility
injustice 2 , 39 , 43
vice 3
violence 43 , 44
ethics of care see care ethics
false consciousness 55
denigration of 83 , 104106
feminism 1n , 5 , 87 , 151
antiwar 25 , 131
ecological 142
history of 140
progress 93feminist
feminist 1
epistemology 4 , 4748 , 101 , 103104
ethic of care 90
issues and concerns 159
pacifism 137
perspective 4
strategy 106
theology 4 , 8788 , 92feminism
fog of war 108109
fragility 3 , 5253 , 5859
as silencing 6465
epistemic vice 62
function of 6263
impact of 66
white 5253 , 61
Frankfurt, Harry 10
free speech 2 , 29 , 44 , 4748 , 64
Fricker, Miranda 2 , 39 , 4243 , 55
Garver, Newton 30
gaslighting 41n2
gender studies 5 , 137 , 150151
Geneva Conventions 111
as female 81
as male 4 , 80 , 8182 , 84 , 9193
as mother 88 , 91 , 93
as violent 8485
belief in 80
of war 84
perception of 9293
re-imaging 4 , 9093
Green Climate Fund 119
green ethics 131 , 134
green technologies 5 , 118 , 130n
Gulf War 128129
Habermas, Jurgen 144145
hermeneutical injustice 4041
Holmes, Robert 138139
ideology 3 , 5355
capitalist 34n , 108 , 133
hegemonic 43
racist 53 , 5556 , 58
sexist 38 , 58
inclusive learning community 46n1
integrity 2 , 31
violations of 3233 , 35
arrogance 56 , 62epistemic arrogance
humility 5658 , 61epistemic humility
servility 56n
interdisciplinary 2 , 5 , 143 , 151
interpretation of meaning 55 , 6061 , 161
intersectionality 1 , 6 , 19 , 51 , 87
japanese gardens 155 , 164
jus ad bellum
principles 127130
jus in bello 96 , 99
just war theory 5 , 112113 , 127130
connections to pacifism 97n2 , 109n3 , 111
feminist critiques of 131 , 133134
revisionists 9798 , 112113
traditionalists 96 , 111war
just war tradition 97 , 111
Kadi, Joanna 107109
kyriarchy 87
language 142 , 147
importance of 80 , 92
liability to attack 130
liberalism 7 , 11n3
feminist critique of 8
liberty 2 , 7n
lying 113
male supremacy 3 , 62
masculinist 7 , 80
masculinity 4
master narratives 18n2
in relations with others 11self-mastery
McKibben, Bill 132133
McMahan, Jeff 4 , 9697 , 101
Middle East 159
assumptions 21
ideology 38
society 19
codifying in law 9899 , 100101 , 111n3 , 113
mothering 91
Muscle Magic 155
myth of redemptive violence 8586
myth of self-sufficiency 90
myth of the metals 107noble lie
National Association Opposed to Women’s Suffrage (naows) 101102
neuroethics 148
neuroscience of ethics 148149 , 150
Nineteenth (19th) Amendment 101
critics of 101102
noble lie 107n3 , 113myth of the metals
nonkilling philosophy 5 , 137 , 139141 , 143144 , 147
moral foundations of 144
scope of 150151
nonviolence 5 , 2425 , 93 , 134 , 138 , 146147
oppression 3 , 62 , 6970 , 147
civilized 3 , 6970
effects of 105n1
race 5960
sex 6061
ownership 16
pacifism 5 , 138 , 151 , 163164
theories of 139140
Paige, Glenn 143144
parenting 93
París Albert, Sonia 144147
Paris Climate Accord 118 , 123
enforcement mechanism 120
ratification of 118
U.S. withdrawal 118120climate change
paternalism 107
patriarchy 83 , 87 , 90 , 92 , 141
peace 4 , 6 , 147
building and making 6 , 91 , 156 , 158159 , 163164
interpersonal 161
intrapersonal 161
studies 5 , 137 , 150 , 163
transition from war 100 , 109
person 30
personal empowerment 6 , 161
police 2224 , 26 , 51 , 60 , 62
political authority 106
political philosophy 12 , 4
preventive war 129130
principle of non-combatant immunity 99
protest 22 , 75 , 131
political 26 , 77
student 37activism; resistance
public and private spheres 76
public concepts 1819 , 2324
burden of changing 2425
racial arrogance 5758
racial stress 53
racism 3 , 23n , 109
as ideology 53
reactive attitudes 14 , 21
Reardon, Betty 83 , 141
religion 4
gender constructions in 82
nonviolence in 87
support for patriarchy 83
violence in 8283
resentment 21
resistance 3 , 68 , 7172 , 78 , 92
dimensions of 6869 , 75
global versus local 7374 , 78
individual versus collective 7273 , 7677
loud versus quiet 7475 , 7778
modes of 34
nonviolent 5 , 91 , 118 , 134
public versus private 73 , 76
theories of 7072 , 78activism; protest
responsibility 11 , 14 , 1718
backward- and forward-looking 125
Ruddick, Sara 25 , 91 , 133 , 140141
self-mastery 910 , 13mastery
sexism 3 , 104106
silencing 2 , 6364
definitions of 3637 , 6364
feeling versus being silenced 36n2
instances versus practices of 64
justified 4647 , 48
morally appropriate 4445
not violence 4344
outcome-based account 36
types of 3536
speech act theory 145
Syrian conflict 122
injustice 3940
justice 55
quieting 37 , 63
smothering 37 , 63
threat 32 , 129
tone-policing 65
interpersonal 6 , 162
intrapersonal 6 , 161
political 128
U.N. Security Council 117
legal authority of 124125
moral authority of 126127
response to climate change 120121 , 122124
victim-blaming 18
video games 86
Vietnam War 110n2
violence 23 , 12 , 20 , 2224 , 161
against women 8384 , 86
domestic 84
epistemic 23 , 28 , 4142 , 6364
expressive function of 2224
in human nature 147148
institutional 32 , 33
interpersonal 32 , 132
in the arts 159
in the Bible 85
in war 131132
justified 45
outcome-based account 3334 , 43
physical 3 , 30 , 62 , 132
prima facie bad 45
religious 8283
social 83
theories of 3031
the problem of 142
threats of 32
virtual 86
violentism 138139
violentology perspective 139 , 149
deep morality of 4 , 9697 , 101 , 112 , 113
laws of 4 , 9798 , 100101 , 110 , 111
moral asymmetry of 99
transition to peace 100 , 109just war theory
Warren, Karen 140 , 142
white supremacy 3 , 5253 , 62
women’s suffrage 101103
World War i 108n3 , 110n2
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