Laura Evans
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African National Congress (anc) 3 , 6667 , 9295 , 137 , 147 , 149 , 151 , 154155 , 187 , 189190 194 , 207 , 228 , 239 , 244 , 249 , 251 , 253
Internal Political Reconstruction Committee (iprc) 191 , 193
Afrikaans 1 , 119 , 185 , 209
Agamben, Giorgio 18
agrarian change 12 , 39 , 135 , 161 , 162 , 163169 , 211 , 240 , 243
Albany 167
Algeria 65 , 70
Aliwal North 94 , 105
amaRanuga 162 , 199 , 240
Angola 65 , 6972
Uíge 72
anti-apartheid movement 10 , 69 , 124125
Antrobus, Geoffrey Gordon 167
apartheid ‘project’ 12 , 89 , 1112 , 1421 , 2830 , 36 , 4041 , 4551 , 5569 , 71 , 7374 , 75 , 78 , 82 , 84 , 86 , 9394 , 111 , 117120 , 124125 , 141 , 159160 , 174 , 190 , 208 , 210 , 212 , 216217 , 223 , 227 , 233238 , 242249 , 253 , 254
archives 26
Arendt, Hannah 64
armed struggle 66 , 189190uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK); Poqo
authoritarian high modernism 9 , 17 , 48 , 58
Baartman, Eunice 147148
Bacela 164
Badat, Saleem 93 , 244
Badi, Thobeka 132133
Banda, Hastings 98
Bandeira Jeronimo, Miguel 7173
Bandung Conference 70
banishment 18 , 37 , 74 , 88 , 9395 , 115117 , 145156 , 187188 , 189194 , 203 , 207 , 222 , 228 , 239 , 244political prisoners
Bank, Leslie J. 220
Bantu Affairs Administration Boards (baabs) 91 , 121 , 223
Bantu authorities 1213 , 15 , 39 , 65 , 136 , 242243
chiefs 1213 , 62 , 136 , 209210 , 213 , 225227 , 242 , 249
headmen 136 , 210 , 212 , 223230 , 242
territorial authorities 26 , 227
tribal authorities 16 , 3840 , 64 , 118 , 121 , 208 , 210 , 212213 , 222227 , 229230 , 231232 , 233 , 246247
Bantu Authorities Act (1951) 59 , 208
Bantu Laws Amendment Act (1964) 7980
bantustan elites 1213 , 39 , 209 , 225226
bantustans 17 , 2324 , 2729 , 3641 , 4551 , 53 , 5569 , 7274 , 7580 , 8283 , 8596 , 98111 , 115145 , 149 , 151 , 160 , 161162 , 164165 , 167 , 170 , 180181 , 185 , 189 , 208213 , 218219 , 221229 , 230232 , 233255
Barkley East 108
Basutoland (later Lesotho) 62 , 6768 , 95 , 97 , 185 , 190193 , 207 , 237 , 244High Commission Territories (hcts)
Bechuanaland (later Botswana) 62 , 6768 , 95 , 97 , 99 , 192 , 198 , 237High Commission Territories (hcts)
Befile, Molly 149 , 151 , 154 , 192193
Belgium 65
Bhengu, Nicolas 198
Bhisho (formerly Bisho) 26
Biko, Steve 245
biopolitics 1819 , 21 , 36 , 235236 , 238
biopolitics of neglect 120128
Black Consciousness Movement (bcm) 189 , 193
Blacker, C. P. 57
Black Sash 25 , 29 , 111 , 123
Bloemfontein 165
border industries 123124industrial decentralisation; factories
Border region 36 , 5758 , 7577 , 81 , 88 , 131 , 164 , 166167
Botha, M.C. (Minister of Bantu Administration and Development) 107
Botha, P. W. 69 , 71
Botshabelo 165 , 250
Boyana, Carriot 136
Bradford, Helen 12 , 38
British Colonial Office 60
Bunu, Allison 154
Burgersdorp 94 , 136
Butterworth 250
Caledon River 192
Cape Town 27 , 36 , 75 , 8183 , 86 , 90 , 97 , 100 , 111 , 130 , 136137 , 140 , 146 , 237 , 248
St. George’s Cathedral 107
Carr-Saunders, Alexander 57 , 60
Cathcart 133 , 141 , 164 , 169 , 171173 , 175 , 178 , 180
Central African Federation 64 , 67 , 71
charity 195196 , 205churches: church assistance
Cherry, Janet and Pat Gibbs 189 , 193
churches 16 , 142 , 185 , 187189 , 194201 202 , 206
African Methodist Episcopalian Church 198
Anglican 198
Apostolic Faith Mission 198
Catholic 200
church assistance 188 , 195196
Dutch Reformed Church 47 , 195 , 235
Ethiopian Methodist Church 139 , 195
Full Gospel 195
Jehovah’s Witnesses 198
manyano 196
Methodist 195196 , 198 , 201
Moravian 195 , 209
Old Apostolic Church 198
Pentecostal churches 142143 , 197 , 199
resistance and 197
South African Council of Churches (sacc) 155156 , 188
Wesleyan church 200
Zionism 142143 , 180 , 195 , 197200 201 , 206 , 241
Churchill, Winston 21
Ciskei 13 , 9 , 1516 , 26 , 3641 , 5758 , 73 , 75111 , 120128 , 131 , 135140 , 141 , 145147 , 149 , 151 , 155156 , 161 , 164 , 167168 , 170 , 172 , 174 , 178180 , 185187 , 189191 , 193 , 198 , 208212 , 219229 , 231232 , 236237 , 239248 , 253255
Ciskeian Department of Community Development 121
Ciskeian Native Representative Council (Ciskeian General Council) 39 , 57 , 208
Ciskeian Secretary for Health 128
Ciskeian Territorial Authority 26 , 88 , 121 , 131132 , 208209 , 227
Ciskei Development Fund 224
Ciskei General Assembly 209 , 225
Ciskei National Independence Party (cnip) 209 , 211 , 224225 , 227 , 231 , 242243
Ciskei reserves 5 , 58 , 88 , 135136 , 208209
independence of 1516 , 210 , 224nationalism: Ciskeian nationalism
civic organisations
Residents Associations 231 , 247
South African National Civic Organisation (sanco) 253
United Democratic Front (udf) 245
clientelism. see patronage
Cold War 45 , 48 , 56 , 6973 , 84 , 94 , 235
communism 48 , 72 , 94
Suppression of Communism Act 9293
Collins, Michael 64
Coloured Labour Preference Policy (clpp) 82 , 85 , 97 , 109Eiselen line; Fish-Kat line
Comaroff, Jean 195 , 198
Committee for the Repatriation of Foreign Africans 96
commonwealth 52 , 6263 , 66
South Africa’s departure from 62 , 95
South Africa’s reapplication to 66
concentration camps 30 , 49 , 117photography: camp photography
Congo 6566 , 234
Patrice Lumumba 65
Congress of South African Students (cosas) 193
Cookhouse 6 , 105 , 118119 , 136137 , 142 , 202
counter-insurgency 4850 , 6973 , 94 , 106 , 235236
Cradock 94 , 132133 , 135 , 136 , 146149 , 172 , 190 , 192193
Crewe, Quentin 29 , 3334
Cripps, Stafford 64
Daily Dispatch 25 , 28
Dameni, Nosebenzile 134 , 134 , 144145
Dameni, Sibawu 132 , 134 , 134 , 144145
Daniel, John 94
Darwin, John 56 , 67 , 235
Dastile, Klaas 175 , 224
De Aar (Northern Cape) 136
decolonisation 9 , 14 , 45 , 50 , 56 , 6567 , 72 , 74 , 95 , 98 , 111 , 234235 , 237 , 239
end of empire 46 , 5152 , 98
Delius, Peter 161162
Department of Agriculture 227
Department of Bantu Administration and Development (bad) 2627 , 36 , 73 , 75 , 79 , 8691 , 110 , 116 , 121 , 123124 , 127 , 131 , 211224 , 237 , 242Botha, M.C. (Minister of Bantu Administration and Development)
Department of Information 6669
Department of Public Works 123 , 223
Desmond, Cosmas 3 , 10 , 29 , 100 , 128 , 161
development 45 , 52 , 7374 , 76 , 89
colonial development 46 , 48 , 50 , 5354 , 56 , 73
Colonial Development and Welfare Act (1940) 5354
community development 60 , 74
developmentalism 88
development planning 46 , 50 , 5658 , 6970 , 89
‘self-contained bantu towns’ 36 , 61 , 244245
townships 3 , 67 , 1314 , 75 , 77 , 83 , 8694 , 99100 , 110 , 118 , 120137 , 140145 , 147149 , 151 , 156157 , 159160 , 161 , 165166 , 168 , 170 , 174175 , 177182 , 185191 , 193195 , 197198 , 200201 , 203 , 206207 , 211225 , 229 , 230 , 236 , 239255repressive development
diet 129 , 157159
Dimbaza (earlier known as Mnxesha) 6 , 2728 , 75 , 78 , 85 , 87 , 89 , 9295 , 99100 101 , 106107 , 120122 , 124125 , 130 , 132 , 137138 , 161 , 189190 , 250
disease 3 , 125128 , 132 , 149 , 158159 , 180 , 238 , 252
displaced urbanisation 11 , 27 , 164165 , 233
displacement 922 , 2730 , 33 , 38 , 53 , 115 , 118 , 185207
community and 185189
displacement and spirituality 185187 , 194201 , 241
displacement economies 8 , 117118
Divisional Councils 77 , 83 , 89 , 127 , 176
Dordrecht 175176 , 228
dual mandate 52Lugard, Frederick
Dubow, Saul 47
Durban 137
Duvanage, Mr. (Ilinge Township Superintendent) 214
East Africa 64
Eastern Cape 22 , 24 , 39 , 65 , 7578 , 83 , 88 , 90 , 92 , 9495 , 100 , 107108 , 110111 , 129130 , 131 , 136138 , 140141 , 146 , 163164 , 166168 , 179 , 187 , 189190 , 193 , 198 , 207 , 236 , 239240 , 244 , 248 , 254
East London 89 , 94 , 107 , 122 , 125 , 193 , 194 , 197198 , 219220
Duncan Village 220
education 38 , 128 , 155156 , 172174 , 176 , 187 , 228229 , 231
access to 167 , 170 , 172174 , 176 , 182 , 205 , 213 , 243 , 245 , 249250 , 252 , 254
Bantu Education 128 , 172 , 174 , 251
farm schools 128
Eiselen, W. W. M. 36 , 48 , 63 , 8284 , 86 , 236
Eiselen line 36 , 85 , 85Coloured Labour Preference Policy (clpp)
Elliot 108
employment 212213 , 215216 , 223225 , 227229 , 230232 , 240242
by township administration 214218 , 224
in textile factories 124126 , 180 , 223 , 246 , 250labour
Evans, Ivan 6263
factories 124126 , 180 , 223 , 246 , 250industrial decentralisation; border industries
Fagan Commission (1946) 59
farm dwellers 12 , 22 , 3738 , 88 , 92 , 99 , 105 , 110 , 115 , 131135 , 156 , 160 , 161182 , 186 , 197199 , 211 , 213 , 226227 , 239241
farmers (white farmers) 36 , 5758 , 107111 , 131 , 133 , 157 , 160 , 161 , 163164 , 169 , 175176 , 178 , 199 , 209 , 236South African Agricultural Union (saau)
farm labour 36 , 79 , 92 , 97 , 108110 , 130133 , 163166 , 199 , 228 , 236 , 240241 , 249
farm rations 132 , 166 , 179180 , 240
Feichtinger, Moritz 71
Fish-Kat line 85 , 85 , 88 , 107
forced removals 2425 , 27 , 61 , 8387 , 8990 , 94 , 96 , 101 , 104 , 111 , 115120 , 186189 , 236238 , 241 , 254
from ‘black spots’ 12 , 15 , 89 , 211
from farms 16 , 12 , 2425 , 38 , 7577 , 88 , 9192 , 99100 , 103 , 105 , 110 , 115 , 117 , 131136 , 134 , 137 , 140141 , 144 , 160 , 161 , 163 , 165166 , 168169 , 170 , 172 , 175 , 179 , 181 , 186 , 196 , 209 , 211 , 238240 , 242243
from urban areas 16 , 25 , 27 , 37 , 7980 , 8788 , 9091 , 94 , 99100 , 105 , 111 , 115 , 117118 , 136145 , 147 , 156157 , 160 , 170 , 176 , 181 , 185 , 186 , 188 , 197 , 206 , 209 , 219220 , 238 , 247
‘GG’ (Government Garage) trucks 27 , 86 , 118 , 148 , 161displacement
Foucault, Michel 1718
Froneman, Gabriël Francois van Lingen 9698
Futshana, Sipho 177 , 179
Gaitskell, Deborah 196
Ganyaza, Evelyn 178
Garvey, Marcus
Garveyism 65
Gatrell, Peter 19 , 6061
Gatrell, Peter and Nick Baron 1920 , 37
gender 3 , 14 , 2729 , 3738 , 58 , 76 , 7981 , 99 , 117118 , 130131 , 133135 , 145 , 156160 , 162 , 165169 , 176182 , 192193 , 195196 , 200201 , 205206 , 212 , 216222 , 238240 , 248
breadwinners 38 , 165166 , 174177 , 181 , 240
labour and 3 , 14 , 38 , 58 , 124 , 137138 , 176178 , 215219 , 223 , 238 , 250
masculinities and 1415 , 38 , 165169 , 174177 , 181182
relocation and 165182 , 200201 , 205206 , 221 , 238
generation 166169
inter-generational conflict 162 , 167 , 174 , 239240
generational identities (changing aspirations) 162 , 169 , 170174 , 199
Ghana 66 , 235
Giliomee, Hermann 47 , 63
Glen Grey 104105 , 136 , 191 , 210211 , 223 , 226 , 228229 , 231 , 245
Macibini 136
Gomomo, Elizabeth 174
governance 58
Graaff-Reinet 94 , 146 , 190
Grahamstown 190 , 193 , 198
Grahamstown Rural Committee (grc) 25
Green, Pippa and Alan Hirsch 223226 , 230
Group Areas Act (1950) 2 , 136
Gudmanz, W.U. 108
Guinea Bissau 65
Hall, Priscilla 25 , 29 , 34 , 123 , 204 , 214 , 216217 , 219
Halom, Nomalizo Joyce 171 , 171 , 185186
Hammarskjöld, Dag 63
Hani, Chris 189 , 191 , 244 , 246
healthcare 3 , 125128 , 149 , 249 , 251
Cecila Makiwane Hospital (Mdantsane) 128
Queenstown Frontier Hospital 128
Hebe, Simon 226
Herschel 104 , 110 , 143 , 192 , 210211 , 223 , 226 , 231 , 245
Herstigte Nasionale Party (hnp) 68
Hertzog, J. B. M. 47 , 50 , 52 , 234
Hewu 104 , 128 , 174 , 210211 , 226228 , 231 , 253
Hewu Regional Authority 224
Hex Rivier Boere Groep 109
High Commission Territories (hcts) 6162 , 6768 , 9596 , 111 , 237
Hina, Sipho 189
Homeland Citizenship Act (1970) 68
homeland consolidation 7
homeland independence 6768 , 71 , 121 , 124125
housing 26 , 40 , 99107 , 101104 , 106 , 110 , 115121 , 126 , 131132 , 136 , 138 , 139145 , 157 , 170174 , 177 , 185 , 200 , 213216 , 218222 , 224225 , 230232 , 233 , 236 , 238239 , 242243 , 247 , 251252
allocation of 214216 , 219221 , 224226 , 236
gender and 216 , 218221
rent payment and 215218
humanitarianism 27 , 3031 , 3334 , 63
Huxley, Julian 57
identities 185186 , 188 , 201202 , 206 , 241242
church affiliation and 185 , 187189 , 194 , 196202 , 206
Mfengu 209 , 226 , 243
‘red’ 194 , 197198
Rharhabe ethnicity 209 , 228 , 243
‘school’ 194 , 197199
Xhosa 119 , 194 , 197 , 201202 , 204 , 206 , 208 , 213 , 226 , 241
iKongo 65
Ilinge (known earlier as Welcome Valley) 3 , 67 , 9 , 15 , 21 , 2235 , 32 , 35 , 3639 , 41 , 75 , 78 , 85 , 8790 , 9295 , 99107 , 102 , 109110 , 115125 , 127129 , 131138 , 134 , 141160 , 144 , 148 , 162 , 165179 , 180182 , 185194 , 196207 , 208219 , 221223 , 225 , 228232 , 238242 , 244 , 249255
eMaplangeni 119 , 144
Essex 119120
Ilinge Handicrafts 124
Zwide 187
India 53 , 61 , 64 , 6970
Indian Nationalist Congress 64
‘Indian New Deal’ (1934) 52
industrial decentralisation 6border industries; factories
influx controls 2 , 3 , 6 , 9 , 11 , 1920 , 25 , 27 , 36 , 37 , 58 , 65 , 73 , 75 , 7983 , 86 , 9092 , 9597 , 109 , 111 , 117118 , 121 , 130 , 140 , 148 , 164 , 169170 , 173 , 181 , 206 , 216 , 222223 , 233 , 236237 , 242 , 247248 , 252 , 254
International Defence and Aid Fund (idaf) 25 , 29 , 35 , 115 , 150 , 155156
International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation 53
isiXhosa 185 , 209210
Ittman, Karl 57
Jackson, John 93
Jama, NoBantu 157158
James, Deborah 161162
Jamestown 24 , 105 , 136137 , 143 , 156157 , 176 , 187188
Johannesburg 130 , 140 , 176
Jolingana, Miriam 142 , 144 , 153
Kahla, Miriam 171
Kalinovsky, Artemy M. 70
Kandiza, NoWest 178
Karoo 88 , 110 , 163 , 167
Kat River valley 109
Keke, Hamilton 189
Kenya 55 , 60 , 67 , 79 , 84 , 94
Khayelitsha 248
Khrushchev, Nikita 70
Kibi, December 176
King William’s Town 2627 , 7778 , 83 , 91 , 94 , 100 , 107 , 115116 , 120 , 125 , 132
Kirsten, Mr. (Sada Township Superintendent) 214 , 216217
Kissinger, Henry 69
Kooy, Alide 167
Kridyani, Nothameni 173
KwaXhosa 119
labour 58 , 76 , 9192 , 95 , 9799 , 108109 , 111 , 123 , 129131 , 137138 , 140 , 155 , 163166 , 199 , 212218 , 249
labour bureaux 20 , 38 , 58 , 88 , 98 , 108 , 130 , 137 , 140 , 174175 , 225 , 233 , 240 , 248
labour contracts 16 , 130 , 155 , 159 , 224225 , 230 , 232 , 238 , 241 , 248 , 253
domestic labour 133134 , 156157 , 160 , 181182
migrant labour 9 , 1315 , 27 , 29 , 3738 , 45 , 5758 , 65 , 68 , 8182 , 9599 , 108109 , 123 , 130131 , 137138 , 140141 , 155157 , 159 , 162 , 165166 , 168170 , 174177 , 181 , 199 , 201202 , 205206 , 218219 , 224225 , 227 , 237 , 240242 , 248 , 252employment; farm labour; influx controls
labour tenancy 7679 , 108109 , 161165 , 239
abolition of 12 , 91 , 108109
labour tenants 75 , 88 , 9192 , 100 , 108109 , 161163 , 165166 , 238
‘siding’ 135farm dwellers; farm labour
Lacey, Marian 50
land 52
accumulation of 131 , 161
land dispossession 24 , 59 , 117118 , 131136 , 194 , 202 , 227228 , 236 , 239 , 241242 , 249
landless people 15 , 1819 , 53 , 5758 , 60 , 7578 , 83 , 88 , 100 , 105 , 108 , 110111 , 131 , 209 , 211 , 227 , 236
land reform 249
land restitution 24
Last Grave at Dimbaza (film) 107 , 124125
late-colonial state 45 , 4950 , 5569 , 71 , 7374 , 75 , 93 , 218 , 234235 , 244
League of Nations 5152
League of Nations Mandates Commission 51 , 52
Lebowa 162
Legassick, Martin 247
Lesotho. see Basutoland
Lewis, Arthur 60
liberalism 4750 , 52 , 68 , 138 , 235
Limpopo 254
livelihoods 67 , 10 , 13 , 2021 , 29 , 9899 , 115 , 124 , 128131 , 132 , 140141 , 156 , 162 , 164 , 168169 , 170177 , 180 , 186 , 201202 , 206 , 233 , 238240 , 247250 , 252 , 254
London School of Economics 60
Lucas, Nobendiba 221
Lugard, Frederick 52
Mabandla, Chief Justice 209
Maboza, Dilisa 138139
Maboza, Fisher 138139
Maboza, Joseph 138139
Maboza, Mandisa 7 , 139140 , 159
Maboza, Vuyelwa 138139
Maclear 108
Macmillan, Harold 62
Mager, Anne Kelk 5758 , 76 , 208
Magqaza, Henry 147
Magqaza, Nowayise 147149 , 152153
Magqaza, Themba 252
Mahangu, Mr. 149
Mahomo, Nana 124125
Maine, Kas 14
Malan, D. F. 52
Malawi 67 , 9899
Malaya 70 , 84 , 94
Malaysia 64
Malefane (Herschel chief) 226227
Malgas, Regina 148 , 148
Mali, Joyce 143 , 159
Malite, Sylvia 157159 , 158 , 188 , 215
Malkki, Liisa 1920 , 24
Manicom, Linzi 16
Manona, C. W. 198
Maqungo, Mahlubendile 155 , 159 , 188 , 191192 , 205 , 228229
Marwanqana, Alfred Fikile 194
Marwanqana, Mzukisi 194
Marwanqana, Thandiswa 194
Maseru 193194
Matanzima, Kaiser 39 , 8788 , 120 , 143 , 154 , 208 , 223 , 229 , 246
Matthews, James 28 , 90
Mau Mau 79 , 84
Maxhayi, Nomgedle 175176
Maxongo, Victor 150151 , 191192 , 229
Mayer, Albert 6970
Mayer, Philip and Iona Mayer 194 , 197198
Mazower, Mark 21 , 53 , 55
Mbembe, Achille 18
McAllister, Patrick 202
Mdantsane 39 , 87 , 89 , 93 , 189190 , 219220
Mdlanga, Zongezile 228
Mdunyelwa, Thembeka 118119 , 157 , 204
Mema, Fezile 191
Memese, Nomathemba 6 , 119120
memory 34 , 37 , 241
‘accidental communities of memory’ 2425 , 186187 , 206
‘master narrative’ and 2324
social memory 24 , 186189
Mgwali 211
Middelburg (Cape) 24 , 94 , 107 , 136139 , 146147 , 150 , 153 , 187 , 190191
Midlands (Cape) 88 , 108 , 131
Miller, Jamie 56 , 68
minimum force 49
minorities 1 , 11 , 2021 , 36 , 53 , 66 , 71 , 156 , 165
Miselo, Nomahomba 152 , 157 , 196 , 204205
Mkrola (Herschel chief) 226227
Mlungwana, Nobuntu 252
modernism 5657 , 212 , 218 , 220 , 238 , 245
Moloi, Lambert 191
Molteno 94 , 136 , 142 , 146147 , 152 , 190
Morgenson, Scott 18
Morris, Mike 165
Mount Coke 100101
Mozambique 65 , 7072 , 98
Mpongoshe, Phakamile 194
Mpumalanga 254
Mqontsi, Nothabile 132
Mrwetyana, Mahlubi 115116
Mulder, Connie 69
‘Muldergate’ 69
Murray, Colin 11 , 161 , 164 , 233
Murray, Martin 16
Myataza 225226
Mzilikazi, Nozolile 142 , 185
Mziwoxolo Tribal Authority 224
Natal 163 , 239
National Party (np) 1 , 16 , 18 , 20 , 5053 , 58 , 73 , 76 , 81 , 88 , 92 , 94 , 96 , 165 , 233 , 236237 , 248 , 250
nationalism 1 , 12
African nationalism 1 , 45 , 65 , 69 , 71 , 77 , 94 , 153 , 229
Afrikaner nationalism 1 , 20 , 4650 , 68 , 80 , 95 , 235
Ciskeian nationalism 209 , 213 , 228
ethnic nationalism 2 , 74 , 185 , 223 , 234 , 243
Native Affairs Commission (1932) 59
Native Affairs Committees 81 , 89
Native Affairs Department (nad) 39 , 51 , 5859 , 6364 , 75 , 77
native question 36 , 51 , 55
Natives Land Act (1913) 77 , 234
Native Trust and Land Act (1936) 5052 , 55 , 7677 , 105 , 234
Native Urban Areas Act (1923) 51 , 7980 , 82 , 136 , 141
Nazi Germany 117
Ndamase, Kleinbooi 133 , 171
Ndeleni, Eslina 133 , 228
Ndevana 211
Ndolela, Minijonke 175 , 178179
Nehru, Jawaharlal 61 , 69
Newbury, Darren 29
Nguxe, Nozamile 171
Nigel (Transvaal) 97
Nigeria 66 , 234
Nixon, Richard 72
Nomavirka, Mr. 149
Nontsapho Cripple Care 224
Northern Cape 136
Northern Transvaal 110
Ntaba ka Ndoda national shrine 224
Ntenetyana, Nsindleko 154
Ntsebeza, Lungisile 193 , 246
Ntsizakala, Nomishin 159
Nunu, Flora 132 , 159 , 179180 , 206
Nxasana, Nomathemba 205
Nyanga 8283
Nyasaland 84
Operation alcora 7172
Orange Free State 161 , 167168 , 174 , 185 , 209
Thaba’Nchu 161
Orange River 137
Hendrik Verwoerd Dam 137
Organisation of African Unity 65
Paarl 84
Palestine 53 , 61 , 64
Pan-Africanist Congress (pac) 3 , 6566 , 84 , 9295 , 124 , 137138 , 146147 , 150153 , 188 , 189192 , 239 , 244
Bethel Trial 189
partition 45
pass laws. see influx controls
paternalism 29 , 33 , 38 , 49 , 53 , 6971 , 165166 , 168 , 179 , 181182 , 214216 , 236 , 239
patriarchal bureaucracy 219221
patriarchs 14 , 39 , 164 , 167168
patrimonialism. see patronage
patronage 15 , 3940 , 123 , 210 , 212 , 215 , 222225 , 227228 , 230232 , 242 , 243 , 245247 , 253254
Peires, Jeff 208210 , 213 , 243
photography 2735
camp photography 2831 , 33
Pitcher, G. C. 141
place-making 34 , 38 , 185207
Platzky, Laurine and Cherryl Walker 12
police 3 , 74 , 9293 , 95 , 116 , 118 , 136137 , 145155 , 159 , 191 , 207 , 215 , 221222 , 231 , 238 , 245246
political prisoners (including ex-political prisoners) 3 , 22 , 25 , 37 , 74 , 9293 , 106 , 115 , 117 , 137 , 145156 , 160 , 186188 , 189194 , 203 , 205 , 222 , 228229 , 239 , 241
torture of 146 , 149Robben Island
population transfer 2122 , 53 , 56
Poqo 8384 , 111 , 152153
Port Elizabeth 92 , 94 , 146149 , 151152 , 154155 , 187 , 189190 , 192194 , 228
Defiance Campaign 148
sanlam Building 149 , 152
Port Elizabeth Black Civic Organisation (pebco) 193
Portugal 6769 , 7172 , 235
Portuguese colonialism 7174 , 98
Posel, Deborah 16 , 19 , 47 , 80 , 174
poverty 15 , 2728 , 3941 , 61 , 100 , 109 , 117 , 120 , 129130 , 132133 , 156 , 159 , 173174 , 178 , 180 , 182 , 185 , 188 , 195196 , 199207 , 211214 , 216217 , 222 , 238 , 243 , 245 , 249252 , 254
food insecurity and 2425 , 31 , 86 , 116 , 119120 , 122123 , 132133 , 143 , 158159 , 178 , 180 , 203206 , 215 , 238
politics of survival 211 , 227 , 208232
Pretoria 2627 , 89 , 111 , 179 , 211 , 214 , 220
proletarianisation 164165 , 197 , 202 , 240
Queenstown 94 , 100 , 105 , 111 , 125127 , 134 , 136 , 139140 , 145 , 154 , 165 , 173 , 176 , 190 , 196 , 205 , 250
Imvani 142
Lesseyton 105
Tylden 132 , 179
Qwaqwa 161 , 167168 , 231232
Ramaphosa, Cyril 253
Rand Daily Mail 25 , 28
Du Randt (Director of Bantu Labour) 219
reciprocity 188189 , 201206 , 221 , 241
ethic of 202205
social practices and 188189 , 201206 , 241
refugees 6061
relocation 141 , 4546 , 53 , 55 , 57 , 59 , 71 , 7374 , 75111 , 115160 , 161182 , 185207 , 208232 , 233255
repression 37 , 14 , 21 , 49 , 55 , 69 , 7172 , 75 , 84 , 86 , 9295 , 111 , 139 , 146147 , 159160 , 174 , 189190 , 207 , 222 , 229 , 231 , 234 , 236 , 241 , 243248 , 251 , 254
repressive development 37 , 9 , 40 , 46 , 48 , 7172 , 74 , 75 , 89 , 118 , 120128 , 190 , 207 , 212 , 218 , 244
surveillance 145 , 149151 , 191
Republic referendum 66
resettlement. see relocation
resistance 15 , 16 , 56 , 74 , 136137 , 189194 , 197 , 228229 , 231 , 234 , 243248
everyday resistance 15 , 190 , 247 , 254
underground activities 147 , 149 , 189194 , 207 , 229 , 239 , 244 , 255
revisionism 9 , 50
Rhoodie, Eschel 69
Robben Island 93 , 138139 , 147148 , 151154 , 190 , 192 , 194 , 239
Roosevelt, Franklin D. 21
Rosmead Junction 139
rural planning 45 , 4850 , 55 , 5758 , 73 , 86 , 88
betterment 55 , 60 , 105
closer settlements 57 , 236
native villages 57 , 86
rehabilitation 15 , 5961 , 83 , 111
villagisation 27 , 45 , 4849 , 6974 , 9295 , 111 , 235236 , 244
Russell, David 27 , 107 , 121
Sackley, Nicole 6970
Sada 3 , 67 , 9 , 15 , 21 , 2235 , 3132 , 34 , 3639 , 41 , 75 , 85 , 8790 , 9295 , 99107 , 101104 , 109111 , 115118 , 120141 , 126 , 144160 , 161162 , 165168 , 170182 , 185207 , 208232 , 233 , 238242 , 244246 , 249255
eMadakeni 103 , 226
Sada Handicrafts 124
Saudi Arabia 64
Sauli, Charlotte 143
Savage and Lovemore (road construction company) 155
Sebe, Lennox 209 , 211 , 224 , 226 , 228 , 231 , 242243 , 246
Sebe, Charles - Green Beret police 151 , 246
second colonial occupation 48 , 5758
second phase of apartheid 73 , 78 , 80 , 111 , 234
sedentarism 1921 , 26 , 80 , 97 , 210 , 217218 , 221222 , 242 , 254
gendered disciplinary project and 216217 , 221222 , 242governance
Seekings, Jeremy and Nicoli Nattrass 249
self-development 6 , 74 , 90 , 117118 , 123 , 125 , 143 , 216 , 239 , 242 , 245
self-government 12 , 6 , 7 , 18 , 2526 , 41 , 45 , 47 , 56 , 6164 , 6670 , 7274 , 82 , 119120 , 159 , 208 , 212 , 222 , 226 , 229 , 234 , 237238 , 242243 , 253
Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act (1959) 62 , 208
September, Elsie 133 , 169 , 172 , 180 , 204
SeSotho 209 , 185
settler colonialism 18 , 36 , 4546 , 48 , 50 , 64 , 66 , 74 , 75 , 92 , 94 , 111 , 117118 , 161163 , 165 , 202 , 208 , 235236 , 238239 , 245 , 254
Seymour, John 2935 , 3132 , 3435
Sharpeville 65 , 75
Sharpeville massacre 65 , 75 , 79
Sharp, John 161 , 231232
Sharp, John and Andrew Spiegel 167168
Sheep Shearers’ Companies 110
Shiloh 150 , 224
irrigation scheme 227228 , 230
Shiloh Mission 224 , 227
Simkins, Charles Edward Wickens 211212
Siswana, Thandikile 153154
Sizila, Mzwandile 149
Smit, D. L. 5758 , 60 , 76
Smuts, J. C. 47 , 5052 , 55 , 6162 , 66 , 74 , 234
Snyman, J. H. 84
Snyman Commission 84
Sobukwe, Robert 65
social clubs 186191 , 206 , 241
Somerset East 105 , 118120 , 136
South African Agricultural Union (saau) 79
South African Allied Workers Union (saawu) 193 , 246
South African Bureau of Racial Affairs (sabra) 58
South African Chamber of Mines 98
South African Congress of Trade Unions (sactu) 193
South African Defence Force (sadf) 193194
South African Digest 66
South African Institute of Race Relations (sairr) 25 , 97
South African Native Trust (sant) 77 , 87 , 100 , 105 , 209 , 214215
Mr. Mndladlamba (public works official) 215
Nontshogovana (employee of the Department of Works) 215
South African Students Movement (sasm) 193
Southern Rhodesia 61 , 67 , 7072 , 235
South West Africa 52 , 61 , 72
Soviet Union 5455 , 70
Gulag 55
Soweto Uprising 174 , 247
squatting 75 , 77 , 7981 , 133 , 135 , 163 , 216 , 237 , 247248
squatters 57 , 7577 , 86 , 8889 , 100 , 108 , 131 , 164 , 169labour tenancy
‘Stabilisation, Reclamation and Rehabilitation’ (1954) 60
Stallard Commission 51
Stallardism 5051
state 16 , 18
spending in the bantustans 211212 , 214 , 223224 , 226227 , 229 , 230231 , 242243 , 245 , 247 , 253
state formation 1620
state authorities 136 , 214
Bantu commissioners 2627 , 78 , 91 , 108 , 121 , 131 , 141 , 210 , 212 , 214215 , 222
magistrates 81 , 118 , 122 , 131 , 151 , 214215
native commissioners 77 , 83
State of Emergency, 1960 65
1985–1986 231 , 246247
state planning 49 , 236development planning; rural planning
state practice 17 , 4648 , 83 , 235
Stellenbosch 189
Sterkspruit 110 , 191192
Sterkstroom 173
Steynsburg 94 , 133 , 135 , 136 , 146 , 168 , 171172 , 190
stokvel 196
Stutterheim 164
Surplus People Project (spp) 1011 , 25 , 91 , 103105 , 117 , 128131 , 132 , 135 , 161 , 186 , 195 , 199 , 203 , 224225 , 230
surplus populations. see landless people
survival strategies 7 , 15 , 25 , 33 , 138141 , 156159 , 180182 , 206 , 238
Swaziland 62 , 68 , 95 , 97 , 237High Commission Territories (hcts)
Swynnerton Plan (1954) 60
Tanzania 9899
Tarkastad 174 , 179
Thembu Tribal Authority 223 , 226
Thornhill 192 , 231
Tischler, Julia 55
Tokwe, Richard 193
Tomlinson Commission 5960 , 62 , 76 , 117118
Tomlinson, Frederick 57 , 5960 , 76 , 117118
township uprisings 128 , 231
transit camps 36 , 82 , 90 , 97 , 101 , 106 , 132
Transkei 39 , 57 , 6263 , 68 , 88 , 108109 , 146 , 191 , 208 , 229 , 246 , 248
independence of 87 , 104 , 223 , 226 , 228
referendum 104 , 228
Transkei Bunga 62
Transvaal 161 , 163
Transvaal Nationalist Congress 110111
Truman, Harry S. 6970
trusteeship 45 , 4748 , 5152 , 55 , 59 , 6364 , 6667 , 216 , 234235
Tyeni, Elda 132133 , 178 , 180
Uitenhage 105 , 115116 , 136137 , 147
uMkhonto we Sizwe (mk) 66 , 189 , 191 , 193 , 244
umrabulo (‘political discussions’) 190 , 244
unemployment 3 , 60 , 214 , 223 , 227 , 233 , 237 , 243 , 245 , 249250 , 252
United Nations 2 , 63 , 6667 , 72 , 125
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Act (unrra) 61
United Party (up) 7677 , 79 , 81
United States of America 48 , 52 , 54 , 6972 , 109 , 235
urbanisation 11 , 20 , 50 , 5355 , 58 , 78 , 8283
Urban Labour Preference Policy (ulpp) 97
Van Laun, Bianca Paigè 84
Van Rensburg Inquiry (1967) 91
Vara, Eric 149
Velani, Eunice 158
Verwoerd, H. F. 1 , 39 , 4748 , 50 , 56 , 5859 , 6163 , 66 , 68 , 74 , 7677 , 84 , 86 , 97 , 117118
Victor Verster (prison in Paarl, Western Cape) 147
Vietnam 70
Vorster, B. J. 1 , 47 , 50 , 56 , 62 , 6769 , 71 , 7374 , 91 , 94
Walker, Cherryl 23
war 49
Biafran War 3031
First World War 1920 , 5153 , 61
Paris Peace Settlement (1919) 52
Second World War 19 , 2122 , 30 , 53 , 5557 , 60 , 82 , 95 , 117 , 164 , 234
South African War 117
welfare state 18 , 51 , 54 , 225 , 231 , 245
Western Cape 36 , 75 , 8189 , 85 , 90 , 9597 , 100 , 103 , 109 , 111 , 131 , 136 , 177 , 236 , 247248
political ‘purge’ of 9293
Western Cape as apartheid ‘test case’ 36 , 8185
West Indies 64
de Wet Nel, M. D. C. 86
Nel Commission 79
Whittlesea 100 , 104 , 122 , 130 , 136 , 139 , 151 , 192 , 214215
Whittlesea North 223 , 226
Witwatersrand 110
Worcester district 109 , 136
Wotshela, Luvuyo 209210 , 213 , 223 , 226 , 231 , 247
Xhosa Development Corporation (xdc) 124125
Yengeni, Ivy 141142
Zambia 67 , 9899
Zweledinga 226
Zwelitsha 87 , 115 , 225
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